REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING

        A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of  Vancouver was held
   on Thursday,  February 8, 1996,  at 4:50 p.m.  in Committee Room  No. 1,
   Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on Planning and
   Environment meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.

        PRESENT:  Mayor Owen, Chair
                  Councillors Bellamy, Hemer, Ip, Kennedy, Kwan,
                              Price, Puil and Sullivan

        ABSENT:   Councillor Chiavario (Civic Business)
                  Councillor Clarke (Sick Leave)

        CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:   Ken Dobell, City Manager 

        CLERK:    Nancy Largent


   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT this  Council  resolve itself  into  Committee of  the  Whole,
   Mayor Owen in the Chair.

                                                - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                               COMMITTEE REPORTS

   Report of the Standing Committee
   on Planning and Environment
   February 8, 1996               

        The  Council considered  the  recommendations of  the Committee  as
   contained in the following clauses of the attached report:

        Cl.1:     Significant Rezoning Application
        Cl.2:     Rezoning Inquiry at 3350 East Broadway (M-2)
        Cl.3:     Residential Street Design - 
                  Garden Drive Pilot Project
        Cl.4:     Warning to Prospective Purchasers  
                  1825 West 27th Avenue

                          COMMITTEE REPORTS (CONT'D)

   Report of the Standing Committee
   on Planning and Environment
   February 8, 1996 (cont'd)       

   Clauses 1, 3 and 4

   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT the recommendation of the Committee, as set out in  Clauses 1,
   3 and 4 of this report, be approved.

                                                - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   Rezoning Inquiry at 3350 East Broadway (M-2)
   Clause 2                                     

   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT the recommendation of the Committee, as set out in Clause 2 of
   the attached report, be approved.

                                                - CARRIED 

            (Councillors Hemer, Ip, Kennedy and the Mayor opposed)

                               MANAGER'S REPORTS

   1.   Administrative Report
        (January 15, 1996)   

   Warning to Prospective Purchasers
   1825 West 37th Avenue                                       File: 2701-6

        This item was withdrawn from the Agenda in response to a delegation
   request  and  considered  by  the  Standing  Committee  on Planning  and
   Environment. See Clause 4 of the attached report dated February 8, 1996.

   2.   Policy Report
        (January 19, 1996)

   Proposed Rezoning of 2950 Laurel Street                     File: 5305-3

   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT the recommendation of  the City Manager, as contained  in this
   report, be approved.

                                                - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer, 
        THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                                - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                                - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   A.   Conveyance of Land for Municipal Purposes
        (All that portion of Lot A, except part in
        Explanatory Plan 6093, Block 4, District 
        Lot 711,  Plan 10028, Group One, 
        New Westminster District)                     

   MOVED by Cllr. Ip,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,

        THAT WHEREAS the registered owner will be conveying to the  City of
   Vancouver  for road purposes lands in the City of Vancouver, Province of
   British Columbia, more particularly known and described as follows:

        All that portion  of Lot A, except  part in Explanatory Plan  6093,
   Block  4, District  Lot  711, Plan  10028,  Group One,  New  Westminster
   District, shown heavy outlined  on reference plan completed on  the 16th
   day  of  January,  1996,  attested  to  by  J.W.  Larson,  B.C.L.S.  and
   marginally numbered LD 3263, a print of which is attached hereto.

        AND  WHEREAS it is  deemed expedient and in  the public interest to
   accept and allocate the said lands for road purposes.

        BE  IT  RESOLVED that  the above  described  lands be  conveyed are
   hereby accepted and allocated for road purposes and declared to form and
   to constitute a portion of a road.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                          ENQUIRIES AND OTHER MATTERS

   Leave of Absence - Councillor Sullivan

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,

        THAT Councillor Sullivan be afforded  leave of absence for February
   22, 1996.  

                                                - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                             *   *   *   *   *   *

                      The Council adjourned at 4:55 p.m.

                         *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *    
                               REPORT TO COUNCIL

                         STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL
                         ON PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT  

                               February 8, 1996

        A  meeting of  the Standing  Committee of  Council on  Planning and
   Environment was held  on Thursday,  February 8, 1996,  at 2:00 p.m.,  in
   Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.
             PRESENT:  Councillor Price, Chair
                       Mayor Owen
                       Councillor Bellamy
                       Councillor Hemer
                       Councillor Ip
                       Councillor Kennedy
                       Councillor Kwan
                       Councillor Puil
                       Councillor Sullivan

             ABSENT:   Councillor Chiavario (Civic Business)
                       Councillor Clarke (Sick Leave)

             CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:   Ken Dobell, City Manager

             CLERK:    Nancy Largent

   Recorded Vote

        Unless otherwise indicated, votes of the Committee on all items are

   Adoption of Minutes

        The Minutes  of the  meeting of  January 18,  1996 were  adopted as

   1.   Significant Rezoning Applications                      File: 5302-5

        The  Committee  had  before  it  a  list  of  Significant  Rezoning
   Applications, prepared by the Planning Department.

        Mr. Tom  Phipps, Planner, reviewed an application  by T. Staniszkis
   to  rezone 5650  Oak Street  from  RS-1 to  CD-1 to  develop a  4-storey
   multiple dwelling.  Issues include re-submission, without changes, of an
   application  refused in 1994; FSR  and public benefit  guidelines of the
   Oakridge  Policy  Plan;  and  the  impact  on  an  immediately  adjacent

        Mr. Phil Mondor, Planner, reviewed  an application by Baker McGarva
   Hart Architects  Inc. to rezone 1762  Davie Street from C-5  to CD-1, to
   transfer   heritage  density   from  an   as-yet-to-be-determined  site,
   increasing  FSR  from the  2.2 maximum  permitted  to 5.0  for mixed-use
   development.    Issues  include livability,  shadowing,  streetscape and
   grade development, and Green Door processing.

        It  was suggested a transfer  of density of  this magnitude may not
   meet Council's intent with  respect to the transfer of  heritage density

        The  following motion  by Councillor Bellamy  was put  and CARRIED.
   Therefore, the Committee


        THAT  the  Planning  Department  presentation  on  significant
        development applications be received for information.

   2.   Rezoning Inquiry at 3350 East Broadway (M-2)           File: 5303-3

        The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated  January 26, 1996
   (on file),  in which  the Director of  Land Use  and Development  sought
   Council advice on  an inquiry to rezone an industrial  site at 3350 East
   Broadway  for  a  large,  mixed-use,  industrial-commercial development.
   Should  the  contemplated  project   proceed,  it  would  accommodate  a
   relocation  and  consolidation  of  President   Asian  Enterprises  Ltd,
   occupying 79% of  the floor space.   Of this, there would be  897 square
   metres  of  retail space  in conjunction  with  13,000 square  metres of
   industrial operation, a combination of uses similar to the Real Canadian
   Superstore  at 350  S.E.  Marine Drive.    Industrial tenants  would  be
   accommodated in an additional 5,574 square metres on the top storey.

   Clause No. 2 cont'd

        The  Director of  Land Use  and Development  noted this  inquiry is
   contrary to the  Industrial Land  Strategy for reasons  outlined in  the
   report, including the large amount of floor area contemplated for retail
   and  other non-industrial  uses.    In  addition,  the  commercial  uses
   contemplated  on this  site may  conflict with  neighbourhood goals  and
   CityPlan directions, and would  be better considered after Neighbourhood
   Visioning  has been completed in  the larger area  surrounding the site,
   consistent  with  Council's  January  18, 1996  decision  to  discourage
   rezoning  applications which  are  inappropriate to  consider before  or
   during  Neighbourhood  Visioning.   Therefore, the  Director recommended
   this  inquiry be discouraged.  The General Manager of Community Services
   recommended approval, of the  Director's recommendation, as reflected in
   the recommendation of this report.

        Mr. Phil Mondor,  Planner; Ms.  Ronda Howard, City  Plans; and  Ms.
   Christine de  Marco, Industrial Lands  Planner, reviewed the  report and
   rationale  and responded  to queries  from Council.   The  Planners felt
   discouraging  this  inquiry   would  send  a  strong  message  that  the
   Industrial  Land Strategy  must  be taken  seriously.   They  also  felt
   proceeding with an application at this time would send the wrong message
   to  the surrounding  neighbourhood with respect  to Visioning  under the
   CityPlan process.

        Mr. Robert Cooke, Robert H. Cooke Associates Inc., representing the
   property owner,  and  Mr.  W.  Combs, Brockton  Realty  Inc.,  requested
   Council  permit an application to  proceed (briefs on  file).  Following
   are some of the points put forward in support of this request:

        -    Although  the  proposal  includes  retail  space, considerable
             industrial  space  is contemplated,  potentially  doubling the
             amount  which would  normally be  expected for  a conventional
             industrial application;

        -    This  site has been vacant for  some time because industrially
             zoned land is  actually too expensive for industrial  use, and
             higher  value  of the  retail  proposed  here  would  help  to
             subsidize the industrial space;

        -    The proposed retail space would be an integrated element, both
             structurally and physically, of President Group's consolidated

        -    The physical characteristics of the site constrain development
             feasibility and affect the economics;

   Clause No. 2 cont'd

        -    The City's  industrial strategy  needs to be  proactive rather
             than  reactionary, or  opportunities for  innovative solutions
             will be lost;

        -    The number of industrial jobs that would be generated would be
             significant; and

        -    70% of the project  proposed is already an outright  use under
             the existing M-2 zoning.

        Some Committee  members were prepared  to support submission  of an
   application because it would still have to go through the process before
   it  could even  be referred  to rezoning,  with  no guarantees  it would
   proceed;  because the  nature  of retailing  has changed  radically; and
   because  of the  large amount  of industrial  space contemplated  by the
   proposal.    However, the  majority did  not  support proceeding  to the
   application stage  because the  application is  clearly contrary  to the
   Industrial Land  Strategy, and  could  preclude neighbourhood  visioning
   options under the CityPlan process.

        The  following  motion by  Councillor  Puil  was put  and  CARRIED.
   Therefore, the Committee


        THAT an inquiry to rezone 3350 East Broadway (Lot 26, Block 2,
        D.L. 735,  Plan 3421) from M-2  to CD-1 to allow   a 21 832 m›
        (285,000 sq. ft.) mixed-use development be discouraged.

            (Councillors Hemer, Ip, Kennedy and the Mayor opposed)

   3.   Residential Street Design - 
        Garden Drive Pilot Project                             File: 5762-5

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated  January
   24, 1996 (on file), in which the General Manager of Engineering Services
   recommended  Council approve  in principle  an innovative  street design
   concept for Garden Drive developed in consultation with a group of local
   property owners and  residents.  The overall project is divided into two
   assessment   areas  with  different   site  characteristics  and  design
   elements, including some  angled parking, a  one-way closure, and  trees
   and landscaping in planters in the street.

   Clause No. 3 cont'd

        The  five block  north Garden  Drive project  is estimated  to cost
   $450,000, and the  two block south Garden Drive project  is estimated at
   $81,000,  to be funded  in a matter  similar to high  zoned pavement and
   curb  local improvement  initiatives.   Design elements  encouraging and
   enabling community involvement in  project construction may reduce these
   costs.    It  was also  recommended  that  pre-ballots  be conducted  to
   determined  the degree of support  for the concept,  prior to initiating
   the project as a local improvement.   The recommendations of the General
   Manager  of  Engineering Services  are  reflected  in recommendations  A
   through C of this report.

        Ms. Sheri Reed, Streets Engineering, reviewed the public process to
   date  for  this trial  project,  and  noted  the  area's hopes  for  its
   streetscape.  Because it is on the edge of an area where prostitution is
   active, one objective is to prevent its spread.  There are also problems
   with  non-neighbourhood  traffic  flow  which  the  design  attempts  to
   address.  Ms. Reed also reviewed objectives arrived at by the community,
   and  made  a detailed  presentation on  the  particulars of  both design
   concepts with the assistance of visual aides.  It was  noted the project
   meets 5 performance criteria;  it is experiential, ecological, community
   based, functional and economic.

        Ms.  Reed and  Mr.  Dave Rudberg,  General  Manager of  Engineering
   Services,  responded to queries  with respect  to the  local improvement
   process, costs, and the possibility of future projects.

        Ms. Moura Quayle congratulated the Garden Drive community, Ms. Reed
   and Engineering Services generally for their exciting work in the public
   realm.   The community  needs support  from City  staff to develop  such
   programs, and  resources  would be  needed.   Various  questions  arise,
   including how to help those communities which 
   want to help themselves, how can the number of steps be shortened when a
   group has already gone through  an extensive public process  beforehand,
   and how can funding formulas be adjusted to encourage such developments.
   It may  also be useful for  Engineering to review its  broad objectives.
   Ms. Quayle asked  Council to  examine its regular  standards for  street
   designs, and to have  more performance criteria for  streets encouraging
   transit,  walking,  cycling  etc.,   a  different  mandate  from  moving
   automobile traffic.

        Ms. Mariken  Van Nimwegen,  Kiwassa Neighbourhood House,  noted the
   project has raised credibility in the neighbourhood  with creativity and
   openness.  However, this project is dealing with a 

   Clause No. 3 cont'd

   new way of thinking poured into an  old method of financing.  The  kinds
   of costs  involved won't encourage such  projects and the City  needs to
   consider how better to open itself to more creative possibilities.  With
   CityPlan  implementation,  the neighbourhood  may  have  to think  about
   trading  off density in order  to finance projects  like this.  Specific
   solutions are needed for specific neighbourhoods.

        Mr.  Ken Dobell, City Manager, and Mr. Rudberg responded to queries
   regarding the possible use of development cost levies for such purposes.
   At  present, while use  of DCL's for  streets is allowed,  trees are not
   covered.  The funding formula was also further clarified.

        The Committee  felt the design  obtained through the  pilot project
   was   very   impressive  and   may   well  provide   impetus   to  other

        The following  motions by  Councillor Hemer  were put and  CARRIED.
   Therefore, the Committee 


        A.   THAT  Council  approve  in principle  the  street  design
             concepts  described  in the  Administrative  Report dated
             January 24, 1996, for  the 100 block South Garden  to the
             400 block North Garden Drive.
        B.   THAT  Engineering Services  staff conduct  pre-ballots of
             Garden  Drive property  owners regarding  the improvement
             projects and report back with the results.

        C.   THAT Engineering  Services staff conduct a traffic ballot
             of  residents in  the area  bounded by  Nanaimo, Pandora,
             Templeton  and Dundas  regarding the  proposed southbound
             one-way  closure of  the  100 and  zero  blocks of  South
             Garden Drive.

                      (Councillor Kennedy was not present
                        for the vote on the foregoing.)

   4.   Warning to Prospective Purchasers
        1825 West 37th Avenue                                  File: 2701-6

        The Committee considered an Administrative Report dated January 15,
   1996 (on  file), in which the City Building Inspector recommended a 336D
   notice be filed against the Certificate of Title to the property at 1825
   West   37th  Avenue,   warning   prospective  purchasers   there  is   a
   contravention  of the Zoning and  Development and Vancouver Building By-
   laws related to  this building. This  item was withdrawn  from the  City
   Council meeting  immediately  following this  meeting in  response to  a
   delegation request.  

        The General Manager of  Community Services recommended approval, as
   reflected in the recommendation of this report.

        Mr.  Peter Sweeney,  Building Inspection  Supervisor, reviewed  the
   history of unauthorized work at this location including past and current
   legal proceedings.  Mr. Sweeney noted the rear deck had been roofed over
   and  enclosed without  permit  or approval,  a  7' wooden  walkway  with
   overhead  trellis has  been  added, and  the  northwest portion  of  the
   carport has been enclosed, without permit or approval.  Orders have been
   issued requiring removal of this work.

        Ms.  Henedian  Serion,  Property  Owner  (brief  filed),  felt  she
   maintains her building in good order.  A  notice should not be placed on
   the title  while an  appeal  has not  yet been  completed.   Ms.  Serion
   believes  her rights under the  Charter of Rights  were being infringed.
   She has owned the home  since 1976 and operated licensed daycare  in the
   house since 1981.   The changes  have been made  to better maintain  the
   house and  provide for the daycare.   Ms. Serion referenced  a number of
   attachments to  her brief, and stressed that  the wooden platform is for
   the protection of children in her care.  

        The following  motion  by Councillor  Hemer  was put  and  CARRIED.
   Therefore, the Committee


        THAT the City Clerk  be directed to file a 336D Notice Against
        the Certificate of  Title to  the property at  1825 West  37th
        Avenue in order to warn prospective purchasers that there is a
        contravention  of the  Zoning  and  Development and  Vancouver
        Building By-laws related to this building.

                           *   *   *   *   *   *   *

                     The Committee adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

                           *   *   *   *   *   *   *