ITEM NO. 1 P&E COMMITTEE AGENDA DECEMBER 7, 1995 SIGNIFICANT REZONING APPLICATION 1. Address: 901-967 and 940-990 Present Zone: DD(Sub-area C) Seymour street Proposed Zone: CD-1 Applicant: Richard Bernstein Heritage List.: 'C' - Dominion Architectura Waisman Motors Bldg. Dewar Grout Carter Inc. Staff Contacts: J. Baxter/ Date of Application: October 17, 1995 J. Barrett/ R. Lemon/ G. Yeomans Proposal: Transfer of Density (Heritage Bonus + Residual Density) Rezoning - transfer 76,700 sq. ft. of floor area from the west side (901-67) to the east side (940-90) of Seymour Street. - Re-develop the west side of Seymour Street as proposed: - 24-storey residential tower; - ground floor commercial uses; - 10 townhouse units; - rehabilitation and heritage designation of the Dominion Motors Building for retail and commercial uses; - underground and covered surface parking spaces; and - density of 4.41 FSR. - Re-develop the east side of Seymour Street as proposed: - 22-storey and 34-storey residential towers; - ground floor commercial uses; - 6 townhouse units; - underground parking spaces; and - density of 6.71 FSR. Issues: - amount and location of retail uses on both sides of Seymour Street; - heritage bonus and residual density - how it gets distributed on each side of Seymour Street and its impact on urban design; - form of development; and - safety and security. - 2 - SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION 2. Address: 1 East Cordova Street Zoned: HA-2 Applicant: Kasian Kennedy Staff Contact: J. Barrett Date of Application: October 3, 1995 DP Board: January 15, 1996 Proposal: - 71 residential studio units; double height (l6 ft.); - 4 townhouses at rear; - 9 commercial units; - vehicular access from lane; and - exterior materials are principally stucco and glass. Issues: - neighbourhood objection to market housing; - access; - lane activity; and - height. * * * * *