Date:  June 13, 1995

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     General Managers of Engineering Services and
             Community Services

   SUBJECT:  Management Structure - Transportation Plan


        A.   THAT  a Council  Staff  Steering Committee  be established  to
             provide for regular reviews and guidance to the preparation of
             the Transportation Plan.

        B.   THAT Mayor Owen,  Councillor Price and the General Managers of
             Engineering   Services,   Community  Services   and  Corporate
             Services be appointed to the Steering Committee.


   Council has a body of land use and transportation policy in the Regional
   Strategic Plan, Transport  2021 and  CityPlan.  Approval  has also  been
   given to the preparation of a Transportation Plan.


   On   May  30,  1995,  City   Council  approved  the   preparation  of  a
   Transportation  Plan as  recommended  in CityPlan.    In the  report  to
   Council,  a broad  outline  of the  transportation planning  process was
   given.   There was some discussion  at the meeting on study organization
   and the following motion was approved:

        "That the City Manager  be requested to report back on a management
        structure  for  a  continuing  role  for  Council  in,  and ongoing
        monitoring of, the transportation process."

   Study Organization

   It is proposed that an inter-departmental staff team be formed under the
   direction of Peter  Judd, an Assistant City  Engineer.  This team  would
   undertake  the  day-to-day  activities   and  work  program  leading  to
   completion of  the Plan.  The  team would consist of  about five members
   who  would  bring  a blend  of  experience  and  abilities necessary  to
   consider a broad range of transportation/land use issues.
   In  order  to give  direction to  the staff  team  on the  overall study
   direction,  it  is proposed  that a  Steering Committee  be established.
   This Committee  would address  Council's motion requesting  a continuing
   role in the transportation process by providing the following:

        -    appropriate and regular feedback  to Council on study progress
             and key decision points.  This will ensure that all of Council
             are advised on the issues leading to the plan preparation.

        -    development of  a public information and  review program which
             will provide feedback on  a full range of issues.  (This would
             also include commentary on the creative symposium.)
                                     - 2 -

        -    ensure  that  the  plan  appropriately  reflects  Council  and
             Regional  policies  as developed  in CityPlan,  Livable Region
             Plan,   Transport   2021,  etc.      (As   well  to   identify
             inconsistencies and gaps in policy that need to be addressed.)

        -    review of  the study process to ensure a comprehensive listing
             of  transportation  issues  are considered  in  an  integrated

        -    monitoring of budget and schedule progress.

   The objective of  the Steering Committee is not to make policy decisions
   but to  provide guidance and  support to  the process.   Normal decision
   making will be done by the full Council.

   A number of organizational  models could be considered for  the Steering
   Committee, including periodic  reporting to a  Council Committee of  the
   whole,  a  sub-committee  of  Council,  or  mixed  senior  staff-Council
   representation.   It is suggested that this latter model is best in that
   it also achieves  a management  review function on  the study  progress.
   Senior managers provided a monitoring  role for the CityPlan preparation
   and this was a highly effective review process.

   On  this basis  it is  suggested that  the Transportation  Plan Steering
   Committee consist of the following:

        -    Mayor Owen
        -    Councillor Price
        -    General Manager Engineering Services
        -    General Manager Community Services
        -    General Manager Corporate Services.
   Other  staff would be invited  to attend Steering  Committee meetings to
   provide continuity  with other  City initiatives  such  as CityPlan  and
   ongoing transportation studies.

                             *    *    *    *    *