November 9, 1995

        A Regular  Meeting of the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission was
        held  on Thursday, November 9,  1995 at approximately  7:30 p.m. in
        Committee Room No. 2, third floor, City Hall.

        PRESENT:       Councillor Kennedy, Chair
                       Councillor Hemer
                       Councillor Ip
                       Councillor Kwan

        ALSO PRESENT:  Insp. Gary Greer, Vancouver Police Department
                       Maria Kinsella, City Clerk
                       Cst. Russ Foster, Vancouver Police Department
                       Paul Teichroeb, Deputy Chief License Inspector

        CLERK:         Steve Kautz
   Power to Act

        On  January 11, 1994, Council by the required majority, granted the
        Commission  Power to Act on all unanimous decisions.  The decisions
        of the  Commission contained  herein are unanimous  and, therefore,
        stand approved.


   1.   99 Powell Street, Senorita Frogs                       File: 2613-9
        (also known as Club NRG)        

        For  the Commission's  consideration  was an  Administrative Report
        dated  November 3,  1995  (on file),  in  which the  Chief  License
        Inspector, in  consultation with the  City Clerk,  the Director  of
        Environmental Health and the Chief Constable, provided a history of
        the  concerns  and  problems  associated with  the  management  and
        operation of Senorita Frog's Cabaret, 99 Powell Street.  The report
        also provided information on the  ongoing staff efforts to  respond
        to  the   complaints  and  reviewed  the   Cabaret's  ongoing  poor
        management.  The report noted that since the current owners started
        operation of the  Cabaret in mid-1994, problems  have persisted, as
        have ongoing complaints from  neighbours both in the  same building
        as  the Cabaret and from the surrounding neighbourhood.  The report
        recommended that the Commission request City Council to hold a Show
        Cause Hearing regarding the business license for the Cabaret.


   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)

        Mr. Paul  Teichroeb, Deputy  Chief License Inspector,  reviewed the
        history  and  status of  the  Cabaret  and  the ongoing  complaints
        associated with it,  concluding that no real improvements have been
        noted throughout the period of the current ownership's operation of
        the premise and that serious problems of  noise, overcrowding, lack
        of patron control and street disturbances continue.

        The Chair informed the  Commission the Cabaret at 99  Powell Street
        has  now formerly changed its  name through the  Liquor Control and
        Licensing Branch to  Club NRG.  Furthermore, the Cabaret  is now in
        the process of being sold.  Should the sale proceed, the Show Cause
        Hearing  will  be negated.   Mr.  Teichroeb  confirmed he  also had
        information that  the Club may  be sold.   Staff will monitor  this
        situation  as it unfolds.  Mrs. Maria Kinsella, City Clerk, advised
        the  Commission  that it  is  staff's  position the  recommendation
        before  the  Commission could  be  approved  and staff  would  take
        appropriate  action depending  on  any subsequent  transfer of  the
        Cabaret's license.

        Mr  Rick Erdman,  H.O.S.T. Consulting,  appeared on  behalf of  the
        owners and confirmed the owners intend  to complete the sale of the
        license  by  December 1,  1995.   In  the interim,  the prospective
        owners have  taken over  the management functions  of the  Cabaret.
        Several individuals present at the meeting identified themselves as
        part  of the  prospective  ownership group.    They indicated  some
        background in cabaret and nightclub management and advised of their
        plans to move the focus of the Cabaret toward a  new atmosphere and
        clientele,  including some  charity functions.   They  advised they
        were  not  aware of  the history  of  problems associated  with the
        Cabaret  and  would  be   interested  in  pursuing   soundproofing,
        neighbourhood meetings and other remedial measures.

        Commission  members advised  the  prospective owners  of  Council's
        awareness  of the  problems  associated with  the  Cabaret and  its
        intention  to  ensure corrective  action  is  taken, including  the
        suspension  or revocation  of  the business  license if  necessary.
        Commission members cautioned the prospective owners as to Council's
        and  the neighbourhood's  intolerance  of any  continuation of  the
        problems currently associated with the Cabaret.

        A Commission member asked staff whether the City could undertake to
        have  the new owners agree to operational guidelines as a condition
        of the  Business License and asked  staff whether there would  be a
        report back on this topic.  In response, Mr. Teichroeb


   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)

   advised that the  power to  transfer and issue  liquor licenses  resides
   with the  Liquor Control and Licensing Branch.  Once a liquor license is
   issued,  the City  cannot withhold  a business  license, except  on very
   narrow grounds, such as for a criminal record or other gross misconduct.

        Therefore, the Commission


        THAT Vancouver City Council hold a Show Cause Hearing regarding the
        business license to operate a Cabaret at 99 Powell Street.

                                     * * *

               The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 p.m.