SPECIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE
                            ON CULTURAL COMMUNITIES  

                                           Date:  July 4, 1995.


   1.   Additional Community of Interest Health Advisory Committee
        for the Gay and Lesbian Community                         

        In  November, 1991, the Royal  Commission on Health  Care and Costs
   released its recommendations, the  primary one being the regionalization
   of health care.   The Ministry  of Health  strategy provides for  twenty
   health regions in the Province, each with its own Regional Health Board.

        The Royal  Commission identified  seven population groups  that are
   having  difficulty  accessing  effective  health  services:   aboriginal
   people, women,  children/youth, people with mental  illness, people with
   disabilities, the elderly and ethnic minorities.

        The  Special Advisory  Committee on Cultural  Communities discussed
   community of interest advisory  health committees (population groups) at
   its meetings on May 3 and June 7, 1995.

        On  May 3,  the Committee  received a  presentation from  Ms. Simin
   Tabrizi, Co-ordinator, Population  Health Advisory Committees, Vancouver
   Health  Board, regarding health  advisory committees.   The question was
   raised  as to  why gays and  lesbians were  not included  as an advisory
   health  committee.  Ms. Tabrizi  indicated direction was  taken from the
   Royal Commission Report that identified the seven groups outlined above.
   Public  discussion  will  be  held  June/July,  after  which  time other
   advisory committees may be considered.

        On June  7, 1995, Rev.  Tim Stevenson,  a member of  the Committee,
   advised  he had  met with  individuals/organizations who  identified the
   health  issues   of  the   lesbian,  gay,  bisexual   and  transgendered
   communities and  the  recognized  need for  an  additional  health  care
   committee.    There  is   substantial  literature  that  emphasizes  the
   importance of these people as an identifiable community.  

        The Special  Advisory Committee on Cultural  Communities recognized
   the need  of these  communities  to be  included as  an advisory  health
   committee  and authorized  Rev.  Stevenson to  meet  with the  Chair  to
   prepare a report to Council on behalf of the Committee.

        Rev. Stevenson and I met several times to discuss the issue, and to
   review  available  literature  including  the  June,  1995,  December  9
   Coalition  report  entitled  "Heterosexism  is  Bad  for  Our  Health..A
   critical commentary on the health concerns of the lesbian, gay, bisexual
   and transgendered communities" (on file in the City Clerk's Office).

        The  above  report  represents  a tremendous  community  effort  to
   identify the health issues of these communities and to recognize them as
   a  community  of  interest  health  advisory  committee.    It  contains
   statistics that show barriers to adequate health care have resulted in a
   lower  health status  for  lesbians, gays,  bisexuals and  transgendered
   people.   The  report recommends  these communities  be recognized  as a
   community  of  interest  health  advisory  committee  by  the  Vancouver
   Regional  Health Board.   The  advisory committee  will advocate  and be
   accountable to its communities.

        As   public  discussions  are  being  held   with  respect  to  the
   representation on  various advisory health committees,  it is imperative
                                     - 2 -

   the  request for  an additional  community  of interest  health advisory
   committee be forwarded to the Ministry of Health as soon as possible.

        On   behalf  of   the  Special   Advisory  Committee   on  Cultural
   Communities, I hereby


        THAT  Vancouver City Council  urge the Ministry of  Health to add a
        Community of Interest Health Advisory Committee for lesbians, gays,
        bisexuals and transgendered people to the Vancouver Regional Health

                                            "Eleanor Atienza"              
                                      Eleanor Atienza, Chair
                                      Special Advisory Committee
                                      on Cultural Communities.


   Noting that Vancouver City  Council has declined to accept  appointments
   to the Regional Health Board,  Council may not wish to advise  the Board
   on  how  it  structures  its  representation from  many  communities  of

   The City Manager puts forward an alternate recommendation:

        THAT Vancouver  City  Council submit  the concerns  of the  Special
        Advisory Committee on Cultural Communities, by way of this  report,
        for consideration by the Ministry of Health.