Date:  November 21, 1995

     TO:       Vancouver City Council

     FROM:     Director, Office of Cultural Affairs

     SUBJECT:  1995 Cultural Grants -
               Project and Organizational Development


          A.   THAT Council approve cancellation  of a $1,500 Project grant
               to the Webweavers Network Society, resulting in a balance of
               $10,055 in the Project Grants category.

          B.   THAT Council approve two project grants totalling $4,500, as
               listed in Table 1, source of funds to be the  Project Grants
               Category, leaving an unallocated balance of $5,555.

          C.   THAT Council  transfer the  remaining $5,555 in  the Project
               Grants category to the Organizational  Development component
               of the  Incentive Grants  category, bringing the  balance to

          D.   THAT  Council  approve three  grants  totalling $11,555,  as
               listed  in Table 1, source of funds to be the Organizational
               Development fund, leaving no  unallocated balance.


          The General Manager of  Community Services submits A, B, C  and D
          for CONSIDERATION.


     On January 31, 1995, Council approved the 1995 Cultural Grants budget.
     This  includes the  Project  Grants category,  which  currently has  a
     balance of $8,555 and the Incentive Grant category, of which $6,000 is
     available for Organizational Development grants.

     Approval of grant recommendations requires eight affirmative votes.


     This  report makes recommendations on  two requests for  grants in the
     Project  category and  three requests  for Organizational  Development


                                     Table 1

     Applicant                          Request   Recommendation
     Project Category:

     Battery Opera Performing Arts Soc. $ 3,000        $ 1,000
     Community Arts Council             $ 3,500        $ 3,500
     Total                              $ 6,500        $ 4,500

     Organizational Development:

     Theatre M.O.M.                     $ 5,000        $ 4,000
     Vancouver Cultural Alliance        $12,000        $ 7,000
     Vancouver Theatresports League     $   600        $   555
     Total                              $17,600        $11,555


     Project Grants Category

     Project  Grants  are  provided  to  assist  new  and  developing  arts
     organizations,  as well  as  for  special  projects.    If  funds  are
     available after  the annual grants  process is completed  each spring,
     the City will consider grant requests for projects that were developed
     after the annual grants deadline, and  which will take place early  in
     the following year.

     There is currently a balance of $8,555 in the Project Grants category.
     However, the Director of Cultural Affairs recommends that  the project
     grant of  $1,500  approved  for  the  Webweavers  Network  Society  be
     cancelled.   The  society has  ceased activities  and the  project for
     which  money was  conditionally  approved (but  not  released) is  not
     proceeding.  Cancellation of the  grant will bring the balance in  the
     Project Grant category to $11,555.

     Organizational Development Grant

     Organizational Development is one of two funds in the Incentive Grants
     category (the other being  Cross-Cultural Initiatives, which currently
     has an  unallocated balance of  $9,500).    Organizational Development
     funds are intended to help organizations upgrade staff skills, address
     specific  operational issues,  and undertake  long-range  planning and
     joint  audience development initiatives.  There is currently a balance
     of $6,000 in  the Organizational Development component of the Cultural
     Grants budget.


     Project Grants Category

     As described following,  the Director of Cultural Affairs   recommends
     that  Council approve  two grants  in the  Project  Category totalling
     $4,500, leaving a balance of $5,555.

     Battery Opera Performing Arts Society:

     Battery Opera Society has  requested a $3,000 grant to assist with the
     costs of  a multilingual,  interdisciplinary production  scheduled for
     January 1996.  The one-act comedy will run for a week at the  Firehall
     Theatre.   This is the young company's  first application to the City.
     To date, it has presented works at the Women in View, Dancing on Edge,
     12 Minutes Max and Spontaneous Combustion  festivals.  A project grant
     of $1,000 is recommended.

     Community Arts Council:

     As part of a series of special events related to its 50th anniversary,
     Vancouver's Community  Arts Council (CAC) is  organizing an historical
     exhibition documenting  some of  the key activities,  publications and
     personalities  that have shaped the organization and  the city itself.
     The  display,  which   opens  in  February  1996,  will coincide  with
     Heritage  week and  the launch  of  a book  about the  history of  the

     CAC has raised two-thirds of the funds needed for  the exhibition, and
     is  asking the City  for a $3,500  grant towards the  costs of display
     materials, and of hiring a qualified  exhibitions co-ordinator.  Staff
     recommend approval of a  $3,500 grant, supplemental to the  CAC's 1995
     operating grant of $9,000.

     Organizational Development Category

     The Director of Cultural Affairs recommends that the  $5,555 remaining
     in  the Project Grants  category be transferred  to the Organizational
     Development  component of  the  Cultural Grants  budget, bringing  the
     total to  $11,555.   He recommends  three   organizational development
     grants totalling $11,555, detailed as follows:

     Theatre M.O.M.:

     Theatre Modular Organizational  Management is a  recently incorporated
     non-profit   society   with   a   mandate    to   provide   accessible
     administrative,   financial,   marketing  and   production  management
     services to  small theatre  companies, co-ops and  independent theatre
     artists.  Initiated by  five small theatre companies, the  society was
     set up  after an  assessment  indicated the  need for  cost-efficient,
     shared management  for theatre groups.  With financial assistance from
     B.C. Cultural Services and  the Partners in Organizational Development
     program, a business and financial plan has been put in  place, and the
     society is ready  to start operating on a pilot  basis.  A four-person
     team  of   theatre  professionals   will  oversee  and   evaluate  the
     organization's first year of operation.

     To assist with  this trial year, Theatre M.O.M.  has requested a grant
     of  $5,000  for startup  and operating  costs.   Recognizing  that the
     organization is addressing an important need in the theatre community,
     staff recommend a grant of $4,000.

     Vancouver Cultural Alliance: Bravo Vancouver:

     Under  the  direction  of  the Vancouver  Cultural  Alliance,  and  in
     conjunctional  with the DVBIA and  Tourism Vancouver, the  local  arts
     community  is  undertaking  a multidisciplinary,  joint  marketing and
     programming initiative  to increase awareness of and audiences for all
     sectors  of the arts  in our city.   Planned for  October 1996, "Bravo
     Vancouver" is being developed  now.  A co-ordinating producer  must be
     hired soon to develop partnerships between arts, business  and tourism
     interests, to match traditional and new venues with arts organizations
     wishing to take part, and to lead the development and  delivery of the
     marketing plan for Bravo Vancouver.

     Support is being sought from the business sector, as well as the three
     levels of  government.   The City  of Vancouver is  being asked  for a
     grant of  $12,000 for the  development phase  of the  project.   Staff
     believe that some support is appropriate at this time, and recommend a
     grant of $7,000.

     Vancouver Theatresports League:

     The Vancouver Theatresports League has  requested a $600 grant  toward
     the costs of administrative training for its executive director at the
     Banff Centre for Management.  The Centre's "Management Development for
     the Arts" course  includes strategic  planning, financial  management,
     fund-raising, marketing, and  media relations.   It  is scheduled  for
     January  30 to  February  9,  1996.    Tuition  costs,  not  including
     accommodation or food, are $2,500.  A grant of $555 is recommended.

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