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MARCH 16, 2000
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Thursday, March 16, 2000, at 4:39 p.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.
Mayor Philip Owen
Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Leave of Absence)
Brent MacGregor, Deputy City Manager |
Laura Kazakoff, Meeting Coordinator |
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the chair.
Report of Standing Committee on Planning and Environment
March 16, 2000
Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in the following clauses of the attached report:
Cl.1: Nuisance Building at 2549 Fraser Street
Cl.2: Proposed Amendment to Subdivision By-law No. 5208
Site Reclassification at 5154 and 5160 Ruby Street
Cl.3: Status of the Theatre Row - Granville Street Entertainment District
Cl.4: 870 Granville Street - Commodore Cabaret
Class 'C' Cabaret/Restaurant Class 2 - Increase in Seating Capacity
Cl.5: 965 Granville Street - Class 'C' Cabaret - Applicant: John Teti
Cl.6: Downtown Eastside Economic Revitalization: Economic Capacity
Cl.7: Downtown Eastside Economic Revitalization: Pilot Programs to Encourage Locally Based Businesses
Clauses 1-3 and 5-7
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clauses 1-3 and 5-7 of this report, be approved.
Clause No. 4 - 870 Granville Street
Consideration of this item was postponed to a future meeting.
MOVED by Cllr. McCormick,
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Cllr. McCormick,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
1. Curitiba, Brazil - Rapid Bus System
Councillor Bass advised of a 20 minute video on a bus system in Curitiba, Brazil, which he felt would be beneficial for Council to view at, or prior to, the March 27th Special Council Meeting on Rapid Transit. It was agreed he would make the appropriate arrangements through the Manager of Council Support Services.
2. Leave of Absence - Councillor Sullivan
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Daniel Lee,
THAT the Leave of Absence for Civic Business previously approved for Councillor Sullivan for the morning of April 6, 2000, be changed to the afternoon of April 6, 2000.
The Council adjourned at 4:42 p.m.
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MARCH 16, 2000
A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on Planning and Environment was held on Thursday, March 16, 2000, at 2:00 p.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.
Councillor Don Lee, Chair
Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Leave of
Judy Rogers, City Manager
Laura Kazakoff, Meeting Coordinator |
*Denotes presence for part of the meeting.
The Committee agreed to vary the order of the agenda, in order to deal with items 6 and 7 first. For ease of reference, the agenda items are minuted numerically.
The Minutes of the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting of February 24, 2000, were adopted.
1. Nuisance Building at 2549 Fraser Street File: 2701-1
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated February 23, 2000, in which the City Building Inspector recommended Council declare the building at 2549 Fraser Street a nuisance, that the windows be boarded up with painted plywood, a chain link fence be erected around the perimeter of the property and further that a 336D Notice be filed against the Certificate of Title to the property in order to warn any prospective purchasers that there are By-law violations and an Order of Council in relation to this property, which could result in significant expenses if the Order were enforced against the purchaser. The General Manager of Community Services recommended approval of the recommendations.
Peter Sweeney, Manager, Building Inspection, with the aid of overheads, provided an overview of the Administrative Report, and advised the recommendations are for improving the condition of the building's exterior and securing the site against dumping and illegal entry. The subject property is adjacent a vacant lot and the proposed fencing will incorporate both sites. He advised the owner has not expressed objections to the recommendations.
Mr. Sweeney, Constable Steve Callender, and Carlene Robbins, Manager, By-law Administration, responded to questions concerning Council's previous order for demolition passed in 1994, which was set aside by a Supreme Court ruling, work carried out by the owner since that order, and enforcement issues related to this property.
Council members expressed concern over the long-term, ongoing problems related to this property, and the expenses incurred as a result.
Shannon Fraser, Robson Park Area Working Group, spoke in opposition to the staff recommendations, noting the building should be demolished. She advised the Supreme Court order setting aside the City's demolition had set a deadline for completion of the building, and as the deadline has now passed, the City is in a legal position to demolish the building.
The following motion by Councillor Louis was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A. THAT Council declare that the condition of the building and site at 2549 Fraser Street (Lot A of 13 to 15 of B, Block 156, District Lot 264A, Plans 390 and 177l PID 008-132-488) is a nuisance pursuant to Section 324A of the Vancouver Charter.
B. THAT Council approve the Resolution attached to the Administrative Report dated February 23, 2000, and order the Registered owner of the property to board-up the broken windows in this building with painted plywood, cut to fit inside the openings, and to provide a chain-link fence around the perimeter of the property within 14 days of a copy of the Resolution being served pursuant to Section 324A of the Vancouver Charter.
C. THAT in the event of the failure of the owner to comply with the order of Council, Council further orders and authorizes the City Building Inspector to have the broken windows boarded-up with painted plywood, cut to fit inside the openings, and to provide a chain-link fence around the perimeter of the property at the expense of the owner.
D. THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the Certificate of Title to the property at 2549 Fraser Street, in order to warn prospective purchasers that as a result of Councils Resolution, the purchaser could suffer significant expense if the order of Council were enforced against him.
E. THAT staff be directed to obtain a copy of the Supreme Court Order setting aside the City's 1994 resolution ordering the building at 2549 Fraser Street be demolished to ascertain whether or not the City is now legally authorized to proceed with the demolition of the subject property and to report back to Council.
(Councillors Clarke and Price not present for the vote)
2. Proposed Amendment to Subdivision By-law No. 5208 -
Site Reclassification at 5154 and 5160 Ruby Street File: 5307
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated February 23, 2000, in which the Subdivision Approving Officer recommended approval of an application to reclassify the properties at 5154 and 5160 Ruby Street from Category B to Category A of Schedule A, Table 1, of Subdivision By-law No. 5208, and sought Council's direction regarding pursuing a wider area of reclassification. The General Manager of Community Services recommended approval of the foregoing.
Rick Scobie, Director of Development Services, provided an overview of the Administrative Report, noting neighbourhood respondents have indicated support for the reclassification application.
Bill Yuen, area resident, spoke in support of the application as well as the reclassification of the remainder of the block, as put forward in Consideration B in the Administrative Report.
Loy Leyland, Architect, spoke on behalf of the owners of 5154 and 5160 Ruby Street, and expressed support for the reclassification application and hoped that approval of Consideration B would not result in a delay of the application. Mr. Leyland noted the owners would be pleased to build three new houses, however, two new houses on larger lots would not be viable.
Helen Cheong, owner of 5154 and 5160 Ruby Street, spoke in favour of Recommendation A, noting the reclassification would provide equity, result in more houses which are more affordable and alike in appearance, and would address problems associated with some premises currently classified as Category B.
The following motion by Councillor Louis was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A. THAT Council approve the application to reclassify the properties at 5154 and 5160 Ruby Street from Category B to Category A of Schedule A, Table 1, of Subdivision By-law No. 5208.
B. THAT Council instruct staff to initiate a review of the classification of the properties shown in Appendix B of the Administrative Report dated February 23, 2000, to determine whether the affected property owners, and the surrounding neighbourhood, would support a reclassification from Category B to Category A, thereby allowing for potential future subdivision into smaller parcels.
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote)
3. Status of the Theatre Row -
Granville Street Entertainment District File: 2611
The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated March 9, 2000, in which the Chief License Inspector provided an update on the status of the Granville Street Theatre Row Entertainment District and recommended that the existing policy of requiring relocation of seats for new Class 'C' cabarets be reaffirmed and that the seat allocation per block be modified to allow reallocation of some seats from the 700 block. The Chief License Inspector also recommended that three approved-in-principle applications be reevaluated should they not proceed within the next six months. The General Manager of Community Services recommended approval of the recommendations.
Guy Gusdal, Licensing Coordinator, reviewed the Policy Report and its recommendations and, along with Paul Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector, responded to questions on license transfers, enforcement issues, and the status of the site at the corner of Smithe and Granville.
The following delegations expressed opposition to the recommendations:
· Vance Campbell, Granville Entertainment Group
· Dennis Coates, Mair Jensen Blair, Barristers & Solicitors
The following is a summary of comments provided by the foregoing speakers:
· Council's policy on transference of licenses has created a black market for disreputable operators to sell licenses; a new vehicle to encourage Granville Street revitalization is needed;
· an alternative to license transfers would be a provision for payment-in-lieu of a license transfer;
· delineation of Theatre Row district should be shifted from the 700-900 blocks to the 800-1000 blocks of Granville Street;
· policy on requiring license transfer is an impossible condition to meet - there are no licenses in residential areas available to purchase;
· need the ability to customize licenses beyond the current classes to reflect specific operational characteristics.
The following motion by Councillor Puil was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
THAT consideration of the Policy Report dated March 9, 2000, be postponed pending a Council workshop with staff to discuss liquor licensing policies.
(Mayor Owen not present for the vote)
4. 870 Granville Street - Commodore Cabaret File: 2614-6
Class 'C' Cabaret/Restaurant Class 2 - Increase in Seating Capacity
Council agreed to postpone this matter to a future Standing Committee meeting, due to a request from the applicant.
5. 965 Granville Street - Class 'C' Cabaret - Applicant: John Teti File 2614-17
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated February 17, 2000, in which the Chief License Inspector reviewed an application for a 200 seat Class 'C' cabaret at 965 Granville Street and recommended that Council not endorse the application on the basis that it contravenes Council policy with regard to the density of seats for the 900 block of Granville, and does not involve the reallocation of seats from nearby residential areas. The General Manager of Community Services also recommended the application not be endorsed by Council.
Guy Gusdal, Licensing Coordinator, provided an overview of the Administrative Report, and along with Paul Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector, responded to questions concerning the definition of a cabaret, Class 'C' licenses, and policies regarding hours of operation and reallocation of licensed drinking seats.
John Teti, Applicant (brief filed), with the aid of visual display boards, reviewed his application, noting it is a significant project in which less than 1/3 of the seats are straight drinking seats. He also advised the number of drinking seats could be reduced from the 200 noted in the application. Mr. Teti noted there were no licenses available for transfer from Downtown South, and asked for Council's support in moving ahead with this application.
Dennis Coates, Agent for the applicant, expressed the need to be able to customize license conditions to deal with applications for which a cabaret license is not appropriate.
Richard Hancock spoke in favour of staff's recommendation. He advised he represents two clients who hold licenses in residential areas who wish to relocate these licenses to Granville Street, subject to securing tenancy leases.
The following motion by Mayor Owen was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
THAT consideration of the Administrative Report dated February 17, 2000, be postponed pending a Council workshop with staff to discuss liquor licensing policies.
(Councillor Puil not present for the vote)
6. Downtown Eastside Economic Revitalization:
Economic Capacity Study File: 8104
The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated March 2, 2000, prepared by the Vancouver Economic Development Commission, in consultation with the Director of Current Planning and the Manager of Real Estate Services, which had been before the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets at its meeting earlier that day. At that meeting, the Committee concluded hearing delegations on this report, and referred the matter to the afternoon meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee for discussion and decision.
Nathan Edelson, Planner, Downtown Neighbourhoods Group, reviewed issues brought up at the earlier meeting in relation to the Economic Revitalization Strategy and Economic Capacity Study, including management of the revitalization program, timing of the capacity study and lease subsidies for private businesses. Mr. Edelson also responded to questions concerning community and police involvement.
John Barr, Vancouver Economic Development Commission, in response to questions concerning whether there are similar programs operating elsewhere in North America, noted the revitalization strategy follows a tried and true model, and a capacity study is one of the first stages in any of the models operating elsewhere. He did note, however, that other models have occurred in urban environments where people have abandoned the area, and that is not the case in the Downtown Eastside.
Merlin Mah, who appeared as a delegation at the morning's City Services and Budgets meeting, in response to questions from the Chair, noted there are many factors which have contributed to the deterioration of the area. This proposal could help bring businesses back into the community and enable the community to work with Council and the police to resolve many issues. He noted it was important for the views of long-time residents of all ethnic backgrounds to be represented.
The following motion by Councillor McCormick was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A. THAT Council approve the carrying out of the Downtown Eastside Economic Capacity Study at a cost of up to $80,000, with the work being managed by the Vancouver Economic Development Commission, in consultation with staff from Planning and Real Estate Services, source of funding to be the 2000 Operating Budget.
AND THAT the Terms of Reference for the Downtown Eastside Economic Capacity Study be approved as shown in Appendix A of the Policy Report dated March 2, 2000.
AND FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to amend the contract for services with the Vancouver Economic Development Commission for the 2000 fiscal year to include that the Vancouver Economic Development Commission shall be responsible to carry out the Downtown Eastside Economic Capacity Study in accordance with the Terms of Reference attached hereto as Appendix A of the Policy Report dated March 2, 2000, and on such other terms and conditions, satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, to be set out in the amended contract for a fee of $80,000 (including net GST) which fee shall be in addition to the amount otherwise payable to the Vancouver Economic Development Commission as approved by Council.
AND FURTHER THAT no legal obligation or right shall be created hereby and none shall arise hereafter until the amended contract for services is executed.
B. THAT the Vancouver Economic Development Commission, in consultation with the community and staff from the three levels of government, report back by September 2000 on the results of the Downtown Eastside Economic Capacity Study and on a work program to develop an Economic Revitalization Strategy.
(Councillor Clark not present for the vote)
7. Downtown Eastside Economic Revitalization: File: 8104
Pilot Programs to Encourage Locally-Based Businesses
The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated March 3, 2000, prepared by the Vancouver Economic Development Commission and the Director of Current Planning in consultation with the Manager of Real Estate Services, which had been before the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets at its meeting earlier that day. At that meeting, the Committee concluded hearing delegations on this report, and referred the matter to the afternoon meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee for discussion and decision.
Bruce Maitland, Manager of Housing Centre, Nathan Edelson, Planner, and Judy Rogers, City Manager, responded to questions concerning the pilot programs.
The following motion by Councillor Louis was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A. THAT Council approve the Downtown Eastside Tenant-Improvements Assistance Program at a cost of $150,000 as outlined in the Policy Report dated March 3, 2000, with the program being managed by the Manager of Real Estate Services, in consultation with the Vancouver Economic Development Commission (VEDC), Planning and representatives from the community.
AND THAT the funds be allocated in advance of Councils approval of the Capital Spending Program for 2000 (source of funds to be the Downtown Eastside allocation in the 2000-2002 Capital Plan).
B. THAT Council approve the Downtown Eastside Lease-Subsidy Program at a cost of $150,000 as outlined in the Policy Report dated March 3, 2000, with the program being managed by the Vancouver Economic Development Commission in consultation with Real Estate Services, Planning and representatives from the community.
AND THAT the VEDC and staff, in consultation with representatives from the community, report back to Council with a recommendation for approval, refusal or consideration of all grant applications for lease-subsidies for enterprises owned and managed by registered charitable institutions.
AND FURTHER THAT the funds be allocated in advance of Councils approval of the Capital Spending Program for 2000 (source of funds to be the Downtown Eastside allocation in the 2000-2002 Capital Plan).
C. THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to amend the contract with the Vancouver Economic Development Commission for the 2000 fiscal year to include an additional $15,000 (including GST) as a fee for managing the Downtown Eastside Tenant-Improvements Assistance Program and the Downtown Eastside Lease-Subsidy Program and to include terms of administration satisfactory to the City Manager.
AND THAT the funds be allocated in advance of Councils approval of the Capital Spending Program for 2000 (source of funds to be the Downtown Eastside allocation in the 2000-2002 Capital Plan).
D. THAT the Vancouver Economic Development Commission and staff, in consultation with representatives from the community, report back at least annually on the status of the Tenant-Improvements Assistance and Lease-Subsidy Programs and the businesses that have been encouraged to locate or expand in the Downtown Eastside.
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote)
The Committee adjourned at 4:39 p.m.
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