BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT

                                             Date:  Oct. 03, 1995
                                             Dept. File No.  GMcG

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Director of Land Use and Development

   SUBJECT:  Floor Space Relaxation and Heritage Designation - 
             225-255 Broadway 


        A.   THAT Council  supports a floor  space relaxation  of 465.2  m›
             (5,008  sq.  ft)  from 3.0  FSR  to  3.73 FSR  as  proposed in
             Development Application DE400089;

        B.   THAT Council approves the designation of the principal facades
             of the Vernon Building at 225-255 East Broadway, listed on the
             Vancouver Heritage Register in the "C" evaluation category, as
             a Protected Heritage Property.


        The General Manager  of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A
        and B.


   Council  policy on  heritage  designation states,  in  part, that  legal
   designation  will  be a  prerequisite to  accepting certain  bonuses and
   incentives.   Where a floor space increase exceeds 10% of the allowable,
   Council's approval is required.


   This  report seeks Council's support for an  increase in density at 225-
   255 East  Broadway in  exchange for  the  rehabilitation, upgrading  and
   heritage designation of the building as Protected Heritage Property.


   Heritage Value

   The Vernon Building,  named after the original builder,  F.T. Vernon, is
   located at the intersection of  Kingsway and East Broadway (see location
   map  Appendix A) and is  a prominent landmark  in Mt. Pleasant.   It was
   designed  by Townley  and  Matheson Architects,  who  also designed  the
   Vancouver City Hall. 
   The building is listed in  the "C" evaluation category on the  Vancouver
   Heritage Register and  is contextually important  since it is  one of  a
   collection of brick heritage buildings.  The historic Brewery Creek runs
   underground near the southeast corner of the site.

   The original portion of the Vernon Building was constructed in 1930 with
   a  full  basement,  ground  floor  and a  second  storey  that  occupied
   approximately 30% of  the footprint area.  The  partial second floor was
   located in the southeast corner of the site. The remainder of the second
   floor was constructed at a later date.

   Compatibility with Community Planning Objectives
   The Community Development Plan for Mount Pleasant (adopted by Council on
   October  6,  1987)   encourages  Council  to  adopt  policies  to  offer
   incentives such as  added floor space when  developers maintain existing
   buildings.   The Mt.  Pleasant Plan also  calls for  the revival  of the
   Brewery Creek Water Course and supports incentives to achieve this.  The
   current  development  application  proposes  the partial  retention  and
   partial rebuilding of the exterior wall of this significant building and
   the incorporation of  art work,  symbolizing the  Brewery Creek  Course,
   into the  sidewalk.   The applicant and  Planning and  Engineering staff
   will work  together to  develop a sidewalk  treatment acceptable  to all
   parties.  The  retention  and  rehabilitation  of  the  historic  Vernon
   Building is also  consistent with the City's overall  goal of preserving
   as many resources  as possible on the Heritage Register.  Therefore, the
   retention and  rehabilitation of  the Vernon  Building and  interpretive
   component for Brewery Creek are compatible with both community and city-
   wide planning objectives.

   Zoning Considerations

   The  proposed development  is  consistent  with the  intent  of the  C-2
   District Schedule which  seeks to encourage "....  commercial activities
   and personal  services  that require  central locations  to serve  large
   neighbourhoods, and  to provide  for dwelling  uses designed  compatibly
   with commercial  uses".    This development application  proposes ground
   floor  retail units  along  Kingsway and  Broadway,  which will  enhance
   pedestrian activity, and  an additional four  levels of residential  use

   The  following relaxations are required  to assist in the reconstruction
   of the exterior facades  of the building: rear  yard setback; 9  parking
   spaces; loading  access to one  commercial unit  and the floor  space as
   outlined in the following table:

                    Permitted       Proposed (i.e.   Effective
                                    existing         (proposed area
                                    building with    less above
                                    new additions)   grade parking
    Area (m›)               2,781.7         3,455.9         2,990.7

    Area (sq. ft.)           29,943          37,198          32,190

    F.S.R.                      3.0            3.73            3.23
    Relaxation                                24.3%            7.7%

   *  The "effective" FSR  figures are presented  to give a  picture of the
   amount  of useable  interior floor area,  which is being  bonused in the
   proposal.  The financial  benefit of having some  of the parking  above-
   grade is the savings in excavation costs.

   Council approval of the floor space relaxation is requested as the total
   relaxation,  which includes the above-grade parking floor space, exceeds
   the maximum permitted on  the site by more than 10%.   Other relaxations
   are supported by  and can be  approved by the  Director of Land  Use and
   Development by way  of section 3.2.5 of  the Zoning and Development  By-

   Condition and Economic Viability

   The building is in poor condition with respect to seismic stability. The
   face  brick  and  mortar  of  the  exterior  facades are  in  very  good
   condition,  but   the   structural   system   behind   has   experienced
   deterioration and movement.  The building will be fully upgraded to meet
   the  Vancouver Building By-law,  including any seismic  deficiencies, as
   part of the work to be completed. The owners will be compensated for the
   additional  cost of  upgrading the  heritage facades  through  the floor
   space relaxations requested in this report. 

   Rehabilitation  work on the  heritage building will  include dismantling
   existing  exterior  walls,   constructing  new   structural  walls   and
   reinstalling the  face brick and  decorative cast concrete panels.   The
   new building  mass to be added to the site has been designed to make the
   heritage facade the prominent feature of  the site (see Appendix B).   A
   three-storey  addition to the  top of the original  building will be set
   back  several feet  and finished in  contrasting materials  so as  to be
   distinct from the heritage building and blend into the background.  This
   approach of  distinguishing the new  facade from the original  facade is
   strongly supported by staff.

   Support Required to Enable Conservation

   The additional floor space, if  approved, will enable the rehabilitation
   and designation of the building to occur. The financial analysis of this
   heritage project  by Real Estate  Services supports the  requested floor
   space  relaxation.  In  a letter, on  file with the  Law Department, the
   owners  accept the relaxation  to be granted under  DE400089 as just and
   fair compensation for the designation of 225-255 East Broadway and waive
   any  future compensation demands.   Therefore, no  additional support to
   achieve appropriate conservation of this building is required.


   The Director of Legal  Services has prepared the necessary  Heritage By-
   law amendments  and  requirements have  been  met for  notification,  as
   specified by the Vancouver Charter.

   Comments of the Vancouver Heritage Commission

   The Vancouver Heritage Commission considered the rehabilitation proposal
   on July 10,  1995. The Commission commended the applicant for the design
   solution  and supported the requested relaxations of the floor space and
   lane setback. The Commission was concerned and wanted to know the amount
   and condition of the original bricks that will be re-used, the colour of
   the new bricks  and the detailing of the canopies.   It is documented in
   the revised application that the bricks and other heritage components of
   the original facades can and will be reused. 


   Council's  long  term  goal is  to  protect  heritage resources  through
   designation.   The owners  of 225-255 East  Broadway have agreed  to the
   heritage designation  of  the building  and  its partial  retention  and
   reconstruction, in return for relaxations to the maximum permitted floor
   space, rear yard setback  requirement, parking and loading requirements.
   The  proposed designation of  225-255 East  Broadway is  compatible with
   community planning objectives and the  zoning for the site.   The owners
   have agreed that the proposed development, with the relaxations granted,
   is  economically viable and will  not seek any  future compensation from
   the City. Designation of the  building will ensure that it is  protected
   from inappropriate  alterations or demolition in  the future. Therefore,
   it is recommended that  Council supports the floor space  relaxation and
   amends  Schedule  B of  the Heritage  By-law  to designate  225-255 East
   Broadway as a Protected Heritage Property.

                                   * * * * *
   General Mgr/Dept. Head              Report dated: Oct. 03, 1995       
                                       Author: Gerry McGeough            
   Date:                               Phone: 7091   IRTS Number:CC      
   This report has been                Concurring Departments              
   prepared in consultation            Law Department -  B. Porter         
   with the departments listed         Manager Real Estate-B. Maitland   to
   the right, and they                                                 
   concur with its contents.                                             
