November 9, 1995

        A Regular Meeting of the  Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission was
   held  on  Thursday,  November 9,  1995  at  approximately  7:30 p.m.  in
   Committee Room No. 2, third floor, City Hall.

        PRESENT:       Councillor Kennedy, Chair
                       Councillor Hemer
                       Councillor Ip
                       Councillor Kwan

        ALSO PRESENT:  Insp. Gary Greer, Vancouver Police Department
                       Maria Kinsella, City Clerk
                       Cst. Russ Foster, Vancouver Police Department
                       Paul Teichroeb, Deputy Chief License Inspector

        CLERK:         Steve Kautz

   Power to Act

        On  January 11, 1994, Council by the required majority, granted the
   Commission Power  to Act on all  unanimous decisions.   The decisions of
   the  Commission contained  herein  are unanimous  and, therefore,  stand

   Adoption of Minutes

        The Minutes of the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission meeting of
   September 14, 1995, were adopted as circulated.

   1.   3681 West 4th Avenue - Jeremiah's Pub                 File: 2614-11
        Class 'D' Neighbourhood Pub - Change of Hours

        The Commission had before it an Administrative Report dated October
   11,  1995 (on  file),  in  which  the  Deputy  Chief  License  Inspector
   presented  for consideration an  application by Jericho  Pub Inc., doing
   business  as Jeremiah's Pub, for a change  of hours.  The application is
   for an extension of the Neighbourhood Pub's closing time  on Fridays and
   Saturdays from 12:00 midnight to 1:00 a.m.

   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)

        Mr. Paul  Teichroeb, Deputy  Chief License Inspector,  reviewed the
   report and commented on  the nature of the surrounding  neighbourhood as
   older  one and  two-family dwellings,  apartment buildings  and multiple
   conversion dwellings.  Mr.  Teichroeb noted the Pub does not  offer live
   entertainment,  but rather television and background music.  The Pub has
   101 seats.

        The   report  provided   that   the  Police   Department  and   the
   Environmental Health Division had no objections to this  application, as
   the Pub is not a source of complaints or enforcement problems.
        The report  provided that the Planning  Department, Social Planning
   Department  and  the  Housing  Centre  were  generally  opposed  to  the
   application on the  basis of noise concerns and effects on the immediate

        The  applicant had  submitted 152  form letters  in support  of the
   application.  There were also six individual letters in support received
   by the City Clerk's Office.  Two letters and  two phone calls opposed to
   the application were also  received.  Although not  all from within  the
   referendum  survey  area,  the   letters  originated  from  the  general

        Mr.  Bert   Hick,  W.A.E.  Hick  &   Associates,  representing  the
   applicant, requested  that the  Commission waive  the requirement  for a
   referendum on  the basis that the applicant was prepared to enter into a
   legal  agreement  for  a six-month  or  one-year  trial  period for  the
   extension of hours.  If, after  the trial period, the extension of hours
   was not to the  satisfaction of the  Commission, the applicant would  be
   willing to undertake to roll-back the hours of operation.

        Mr Barry  Mittlestead, owner,  advised the reason  for seeking  the
   change  in hours of  operation was to  serve his  existing customers who
   find it inconvenient his Pub closes at midnight on Fridays and Saturdays
   and in  many cases are forced  to drive or walk  to other establishments
   that have later closing hours.  He felt that a change in hours would not
   affect  the  numbers or  type of  clientele  at his  Pub.   He  felt the
   considerable cost of conducting a  referendum, estimated at $10,000 plus
   additional  costs for preparation, is not warranted for the small change

   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)

        Mr. Teichroeb commented on  the proposal for a temporary  extension
   of hours and noted that the Commission  does not have the power to roll-
   back hours  of operation  as  it is  within the  purview  of the  Liquor
   Control and Licensing Branch.  The Branch would also require substantive
   reasons to roll-back hours.

        Commission  members,  although  generally  supportive  of  flexible
   arrangements for hours of operation, agreed that such an undertaking was
   beyond the power of the Commission.   If Mr. Hick is able to develop  an
   agreement  satisfactory to the Branch and the City, the Commission would
   be willing  to revisit  this  matter.   In the  interim, the  Commission
   agreed to consider the requirement for a referendum, as presented in the

        The following motion by Councillor Hemer was put and CARRIED.
   Therefore, the Commission


        THAT consideration of the request by Jericho Pub Inc., for a change
        of  hours on Fridays and  Saturdays at the  Class 'D' Neighbourhood
        Pub  at 3681  West  4th Avenue,  be  subject to  the  results of  a
        referendum conducted in accordance with existing City guidelines.

   2.   Update on Licensed Premises within the                 File: 2610-2
        Downtown Eastside to September 30, 1995

        The Commission had before it an Administrative Report dated October
   30, 1995 (on file), in which the Chief Constable provided an overview of
   problems  and  issues,  status   of  enforcement  and  other  activities
   pertaining  to licensed  premises within  the Downtown  Eastside.    The
   report  noted  a  total of  12  liquor  or  business licenses  had  been
   suspended  a  total of  16  times  in the  Downtown  Eastside since  the
   beginning of 1992.

        Inspector Gary  Greer,  Vancouver Police  Department, reviewed  the
   report and noted that while the cabaret at 99 Powell Street is mentioned
   in  the report, more substantive information on this premise is provided
   in another report before  the Commission this meeting.   Inspector Greer
   also noted that in addition to  the summary information contained in the
   report, the Dominion Hotel has

   Clause No. 2 (cont'd)

   recently been  given a five-day  suspension for service of  alcohol to a
   minor.  The  Drake Hotel will be  called to a hearing  before the Liquor
   Control and Licensing  Branch regarding improper  table dancing and  may
   face a seven-day suspension in this regard.  The Columbia Hotel has been
   sold and is under new management as the New Columbia Hotel.

        Inspector  Greer further  commented  on the  practise of  repouring
   alcohol and efforts at  enforcement of the Liquor Control  and Licensing
   Act provisions against this practise.   He also noted that the  report's
   references  to cigarette  seizures  regarded cigarettes  where duty  and
   taxes were not paid.

        The incidents outlined in  the report had been communicated  to the
   Liquor Control and Licensing Branch.

        The following motion by Councillor Ip was put and CARRIED.
   Therefore, the Commission


        THAT the Administrative Report dated October 30, 1995, updating the
        Commission on  the licensed premises  in the  Downtown Eastside  to
        September 30, 1995, be received for information.

                                     * * *

               The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 p.m.