SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 1 VTC AGENDA - FEB. 8/96 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: January 25, 1996 Dept. File No. 084 683 087 631 TO: Vancouver Traffic Commission FROM: General Manager of Engineering Services SUBJECT: Traffic Calming Plan - Yew and Vine Streets Between 12th Avenue and 16th Avenue RECOMMENDATION A. THAT the temporary traffic circles at Yew and 13th, Yew and 15th, and at Vine and 14th be made permanent. B. THAT the existing "No Left Turn 7 - 9:30 a.m., 3-6 p.m., Monday to Friday" regulations at Yew and 12th and at Vine and 12th be retained. C. THAT a "Do Not Enter" restriction be installed at the lane south of 12th at Arbutus. D. THAT a "No Left Turn, 7 - 9:30 a.m., 3 - 6 p.m., Monday to Saturday" regulation be installed for northbound traffic on Arbutus at 13th Avenue. E. THAT a "No Stopping 7:00 - 9:30 a.m., 3:00 - 6:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday" restriction be installed on both sides of Arbutus from 12th to 16th. COUNCIL POLICY Council has a long standing policy of protecting neighbourhoods from shortcutting. PURPOSE To report the results of a public opinion survey and studies done regarding temporary traffic mitigation measures, and to recommend three additional measures. BACKGROUND - October 1993: License plate trace indicated an overall short-cut rate of 32%. - March 1994: A neighbourhood opinion survey was distributed to residents in area bounded by 12th, 16th, Arbutus and Balsam. -2- - July 1994: Traffic Commission approved Traffic Calming Plan - Yew and Vine, 12th to 16th. - July to December 1994: Temporary traffic measures and other local improvements installed. - April and May 1995: License plate trace conducted with the assistance of 5 local residents. - September 1995: Neighbourhood opinion survey distributed to all residents and non-resident owners in area bounded by 12th, 16th, Arbutus, and Balsam. - January 1996: A meeting with neighbourhood representatives indicates that the neighbourhood is happy with the results of the traffic measures to date, but are concerned with following 4 areas: 1. shortcutting on Yew, 12th and 16th, 2. shortcutting via 13th, 3. the need for improvements on Arbutus (parking restrictions and left turn bays), and 4. the impact of the Arbutus Industrial Lands re-development on parking and traffic in their neighbourhood. DISCUSSION This report consists of two components: 1. review of the existing temporary measures and how the neighbourhood feels about their effectiveness, and 2. proposal of additional measures. There has been extensive community consultation throughout this project and to a great degree this report is the result of the partnership between Engineering Services and the neighbourhood representatives. FOLLOW-UP LICENSE PLATE TRACE Discussions with neighbourhood representatives indicated that they were eager to proceed with the investigation despite the fact that UBC was not in session at the time and that various construction projects were underway in the neighbourhood. It was agreed that it would be some time before the neighbourhood would return to "normal" and therefore we should proceed with the study. As a result, a thorough investigation was conducted with the assistance of 5 local residents. The results of the license plate trace are summarized in Appendix A. Although the overall p.m. shortcut rate (27%) has dropped from the previous shortcut rate (38%), it is worth noting that trends have developed which need to be addressed. The volume of traffic at Arbutus and 13th increased significantly (from 52 to 88) despite the quiet time of year. Also, the northbound left turn volume at Arbutus and 13th has increased from 17 to 31. -3- PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY The results of the September 1995 public opinion survey are summarized in Appendix B and a sample of the survey is shown in Appendix C. Of the 500 ballots distributed 193 (39%) were returned, which is a high response rate for this type of survey. 79% of the respondents felt that the existing measures have been beneficial to the neighbourhood. Appendix B also shows how people within a block of each measure voted, to give emphasis to votes from those who are most affected. Although the proposed "No Left Turn" regulation at Arbutus and 13th was defeated by the overall neighbourhood, it is supported by those within one block. Due to the support from property owners/residents within a block and considering the increase in traffic at this location, staff and the representative from the local community recommend that its installation proceed. Numerous complaints have been received about parking during rush hour allowed along Arbutus and the impact this has on the surrounding neighbourhood. To alleviate some pressure and to keep traffic on Arbutus, staff and neighbourhood representatives recommend installation of No Stopping 7 - 9:30 a.m. 3 - 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday along Arbutus, from 12th to 16th, beginning with notification of affected occupants. The City Engineer and representatives from the local community are concerned about the impact of the Arbutus Industrial Lands re- development on this neighbourhood. This ballot offered what we considered to be reasonable alternatives to the existing short-cutting trends and insurance against future intrusion. However, the most critical additional measures (diverter at Yew and 12th, and turn restriction at Yew and 16th)were both defeated by the overall neighbourhood. In the interest of public safety and due to the continuing violation of the measure at Yew and 12th, Engineering Services staff will continue to monitor these locations and report back to Traffic Commission as necessary, as the industrial area redevelops. A summary of comments is shown in Appendix D. A total of 313 comments were received, the most frequent praising the existing traffic measures (66), and 22 expressing concern with the proximity of parked vehicles to the traffic circles. FUNDING Funding of $24,000 was approved at the July 1994 Traffic Commission. Therefore no additional funds are required. CONCLUSION It is recommended that the temporary traffic circles at Yew and 13th, Yew and 15th, and at Vine and 14th be made permanent, and that the existing turning restrictions at Yew and 12th and at Vine and 12th be retained. To enhance them, it is further recommended that an additional left turn restriction effective 7 - 9:30 a.m. 3 - 6 p.m. Mon.-Sat. be installed on northbound Arbutus at 13th, and that a Do Not Enter regulation be installed at Arbutus and the lane south of 12th. Staff will also commence discussions with property owners on both sides of -4- Arbutus between 12th and 16th concerning peak hour parking restrictions, and will monitor traffic at Yew and 12th and at Yew and 16th as the nearby redevelopment proceeds. * * * * *