Agenda Index City of Vancouver

JULY 11, 2002


For information, please contact
Denise Salmon, Meeting Coordinator, at 604.873.7269
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At its meeting immediately following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting of July 11, 2002, Vancouver City Council approved the following:

1. 2002 Childcare Grants Allocation 1 of 3

A. THAT Council approve 10 City-wide Child Care Support Service grants totalling $241,746, as listed in the Administrative Report dated June 18, 2002, entitled "2002 Childcare Grants Allocation 1 of 3"; source of funds: 2002 Childcare Grants Funds, 2002 Operating Budget.

2. 2002 Childcare Grants Allocation - Report 2 of 3

A. THAT Council approve 22 Childcare Program Enhancement Grants totaling $123,321 as listed in Appendix I of the Administrative Report dated June 25, 2002, entitled "2002 Childcare Grants Allocation- Report 2 of 3", with conditions as noted; source of funds: 2002 Childcare Grants Funds, 2002 Operating Budget.

3. Negotiation of Long-Term Musqueam Service Agreement

A. THAT Council authorize City staff to enter negotiations with the Musqueam Band to move portions of the current service agreement to a long-term service agreement. In particular, that City staff enter negotiations to secure a long-term service agreement for the delivery of utility services for sewer, water, and solid waste.

D. THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services to approve and execute the renewal agreement on behalf of the City.

4. Major Exhibiting Institutions - Supplemental Grant Requests

A. THAT Council approve a supplemental grant request in the amount of $50,000 to The Vancouver Art Gallery Association in support of a collection care initiative, subject to securing the balance of the funds necessary to complete the project; source of funds to be Contingency Reserve.

B. THAT Council not approve a supplemental grant request in the amount of $250,000 to the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre Society.

C. THAT Council postpone consideration of a supplemental grant to the Vancouver Museum Commission, and staff be directed to meet with the CEO and Commission members to discuss options for a viable plan for the Museum.

D. THAT Council postpone consideration of the criteria and guidelines for future supplemental grants requests from Major Exhibiting Institutions as outlined in the Administrative Report dated July 2, 2002, entitled "Major Exhibiting Institutions - Supplemental Grant Requests" until such time as staff receive input from those Institutions affected by the proposed criteria and guidelines.


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