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Date: April 25, 2000
Author/Local: W. Pledger/7346
RTS No. 1218
CC File No. 5559Council: May 16, 2000
Vancouver City Council
Director of City Plans, General Manager of Engineering Services and Rapid Transit Project Manager
2000 Phase 1 Rapid Transit Work Program
A. THAT Council receive for information the 2000 Phase 1 Rapid Transit work program and staff allocations as outlined in this report and Appendix B, to:
· complete planning for Phase 1 of SkyTrain to Vancouver Community College;
· complete Broadway and Commercial Station Area Planning;
· complete Grandview/Boundary Station Precincts and High Technology Industrial Area Planning;
· complete planning and design of the Central Valley Greenway; and
· assist SkyTrain construction and related implementation work.B. THAT staff report back near the end of 2000 on staff costs to continue City input into SkyTrain construction to the end of 2001.
The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of A and B.
On September 8, 1998, Council decided the City would work with RTPO on planning of the Phase 1 route, alignment, station locations and undertake station area planning.
The purpose of this report is to summarize key work done by city staff in 1999 and to advise Council of the 2000 work program to complete Phase 1 of SkyTrain, including related land-use and infrastructure planning. No new funding is required, as sufficient carry over funds exist from 1999 to cover costs.
In June, 1998 the Province announced an extension of the SkyTrain System from New Westminster to Coquitlam and west along the Lougheed Highway/Broadway Corridor. The Province, through its Rapid Transit Project2000 company (RTPO), decided the technology, route, station locations and design. Council advised on these decisions, and is responsible for land-use planning, public open space plans, and transportation and infrastructure along the line and around the stations.
In November 1998, Council approved a work program and funding for the City's 1999 Rapid Transit Program. The budget included a $465,200 allocation of permanent staff and $1,343,800 for temporary staff and public programs. Council instructed staff to report back on further rapid transit work required in 2000.
The route in Vancouver has 2 phases (map in Appendix A). Phase 1 runs from Boundary Road to a terminus at Vancouver Community College via the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Rail right-of-way and the Grandview Cut. It is under construction and will be completed in early 2002.
In February 1999, Council endorsed the Phase 1 SkyTrain alignment from Boundary Road to Commercial Drive and station locations at Rupert, Renfrew, and Commercial Drive.
In July 1999, Council considered the choice for a Phase 1 terminus between extending SkyTrain from Commercial Drive via tunnel under Broadway to VCC, or a northern alignment through the Grandview Cut to the False Creek Flats. Council preferred the northern alignment.
On April 26, 2000 the Province announced the completion of Phase 1 to a station north of VCC in the False Creek Flats.
Phase 2 runs from VCC west through the False Creek Flats to a station on the Finning lands, and then in a tunnel back to the Broadway corridor. On April 4, 2000 Council recommended that the Province and TransLink continue SkyTrain to Granville Street with a Rapid Bus connection to UBC. Council also directed staff to meet with TransLink to establish a process for the westerly extension and discuss planning for a Richmond-downtown transit line, for report back on work programs and budgets.
During 1999, City staff in the Rapid Transit Office worked with RTPO and consulted with stakeholders and the general public on the design of the Phase 1 alignment, stations and precincts, as well as environmental requirements to integrate the system into the city. City involvement has ensured that Council's requirements for the new SkyTrain service regarding safety and security, traffic management and transit interface around stations, addressing community concerns, and achieving the Central Valley Greenway are part of the SkyTrain package.
SkyTrain has also provided opportunities to update land-use plans along the route. The Grandview/ Boundary area was established as a high technology node served by rapid transit. City and RTPO staff worked with stakeholders in the Commercial Drive area to improve safety and services and move toward implementing a Neighbourhood Centre as part of the Cedar Cottage Community Vision. Public Enhancement Plans were adopted for the Rupert and Renfrew station precincts this past February. A summary of 1999 work is included in Appendix C.Proposed 2000 Rapid Transit Work Program
The 2000 program continues initiatives started in 1999. An overview of work to be undertaken by staff follows. Like 1999, additional tasks are likely to emerge during the year.
Phase 1 Completion
In anticipation of the recent Provincial announcement, staff have begun to work with RTPO on an alignment between Commercial Drive and VCC. 2000 work activities include:
· alignment finalization and identification of city land required for the guideway;
· reviewing environmental issues and identifying a greenway/bikeway route;
· station design and precinct planning, including conceptual work on VCC expansion and the industrial block to the east;
· preparation of a public benefit package; and,
· consultation with local businesses, institutions and nearby residents.Broadway/Commercial Station Design and Precinct Plan
Significant progress has been made on precinct planning, but work remains on the design of the new station and retrofit of the existing Broadway Station. 2000 work includes:
· station facilities and amenities;
· existing Broadway station retrofit;
· transit links review/revision;
· servicing and utility relocation;·Commercial Drive public realm plan;
· servicing/amenity costs and sharing, public benefit package and funding strategy;
· review and update commercial zoning and guidelines;
· station-related development: north east triangle and south east corner redevelopment;
· station design and reviews; and
· station plan implementation.Review and update of the area parking plan and development of an area traffic management plan will occur in 2001, closer to when SkyTrain service begins and impacts can be better assessed. On-going outreach will include further meetings with residents and businesses to review station designs, station-related development plans, the precinct plan and public benefit package.
Grandview/Boundary Station Precincts and High Technology Industrial Area Planning
Council has approved a program to replan the Grandview/Boundary industrial area to take advantage of SkyTrain. Now that route and station locations have been decided, work is needed to reconfigure the area to focus on SkyTrain. Consultation with local businesses and nearby residents will be integral to this work program, which includes:
· confirming the station area precincts and permitted uses;
· confirming the location of areas for high-tech (I-3) industrial uses; retail/industrial and commercial/industrial mixed use; Highway Oriented Retail (HOR); and recreational, education and institutional uses;
· area servicing plan;
· area street system improvements and redesign;
· area traffic & parking management;
· confirming parking standards for uses;
· Grandview/Boundary area public realm plan;
· Still Creek public access and day lighting strategy and area Greenway network and linkages;
· servicing/amenity costs and sharing; DCL (if required);
· developing HOR zoning schedule and guidelines;
· advising on HOR and I-3 rezonings and on development applications under new and existing zoning; and
· Rupert & Renfrew station plans implementation.Central Valley Greenway (CVG) Design and Implementation
A Central Valley Greenway/Bikeway through Vancouver is a key part of the City's Greenway Plan and the GVRD Green Zone Plan to link Vancouver with Burnaby Lake. The RTPO will fund most of the CVG from Boundary Road to False Creek Flats. This includes constructing the section between Commercial Drive and Renfrew stations; funding the section from Renfrew station to Boundary Road; and, partially funding the section west ofCommercial Drive to False Creek Flats.
Given the scale and complexity of this facility, City RTO and Greenways staff will continue to work together designing and ultimately implementing the CVG and related improvements. 2000 work activities include:
· conceptual design linking Commercial Drive and Grandview Cut to the False Creek Flats, noting that establishing a Greenway/bikeway route under Clark Drive and down into the Flats will be a technical challenge;
· implementation between Commercial Drive and Renfrew, including traffic calming, pocket parks and view points, and tree restoration for the Grandview Highway North Greenway;
· identifying route options east of Renfrew, including possibly locating the greenway on the north side of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Rail right-of-way from Renfrew to Boundary, or failing that, to pursue south side options;
· Greenway implementation - Renfrew east; and
· Grandview Cut tree and vegetation restoration plan;Implementation will involve assisting with detailed specifications for design, construction, phasing, and costs, and monitoring construction. Outreach will include public review of designs and preparing a public information package.
Assisting SkyTrain Construction
SkyTrain construction will begin in Vancouver in May. The City will need to work with RTPO and their contractors as construction proceeds. This is included in the 2000 budget, and the General Manager of Engineering Services will negotiate with RTPO on cost sharing of staff resources.
2000 Phase 1 Program Budget
Appendix B describes the resources needed to complete Phase 1 and related work in 2000. It is proposed to extend the City's Rapid Transit Office and most staff to year end. The cost of the work described above is $550,000, excluding permanent staff seconded to the project. No new funding is required to complete Phase 1, as sufficient carry over funds from 1999 exist to cover costs.
This report deals only with Phase I work. Pursuant to Council's resolutions on Phase 2, staff will report back on a work program and resources when the VCC West extension proceeds.
During 1999, staff involvement has ensured that the City's interests have been addressed inthe planning and design of the new SkyTrain service. SkyTrain has also enabled the City to capitalize on land-use opportunities and improve services in communities along the route.
The 2000 work program will see Phase 1 completed and will also allow the City to finalize planning of the Grandview/Boundary Industrial area and provide improved amenities through the Central Valley Greenway. With the allocation of permanent staff to the project, sufficient funds exist from the 1999 budget to complete the work program.- - - - -
Phase 1 Completion, Broadway and Commercial, Grandview/Boundary, Greenways, and SkyTrain Construction Management.
1 Project Manager (January to September) $90,000
1 Graphics Assistant $51,000
1 Clerical Support $39,000
1 Planning Analyst $53,000
1 Planning Assistant III $45,000
1 Engineering Assistant III $45,000
1 Engineering Assistant IV (May to December) $46,000
Office Supplies and Services $9,000
Consultants $70,000
Public Processes $102,000$181,000
Funds from 1999: $550,000
Secondment of Permanent Staff to Project
1 Civil Engineer III $87,000
1 Planner III $83,000
1 Civil Engineer II $76,000
2 Planner II $148,000
*Note: Staff costs include 18.7% benefits
Costs are for January to December 2000, except as noted
· Provided detailed review and comments on the Phase 1 alignment and stations including the design of structural and landscape walls that accommodate SkyTrain in the Grandview Cut.
· Coordinated environmental assessment of SkyTrain impacts in the Grandview Cut and negotiated a landscape restoration and mitigation package as part of system construction.
· Developed Precinct Public Enhancement Plans for the Rupert and Renfrew SkyTrain Stations and obtained Council endorsation.
· Negotiated a modified Urban Design Panel and Development Permit Board review that allowed a more formal opportunity for the City to advise the Province on station designs.
· Obtained Council approval of a preferred SkyTrain alignment in the Grandview Cut.
· Took lead role in Central Valley Greenway and Bikeway design between Boundary Road and Commercial Drive including removing Grandview Highway North from the truck route network, developing traffic calming for the street and public consultation.
· Provided significant input into design of new bridges across the Cut at Nanaimo and Lakewood Streets.
· Facilitated key Broadway Station area stakeholders to integrate a retrofitted Broadway Station into adjacent redevelopment.
· Negotiated inclusion of transit-oriented commercial development as part of the station design on the north east corner of Broadway and Commercial.
· Negotiated with stakeholders to improve the pedestrian environment around Broadway Station. Includes increased lighting under the guideway over Broadway, widening sidewalks, relocating the westbound 99-B bus stop adjacent to the Station, providing bus shelters for the 99-B line, and installing public art and Christmas lights on the "triangle site" on the north east corner of Broadway and Commercial.
· Coordinated a comparative transportation and land-use review of the base alignment between Commercial Drive and VCC, and a new Cut alignment to a station north of Vancouver Community College and through to the Finning lands.
· Managed independent consultant study on Phase 2 route and technology options for the Broadway corridor west of Commercial to UBC including rapid bus, Conventional LRT and SkyTrain/rapid bus combination.
· Negotiated with RTPO on access to the Grandview Cut and with RTPO and TransLink on the use of the Municipal Integration Fund.
· As part of the Grandview Boundary Area plan, prepared interim guidelines for privately initiated rezonings for I-3 High Technology Industrial; Rupert and Renfrew Station precinct zoning; Highway-oriented retail, and I-2/I-3 Educational, Institutional, Cultural and Recreational uses.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver