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Year 2001 Vacancies on City of Vancouver Boards, Commissions and Committees
Prepared by The Office of the City Clerk
City Hall, 453 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1V4November 2000
November 2000
Dear Applicant:
Vancouver Civic Agency Appointment Procedures
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving the City of Vancouver through participation in a Civic Agency. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the timelines and procedures for appointments to the Agencies.
Your completed application must be returned to the Office of the City Clerk by 5:00 p.m., Friday, January 12, 2001.
The City Clerk solicits for nominations in two ways. Advertisements are placed in local newspapers and letters are written to a broad list of organizations throughout the City, inviting them to submit nominees. Applicants may either be self-nominated or nominated by organizations.
Copies of all applications will be distributed to the Mayor and to each member of the City Council. Appointments to Civic Agencies will be made by the Council during a subsequent meeting.
Individuals who are presently members of a Civic Agency and who have not served the maximum allowable number of terms in their Agency - if such a limit exists - are eligible to reapply.
Every person who obtains an appointment will be notified as soon as possible by telephone. All applicants for any position will receive a letter from the City Clerk's Office listing the nominees who have been appointed.
For further information, please contact Larry Cantrell at 873-7407 or Hazel Hoyle at
873-7652.Yours truly,
Hazel Hoyle
Meeting Coordinator
Office of the City Clerk
Vancouver Civic Agencies Applications
In order to serve on a Civic Agency, you must
· be a resident or elector in a municipality within the Greater Vancouver Regional District, and
· not be an employee of the City of Vancouver.In the case of the Vancouver Public Library Board only, in accordance with Provincial legislation, you must be a resident of the City of Vancouver.
Time Commitment
Time requirements vary among the Civic Agencies. In the following pages, estimates of time demands are included in the description of each agency. Please review these estimates to ensure that you have sufficient time to devote to the City.Remuneration
Successful candidates will serve without remuneration.Application Process
Please provide the following information:
· The name of the agency or agencies on which you wish to serve
· Your reason or reasons for doing so
· A brief personal résuméIf you are applying for a position on the Public Art Committee, the Gastown Historic Area Planning Committee, or the Chinatown Historic Area Planning Committee, please indicate the group, organization or industry that you represent.
If you prefer to use an application form, a copy is attached at the end of this booklet.
Applications or resumes should be marked Attention: Civic Agencies, and can be faxed to 604-873-7419, e-mailed to: ccclerk@xmail.city.vancouver.bc.ca or mailed or hand-delivered to:
Office of the City Clerk
Attention: Civic Agencies
453 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4Civic Agency Vacancies as of December 31, 2000
Chinatown Historic Area Planning Committee (CHAPC)
Seven vacancies for the 2001-2002 term. Each person selected shall represent or be one of the following:
· Architectural Institute of British Columbia
· Chinatown Property Owner
· Chinese Cultural Centre
· Chinatown Merchants Association
· Heritage Vancouver
· SUCCESSFire and Rescue Services Advisory Committee (FRSAC)
Five vacancies for the 2001-2002 term, selected at large from the general public.First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel (FSADP)
Six vacancies for the 2001-2002 term. Each person appointed shall represent or be one of the following:
· three residents who are members of Shaughnessy Heights Property Owners' Association
· one member of the Architectural Institute of British Columbia
· one member of the British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects
· one member nominated from the Vancouver Heritage CommissionGastown Historic Area Planning Committee (GHAPC)
Five vacancies for the 2001-2002 term. Each person appointed shall represent or be one of the following:
· Community business person
· Community architect
· Community engineer
· Community heritage representative
· Local property owner
· Local resident ownerPublic Art Committee (PAC)
Five vacancies for the 2001-2002 term. Each person appointed shall represent or be one the following:
· One artist of recognized standing in the community
· Two arts professionals* of recognized standing
· One urban designer**
· One developer
* Artist, designer, gallery director, curator, historian, educator, conservator, etc.
**Architect, landscape architect, designer or other related group.Urban Design Panel (UDP)
Six vacancies for the 2001-2002 term. Each person appointed shall represent or be one the following:
· Three members of the AIBC
· One member of the Association of Professional Engineers (APE)
· One member of the BCSLA
· One developerVancouver Athletic Commission (VAC)
Four vacancies for the 2001 term (one-year), selected at large from the general public.Vancouver City Planning Commission (VCPC)
Five vacancies for the 2001-2002 term, selected at large from the general public.Vancouver Civic Theatres Board (VCTB)
Three vacancies for the 2001-2002 term, selected at large from the general public.Vancouver Economic Development Commission (VEDC)
Seven vacancies for the 2001-2002 term, selected at large from the general public.Vancouver Heritage Commission (VHC)
Five vacancies for the 2001-2002 term, selected at large from the general public.Vancouver Heritage Foundation Board (VHFB)
Nine vacancies for the 2001-2002 term.Vancouver Public Library Board (VPLB)
Five vacancies for the 2001-2002 term, selected at large from the general public. Applicants must reside in the City of Vancouver.Youth Justice Committee (YJC)
All members are appointed for a one-year term. There is no set number of positions on the Committee.Civic Agency Description
Chinatown Historic Area Planning CommitteeMembership
The Committee consists of 13 members appointed by City Council. The members represent various groups as follows:
· 2 Architectural Institute of British Columbia representatives
· 2 Chinatown Merchants Association representatives
· 2 Chinatown Property Owners representatives
· 1 Chinese Cultural Centre representative
· 1 Chinese Benevolent Association representative
· 1 Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Garden Society representative
· 1 Heritage Vancouver representative
· 1 Member-at-large
· 1 Planning Institute of British Columbia representative
· 1 SUCCESS representativeDuties
The Committee
· advises the Director of Planning on matters relating to the HA-1 and HA-1A Zones
· preserves and protects the heritage and character of the Chinatown Area
· works with all City Departments to develop and implement area policies and programsReappointment
Committee members are eligible to serve a maximum of four years on the Committee.Meetings
The Committee generally meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at a location in Chinatown.Time Commitment
Committee meetings last approximately three hours. Members may also serve on subcommittees which are formed from time to time. Preparation time for all meetings is required.Civic Agency Description
Fire and Rescue Services Advisory CommitteeUnlike the other civic boards, commissions and committees, the Fire & Rescue Service Advisory Committee reports to the Fire Chief rather than the City Council.
The Committee consists of ten members appointed by City Council. Each year, five members are appointed for two-year terms. In order to obtain input from a broad cross-section of the public, members are appointed from diverse groups in the City.Duties
The Committee reviews and advises on matters related to the development, operations and future directions of Vancouver's Fire and Rescue Services.The Committee makes recommendations on the Fire and Rescue Services
· mission and vision statements
· strategic plan
· programs, services and budgetsThe Committee also reviews and recommends on matters referred to its attention by the City Council, the Fire Chief and/or the community. It prepares an annual report for submission to the Fire Chief and the City Council.
Members may be reappointed. No member may serve more than three terms.Meetings
The Committee generally meets from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month at Fire and Rescue Services Headquarters at 900 Heatley Avenue.Time Commitment
Members are expected to devote three to four hours a month to Committee work.Civic Agency Description
First Shaughnessy Advisory Design PanelThe First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel was created by Council resolution on January 11, 1994.
The First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel consists of thirteen members. Members represent groups and organizations as follows:
· Seven residents of the First Shaughnessy District who are members of Shaughnessy Heights Property Owners' Association (SHPOA),
· Two members of the Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC),
· Two members of the British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects (BCSLA),
· One member of the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV),
· One member represents heritage interest and is nominated from the Vancouver Heritage Commission (VHC).Council appoints each member for a term of two years and may reappoint each member for a second term of two years.
The FSADP advises and makes recommendations to
· City Council
· Development Permit Board
· Director of PlanningQuorum
The Chair and five members, including three resident an two non-resident members, constitute a quorum. The two non-resident members shall include one architect and one landscape architect.Reappointment
A resident appointee who has been nominated to chair the Panel may be reappointed by Council to a third term of two years. After an absence of two consecutive term (four consecutive years), an individual may again seek nomination.Meetings
The Design Panel meets every third Thursday at City Hall. Meetings last two to three hours on average.Civic Agency Description
Gastown Historic Area Planning CommitteeMembership
The Committee consists of ten members appointed by the City Council. Each year, Council appoints five members for a two-year period. Members are drawn from individuals who live or work in the community. Members represent elements of the Gastown Area as follows:
· One community architect representative
· Two community business representatives
· One community engineer representative
· One community heritage representative
· One community hospitality representative
· One community resident owner
· One community resident tenant
· Two local property ownersDuties
The Committee
· advises the Director of Planning on matters relating to the HA-2 Zone
· preserves and protects the heritage and character of the Gastown Area
· works with all City Departments to develop and implement area policies and programsReappointment
Committee members are eligible for reappointment. There are limits on terms.Meetings
The Committee generally meets at 4:00 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month at a location in Gastown.Time Commitment
Committee meetings last approximately three hours. Members may also serve on the Design Review Subcommittee or on another issue-related subcommittee, requiring about three additional hours a month. Significant preparation time is required for Committee meetings.Civic Agency Description
Public Art CommitteeMembership and duties of the Public Art Committee are prescribed in a Council By-law.
The Committee is comprised of nine members appointed by the City Council. The membership is structured as follows:
· Two artists of recognized standing in the art community
· Three other art professionals (artists, designers, gallery directors, curators, historians, educators, conservators, etc.) who have a thorough knowledge of public art, and who are of recognized standing in the art community
· Two urban designers (architects, landscape architects, designers or others)
· One developer recognized by the community
· One member of the communityDuties
The Committee provides advice and guidance to City Council, civic agencies, civic staff, developers and citizens on public art matters. It is also directs implementation of the Public Art Program.Reappointment
Members are eligible for reappointment. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms.Meetings
The Committee generally meets at 4:30 p.m. on the second Monday of each month. Workshops are usually scheduled for the fourth Monday of each month. Members are expected to serve on subcommittees which review individual public art applications.Time Commitment
Members are expected to contribute six to twelve hours a month to Committee work.Civic Agency Description
Urban Design PanelMembership and terms of reference for the Urban Design Panel are prescribed in Council by-law No. 4722 as amended.
The Panel is a professional advisory body composed of twelve members as follows:
· Six members of the Architectural Institute of British Columbia
· Two members of the Association of Professional Engineers
· Two members of the British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects
· One representative of the development industry
· One member of the Vancouver City Planning CommissionDuties
The Panel provides impartial and professional advice to the Director of Planning, the Development Permit Board or to City Council on any proposal or policy affecting the physical environment of the community. In particular, the Panel offers advice on significant development permit applications which are to be reviewed by the Development Permit Board or Director of Planning, as well as comprehensive rezoning applications and other projects of public interest.Reappointment
Panel members are eligible for reappointment. There is no limit on terms.Meetings
Meetings are normally held every other Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. at City Hall. Special meetings are convened when necessary.Time Commitment
Preparation time is required for each meeting.Civic Agency Description
Vancouver Athletic CommissionMembership and terms of reference for the Vancouver Athletic Commission are prescribed in a Council by-law.
The Commission consists of five members. Four members are appointed by the City Council for one-year terms. The fifth member is a Councillor acting in a liaison role.
The Commission controls and supervises professional boxing, kick boxing and wrestling contests or exhibitions in the City of Vancouver. It prescribes the rules of such contests and exhibitions and, if necessary, may prohibit them.Reappointment
Commission members are eligible for reappointment. There is no limit on terms.Meetings
The Commission meets at the call of the Chair.Time Commitment
Due to the small number of requests to stage professional boxing, kick boxing and wrestling contests in Vancouver, the Commission meets infrequently.Civic Agency Description
Vancouver City Planning Commission
Membership and terms of reference for the Vancouver City Planning Commission are prescribed in a Council By-law.
The Commission consists of the following:
· Ten members of the general public appointed by City Council
· Two liaison Councillors appointed annually by City Council
· One member appointed annually by the Parks Board
· One member appointed annually by the School Board
· Two members appointed by VCPCDuties
The Commission assists City Council in an advisory capacity by considering and submitting reports on matters relating to planning and development of the City. Other Commission tasks include the following:
· to represent ideas and opinions about the future of the City of Vancouver
· to submit an annual budget proposal to Council
· to consider a report to Council on any proposal likely to have a significant effect on the future of the CityReappointment
Every member is eligible for reappointment. No member may serve more than three consecutive terms.Meetings
The Commission generally meets at City Hall from noon to 2:00 p.m. every second Wednesday. Most of the work of the Commission is done in committees, researching and preparing drafts of briefs and recommendations to be sent to Council by the Commission as a whole. Committees also coordinate the Commission's public consultation role which may take the form of seminars, workshops and conferences.Time Commitment
Planning Commissioners are expected to dedicate three to five hours a week in meetings and in additional work for the Commission. As many Commission activities occur during working hours, Commission members should have sufficient control over their time to be able to participate.Civic Agency Description
Vancouver Civic Theatres BoardThe Vancouver Civic Theatres Board is appointed by City Council in accordance with a Council By-law.
The Vancouver Civic Theatres Board is comprised of seven members, including one Councillor appointed annually by City Council as liaison. Each year, City Council appoints three Board Members for two-year terms.Duties
The Board advises City Council on the operation of the Civic Theatres of Vancouver (Queen Elizabeth Theatre, Orpheum and Vancouver Playhouse) and on matters related to their use and improvement, such as:
· forms of entertainment and types of organizations to be specially encouraged to use the theatres
· advantages to be derived from adopting theatre policies or methods used elsewhere
· integration of other facilities and concessions in the operation of the theatres
· annual budget of the Vancouver Civic Theatres
· schedules of rates and rentals to be charged for theatre facilities
· other matters, as they are referred to the Board by the City Council for advice and recommendations
· bringing to the attention of the City Council any matters relating to the theatres which, in the opinion of the Board, merits action on the Council's partReappointment
Board members are eligible for reappointment. There are no limits on numbers of terms.Meetings
The Board meets once a month, generally at noon on a Thursday, at the call of the Chair. Board members are expected to monitor specific areas of theatre operation on behalf of the Board.Time Commitment
Members are expected to spend three to four hours per month on Board business.Civic Agency Description
Vancouver Economic Development CommissionMembership
There may be a maximum of fifteen Ordinary Members of the Commission and up to two members of the Vancouver City Council may be appointed as Non-Voting Members. Ordinary Members are appointed by Vancouver City Council for two-year terms.Duties
The Commission
· provides advice to the City Council on policies and other matters relating to the economic development of the City
· manages programs to attract investment to the City
· has a contractual agreement to provide economic development services to the City, as a non-profit societyReappointment
Ordinary Members are appointed by City Council for two-year terms. There are no limits on the number of terms a Member may serve.Meetings
The Commission generally meets at City Hall from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. every second Friday.Time Commitment
In addition to regular Commission meetings, members are expected to participate in at least one of four Standing committees and an ad hoc committee or task group.Civic Agency Description
Vancouver Heritage CommissionMembership
The Commission is comprised of ten members. Each year, five members are appointed by City Council for two-year terms. One Councillor is appointed annually by City Council to act as liaison.Duties
The Commission advises City Council on the following matters, which may be referred to it from time to time:
· costs and benefits of preservation
· compatibility of preservation with other uses of the buildings, structures or lands
· recommendations to Council respecting designation of heritage buildings, structures and lands, and on demolition, preservation, alteration or renovation of such thingsReappointment
Commission members are eligible for reappointment. There are no limits on numbers of terms.Meetings
The Commission generally meets at noon on the first and third Monday of each month at City Hall. Subcommittees are created as required to deal with matters such as signage, historic interiors and the annual Heritage Awards Program.Time Commitment
Commission meetings last two to three hours. In addition, members may be required to spend between three or more additional hours in committee work each month. Preparation time is also required before meetings.Civic Agency Description
Vancouver Heritage Foundation BoardThe Vancouver Heritage Foundation is a non-profit, charitable organization created by the City of Vancouver in 1992 to promote the preservation, maintenance and restoration of buildings, structures and lands in Vancouver having historical or architectural significance.
The terms of reference for the Vancouver Heritage Foundation Board are prescribed by Council Bylaw. As the governing body of the Foundation, the responsibilities of the Board are defined by the Society Act of British Columbia.
The Board consists of up to fifteen members appointed by Vancouver City Council for two-year terms. Board members are chosen from individuals possessing qualifications or backgrounds in accounting, architecture, building or renovation contracting, communications, fundraising, investment, law, manufacturing, marketing, property development, real estate sales, retailing, tourism and from members of the community with interest in heritage conservation.Duties
Duties of the Board include the following:
· Increasing public and private involvement and investment in conservation of heritage resources
· Developing policies for organizational programs
· Distributing funds to community-based conservation initiatives
· Supporting the development of a strong conservation industry
· Managing the assets of the Vancouver Heritage Foundation
· Fundraising and promotion of the Foundation to the public, sponsors, donors and planned-giving professionalsReappointment
Every Board member is eligible for reappointment. No member may serve more than six consecutive years.Meetings
Regular meetings of the Board are held at City Hall on a monthly basis. Members will also participate in subcommittees which meet as required.Time Commitment
Members are expected to contribute a minimum of four to five hours a month on Board-related duties.Civic Agency Description
Vancouver Public Library BoardThe Library Board is appointed by Vancouver City Council in accordance with the Provincial Library Act.
The Public Library Board is comprised of 13 members, all appointed by City Council. Members are appointed in the following manner:
· 10 members of the general public
· One member of Vancouver City Council appointed annually
· Because of joint operating agreements, each year Council appoints one member nominated by the Park Board and one nominated by the School Board to the Library BoardDuties
The Library Board is responsible for development of library policy and for expenditure of funds provided by Council for library purposes. Through the Director and the Library's administrative staff, the Board directs the operations of one of the largest public library systems in Canada.Reappointment
No person may be appointed for more than eight consecutive years.Meetings
The Board generally meets at 5:30 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month at Central Branch. Each Board member is expected to attend the Board meeting and to be a member of a Standing Committee, which also meets monthly.Time Commitment
While Board and Committee meetings are scheduled for two hours, time commitment required of members is considerably greater. Agendas are circulated prior to each meeting and provide necessary background for the discussions. Annual orientation sessions and tours are provided for new Board members. Board and committee chairs attend an extra meeting as members of the Board's executive committee. The Board also appoints a member and an alternate to both the InterLINK Board (a consortium representing the twelve Lower Mainland Libraries) and to the Britannia Board of Management.Residency
A Board member is required by the Library Act to be a resident or elector in the City of Vancouver.Civic Agency Description
Youth Justice CommitteeMembership
There is no set number of members for the Committee. All appointments are made by City Council and are effective for one year. Backgrounds in health, education, social services, law or corrections are considered to be assets for potential Committee members.Legislative Authority
The authority and duties of the Committee are set out in Provincial Legislation. Section 18 of the Provincial Court Act establishes the Family Court Committee. The Youth Justice Committee is appointed pursuant to Section 690 of the Young Offenders Act.
The Committee reports annually to the Attorney General of British Columbia and to Vancouver City Council.
The Committee
· considers and examines the resources of the community for family and children's work and young offenders
· assists the Court when requested in individual cases referred to the Committee
· makes recommendations to the Court, to the Attorney General, to the City Council or to others, as required
· acts as a Family Court when requiredReappointment
Committee members are eligible for reappointment. There are no limits on terms.Meetings
The Committee generally meets at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month at City Hall.Time Commitment
Committee meetings last two to three hours. Members may also be required to spend two to four hours a month on other Committee or subcommittee work.
Name of Applicant
Name of Agency you are applying for
What skills and goals will you bring to the Agency?
Home Address:
Postal Code:Telephone - Residence:
Telephone - Business:Business/Work experience in past five years:
Educational background/Professional qualifications:
Community/Volunteer activities in the last five years:
Nominating organization (if applicable):Applicant's Signature:
Date of Application:
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver