CITY OF VANCOUVER REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, July 25, 1995, in the Council Chamber, commencing at approximately 2:00 p.m. PRESENT: Mayor Owen Councillors Chiavario, Clarke, Hemer Ip, Kennedy, Kwan, Price, Puil and Sullivan ABSENT: Councillor Bellamy (Sick Leave) CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE: Ken Dobell, City Manager CLERK TO THE COUNCIL: M. Kinsella PRAYER The proceedings in the Council Chamber were opened with prayer read by the City Clerk. CONDOLENCES Mayor Owen advised Council of the recent passing of Dr. Walter Charles Koerner. Dr. Koerner was highly regarded for his contributions to the forest industry and as a philanthropist who supported education, Canadian art and culture, for which he was recognized by the City in 1986 when he was awarded Freedom of the City. MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy, SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan, THAT a letter of condolence, on behalf of Council, be sent to Dr. Koerner's family. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOA Award Ms. Margaret Warwick, President, Municipal Officers' Association, presented Mr. Ken Dobell, City Manager, with the Association's Professional Award for 1995. Mr. Dobell is one of two recipients to receive this award this year in recognition of his outstanding service in the field of local government, and in particular, the leadership he has demonstrated in the City of Vancouver by implementing innovative programs and new management practices. "IN CAMERA" Council was advised there were matters to be considered later this day, including Property, Legal and Personnel Matters. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Cllr. Puil, SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan, THAT the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting (City Services & Budgets) of June 29, 1995, be adopted - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED by Cllr. Hemer, SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan, THAT the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting (with the exception of the "In Camera" portion) of July 18, 1995, be adopted. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED by Cllr. Hemer, SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting (Oakridge/Langara) of June 27/July 20, 1995, be adopted. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, SECONDED by Cllr. Kwan, THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the Chair. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY REPORT REFERENCE 1. Compensation Review Committee File: 1255 Council, at its meeting on February 14, 1995, appointed a Compensation Review Committee to make recommendations on a base salary and on a system for regular adjustment of the remuneration for Council members. Before Council was a report dated July 20, 1995, from the Councillors' Compensation Review Panel submitting the following recommendations: A. THAT Councillors should be compensated at the same rate as an average full time employee in the Vancouver area, and that this compensation should be adjusted annually, as set out in this report, to track the changes in wages as reported by Statistics Canada ($39,278 for 1995). B. THAT the Mayor should be paid 2.27 times the rate of a Councillor ($89,154 for 1995). C. THAT Councillors acting as Deputy Mayor should be paid a supplement equal to 22% of the Mayor's monthly salary ($1,634 per month for 1995). D. THAT there should be no tax free component in the compensation paid to Councillors and the Mayor. E. THAT on receipt of expense claims, the City should reimburse actual expenses for members of Council and the Mayor, to a maximum of 10% of their annual wage, the ceiling to be reviewed after one full year of experience. F. THAT the new compensation formula should be effective August 1, 1995. REPORT REFERENCE (CONT'D) Compensation Review Committee (cont'd) G. THAT Council compensation should be adjusted on January 1, 1996, and annually thereafter to reflect current compensation levels in the community for an average full timeperson in theVancouver area, asset out inthis report. H. THAT Council should request amendments to the Vancouver Charter so that legislation authorizing Council participation in the Municipal Plan is consistent with legislation governing the Municipal Superannuation Plan. Ms. Lois Holstedt, Chair of the Compensation Review Panel, presented the Committee's report and thanked Council for the opportunity to participate in the review process. Ms. Holstedt reviewed each of the recommendations and explained the basis and rationale for the proposed changes. MOVED by Cllr. Hemer, THAT recommendation A of the Compensation Review Panel, as contained in this report dated July 20, 1995 and noted herein, be approved. - carried MOVED by Cllr. Kwan (in amendment), THAT the foregoing motion be amended to delete the words and figures "($39,278 for 1995)"; FURTHER THAT the following be added to the motion immediately following the words "in the Vancouver area": and the average for Collective Agreements with civic Unions and the GVRD - LOST (Councillors Chiavario, Clarke, Hemer, Ip, Kennedy, Price, Puil, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed) The motion to amend having lost, Councillor Hemer's motion was put and CARRIED with Councillor Kwan opposed. REPORT REFERENCE (CONT'D) Compensation Review Committee (cont'd) MOVED by Cllr. Hemer, THAT recommendations B, C, D and E of the Compensation Review Panel, as contained in this report dated July 20, 1995 and noted herein, be approved. - CARRIED (Councillor Kwan opposed to recommendations B and C) MOVED by Cllr. Hemer, THAT recommendation F of the Compensation Review Panel, as contained in this report dated July 20, 1995 and noted herein, be approved. - carried MOVED by Cllr. Kwan (in amendment), THAT the foregoing motion be amended to delete the date "August 1, 1995" and substitute therefor "at the Inaugural Meeting of the new Council in 1996". - LOST (Councillors Chiavario, Clarke, Hemer, Ip, Kennedy, Price, Puil, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed) The motion to amend having lost, Councillor Hemer's motion was put and CARRIED with Councillor Kwan opposed. MOVED by Cllr. Hemer, THAT recommendation G of the Compensation Review Panel, as contained in this report dated July 20, 1995 and noted herein, be approved. - carried REPORT REFERENCE (CONT'D) Compensation Review Committee (cont'd) MOVED by Cllr. Kwan (in amendment), THAT the foregoing motion be amended to delete the words "on January 1, 1996 and annually thereafter" and the following be added after the words "in the Vancouver area": or the average increase as outlined in negotiated agreements with the civic Unions, whichever is the lesser. - LOST (Councillors Chiavario, Clarke, Hemer, Ip, Kennedy, Price, Puil, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed) The motion to amend having lost, Councillor Hemer's motion was put and CARRIED with Councillor Kwan opposed. MOVED by Cllr. Hemer, THAT recommendation H of the Compensation Review Panel, as contained in this report dated July 20, 1995 and noted herein, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Oakridge/Langara Rezoning Policies File: 8024 Before Council was a Policy Report dated June 13, 1995 in which the Associate Director of Planning - Community Planning, in consultation with Manager of Housing Centre, Manager of Real Estate Services, General Manager of Engineering Services, General Manager of Parks & Recreation, Superintendent of Schools, and Deputy Director of Finance submitted a Planning Policy Statement for Oakridge/Langara and recommended adoption of the planning policy and sought funding approval to complete the remaining work in the study area. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (CONT'D) Oakridge/Langara Rezoning Policies (cont'd) The General Manager of Community Services recommended the following: A. THAT the proposed policies in the document entitled "Oakridge/Langara Policy Statement" (Appendix A of the Policy Report dated June 13, 1995) be adopted by Council for use in evaluating rezoning applications in the Oakridge/Langara study area. B. THAT planning program funds totalling $35,000 be approved to enable remaining work items to be completed, with the source of funds to be Contingency Reserve. The remaining work items are: facilitation of design for large site rezonings, traffic management planning, and a public benefit strategy (including the investigation of applying Development Cost Levies). It was noted that on June 27 and July 20, 1995, Council heard delegations on the proposed Oakridge/Langara Rezoning Policies, and the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting and the public response to the proposed planning policies were also before Council. Mr. Frank Ducote, Senior Community Planner, provided an overview of the public response from the aforementioned meeting and noted that 20 of the delegations were in support of the proposed planning policies while 12 were opposed either in whole or part to the proposals. Mr. Ducote advised that if the policies are adopted, this will provide a 20-30 year vision for the future of the Oakridge/Langara area. These policies do not replace CityPlan but rather are a parallel process. Approximately 87% of the study area will remain with the present rezoning. Of the 3,500 additional units to be developed in the future, approximately 60% of these would be ground-oriented and 40% would be apartment style. Public amenities would be developed in relationship to the growth in the area. MOVED by Cllr. Kwan, THAT this matter be deferred until such time as the CityPlan implementation process has been adopted. - LOST (Councillors Chiavario, Clarke, Hemer, Ip, Kennedy, Price, Puil, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed) UNFINISHED BUSINESS (CONT'D) Oakridge/Langara Rezoning Policies (cont'd) MOVED by Cllr. Puil, THAT the Oakridge/Langara Policy Statement dated June 13, 1995, be amended on page 8 to delete the following words in Section 3.8: "and mid-rise"; FURTHER THAT Section 3.9 of the Policy Statement be amended to delete the words "and limited mid-rise". - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED by Cllr. Ip, THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services, in consultation of the General Managers of Community Services and Corporate Services, report back on alternative approaches to recovering the cost of city infrastructure upgrades needed due to increased demand related to rezoning, and on phasing options to implement the Oakridge/Langara policies in accordance with the availability of adequate sewer and water infrastructure to serve the increased density. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT recommendations A and B, as contained in the Policy Report dated June 13, 1995, be approved, taking into account the amendments to the Policy Statement approved this day by Council, and subject to the following additional amendments: - to exclude the property at 6288 and 6290 Ash Street from the high priority sub-area. - to include the property in the 6100-Block Cambie Street in the high priority sub-area. - CARRIED (Councillor Kwan opposed) - - - - - VARY ORDER OF THE AGENDA Council agreed to vary the order of the Agenda and consider Administrative Report 14 at this time. MANAGER'S REPORTS 14. Administrative Report (July 11, 1995) Funding for Health/Hygiene Service, File: 4101-4 Gathering Place MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community Services, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY * * * CIVIC RECOGNITION Council gave special recognition to those individuals and corporations which assisted Vancouver in hosting a recent delegation from Yokohama. The Mayor presented proclamations to the following organizations in appreciation for their significant contributions: Vancouver Port Corporation Canada Place Corporation Magee Secondary School, Music Department Vancouver Bach Youth Choir Tourism Vancouver Certificates of appreciation were also presented to a number of individuals for their participation on the organizing committee, as follows: David Graham Keith Hemphill Bill Watson Michael Francis Robert Fairweather Kaz Sato Hideo Nishi Patrick Bird Sarah Lucas Colleen McGuinness Maria Kinsella * * * Council recessed at 4:30 p.m. for an 'In Camera" meeting in the Mayor's Office, and reconvened at 6:00 p.m. with the same members present except Councillor Hemer. * * * UNFINISHED BUSINESS (CONT'D) 2. Bicycle Parking Requirements File: 5553 (Amendments to Parking and Building By-laws) In a Policy Report dated May 3, 1995, the General Manager of Engineering Services, in consultation with the Associate Director of Planning - Land Use and Development, submitted a number of modified standards for bicycle parking requirements. These amendments to the Parking By-law were modified as a result of a workshop on February 23, 1995, and are in place of original recommendations forwarded to Public Hearing on October 20, 1994. The following were submitted for Council's consideration: A. THAT revised amendments to the Parking By-law, dealing with bicycle parking requirements, generally in accordance with Appendix A to the Policy Report dated May 3, 1995, be approved in place of corresponding amendments submitted to Public Hearing on October 20, 1994. B. THAT the motion to amend the Building By-law to require shower and change facilities for non-dwelling uses which require the provision of bicycle parking (approved by Council on July 26, 1994) be rescinded, and in its place revised amendments to the Building By-law, generally in accordance with Appendix B to the Policy Report dated May 3, 1995, be approved, for enactment at the same time as the amendments to the Parking By-law. It was noted that on May 16, 1995, when this report was initially considered, Council referred it to a public information meeting, which was held on July 11, 1995, to provide an opportunity for the public to address Council concerning the proposed amendments to the Parking and Building By-laws. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (CONT'D) Bicycle Parking Requirements (Amendments to Parking and Building By-laws)(cont'd) Also before Council was a memorandum dated July 12, 1995, from the General Manager of Engineering Services recommending that the bicycle parking requirements, as contained in the Policy Report dated May 3, 1995, be approved, with a number of options listed in the memorandum. MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the Parking By-law be amended to require a minimum of one space for each 750 sq. metres of gross floor area for Class A office, retail and service uses. - CARRIED (Councillors Kennedy and Puil opposed) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the Parking By-law be amended to require a minimum of one space for every 30 dwelling, housekeeping or sleeping units in Class A hotel use. - CARRIED (Councillor Kwan opposed) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the Parking By-law be amended to require a minimum of one space for every 25 employees in Class A hospital and school uses. - CARRIED (Councillors Kennedy and Puil opposed) UNFINISHED BUSINESS (CONT'D) Bicycle Parking Requirements (Amendments to Parking and Building By-laws)(cont'd) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the Parking By-law be amended to require a minimum of 1.25 spaces for every dwelling unit in Class A multiple-dwelling market residential uses. - CARRIED (Councillor Kwan opposed) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the Parking By-law be amended to reflect a 4% mode split equivalent. - CARRIED (Councillor Puil opposed) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the Parking By-law be amended to provide for a maximum bicycle room capacity of 40 bicycles. - CARRIED (Councillors Chiavario, Kwan and Price opposed) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the Parking By-law be amended to permit more than one level below grade where an elevator is conveniently located. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the Parking By-law be amended to allow bicycle lockers to be located at the head of a parking space. - carried unanimously UNFINISHED BUSINESS (CONT'D) Bicycle Parking Requirements (Amendments to Parking and Building By-laws)(cont'd) MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy (in amendment), THAT the foregoing motion be amended to provide a choice of securing bicycles in residential buildings without a bicycle room or compound. - LOST (Councillors Chiavario, Clarke, Hemer, Ip, Price, Puil, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed) The motion to amend having lost, Councillor Clarke's motion was put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOVED by Cllr. Clark, THAT the Parking By-law be amended to allow variable dimensions for bicycle space access. - CARRIED (Councillors Chiavario and Price opposed) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the Parking By-law be amended to require reinforcing bar for bicycle compounds, with no exception. - CARRIED (Councillor Kennedy opposed) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the bicycle locker design and security provisions of the Parking By-law not require protection from the elements. - CARRIED (Councillors Chiavario, Kwan, Price and Sullivan opposed) UNFINISHED BUSINESS (CONT'D) Bicycle Parking Requirements (Amendments to Parking and Building By-laws)(cont'd) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the Building By-law be amended with respect to shower and change room requirements to provide a threshold for showers of four Class A spaces. - CARRIED (Councillor Puil opposed) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the Building By-law be amended to require one shower for each sex for up to 29 spaces. - CARRIED (Councillors Kennedy and Puil opposed) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the Building By-law be amended to allow sharing of facilities with fitness centres provided that shower/change facilities meet the standards and are accessible to cyclists. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy, THAT the Parking By-law be amended to provide a minimum of 50% of the required Class A bicycle spaces to be placed horizontally on floor or ground. - CARRIED (Councillors Clarke, Kwan and Price opposed) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT recommendation A, as contained in the Policy Report dated May 3, 1995 and noted herein, be approved together with the further amendments approved this day. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY UNFINISHED BUSINESS (CONT'D) Bicycle Parking Requirements (Amendments to Parking and Building By-laws)(cont'd) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT recommendation B, as contained in the Policy Report dated May 3, 1995 and noted herein, be approved together with the further amendments approved this day. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D) 1. Administrative Report (July 10, 1995) Revenue General Pilot Program - File: 5527-2 Street Name Signs MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Engineering Services, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED (Councillor Puil opposed) MOVED by Cllr. Kwan, THAT any revenue generated from this Pilot Program be directed to the Community Services Grants Fund. - LOST (Councillors Chiavario, Clarke, Hemer, Ip, Kennedy, Price, Puil, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed)MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D) 2. Administrative Report (July 11, 1995) Private Property Sewer Separation File: 5809-2/4253 of Queen Elizabeth Theatre MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Engineering Services, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3. Administrative Report (July 11, 1995) Fraserview and Still Creek File: 5809-2 Sewer Inflow and Transportation Reduction Programs MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Engineering Services, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. Administrative Report (July 7, 1995) Form of Development: 600 Denman Street File: 2605-2 DA 217420 - CD-1 By-law Number 7232 MOVED by Cllr. Puil, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community Services, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D) 5. Administrative Report (July 10, 1995) Fee-Based Information Service File: 4004-2 MOVED by Cllr. Ip, THAT the recommendation of the Corporate Management Team, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED (Councillor Kwan opposed) 6. Administrative Report (July 12, 1995) Proposal by Marathon Realty Company File: 8007-26/5302-4 Limited ("Marathon") to Subdivide Lot 7, D.L. 541 and of the Public Harbour of Burrard Inlet, Plan 13607 ("Lot 7") MOVED by Cllr. Puil, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Engineering Services, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. Administrative Report (June 30, 1995) Lease of 875-925 Terminal Avenue: File: 5117 Butler Box and Storage Inc. MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Corporate Services, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D) 8. Administrative Report (July 11, 1995) Lease Terms for 983 Homer Street File: 5117 MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community Services, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. Administrative Report (July 11, 1995) C.A.R.E. Proposal - Non-Family Non-Market File: 4661-2/8010-2 Site Roundhouse Neighbourhood - Concord Pacific Place MOVED by Cllr. Ip, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community Services, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY - - - VARY ORDER OF THE AGENDA Council agreed to vary the order of the Agenda and consider Administrative Report 10 and Policy Reports 4 and 5 concurrently. MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D) 10. Administrative Report (July 11, 1995) Consultant Selection for the File: 8007-8 East Downtown Community Impacts Study 4. Policy Report (July 11, 1995) East Downtown Housing Plan File: 8007-8 5. Policy Report (July 11, 1995) Gastown Land Use Plan - File: 8012 Proposed Terms of Reference Mr. Larry Beasley, Associate Director of Planning - Central Area, reviewed the overall strategy proposed by the three reports before Council. While these reports are related, they represent three separate areas of work. The Housing Plan needs to be considered in the larger context of the East Downtown, while the Gastown Land Use Plan will be undertaken on a neighbourhood basis. The three studies will be proceeding at the same time, but represent separate areas of work. These studies will be coordinated and managed together. Ms. Jeannette Hlavach, Planner, and Ms. Jill Davidson, Housing Centre, both responded to questions from Council regarding the reports. Ms. Hlavach advised that DERA was not identified as a group for inclusion on the GHAPC Sub-Committee as it does not operate non-market housing within the Gastown Study Area. MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community Services, as contained in the Administrative Report dated July 11, 1995 entitled "Consultant Selection for the East Downtown Community Impacts Study" and quoted below, be approved: MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D) Consultant Selection for the East Downtown Community Impacts Study East Downtown Housing Plan Gastown Land Use Plan - Proposed Terms of Reference (cont'd) A. THAT City Spaces Consulting Limited and Domain Consulting Limited be contracted to undertake Phase I of the East Downtown Community Impacts Study. B. THAT funding from Contingency Reserve for Phase I of the East Downtown Community Impacts Study be confirmed to a maximum of $25,000, including taxes and disbursements, for hiring consultants and to a maximum of $5,000 for public consultation costs, including staff overtime. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community Services, as contained in the Policy Report dated July 11, 1995 entitled "East Downtown Housing Plan" and quoted below, be approved: A. THAT the outline Terms of Reference in Appendix A of the Policy Report dated July 11, 1995 for an East Downtown Housing Plan be approved. B. THAT staff be authorized to adjust and refine the outline Terms of Reference as needed through discussions with the affected communities, noting that any substantive changes would be reported back to Council for direction. C. THAT funding to a maximum of $20,000 including taxes and disbursements, be approved for consultants and public consultation costs, source of funds is the Demolition Fee Reserve. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D) Consultant Selection for the East Downtown Community Impacts Study East Downtown Housing Plan Gastown Land Use Plan - Proposed Terms of Reference (cont'd) MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community Services, as contained in the Policy Report dated July 11, 1995 entitled "Gastown Land Use Plan - Proposed Terms of Reference" and quoted below, be approved: A. THAT the Terms of Reference for the Gastown Land Use Plan, as described in Appendix B of the Policy Report dated July 11, 1995, be approved in principle, and staff be authorized to refine them in consultation with the community; and B. THAT a budget allocation of $6,000.00 be approved to supplement $4,000 already in the Planning Department's 1995 budget, to cover the costs of public consultation; source of funds to be Contingency Reserve. - CARRIED (Councillor Kwan opposed) MOVED by Cllr. Kwan, THAT the terms of reference for the East Downtown Housing Plan and the Gastown Land Use Plan be brought together for a Land Use Plan in the Downtown Eastside Area. - LOST (Councillors Chiavario, Clarke, Hemer, Ip, Kennedy, Price, Puil, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed) MOVED by Cllr. Kwan, THAT there be formal representation on the Steering Committee to oversee these projects, including local residents and representation from resident groups such as Carnegie Community Centre, DERA, Main and Hastings Community Development Association, Four Sisters Co-op, Community Health Committee, Strathcona Residents' Association and Strathcona Community Centre Association. - LOST (Councillors Chiavario, Clarke, Hemer, Ip, Kennedy, Price, Puil, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed) * * * * * Due to the lateness of the hour, Council agreed to recess at 7:00 p.m. and reconvene on Thursday, July 27, 1995, immediately following the Standing Committee on City Services & Budgets meeting. * * * The Council reconvened on Thursday, July 27, 1995, in Committee Room No. 1, at approximately 9:40 a.m., with all members present. * * * MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D) 11. Administrative Report (July 12, 1995) Vancouver Museum Operations Review - File: 4002-1 Appointment of Consultant In an Administrative Report dated July 12, 1995, the Director, Office of Cultural Affairs and Comptroller of Budgets & Research requested Council's authorization to appoint consultants to undertake a review of the Vancouver Museum Operations. Mr. Burke Taylor, Director, Office of Cultural Affairs, responded to questions from Council and advised that the study will be very comprehensive and will consider a range of options for the operation of the Museum. The consultants work will also include a review and consideration of any previous reports which have been prepared on the Vancouver Museum. MOVED by Cllr. Puil, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Corporate Services and the General Manager of Community Services, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D) 12. Administrative Report (July 6, 1995) Enhanced Psychogeriatric Care File: 4101-4 Transfer Project MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community Services, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 13. Administrative Report (July 11, 1995) Voice Mail for the Police Department File: 1158/1306-4 MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the recommendation of the Chief Constable, as contained in this report, be amended and approved as follows: THAT Council approve the implementation of a voice mail system within the Police Department at an approximate cost of $200,000. The source of the funding to be $150,000 from the Police Building Capital Accounts and $50,000 from the 1996 Supplementary Capital Budget with interim financing from Revenue Surplus. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY *underlining denotes amendment 14. Administrative Report (July 11, 1995) Funding for Health/Hygiene Service, File: 4101-4 Gathering Place For Council action see page 9. MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D) 15. Administrative Report (July 14, 1995) Development of the Emergency Operations File: 3603-2 and Communications Centre In an Administrative Report dated July 14, 1995, the Director, Risk & Emergency Management Division for Emergency Management Committee (City Manager, Chief Constable, and General Managers of Fire & Rescue Services, Engineering Services, and Parks & Recreation) and General Manager, Corporate Services, described the proposed Emergency Operations and Communications Centres and recommended funding arrangements including Infrastructure Program funding approved for the project. The report also sought authorization to negotiate participation in the EOCC by other agencies, at no additional cost to the City. The City Manager recommended approval of the recommendations contained in the report, noting they are fully supported by the Emergency Management Committee and the General Manager of Corporate Services. MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy, THAT the recommendation of the City Manager, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy, THAT Council members contact other Mayors in the Region to encourage their participation in the EOCC project. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 16. Administrative Report (July 4, 1995) Enhanced Counterattack Enforcement Project File: 3701-4 MOVED by Cllr. Hemer, THAT this report be received for information. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D) 17. Administrative Report (July 13, 1995) Demolition of Dangerous Building File: 2701-4 4416 West 10th Avenue MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community Services, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 18. Administrative Report (July 18, 1995) Bill C76 Budget Implementation Act File: 111-2 As a delegation request had been received, this matter was referred to the appropriate Standing Committee. 19. Administrative Report (July 20, 1995) Lease of Caretaker's Suite - File: 1203/4551-2 1878 Robson Street MOVED by Cllr. Price, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community Services, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 1. Policy Report (July 10, 1995) Proposed Cd-1 Text Amendment - File: 5307-2 3132-3150 Rosemont Drive MOVED by Cllr. Hemer, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community Services, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D) 2. Policy Report (July 5, 1995) Installation of a Jail Booking File: 1306-4/150-2 and Criminal Records Management System (CREMM/DES Project) Before Council were three reports from the Chief Constable concerning: - Installation of a Computerized Booking and Criminal Records Tracking System at the Police Department. - Staffing Needs in relation to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. - Funding to complete the Information Management Project. MOVED by Cllr. Hemer, THAT the memorandum dated July 14, 1995 from Acting Chief Constable Ken Higgins be received; FURTHER THAT the recommendation of the Chief Constable, as contained in the Policy Report dated July 5, 1995 entitled "Installation of a Jail Booking and Criminal Records Management System (CREMM/DES Project)", be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED by Cllr. Puil, THAT the recommendation of the Chief Constable, as contained in the Policy Report dated July 5, 1995 entitled "Staffing Needs Imposed by the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act", be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED by Cllr. Hemer, THAT the recommendation of the Chief Constable, as contained in the Policy Report dated July 5, 1995 entitled "Staffing Requirements - Information Management Project", be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D) Installation of a Jail Booking and Criminal Records Management System (CREMM/DES Project)(cont'd) A member of Council requested that at year end, staff report back on the overall impact on the City of the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act, and the costs which have been incurred as a result of the new Legislation. The City Manager undertook to provide the requested report. 3. Policy Report (June 30, 1995) Proposed Rezoning of File: 5304-2 1202-92 West Georgia Street MOVED by Cllr. Price, THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community Services, as contained in this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. Policy Report (July 11, 1995) East Downtown Housing Plan File: 8007-8 For Council action see page 19. 5. Policy Report (July 11, 1995) Gastown Land Use Plan - File: 8012 Proposed Terms of Reference For Council action see page 19. COMMISSIONS AND OTHER REPORTS I. Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission (Part Report) (July 13, 1995) 932 Granville Street - File: 2613-10 The Roxy Cabaret Ltd. Increase in Seating Capacity (Clause 1) In its report dated July 13, 1995, the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission submitted for Council's consideration an Administrative Report dated July 4, 1995 from the Deputy Chief Licensing Inspector, concerning The Roxy Cabaret capacity. The report reviewed a proposal by The Roxy Cabaret Ltd. to increase the seating capacity in the Class 'C' Cabaret, at 932 Granville Street, from 195 to 275 seats. It was noted the application would be subject to The Roxy Cabaret entering into a 10-year housing agreement to provide affordable housing for people on social assistance in the building. MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy, A. THAT the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission endorse the application by The Roxy Cabaret Ltd., to increase the seating capacity to 275 seats in the Class 'C' Cabaret at 932 Granville Street, subject to a 10-year housing agreement to the satisfaction of the Manager of the Housing Centre and the Director of Legal Services and the sound separation on the ceiling of the cabaret being acceptable to the Director of Environmental Health; and B. THAT the City Clerk be instructed to not forward this endorsement to the Liquor Control & Licensing Branch until these conditions have been met. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario, THAT staff be instructed to incorporate provisions in the Housing Agreement to provide for monitoring and to ensure the building is maintained in a quality manner; FURTHER THAT the Housing Agreement include provisions, to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services, ensuring that any subsequent purchaser of the hotel, within the term of the agreement assume, in form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, the obligations of the owner pursuant to the Housing Agreement, and that the terms and conditions of the original agreement apply to any subsequent purchaser. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY RISE FROM COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ADOPT REPORT OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MOVED by Cllr. Ip, SECONDED by Cllr. Hemer, THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY BY-LAWS 1. A By-law to amend By-law No. 6555, being the Noise By-law (1. Exemption for B.C. Place Stadium Events 2. Refuse Container) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan, THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment. MOVED by Cllr. Price, SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario, THAT the By-law be amended in Section 1 by deleting Section 14A(b), and substituting therefor the following: (b) emanates from B.C. Place Stadium and is caused by a concert or an event using motor vehicles, provided that the total number of such concerts or events does not exceed 6 in a year. - LOST (Councillors Bellamy, Clarke, Hemer, Kennedy, Puil and the Mayor opposed) *underlining denotes amendment BY-LAWS (CONT'D) A By-law to amend By-law No. 6555, being the Noise By-law (1. Exemption for B.C. Place Stadium Events 2. Refuse Container)(cont'd) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan, THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law. - CARRIED (Councillors Chiavario, Ip, Kwan, Price and Sullivan opposed) 2. A By-law to amend By-law No. 3575 being the Zoning & Development By-law (Rezoning M-1 to CD-1 - 2750 Slocan St.) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario, THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time. - CARRIED (Councillor Kwan opposed) The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment. There being no amendments, it was MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario, THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law. - CARRIED (Councillor Kwan opposed) (Councillors Bellamy and Kennedy were excused from voting on By-law 2) BY-LAWS (CONT'D) 3. A By-law to amend By-law No. 3575, being the Zoning & Development By-law (Rezoning of 2790 Vine Street M-1 to CD-1 - CD-1 By-law No. 1) MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy, SECONDED by Cllr. Price, THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time. - CARRIED (Councillor Kwan opposed) The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment. There being no amendments, it was MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy, SECONDED by Cllr. Price, THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law. - CARRIED (Councillor Kwan opposed)BY-LAWS (CONT'D) 4. A By-law to amend By-law No. 3575, being the Zoning & Development By-law (Rezoning of 2790 Vine Street M-1 to CD-1 - CD-1 By-law No. 2) MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy, SECONDED by Cllr. Price, THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time. - CARRIED (Councillor Kwan opposed) The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment. There being no amendments, it was MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy, SECONDED by Cllr. Price, THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law. - CARRIED (Councillor Kwan opposed) 5. A By-law to amend By-law No. 3575, being the Zoning & Development By-law (Rezoning of 2750 Vine Street [Park] M-1 to RS-1) MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy, SECONDED by Cllr. Price, THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time. - CARRIED (Councillor Kwan opposed) The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment. There being no amendments, it was MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy, SECONDED by Cllr. Price, THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law. - CARRIED (Councillor Kwan opposed)BY-LAWS (CONT'D) 6. A By-law to vary the amounts authorized to be borrowed for certain projects under the 1994-1996 three year plan (Development of the Emergency Operations and Communications Centre) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario, THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment. There being no amendments, it was MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario, THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY MOTIONS A. Approval of Form of Development 2750 Slocan Street MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario, THAT the approved form of development for the CD-1 zoned site known as 2750 Slocan Street be amended generally as illustrated in DA 217296, prepared by Kasian Kennedy Architects Ltd., and stamped "Received, Planning Department, May 30, 1995", provided that the Director of Planning may approve design changes which would not adversely affect either the development character and livability of this site or adjacent properties. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOTIONS (CONT'D) B. CD-1 Guidelines - 2790 Vine Street MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy, SECONDED by Cllr. Price, THAT the document entitled "Arbutus/Vine Industrial Area CD-1 Guidelines" be adopted by Council for use by applicants and staff for development applications at 2790 Vine Street. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ENQUIRIES AND OTHER MATTERS Proposed Health Promotion File: 4101-4 Strategy Councillor Ip advised that the Health Sub- Committee of the Seniors Advisory Committee has been working with a seniors hearing assessment project for some time. This project will conclude early 1996. The Seniors Committee has just become aware of an application by UBC and the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association for funding to undertake a project which would enable hearing screening of seniors to continue. Social interaction is critical to the health of the elderly and, therefore, the Seniors Advisory Committee has requested the Mayor to send a letter of support for the project to the Social Services & Humanities Research Council of Canada. Councillor Ip advised that she was making this request on behalf of the Seniors Advisory Committee, as the Committee will not be meeting again before Council's summer recess. The Mayor undertook to send a letter of support for the project as requested. ENQUIRIES & OTHER MATTERS (CONT'D) Noise Complaints File: 3755-2 Councillor Puil advised he has been receiving a number of phone calls concerning noise from garbage trucks and on- street construction commencing prior to the permitted start times in the mornings. Councillor Puil also suggested a notice be provided along with all building permits advising of the hours within which construction noise is permissible. Another member of Council also expressed concern regarding the manner in which City crews use their communications radios, which is very disturbing to the neighbourhood. The City Manager undertook to investigate the various complaints and bring back suggestions with regard to improving notification. Allowable Expenses for File: 1255 Council Members Councillor Clarke referred to the new policy on compensation for Council members, approved on July 25, 1995, and in particular the new provision regarding the reimbursement of actual expenses for Council members up to a maximum of 10% of their annual wage. Councillor Clarke requested the City Manager to provide Council with information concerning allowable expenses which may be claimed back from the City, together with the necessary forms for reimbursement. The City Manager undertook to do so. ENQUIRIES & OTHER MATTERS (CONT'D) Bus Priority Signals File: 5554-2 Councillor Sullivan enquired concerning bus priority signals for buses moving out of bus stops. The Mayor said BC Transit is looking at the issue and a report is forthcoming. Provisions for Monthly File: 1551-2 Tax Payment Councillor Sullivan enquired concerning the ability of property owners to remit property taxes to the City on a monthly basis. The City Manager advised that while this is currently permitted, the City requires better systems to more efficiently handle monthly tax payments before consideration is given to making such a requirement mandatory. Illegal Vending File: 2630 Councillor Kennedy noted there are illegal vendors operating along Denman Street in the evenings and on week-ends, and enquired concerning the ability to enforce against this illegal activity. Councillor Kennedy noted there are no legal vending locations on Denman Street. The City Manager undertook to advise the Councillor on the issue of enforcement. ENQUIRIES & OTHER MATTERS (CONT'D) Urban Soundscape Task Force File: 3755-2 Councillor Price suggested there is an increasing level of noise in the City created by vehicular traffic, including motorcycles, as well as sirens and construction noise. Councillor Price suggested an Urban Soundscape Task Force be established to look at on-going ways of dealing with noise, especially in the Downtown area. Councillor Price requested the City Manager to report back on terms of reference for a potential Urban Soundscape Task Force, taking into consideration the noise regulation by-law which is in place in the District of West Vancouver. The Mayor so directed. CRTC Intervention File: 5805 The City Manager advised Council of an appeal by BC Tel to the CRTC of the position taken by the City of New Westminster concerning the installation of telephone ducts in City streets in that Municipality. The Federation of Canadian Municipalities has intervened in the issue, and the City Manager requested authorization for the City of Vancouver to intervene as well. MOVED by Cllr. Puil, SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the Director of Legal Services be authorized to file an intervention to the CRTC in regard to the dispute between the City of New Westminster and BC Tel regarding installation of telephone ducts on Municipal streets. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY * * * The Council recessed at approximately 11:15 a.m. for an 'In Camera' meeting in Committee Room No. 1. * * *