Vancouver Police Board

   Mailing Address:  312 Main Street, Vancouver, B.C.  V6A 2T2
   Office:  Suite 702, 2120 Cambie Street, Vancouver, B.C.  V5Z 4N6
   Telephone:  (604) 257-8784   Fax:  (604) 257-3878

   March 4, 1996

   Members of Council
   City of Vancouver
   453 West 12th Avenue
   Vancouver, B.C.
   V5Y 1V4

   Dear Members of Council:


   I wish to  advise you of the following Resolution  passed unanimously by
   the Vancouver Police Board at their meeting held February 28, 1996:

   Agenda Item 5.3

   THAT  the Vancouver  Police  Board support  the  position of  the  Chief
   Constable to utilize Photo-radar in the City of Vancouver;

   AND THAT the  Chief Constable  sign the Integrated  Traffic Camera  Unit
   Memorandum  of Understanding  between the  Vancouver Police  Department,
   other  Municipal  Police Departments,  RCMP,  and  Ministry of  Attorney
   General and the Ministry of Transportation and Highways;

   AND FURTHER THAT the Vancouver Police Board pursue the issue of revenue-
   sharing relative to photo-radar with the Province of British Columbia.

   Yours sincerely,

   Beth Nielsen
   Executive Assistant

   cc:  Chief Constable R.J. Canuel/VPD