                              ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                                    Date:  October 11, 1995
                                                    File No. APCO.txt      

     TO:       Vancouver City Council

     FROM:     General Manager of Fire & Rescue Services and
               Chief Constable

     SUBJECT:  Grant Request - Association of Public-Safety
               Communications Officials (APCO) Conference


          THAT Council approve a grant of $1,500 to the 1995 Association of
          Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) Regional Conference
          co-hosted  by the  Vancouver Fire &  Rescue and  Police Services;
          source of funds to be from Contingency Reserve.


     On December  16, 1993, Council approved  the following recommendations
     previously  approved by  the  Standing Committee  on  City Services  &

         A.   THAT  Council  adopt  the  following  policy  guide-lines
              governing financial  support to local  conference in  the
              form of a City grant:

              -  that the topic of  the conference must be particularly
                 relevant to the business of the City as a corporation;

              -  that  senior  staff,  serving  in  their  professional
                 capacity,  are directly  involved  in the  hosting and
                 organizing of the conference;

              -  that  the financial  support be  limited to  a maximum
                 contribution of $4.50 per paid delegate, and a maximum
                 contribution of $5,000;

              -  that  the conference  organizers demonstrate  that the
                 conference  budget  includes  a  significant  level of
                 financial  support  from other  government  or private
                 sector organizations; and

              -  that appropriate recognition  of the City's  financial
                 and  other  support  be  provided  in  the  conference

         B.   THAT the maximums for paid delegate support ($4.50) and total
              support ($5,000) be adjusted annually, commencing in 1994, by
              the  inflation factor which is used to adjust ceilings on the
              City's Other Grants Budgets.

     Grant approvals require eight (8) affirmative votes.


     The purpose of this report  is to request a grant of $1,500  to assist
     Vancouver Police and  Fire & Rescue Services  with the hosting of  the
     1995 APCO 25 regional conference in Vancouver on November 21-24, 1995.


     APCO was  founded  in the  United States  more than  sixty years  ago.
     Today the  association  has more  than  12,000 members  worldwide  and
     represents every  facet of the public  safety communications industry,
     including  9-1-1 call takers and dispatchers and the people who design
     the hardware and software for emergency systems.  Uniform and civilian
     members  from the  Police,  Fire  &  Rescue  Services,  and  the  B.C.
     Ambulance Service,  including many of each  department's senior staff,
     will be attending the conference.


     The  Canadian  Chapter of  APCO -  International  will be  holding the
     Regional  Conference  and Trade  Show at  the  Pan Pacific  Hotel from
     November 21-24, 1995.   Participation from  both civilian and  uniform
     members from  police, emergency  health services and  fire departments
     from Canada and the Pacific Northwest is expected.

     The conference  will  attract  more  than  three  hundred  (300)  full
     registration attendees.   An additional  200 to 300  attendees on  day
     passes and over 45 vendors are  also expected.  If approved, the grant
     provided  will be  used to  offset the  program development  and event
     schedule costs associated with the conference.

     A  colour program will be  produced containing a  welcome message from
     the Mayor, as well as a full colour picture of  the Vancouver skyline.
     City attraction, visitor information  and acknowledgement of the grant
     provided by  the City of  Vancouver for  the conference  will also  be

     Police and Fire senior staff are executive members of APCO involved in
     organizing the conference and  are participating on a number  of event
     committees.   Many volunteers from the Police, Fire & Rescue Services,
     B.C. Ambulance Service and the Greater Vancouver Regional District are
     also helping to organize and host the event.  The conference is funded
     through member registration and vendor fees.


     The regional  APCO conference provides an opportunity  for City senior
     staff  to network with staff  from all areas  of public-safety service
     delivery  and  communication.     The  conference  also  provides  and
     opportunity  to receive  up-to-date  information from  vendors on  the
     latest advancements in technology used in the industry.  Enhancing the
     knowledge and  understanding of related changes  in technology through
     workshops,  vendor displays and demonstrations  is also a primary goal
     and an expected benefit to staff participating in the conference.


     There are no  financial implications  for the City,  its employees  or
     citizens other  than  the  provision  of the  grant  from  Contingency


     Provision  of  the  grant will  assist  the  co-hosts  of this  annual
     conference;  allowing  them  to  provide the  attendees  with  a  more
     comprehensive conference  program that will include  City of Vancouver
     and visitor information; enhancing both the image of the City and  the
     conference for all participants.

                                *   *   *   *   *