VANCOUVER TRAFFIC COMMISSION

                                 June 20, 1995

        A Special Meeting of  the Vancouver Traffic Commission was  held on
   Tuesday, June  20, 1995 at approximately 7:30 p.m. in Committee Room No.
   1, Third Floor, City Hall.

        PRESENT:            Councillor Clarke, Acting Chair
                            Councillor Chiavario
                            Councillor Price

        ABSENT:             Councillor Bellamy  (Sick Leave)
                            Councillor Sullivan (Sick Leave)

        MANAGER'S           Dave Rudberg, General Manager,
        REPRESENTATIVE:           Engineering Services

        CLERK:              Gary MacIsaac

   Power to Act

        On January 11, 1994, the Council, by the required majority, granted
   this commission Power to Act  on all unanimous decisions.   The decision
   of the Commission contained herein  was unanimous and, therefore, stands

   1.   Blenheim Street Traffic Measures

        This  matter was deferred from the June 14, 1995 Traffic Commission
   meeting to  allow residents surrounding Blenheim  Street additional time
   to review the material.

        In an Administrative Report dated May 31, 1995, the General Manager
   of Engineering Services  reviewed a number  of traffic control  measures
   which could  be installed along Blenheim Street, and recommended several
   that would be effective  in downgrading two sections of  Blenheim Street
   between  16th Avenue  and  4th Avenue,  as  specified in  the  Kitsilano
   Traffic Plan.

        Mr.  Paul  Pinsker,  Transportation  Engineer,  advised  three  new
   traffic signals  have been installed  along Blenheim Street  since 1991.
   Lights were  installed at King Edward Avenue in 1991, at 10th Clause No.
   1 cont'd

   Avenue in 1992, and  at 16th Avenue in 1993.  At the time of approval of
   the  signal at 16th Avenue, concerns were expressed by the neighbourhood
   that the flow of traffic would increase, and Council instructed the City
   Engineer to monitor the impacts and report back on measures  to mitigate
   them.  Subsequently,  Council approved the  Kitsilano Traffic,  Cycling,
   and Parking Plan.   This plan includes recommendations that  Blenheim be
   downgraded from  a collector to  a local  street between 4th  Avenue and

   Broadway and from an arterial to a collector street between Broadway and
   16th Avenue.

        Mr. Pinsker advised that staff from  Engineering Services have been
   meeting with local residents since May of 1994 to explore  what measures
   could  be implemented to decrease the traffic flow, which are consistent
   with  Council approved policies for Blenheim.  Mr. Pinsker described the
   measures recommended for  installation between 4th  Avenue and  Broadway
   which are designed  to ensure this  portion of  Blenheim functions as  a
   local  street, and  the measures recommended  between Broadway  and 16th
   Avenue which are designed  to ensure this section of  Blenheim functions
   as a collector street.

        Approximately 810  copies of the questionnaire  were distributed to
   area residence to obtain  their preferences and another 175  were mailed
   to  non-resident owners of local  properties.  Results indicated support

   -    Right in/right-out diverter at 4th;
   -    Traffic circle at 6th;
   -    All 4 bulges;
   -    Mandatory right turn northbound at 16th;
   -    No left turn northbound to 10th, weekday peak periods; and
   -    New pavement, curbs,  and gutters  from 16th to  the lane north  of

        The results also indicated the neighbourhood split on the following

   -    Traffic circles at 12th and 14th;
   -    No  left  turn Broadway  westbound to  Blenheim, weekday  p.m. peak
        period; and
   -    Removal of the dividing line.Clause No. 1 cont'd

        The latter items were not recommended in the report before Council,
   although  the issue  of traffic  circles at  12th and  14th Avenues  was
   presented  for Council's  consideration.    Mr. Pinsker  further advised
   that staff  do not recommend  traffic circles at  12th & 14th  Avenue as
   this  section of Blenheim Street is still a collector street and traffic
   circles  are not intended for this kind  of situation.  The traffic flow
   on  Blenheim Street  is  greater than  the traffic  flow  from the  side
   streets, but  traffic  circles  assign  equality  to  traffic  from  all
   directions, so this measure will not be effective in this instance.

        The following speakers addressed the Commission:

        -    Dr. Chris Overall (petition on file)
        -    Mr. David Walker
        -    Mr. Bob Wilmot
        -    Mr. Perry McGinity
        -    Mr. Harold Leprie
        -    Mr. John Kidder (brief on file)
        -    Mr. Murray Margolis (brief on file)
        -    Ms. Theresa Thompson
        -    Mr. Randall Sharpe
        -    Ms. Sue Wisener.

        The  foregoing  speakers  all recommended  the  Commission  approve
   recommendations  A, B, D,  and E, and that  recommendation C be approved
   only  if recommendation E  is approved.   Support was also  given to the
   resolutions  of the  Blenheim Street  Residences Group  Report  which is
   attached to the May 31st Administrative Report.

        These  speakers based their recommendations  on one or  more of the
   following points:

   -    There  has been a dramatic  increase in traffic  on Blenheim Street
        over  the  past 10  years,  and recently  over  the  past 3  years,
        especially since the traffic  signals were installed.  Much  of the
        increase is commuter  traffic, or traffic  destined for  McDonald's
        Restaurant, Blockbuster Video or Jericho Beach;

   -    The traffic is making  the neighbourhood a less desirable  and more
        dangerous place to live,  and some residents have sold  their homes
        due to the increase;

   -    It  is not fair to inconvenience  Blenheim Street residents because
        people want an easier commute downtown;

   Clause No. 1 cont'd

   -    The resolutions recommended by the Engineering Department will  not
        have a significant  impact on decreasing  traffic; traffic  circles
        are required;

   -    The  Residents Group stated an initial preference for stop signs at
        12th and 14th Avenues, but in the spirit of compromise, agreed with
        the   Engineering  Department   preference  for   traffic  circles.
        However,  the  Engineering Department  is now  recommending against
        traffic circles at 12th and 14th Avenues;

   -    If  traffic circles are not approved by the Commission, then either
        stop signs or a traffic median is required;

   -    As the traffic on Blenheim directly affects residents living in the
        immediate  vicinity of the street, their views should be given more
        weight in the survey;

   -    The types of  problems facing  Blenheim Street are  similar to  the
        problems of  residents on  Cypress and  Trafalgar  Street, who  are
        presently working on solutions with the Engineering Department  and
        will be appearing before the Commission in the near future;

   -    The solutions being  advanced by the Blenheim Street  residents are
        consistent with the policies  stated in the CityPlan and  Clouds of
        Change reports.  The  City needs to  look at solutions designed  to
        decrease traffic flow  and encourage healthy  neighbourhoods.   The
        current  emphasis  is on  moving  traffic  efficiently rather  than
        calming it.

        Members  of  the  Commission  queried  Engineering  staff  on   the
   rationale for not recommending traffic circles at 12th and 14th Avenues.
   Mr.  Ian  Adam, Assistant  City Engineer,  advised  this section  of the
   street serves not only as a collector, but as a  distributor of traffic.
   Even  after the traffic circles  are installed, Blenheim  Street will be
   busier  than the  cross  streets,  and  the  circles  are  intended  for
   intersections  with equal  traffic.  Also,  the neighbourhood  is evenly
   split on the issue of installing traffic circles.  In other areas of the
   city where  traffic circles  have been  successfully installed,  such as
   Mount  Pleasant,  the   residents  were  70%-80%   in  favor  of   their
   installation.  Experience  has shown  that when the  City has  installed
   traffic circles without this level of support, they have sometimes ended
   up removing them.  

   Clause No. 1 cont'd

        The following motions by Councillor Chiavario were put and CARRIED.
   The Commission therefore 


        A.   THAT the following traffic measures be implemented along 
             Blenheim Street, with funding of $41,000 provided from
             Streets    Basic    Capital    Unappropriated   Account    No.
             13/32/9801/999 - Local Area Plans:

             i)   Traffic circle at 6th Avenue;
             ii)  Corner bulge at Broadway, northeast corner;
             iii) Corner bulge at Broadway, southwest corner;
             iv)  Corner bulge at 10th Avenue, northeast corner;
             v)   Corner bulge at 16th Avenue, northeast corner;
             vi)  Right-in/right-out diverter in the south leg
                  at 4th Avenue;
        B.   THAT the following traffic measures be implemented along
             Blenheim Street, provided out of existing funding in the 
             appropriate operating accounts:

             i)   Left  turn prohibition  during weekday  rush periods  for
                  northbound Blenheim at 10th Avenue; and
             ii)  Mandatory right turn from curb lane northbound 
                  approaching 16th Avenue;

        C.   THAT a local improvement for street paving, curb and
             gutter for Blenheim  Street between 16th  Avenue and the  lane
             north of 10th Avenue be advanced on the Initiative and, should
             it be  defeated,  that staff  bring  forward, for    Council's
             consideration, a recommendation to proceed on Special Grounds;

        D.   THAT staff continue to monitor the impacts to traffic 
             that result from the measures  of Recommendations A, B,    and
             C, and use stop sign infill as necessary to mitigate   changes
             or resolve existing problems on adjacent local streets; and
        E.   THAT temporary traffic circles on Blenheim Street at  12th and
             at  14th Avenues be installed at an estimated cost of $13,000,
             funded  from  Streets  Basic  Capital  Unappropriated  Account
             13/32/9801/999 - Local Area Plans.

                               *  *  *  *  *  *

             Recommendations approved by Council on July 11, 1995.

                               *  *  *  *  *  *
   Clause No. 1 cont'd

        The Commission members enquired about  the length of time necessary
   to install the  temporary traffic  circles.  Mr.  Dave Rudberg,  General
   Manager  of Engineering Services, advised he would ask staff to expedite
   this work, and it will likely be completed within a few weeks, hopefully
   before the next meeting of the Traffic Commission.

   2.   Other Business

        a)   HOV Lane on Granville Street

             Commission members requested  an update on  the status of  the
        HOV  lane on Granville between 63rd and 70th Avenues, and requested
        this  project  be accelerated  in light  of  the Oak  Street bridge

             Mr.  Dave  Rudberg, General  Manager  of  Engineering Services
        advised staff  are preparing ballots for  distribution and speaking
        to the local merchants, and hope to be able to extend this HOV lane
        as soon as possible.

        b)   Park Board Resolution - In-line Skating

             Councillor Chiavario advised the Commission of a June 19, 1995
        Park  Board resolution that the  City be approached  to establish a
        joint  working committee to develop  a strategy to better integrate
        in-line skating  and other alternate transportation  modes into our
        City and Park system.  The  Commission noted this matter should  be
        referred to the newly formed Committee on Transportation issues.

             This resolution was received for information

        c)   Cypress Street/Trafalgar Street
             Traffic Measures              

             Responding to  a query from a member  of the Commission on the
        status of  these projects, Mr.  Ian Adam advised  there is an  open
        house scheduled for the following evening which is intended to look
        at  some of  the options  available for  Cypress Street  residents,
        while  the Trafalgar  Street  project may  be  the first  in  which
        traffic circles  are brought forward through  the local improvement

               The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:55 p.m.

                             *   *   *   *   *   *