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Date: July 11, 2000
Author/Local: J. Bird/6653;W. Pledger/7346
RTS No. 1588
CC File No.: 5559T&T: July 25, 2000
Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic
Manager of Rapid Transit in consultation with the Director of City Plans and General Manager of Engineering Services
Rapid Transit Phase 1 - Commercial SkyTrain Station Design;
Form of Development; Precinct Public Enhancement PlanRECOMMENDATION
A. THAT Council receive for information a summary of the Commercial SkyTrain Station Design, including the advice of the Development Permit Board, summarized in Appendix B;
B. THAT for purposes of the City Zoning and Development By-Law, CD-1 District Schedule, and further as advice to the City Engineer with respect to the portion of the structure on road, Council approve the Commercial SkyTrain Station and ticket hall form of development for a portion of the CD-1 zoned site covered by By-Law No. 6663, noting that the balance of the site will be the subject of a later report as to the retail development;
C. THAT Rapid Transit Project 2000 Ltd. be strongly encouraged to work closely with TransLink and City staff to ensure that a reasonable number of bike lockers are provided at this busy transit exchange, and to ensure that the issue of staff washroom facilities is addressed in a manner that takes into account the communitys concerns; and
D. THAT Council direct the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of City Plans to report back by the Fall of 2000 on the Precinct Public Enhancement Plan for the Broadway/Commercial station precinct.
The City Manager recommends approval of RECOMMENDATIONS A, B, C and D, noting that: a) staff are continuing to work with Rapid Transit Project 2000 Ltd. and TransLink to resolve outstanding issues related to the station; and b) a further report is anticipated on the retail development adjacent to the Commercial SkyTrain station ticket hall.
Staff will work with the Province on planning for the Phase 1 SkyTrain route, alignment, station locations, and station area planning.
The Province has almost completed the design of the new Commercial SkyTrain station. While the Province does not require City approval or permits, Rapid Transit Project 2000 Ltd. agreed to present the stations to the Urban Design Panel and the Development Permit Board for advice and comment.
This report describes the station, the ticket hall, the connections to the existing Broadway SkyTrain station and the proposed retail development around the station ticket hall. The report summarizes the comments of the Development Permit Board, the concerns of City staff and the key issues for the community, together with the response of Rapid Transit Project 2000 Ltd. While most issues have been resolved (generally to the satisfaction of staff, with some noted exceptions), there are several outstanding issues, including bike storage and the location of staff washrooms.
Finally, the CD-1 zoning by-law for the station site was recently amended. The report includes, for purposes of the City Zoning and Development By-law, Council approval of the form of development.
The purpose of this report is:
· to provide Council with a summary of the Commercial Station design including the Development Permit Boards comments and advice;
· to report on the response of Rapid Transit Project 2000 Ltd. and TransLink to the advice provided by the Development Permit Board;
· in accordance with the City Zoning and Development By-law, CD-1 District Schedule, to seek Council approval of the form of development for a portion of the Commercial station site, noting that the commercial retail development on the site will be the subject of a future development permit and Council approval of the form of development; and
· to provide Council with the status of the precinct plan for the Commercial and Broadway stations.BACKGROUND
Provincial Decision to extend SkyTrain
On June 24, 1998 the Province announced Phase 1 of the extension of the SkyTrain system from New Westminster to the Vancouver Community College via Lougheed Highway and the Burlington Northern Sante Fe Railway right of way. Since that time, City staff have worked with the Provincial company responsible for planning and building the extension, Rapid Transit Project 2000 Ltd. (RTPO), in planning the SkyTrain alignment, station locations and surrounding precinct areas.
City Review of SkyTrain Stations
RTPO, as a Provincial entity, is not obligated to acquire development permits or building permits for the SkyTrain stations or the guideway. However, City and RTPO staff agreed that the design of the four stations in Vancouver (Rupert, Renfrew, Commercial and Vancouver Community College) would be presented to the Citys Urban Design Panel and Development Permit Board for their advice and comment. While RTPO indicated that they would not be seeking permits, they would consider in good faith the advice and comments of the Urban Design Panel and the Development Permit Board.
On February 1, 2000, following review by the Urban Design Panel and Development Permit Board, City Council received for information the Rupert and Renfrew Station designs, including the Development Permit Boards advice and comments.
This report presents the Commercial Station design and the advice and comments of the Development Permit Board. The Vancouver Community College station design is under way, and will be the subject of a report in the Fall, 2000.
CD-1 zoning of the Commercial Station Site (CD-1 By-law No. 6663 - 1700 East Broadway North)
As discussed below, the CD-1 By-Law for this site has been amended to allow for a new form of development, including the station and ticket hall, shown in bold outline below.
Figure 1
The Commercial station site was purchased by RTPO earlier this year. The site is between the Commercial and Broadway bridges, and Broadway and Grandview Highway North. It is comprised of several land parcels and air space parcels which span the Grandview Cut. This site was originally assembled for a multi storey form of development which spanned the Cut, occupying the site area shown in grey in Figure 1.For the purposes of this report the site is referred to as the Commercial Station Site.
Development on the Commercial Station Site will consist of three elements, shown on Figure 1 above:
1. the new Commercial Station, located on the north side of the Grandview Cut, just east of the Commercial Drive Bridge; it is connected to the south side of the Cut by a pedestrian bridge;
2. the Commercial Station ticket hall, located between the south side of the Cut and the north side of Broadway, on the site commonly referred to as the triangle site;
3. a commercial retail development, located on the triangle site on either side of the ticket hall, shown cross hatched on Figure 1.
This report deals with the first two elements: the Commercial station and the ticket hall. The third element, the commercial retail development, will be developed by a private developer and will be subject to the usual City approval process, including a development permit.
Part of the Commercial Station Site was originally zoned CD-1; the remainder was zoned C-2. On February 22, 2000, Council approved an amendment of the CD-1 zoning by-law and rezoned the C-2 portion to CD-1. The effect of the bylaw amendment was: a) to permit transit use on the site; b) to allow a different scale and type of development, which included a SkyTrain station and ticket hall; c) to impose certain design guidelines.
In this report, as prescribed by the City Zoning and Development By-law, CD-1 District Schedule, Council is being asked to approve the form of development for By-law No.6663, the Commercial Station Site, which will consist of the Station, the ticket hall, and the commercial retail development. When the developer of the commercial retail development applies for a development permit, Council will be asked to further approve the form of development to reflect the details of the commercial retail portion of the site.
Access to other City Lands/Amenity Package
Part of the Commercial station structure and the SkyTrain guideway will be located outside the boundary of the CD-1 site area (see Figure 1), on lands within the Grandview Cut that are owned by the City, designated as road and leased to Burlington NorthernSante Fe Railway (BNSF). In February of this year (Council Meeting February 1, 2000), Council approved the general terms of a right of way in favour of the Province over City lands and streets, including certain lands in the Grandview Cut, for SkyTrain facilities. The grant was subject to a number of conditions, including BNSF agreeing to amend the lease, and the City receiving a package of goods for the community. That package includes a greenway/bikeway from Boundary Road to VCC, a commitment to the commercial retail development (including a landscaped open space) on the Commercial Station Site, a new facility for the Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood Safety Office, and a contribution toward either renovations to the existing Broadway station, the development of the site adjacent to the existing station or other community works.
Access to these lands and the corresponding amenity package were the subject of a separate report. However, certain elements of the amenity package, such as the greenway/bikeway, affect the Commercial Station site.
Characteristics of the Commercial Station and Station Precinct
As indicated above (Background), RTPO purchased the Commercial Station Site. They demolished the existing buildings, such that at present the site is vacant other than the stairs to the existing pedestrian overpass over Broadway.
The proposed Commercial Station is on a bench on the north bank of the Grandview Cut, above the BNSF railway which operates in the bottom of the Cut, below the level of the street (Grandview Highway North), all as shown in the diagrams in Appendix A. It connects to the ticket hall and to the existing Broadway SkyTrain station via a series of stairs, escalators, elevators and pedestrian bridges.
In addition to the SkyTrain connections, until SkyTrain extends to a western terminus beyond VCC, Broadway and Commercial will be the turnaround for all of the 99B-line buses and for half of the #9 buses. Eastbound busses turn left at Commercial and loop around the Commercial Station site, returning to Broadway. The #9 Broadway service and the #20 Victoria service also stop at Broadway and Commercial. As a result, the SkyTrain/SkyTrain, SkyTrain/bus and bus/bus transfers are complicated, and require detailed planning and coordination between RTPO, the City and TransLink.
Commercial Station and Ticket Hall
The Commercial station platform and tracks fit against the north side of the Grandview Cut. The station is connected by a pedestrian bridge over the Grandview Cut, to the ticket hall located on the south side of the Cut on site known as the triangle site, at the north east corner of Broadway and Commercial. The ticket hall has a further vertical connection (via stairs, an escalator and an elevator) to the existing pedestrian overpass over Broadway to the existing Broadway Station.
The ticket hall will occupy a portion of the triangle site. The balance of the site will be a commercial retail development, as generally shown in Appendix A. RTPO will construct the Station and the pedestrian overpass over the Grandview Cut. RTPO is in negotiations with a private developer who will construct the commercial retail development around the ticket hall, and the ticket hall itself, to RTPO specifications. The private developer is not exempt from development and building permits, and the retail development will be subject to the usual City development approvals.
RTPO have advised City staff that as a condition of their arrangement with the developer, the commercial retail development will be generally consistent with the CD-1 By-Law, and that the development will be completed by the time the SkyTrain extension is in service, now scheduled for mid 2002.
The Urban Design Panel and Development Permit Board were asked to consider the new Commercial Station, the pedestrian bridge over the Cut, the ticket hall and the connections to the existing Broadway station. The Urban Design Panel also considered the form of the proposed commercial retail development because it is so closely integrated with the ticket hall and the overall connection of the site with the surrounding neighbourhood. At the Development Permit Board, RTPO confirmed that the retail developer would be applying for a development permit, such that the Board would have an opportunity to consider the retail development separately. As a result the Boards comments were generally restricted to the station and ticket hall and related elements.
Public Consultation
The station location and design have been the subject of an extensive pubic consultation process for the past 2 years, beginning in the Fall of 1998 immediately after the Provincedecided to extend SkyTrain to VCC. This consultation is ongoing. The City has been an active participant throughout the process:
· to ensure the communitys views about the station were communicated to RTPO,
· to seek the communitys input on City initiatives, such as design guidelines for the station site CD-1 By-Law amendments, parking and bus bulges; and
· to provide input to the amenity package that the City ultimately negotiated with the Province in return for access to City streets and lands.City staff noted early in the process that this communitys experience with SkyTrain, and in particular the existing Broadway station was unsatisfactory. The existing station is not well integrated into the community, and has been surrounded with no mans land under the guideway and around the existing CIBC bank, which has contributed to security problems. The City and the RTPO have established as an objective ensuring that the new SkyTrain station is, in the eyes of the community, an asset rather than a liability. To that end, RTPO and the City have implemented several interim measures, including a community art project, improved lighting, increased litter bins and pickup, widened sidewalks, new bus shelters, and most recently, flower baskets on the lamp standards. In addition, the City negotiated an amenity package that was designed to respond to the communitys aspirations. The elements of the amenity package are not directly related to the station site, but respond to the broader aspirations of the community (eg. the greenway/bikeway and the facility for the neighbourhood safety office).
Since the Fall of 1998 there have been approximately 30 meetings (including open houses, workshops, briefings with community groups) on the new station. Both the City and RTPO have worked closely with active residents as well as the community organizations that make up the Cedar Cottage Coalition, including CECONA, Trout Lake Community Centre, the Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood Safety Office and Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House. In addition, the RTPO funded a community liaison person who has worked closely with RTPO and the City and has been invaluable in facilitating communication. A number of delegations appeared at the Development Permit Board meeting.
Following is a brief summary of the key issues discussed during the public consultation:
1. In the initial stages of the public consultation process (Fall of 1998) a number of station locations were considered, including stations under Broadway. It becameclear that community participants generally favoured a new Commercial station in the Cut, rather than under Broadway, primarily for safety and security reasons.
2. The station design process itself dealt with the configuration of the station, its impact in the Grandview Cut, whether it would span the Cut, the look and feel of the station and ticket hall, access to the new station (in particular from Grandview Highway North, but also from Commercial and Broadway through the ticket hall) access to the old station, and issues of CPTED and lighting.
3. Through the station design process, the public identified concerns about the existing station, the sidewalks, the bus shelters, and the fact that the station and intersection were unattractive, dirty and attracted crime.
4. The public was concerned that the then-existing form of development for the CD-1 zoning was too big, too dense and not consistent with the neighbourhood scale. In addition, the community was concerned that there be some attractive open space and an active retail element around the station. The community was particularly concerned that RTPO would construct the ticket hall, and leave the balance of the station vacant or developed in a way that was inconsistent with the publics aspirations.
Development Permit Board Advice
The Development Permit Board reviewed the Commercial Station on May 29, 2000 and supported the Station design. However, their support was qualified by several comments. These comments are set out in Appendix B, with the corresponding response of RTPO.
Following is a summary of the key comments:
1. The existing Broadway Station platform and overpass enclosure over Broadway should be ....widened at this time to accommodate anticipated ridership activity.
Response of RTPO and TransLink
RTPO has agreed to replace the existing mesh panels with transparent glass panels and to improve lighting, both in the overpass and in the entrance to the existingstation on the south side of Broadway. The lighting on the platform is being upgraded as part of a system wide initiative by TransLink.
With respect to the widening of the existing pedestrian overpass, in the course of the planning for the Commercial station, the City, RTPO and TransLink formed a joint working group to examine the capacity of the Broadway/Commercial interchange to handle the projected demand for SkyTrain/SkyTrain; SkyTrain/bus and bus/bus transfers; they produced a report entitled Broadway/Commercial Patron Flow Report.
In the course of their review, the working group examined several key station elements, including the existing pedestrian bridge across Broadway. The group concluded that anticipated morning peak period passenger demand over the next 20 years could be accommodated on the existing overpass without widening. The group noted that the morning peak traffic is typically more predictable and concentrated than the afternoon peak and generally represents the most onerous condition. However, the afternoon peak, which typically includes less experienced and less mobile transit users and more bi directional flow is very difficult to model, and was not analysed in detail. The group noted that the location of the elevator on the south side of Broadway contributed to a pinch point at the access point to the existing station. They recommended that the elevator be repositioned, but did not recommend that the bridge be widened at this point.
However, the Development Permit Board comments were that the optimum time to widen the bridge is now, while the new line is under construction, and they recommended that RTPO widen the bridge at this time.
Response of RTPO and TransLink
RTPO indicated that in their view the bridge does not need to be widened in the next 20 years. As a result, staff understand RTPO will not be widening the pedestrian bridge as part of the current construction program. TransLink is also of the view that the pedestrian bridge will be adequate to serve the forecast passenger volumes for the next several years, and possibly beyond 2021. At the Citys request, TransLink, as operator of the SkyTrain system has committed to monitor passenger demand and is prepared to consider remedial action in the future when required. The TransLink letter is attached as Appendix C.
RTPO will be replacing the existing elevator with a glass elevator, which will be reoriented to widen the pinch point noted by the joint working group.
2. A successful commercial/retail development on the triangle site on the northeast corner of Broadway and Commercial is seen as a necessary catalyst to a revitalized Commercial Drive.... the development should be available for occupancy when the station becomes operational and that the retail units contribute to a safe environment.
Response of RTPO
The RTPO is in negotiations with a private developer who will design and build the retail commercial development and, on behalf of RTPO, the ticket hall. As outlined above, staff understand that as a condition of RTPOs arrangement with the developer, the retail portion of the development will be constructed at the same time as the ticket hall, and both elements are to be complete prior to the in service date for the new line. Further, the RTPO has acknowledged and agreed that the commercial retail development will undergo the Citys usual development and building permit process, noting the overlap with the ticket hall, which is considered part of the Station review.
3. The existing design provides increase potential for graffiti and mischief and that there are areas where landscaping and additional greening either through landscaping or special green wall treatment could reduce this potential.
Response of RTPO
As shown on Appendix A, there are three parts to the wall below the station: the part that is directly below the station house, the part that extends from the platform east to the Broadway bridge and the part that extends from the platform west to the Commercial Bridge. The station architects have provided a column treatment below the station itself, and irrigated planting along the base of the columns. Staff had encouraged RTPO to continue this treatment between both bridges. RTPO did not agree, instead choosing to use a textured MSE retaining wall, similar to that which supports the guideway elsewhere in the Cut. Staff and the Development Permit Board strongly encouraged RTPO to explore ways to green the retaining wall.
Response of RTPO
RTPO did not agree to green the retaining wall from the platform east to Broadway Bridge, in part because: a) it is too close to the BNSF tracks, and therefore subject to weed spraying by BNSF; b) because it is part of the guideway contract which has already been awarded; and c) because it would be too costly.
Staff believe that the wall could have been covered with vegetation, and are disappointed that this was not included as a component of the guideway contract. Staff note, however, that the wall is below the guideway, and will only be visible from a few vantage points (i.e. crossing the pedestrian bridge over the Cut).
The portion of the wall from the western edge of the platform to the Commercial Bridge presents a similar issue. However, unlike the portion east of the station platform, the contract to construct the wall west of the platform has not been awarded, such that the design is in progress. Staff are strongly encouraging RTPO to design a greening element, and to include it in the guideway contract for the portion of the guideway west.
4. The Board recognizes that TransLink will be the operator of the SkyTrain system including the Commercial and Broadway Stations. Nevertheless, in their review of this application, the Board recommended that there be discussions with the Chief Constable on providing full time personnel at these Stations. In addition, a community amenity space be provided in one station and a staffed information kiosk in the other.
Response of RTPO and TransLink
The City acknowledges that TransLink will be the operator of the system, and that issues of staff fall within the jurisdiction of TransLink, not RTPO. The City has indicated to TransLink that it supports an additional staff presence at SkyTrain stations. Staff understand the Province and TransLink are in the process of addressing the issue of security and personnel in existing and new stations.
The amenity space may consist of the public space between the retail and the through portion of the ticket hall. City staff hope that space will have café tables, displays etc. associated with the adjacent retail. Staff will have anopportunity to work with the developer of the retail development to ensure that the space is as attractive, and public as is reasonably possible.
5. There should be space provided for at least 25 bicycles provided either in the form of a room or lockers.
Response of RTPO
RTPO told TransLink that they do not have bike lockers in their budget. The provision of bike lockers falls to TransLink. Staff have confirmed that funding is available from TransLink. The issue at Broadway and Commercial is finding a location that is convenient for cyclists, and acceptable to the community. There is insufficient street right of way to provide for all the desired bicycle storage. Staff are of the view that because this is a key transit exchange, on a greenway/bikeway, bike lockers are critical. This issue remains unresolved. RECOMMENDATION C provides that RTPO and TransLink are strongly encouraged to provide a reasonable number of bike lockers at this busy transit exchange, and to work with the neighbourhood and City staff to find an appropriate location for the lockers.
6. TransLink Staff Washrooms
TransLink communicated with the City and indicated a need for a washroom facility for bus drivers, suggesting a separate building adjacent to Grandview Highway North. The City notified adjacent residents of the proposal, and TransLink and City staff met with concerned residents. The concern is that the washroom facility will add yet more infrastructure to Grandview Highway North, which is already the site of bus layovers, a greenway/bikeway, and some station emergency infrastructure. Staff are encouraging TransLink to work with RTPO to solve this problem within the new station. While the problem is not resolved, staff are optimistic that a solution will be reached that can accommodate the concerns of the community. RECOMMENDATION C provides that TransLink and RTPO, with the cooperation and assistance of the City, should be encouraged to solve this problem in a way that is consistent with the communitys aspirations.
When Council received for information the Rupert and Renfrew Station designs, Council also endorsed Precinct Plans for these stations as well. The Precinct Plans identify the various traffic, transit and pedestrian changes required to integrate the stations with the surrounding neighbourhoods.
The Precinct Plan for the Broadway/Commercial station area is near completion but requires a final meeting with the public after which it will be forwarded to Council for endorsation in the Fall. The Precinct Plan will also identify the revenue sources for the various street improvements contemplated, including those around the triangle site and on Commercial Drive between 12th and 7th Avenues. Staff anticipate that these improvements will be paid in part out of a fund known as the Municipal Integration Fund. This fund is intended for pedestrian and bus connections to stations, and is funded by TransLink and RTPO. Other than as specifically provided in the amenity package, staff do not anticipate further RTPO contributions to works beyond the station site, other than as specifically provided in the amenity package.
The Commercial Station architect has created a facility that responds well to the physical space in which it is situated and the connections to the existing Broadway Station and the Commercial and Broadway intersection. The ultimate integration of this Station and the Broadway Station into the community still awaits resolution of a number of important elements including:
· bike lockers
· the location and design of staff washrooms
· the ultimate redevelopment of the triangle site by a developer selected by the RTPO
· the retrofit of portions of the existing Broadway Station
· potential redevelopment of the CIBC site adjacent to the Broadway Station and other land use issues
· identifying a community policing office in the immediate vicinity
· completion of a traffic, pedestrian and transit plan
· completion of the greenway/bikeway along Grandview Highway North
· completion of a parking and potential parking protection plan for the community.* * * * *
Appendix Ai
Appendix Aii
Appendix Aiii
Development Permit Board
Rapid Transit Project 2000 Ltd.
General Design Considerations |
1.1 ...existing platform and overpass enclosure should be upgraded to provide greater transparency; the existing overpass should be widened |
overpass exterior walls are being replaced with glass; the elevator on the south side is being replaced with glass and reoriented; the SkyTrain operating company is upgrading the lighting levels on the existing platform; the platform will not be widened; TransLink will be monitoring patron volumes and widening in future if necessary |
1.2 Successful commercial retail units adjacent to the new proposed station house... |
RTPO is in negotiations with a private developer to construct the retail component as shown, concurrently with the ticket hall; the developer intends to have a successful retail development |
1.3 Utilities to the east of the new platform should be relocated or screened. ...proposed exit stair at the Broadway bridge should be eliminated...green wall treatment along the north side of the Grandview Cut... planting enhancements along the south side ... incorporate plant species for habitat enhancement. |
Utilities have not been relocated, but have been screened; the exit stair has been relocated to Grandview Highway North; tree and vegetation loss on the north and south sides of the Cut will be replaced by plant species which support habitat |
1.4 clarification of proposed colours.... |
primary colour elements of the station will be station specific; they are still under development |
1.5 clarification of station house, bridge and new platform roof materials to maximize daylight opportunities... |
RTPO revised the skylights on the platform level to achieve maximum transparency in the most critical places in the platform roof; the station has been designed to maximize natural light |
1.6 improvement of lighting quality for the existing phase one station house and platform; |
concourse lighting will be improved as part of the renovations; platform lighting will be improved as part of system wide program |
Crime and Safety Considerations |
1.7 ... provision of full time personnel.... |
Staffing is an issue for TransLink as the operator of SkyTrain; RTPO, the Province and TransLink are working on a number of initiatives to improve station security, policing and staffing |
1.8 Provision of a community amenity space in one station...staffed information kiosk in the other.... |
RTPO and the City are working on the following community amenities:
RTPO is exploring new information technology and its ability to create a dynamic, interactive information kiosk. Staffing is an issue for TransLink as the operator of SkyTrain. |
Station Precinct Public Enhancement Considerations |
1.9 Station Precinct Streetscape Plan... |
This is under development by the City; it will be partially paid out of the Municipal Integration Fund |
On Site Considerations |
1.10 design development to the bridge/station house ... improve transit user movement ...eliminating dimensional pinch points; |
the architects have relocated the pedestrian bridge to eliminate the pinch points |
1.11 design development to corner plaza to better distinguish as a public amenity |
RTPO has developed the plaza to include a paving pattern, seating, lighting and a bosque of trees |
1.12 ...minimum of 25 bicycle lockers |
RTPO is working with TransLink to construct a reasonable number of bike lockers near the station and bikeway |
1.13 roof over the garbage enclosure area and clarification of the proposed wall finishes to ensure the space is secure, fits with adjoining building facade and minimizes a potential nuisance. |
raised height of enclosure; a roof was not included; however, the height of the wall was increased to discourage access to the area |
1.14 relocation of the rolling shutter at the north entrance so that it is flush with the commercial retail corner |
shutter moved slightly in an attempt to compromise between competing issues: glazing of the retail frontage; a solid wall to serve as a fire fighting command post and closure of the shutter |
1.15 discourage physical access down to the cut ... encouraging visual access through proper landscaping; |
RTPO will undertake further design development to discourage access to the Cut while at the same time maintaining visual sight lines to the station and the Cut. |
Public Art Considerations |
1.16 details of proposed public art; |
Alan Storey is the artist; he has developed two conceptual sketches which have been submitted to the City and the community; the art proposal received the unanimous support of the Urban Design Panel; further design development will take place over time |
Site Assembly Considerations (generally) |
issues of the parcel configurations are being dealt with by the City and RTPO; the City's agreement with RTPO provides that RTPO and COV will work cooperatively to "clean-up" title discrepancies, obsolete air space parcel plans, and incorrect title descriptions. |
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver