P&E COMMITTEE AGENDA
                                            DECEMBER 14, 1995   

                                 POLICY REPORT

                                            Date:  Nov. 30, 1995
                                            Dept.File No. RH/TF/SA

    TO:       Standing Committee on Planning & Environment

    FROM:     Director of City Plans
              Director of Community Planning, in consultation with
              CityPlan Department Heads Steering Committee
              General Manager of Engineering Services
              General Manager of Community Services
              General Manager of Corporate Services
              General Manager of Parks & Recreation
              Manager of the Housing Centre

    SUBJECT:  CityPlan in Neighbourhoods


         A.   THAT  Council approve  the  release of  the discussion  paper
              entitled, *"Bringing CityPlan to Neighbourhoods".

         B.   THAT Council  invite public  review of the  discussion paper,
              during January  through March 1996, and  that Council approve
              the  review  process  described  in  this  report  (including
              distributing  a  summary  of  the  discussion  paper  to  the
              CityPlan  mailing  list;   staff  presentations,   discussion
              groups, and city-wide workshop).

         C.   THAT the Planning Department  report back in May 1996  on the
              results of the public review of the discussion paper and on a
              proposed approach to implementing CityPlan in Neighbourhoods,
              including staff and budget requirements.

         D.   THAT Council approve carrying forward the  remaining CityPlan
              budget  of approximately  $72,000 and  using $23,800  for the
              public review noted in "B" above, and $44,000 for preparation
              of "neighbourhood  planning guides" - with  costs as detailed
              in Appendix B.


         The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.

    On  June 6, 1995, Council approved CityPlan as providing directions for
    Vancouver.   Included in CityPlan are directions for neighbourhoods, as
    noted in Appendix A.  These include:

    -    ...   create   or   strengthen  neighbourhood   centres   in   all
         neighbourhoods as a place  where people can find shops,  jobs, and
         services close to home.

    -    ...increase  housing variety  and affordability  in neighbourhoods
         that have  little variety now  to help meet  the housing  needs of
         people of  different ages and  incomes in the  neighbourhoods, the
         city, and region.

    -    ...maintain and improve neighbourhood character.
    -    ...increase  walking, biking,  and  transit in  neighbourhoods and
         between neighbourhoods, and reduce single-occupant car use.

    CityPlan includes the following statements about implementation: 

    -    "The City  should, as a  first step, bring people  from across the
         city together with Council and City staff to determine how to plan
         for neighbourhoods and their neighbourhood centres."

    -    "Develop a new planning process to be used in the planning of each
         centre  and  its  surrounding  community  which  promotes  problem
         solving and resolving differences."


    CityPlan  was adopted  on June  6, 1995,  as directions  for Vancouver.
    Among  the new directions identified  in CityPlan are  several that are
    very  relevant  to  the  city's  neighbourhoods.   These  include,  for
    example,  a desire  for  housing choice  throughout the  city, reducing
    travel by  locating jobs  closer to  where people  live, and  choice of
    neighbourhood character.

    Realizing  that there are various ways to proceed with these directions
    and  that any  process will  involve a  significant commitment  of City
    resources for  some years  to come,  Council asked  staff to  propose a
    process  for implementing  CityPlan in  neighbourhoods. The  City would
    then invite  public comment.   This public input would  assist staff to
    firm up a neighbourhood planning proposal for Council's consideration.
    The discussion paper, *"Bringing CityPlan to Neighbourhoods" outlines a
    proposed approach to implementing  CityPlan at the neighbourhood level.
    The discussion paper contains four  sections: principles, expectations,
    product, and process, as well  as questions and answers on topics  such
    as cost, boundaries, timing, and rezoning policies.

    The  process   proposed  in   the  discussion   paper  is   to  develop
    "neighbourhood  visions".    Each  "vision"  would  involve  residents,
    business owners and operators  in a six-month process.  The  product, a
    vision, would describe the kind of neighbourhood people want and how to
    move on CityPlan directions at the neighbourhood level.  It would,  for
    example,  identify: the  location  and form  of neighbourhood  centres;
    important  aspects  of  neighbourhood  character,  public  places,  and
    services;  ways to increase the type and  amount of housing and jobs in
    the  neighbourhood;  and  ways  to  make  the  neighbourhood  less  car

    A  concurrent process at the city-wide  scale will assist neighbourhood
    visions to  build toward a consistent  response to CityPlan.   Based on
    the visions, the City can be strategic about the location and timing of
    implementation  actions such  as rezonings,  capital projects,  and the
    provision of city services.  
    Staff propose that the discussion paper, and a shorter summary version,
    be  released  for public  review and  comment  early in  the  new year.
    Following this  review, a  revised program proposal  including staffing
    and budget will  be submitted to  Council in May  1996.  For  Council's
    information, preliminary estimates of  staffing and budget required for
    the  approach laid out in the discussion paper are provided in Appendix
    C of this report.

    Concurrent  with  the  public  review of  the  discussion  paper, staff
    propose  assembling  Neighbourhood  Planning  Guides  and  other  data,
    information, and tools/models to assist in the neighbourhood program.

    Costs associated with the discussion paper and public review as well as
    information  gathering  can be  met from  funds  remaining in  the 1995
    CityPlan budget.    Staff are  available  to undertake  the  activities

    The CityPlan in Neighbourhoods  Program will be under the  direction of
    the Directors  of  City  Plans and  Community  Planning.  The  CityPlan
    Department Heads  Steering Committee will continue  to provide guidance
    and   coordination   between   policy   planning    initiatives   (e.g.
    Neighbourhoods Program, Transportation Plan).PURPOSE

    The purpose of this report is:

    -    to  present a discussion paper which  outlines a proposed approach
         to implementing  CityPlan  in neighbourhoods,  including  proposed
         budget estimate; and
    -    propose a process for public review of the discussion paper.


    CityPlan provides fourteen  key directions for Vancouver.   In addition
    to ongoing City initiatives in the areas of "Addressing Housing Costs,"
    "Art and Culture," "the Downtown,"  and Clean Air and Water," a variety
    of  new initiatives are underway which further the CityPlan directions.
    These include:

    Distinctive Neighbourhhod Character: A  new zoning schedule, RS-6, will
    be considered at Public Hearing in  January. In February staff will  be
    reporting   on  a   program  to   assist  neighbourhoods   to  maintain
    neighbourhood character.

    Accessible  Community-Based Services:   Fifteen  community-based inter-
    departmental "Integrated Service Teams" are now in place. Their mandate
    is to work with staff from civic departments and with  the community to
    solve community issues in the community.

    Promoting Safety:    Nineteen community-based  safety  initiatives  are
    underway  through  Police/Community  Service Centres,  Community  Crime
    Prevention Offices, neighbourhood police offices, and police visitation

    New and  More Diverse Public Places:  On July 18, 1995, Council adopted
    a City  Greenways network  plan involving  14 City Greenways  totalling
    approximately 140 km.  A "Ridgeway Greenway" is under development along
    37th  Avenue  between Granville  and  Knight  Streets linking  VanDusen
    Gardens, Queen Elizabeth Park, and Kensington Park.

    Diverse  Economy:  Early in  1996, changes  will  be considered  to the
    City's  Industrial  Schedules  to  facilitate city-oriented  and  city-
    serving  jobs.   From  January  to  June 1996,  a  public process  will
    consider sites  for a convention  centre --  a major new  initiative to
    enhance tourism.

    Transit, Walking, and  Biking:  During January to  April 1996, the City
    will  be undertaking  a public process  on key  transportation choices.
    This input will be the basis for a draft Transportation Plan which will
    then be distributed for public review.
    People Involved in Decision-Making and Financial Accountability:
    Better  City  Government  initiatives,  such  as  the  Development  and
    Building  Regulation   Review  and  the  Public   Process  Review,  are
    addressing CityPlan Directions.

    CityPlan in Neighbourhoods

    These  ongoing and  new  programs  form  a  context  for  the  CityPlan
    neighbourhood initiative outlined in this report.

    The  proposed  program  considers   all  CityPlan  directions,  from  a
    neighbourhood perspective.   In  particular it will  address directions
    for    Neighbourhood   Centres   and   Housing   Variety,   Distinctive
    Neighbourhood  Character, Housing  Cost,  Jobs Close  to Home,  Diverse
    Public Places and Transit, Walking, and Biking.


    In June, Council asked staff to consider ways to implement CityPlan  in

    The attached discussion paper  -- "Bringing CityPlan to Neighbourhoods"
    --  outlines  a  proposed  approach  to  implementing  CityPlan at  the
    neighbourhood  level.   The  discussion paper  contains four  sections:
    principles,  expectations,  product,  and  process  plus questions  and

    a)   Neighbourhood Principles:

    In developing  the proposed approach,  staff were guided  by principles
    which emerged from the CityPlan process:

    -    Reach all neighbourhoods in a reasonable time;
    -    Follow up on the full range of CityPlan topics together;
    -    Move forward in the CityPlan directions;
    -    Recognize neighbourhood distinctiveness;
    -    Help neighbourhoods keep a city-wide perspective;
    -    Encourage as many people  as possible to participate by  making it
         easy to be involved in different ways; and
    -    Keep costs reasonable.

    b)   Neighbourhood Expectations:

    Arising   from   the  principles,   staff   identified   some  possible
    expectations for the scope of the program.  For example:

    -    CityPlan  directions   (see  Appendix  A)  provide   a  guide  for
         neighbourhood planning.
    -    Each neighbourhood will seek ways to  bring CityPlan directions to
    the neighbourhood level.-     The    City's     expectation    for    a
                                  neighbourhood   product    is   that   it
                                  demonstrates a full consideration  of the
                                  CityPlan     directions,    data,     and
                                  consequences,  and shows  movement toward
                                  the CityPlan directions.
    -    Targets  will be  set  from the  ground  up based  on  information
         provided   in  Neighbourhood   Planning  Guides  and   the  unique
         circumstances of each neighbourhood.
    -    CityPlan  is intended to unfold  over 30 years.  As conditions and
         needs  will change  over that  time, not  all details  need to  be
         resolved now.
    -    Neighbourhoods will be given the opportunity and responsibility of
         sharing information and work  in progress and taking stock  as the
         process proceeds.

    Expectations will  need to be widely  shared and agreed as  a guide for
    both the neighbourhood process and the product.

    c)   Neighbourhood Product:

    Staff  took the  above principles  and expectations  into account  when
    considering alternate approaches to preparing neighbourhood plans.

    One   option  considered,   but  not   proposed,  is  to   do  detailed
    "neighbourhood plans."   This would  be similar to  approaches we  have
    used in the past.  The  advantage of this approach is that the  product
    provides certainty  about development directions (e.g.,  zoning, design
    guidelines,  development  cost  levies),  services,  and  capital  plan
    priorities.  The drawback  of this approach is that  it can take up  to
    three years to complete  each neighbourhood plan.  Given  current staff
    resources,   it  could   take  more   than  20   years  to   reach  all

    Staff  are proposing a  new approach  called "neighbourhood  visions." 
    Visions  will   provide  overall  guidance  on   implementing  CityPlan
    directions in each neighbourhood.   Visions will, for example,  include
    the   location  of   neighbourhood   centres,   important  aspects   of
    neighbourhood character and  services, ideas to  increase the type  and
    amount of  housing  and jobs  in the  neighbourhood, ways  to make  the
    neighbourhood   less  car   dependent,   and   actions   for   followup

    Not every  detail will need to be resolved  in the visions.  They could
    contain options for  resolution at a  later date.   Since visions  will
    provide less detail than  traditional neighbourhood plans, they can  be
    prepared in  a shorter time,  reaching all neighbourhoods  within about
    five years.  With visions in place, the City can be strategic about the
    location and timing of implementation.
    d)   Neighbourhood Process:

    The  process  for developing  a  neighbourhood  vision is  designed  to
    encourage wide public involvement over a six-month period.  The process
    has  two levels -- a neighbourhood process complemented by a concurrent
    city-wide process (Figure 1).

    The  city-wide  process  creates a  link  between  neighbourhoods.   It
    provides  a  forum  for  information exchanges,  discussion  of  common
    concerns, and  opportunities to  take stock of  progress and  addresses
    questions of equity between neighbourhoods.

    To facilitate the  visioning processes, and  subsequent implementation,
    staff  will  be  developing  neighbourhood planning  guides  containing
    information on  new approaches  to implementing neighbourhood  visions.
    The  city-wide program provides a forum  for staff to discuss new ideas
    for implementation with the public.The neighbourhood process (Figure 2)
    includes two  activities - those that involve the public and those that
    require  staff  to  assemble  information and  integrate  material  for
    further public review and comment.

    (1)  Introductory events  invite people to participate  in developing a
         neighbourhood vision.
    (2)  At  workshops residents,  business  owners and  operators  discuss
         ideas for the neighbourhood. 
    (3)  Staff assemble workshop ideas into draft visions. 
    (4)  Workshops, displays,  and surveys engage citizens  in choosing and
         refining a preferred vision.
    (5)  Staff assemble public input into a draft preferred vision.
    (6)  The neighbourhood  discusses  and  proposes  any  changes  to  the
         preferred vision.
    (7)  The  neighbourhood vision  process  concludes  with the  preferred
         vision being discussed with City Council in a public forum.
    Staff  suggest  starting   with  two   neighbourhood  vision   programs
    concurrently.  This  would complete  four visions  a  year.   A program
    review  is proposed  at  the conclusion  of  four visions.    This will
    provide an opportunity to adjust the program based upon experience.  At
    that time staff will be in a better position to assess actions required
    to implement completed  visions and  advise Council on  ways to  adjust
    staff resources between developing new visions and  implementation.  In
    addition to this  major review, staff will be  reporting to Council for
    direction at the start and conclusion of each vision process.

    e)   Neighbourhood Program: Estimate of Costs and Staffing:

    At this  point, Council is not  being asked to approve  budget or staff
    for  the neighbourhood  vision process.   Following  a decision  on the
    preferred process, staff will propose a program budget.

    For information purposes, staff have done some preliminary program cost
    estimates.  Based on the proposed program:

    -    Annual  non-staff  cost  to   do  four  neighbourhood  visions  is
         $305,000.  This cost  could be partially offset by  funds normally
         spent on community planning projects.  

    -    Estimated annual staffing requirements to do the neighbourhood and
         city-wide  processes  is  20  staff.    All  but  three  positions
         (multicultural,  communications,  and   youth  coordinators)   are
         available through  redirection of  existing  staff from  community
         planning and policy programs. If this program proceeds, there will
         be substantially  reduced  resources for  undertaking  traditional
         local area planning programs, area studies, and zoning reviews.

    Further information  on possible staff and  other resource requirements
    is  attached as  Appendix C.   A more  refined cost  projection will be
    included in the May 1996 Council report.


    Staff  propose   that  the  discussion  paper   "Bringing  CityPlan  to
    Neighbourhoods"  be released  in January  1996, for  public  review and
    comment  from January through March (Figure 3).  Following this review,
    staff  will  report  back  to  Council  with  a  proposed  program  for
    implementing CityPlan in neighbourhoods.  Funds required for the public
    review are $23,800 as noted  in Appendix B, page 1.  Source of funds is
    the CityPlan budget.  Staff will coordinate with other City initiatives
    such  as the  Transportation Plan  and Better  City Government  to take
    advantage    of    opportunities     for    joint    programming    and


    During  this same period, January to May 1996, staff recommend starting
    to assemble information for "Neighbourhood Planning Guides". The guides
    will include  information which  residents  can use  to develop  vision
    statements  on such  directions  as housing  variety and  neighbourhood
    character. The  guides will  outline expectations  for the  program and
    provide  information  about  the extent  of  the  City's resources  for
    implementing visions.
    The guides will also  include a "catalogue" of example  traffic calming
    methods, affordable  housing actions,  public place  designs, financing
    options, and zoning schedules  to provide for more housing  variety and
    address  neighbourhood character.  These ideas can be used by residents
    to develop their neighbourhood vision and implementation plans.

    The estimated cost to start preparing the guides is $44,000 as noted on
    page  2 of  Appendix B.   Source  of funds  is the  carry-over CityPlan

    On  June  6 1995,  staff noted  the  possible problems  associated with
    privately   initiated   rezonings  potentially   prejudicing  visioning
    processes. At that time Council approved a motion that applications for
    rezoning prior to adoption of a neighbourhood vision should not justify
    the rezoning on  the grounds that  it "supports CityPlan  neighbourhood

    Staff  have reviewed  the  issue  of  rezonings  prior  to  and  during
    neighbourhood visioning programs.  Staff continue to be concerned about
    the potential disruption  and diversion of staff resources  which might
    occur should a controversial  rezoning be initiated prior to  an agreed
    neighbourhood  vision.   This is  particularly problematic  in or  near
    otherwise  single-family  areas where  development  of a  neighbourhood
    centre will be a significant new direction for the neighbourhood.

    A seperate report from the Directors of Planning and the Manager of the
    Housing Centre  proposes policies  regarding rezoning  inquiries during
    the neighbourhood visioning process.


    The  adoption of CityPlan  provides the  City with  overall directions.
    These directions provide a context for: future neighbourhood, city, and
    regional plans; capital plans; and the delivery of city services.

    A  wide variety of programs to implement CityPlan are already underway.
    Programs   include  Greenways,   the  Transportation   Plan,  Community
    Policing, zoning schedules  for more  compatible single-family  zoning,
    and Integrated Service Teams. Further initiatives will be considered in
    the context of Capital Plan proposals.

    The CityPlan directions provide  quidance for improving neighbour- hood
    livability.   The next  step is  to  develop neighbourhood  initiatives
    which respond to CityPlan directions.

    This report proposes a process to develop Neighbourhood  Visions. These
    Visions  will provide a  framework for actions  in neighbourhoods which
    meet both the  needs of neighbourhoods  and contribute  to the kind  of
    city thousands of people supported through the CityPlan process.

    The neighbourhood vision process is a proposal which is being aired for
    public  discussion.   Following  public  input  staff  will  prepare  a
    detailed work program for "bringing CityPlan to neighbourhoods."

                           *     *     *     *     *