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Date: March 2, 2000
Author/Local: Nathan Edelson (7444)& John Barr - VEDC (632-9668)
RTS No. 1279
CC File No. 8104
CS&B: March 16, 2000
TO: Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets FROM: Vancouver Economic Development Commission, in consultation with the Director of Current Planning and the Manager of Real Estate Services SUBJECT: Downtown Eastside Economic Revitalization: Economic Capacity Study RECOMMENDATION
A. THAT Council approve the carrying out of the Downtown Eastside Economic Capacity Study at a cost of up to $80,000, with the work being managed by the Vancouver Economic Development Commission, in consultation with staff from Planning and Real Estate Services, source of funding to be the 2000 Operating Budget.
AND THAT the Terms of Reference for the Downtown Eastside Economic Capacity Study be approved as shown in Appendix A.
AND FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to amend the contract for services with the Vancouver Economic Development Commission for the 2000 fiscal year to include that the Vancouver Economic Development Commission shall be responsible to carry out the Downtown Eastside Economic Capacity Study in accordance with the Terms of Reference attached hereto as Appendix A and on such other terms and conditions, satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, to be set out in the amended contract for a fee of $80,000 (including net GST) which fee shall be in addition to the amount otherwise payable to the Vancouver Economic Development Commission as approved by Council.
AND FURTHER THAT no legal obligation or right shall be created hereby and none shall arise hereafter until the amended contract for services is executed.
B. THAT the Vancouver Economic Development Commission, in consultation with the community and staff from the three levels of government, report back by September 2000 on the results of the Downtown Eastside Economic Capacity Study and on a work program to develop an Economic Revitalization Strategy.
The City Manager recommends A and B.
On July 22, 1999, Council adopted the work program of the Vancouver Economic Development Commission pertaining to the Economic Revitalization of the Downtown Eastside. Section D of the work program states:
THAT the VEDC be requested, in consultation with the three levels of government and the public, to prepare terms of reference for an Economic Capacity Study and other research needed to develop a Downtown Eastside Economic Revitalization Strategy and to report back on timing and funding requirements before October 1999.
This report seeks Council approval of $80,000 as the Citys financial contribution to the Downtown Eastside Economic Capacity Study, which will be managed by the Vancouver Economic Development Commission.
In late 1998, at the request of the City of Vancouver, the Vancouver Economic Development Commission (VEDC) undertook to begin work on the economic revitalization of Vancouvers Downtown Eastside. In July 1999, City Council confirmed the Commissions lead role on behalf of the City in working with the three levels of government and the public to develop and begin implementation of a Downtown Eastside Economic RevitalizationStrategy over the next 18 months. In confirming the Commissions role, City Council also requested the VEDC, in consultation with the three levels of government and the public, to prepare terms of reference for an Economic Capacity Study and other research needed to develop a Downtown Eastside Economic Revitalization Strategy, and report back on timing and funding requirements.
The Economic Revitalization Strategy will be developed from community input and relevant and reliable information. The Economic Capacity Study will be one of the sources of information. Other information will come from research into community development and inner-city revitalization experiences in other cities and countries, and from consultation with business, industry and academic experts.
As the information source that reflects the community economic realities and opportunities, the Economic Capacity Study is one of the most important resources for the development of the Economic Revitalization Strategy. The study will provide a snapshot of the Downtown Eastside existing resources, and insight into its current economic situation and potential. The resources to be documented include the areas residents, the workers, the employers, the available land, the types of housing, the commercial and industrial facilities, other physical infrastructure (e.g. telecommunications and transportation facilities), and heritage sites. The study will also provide some figures, forecasts and impacts associated with different growth scenarios for the neighbourhood.
In community development, particularly in the Downtown Eastside, it is not possible to separate the economy from the other factors influencing the community - health, housing, homelessness, poverty, crime and justice. The focus of this study is, however, economic revitalization. Those other community influences will be included in the study only where there is a direct and profound influence on the economy.
The study will be a tool for the community and other stakeholders to use in choosing directions, establishing priorities, determining courses of action and deciding upon methods of implementation. The purpose of the study and the other information resources is to provide information on what exists within the community, what are the opportunities, what goals are realistic, what needs to be addressed immediately, what are the available options, and what are the benefits and drawbacks associated with each option.
The community members themselves, both residents and businesses, working closely with other stakeholders, will need to make the necessary economic revitalization decisions and begiven the opportunities to take action on those decisions. The study is a way of supporting the community by helping to make informed choices.
It is common knowledge that this area has been studied extensively. It is for that reason that the first step in the development of the Economic Capacity Study will be to review the information already available. To avoid duplication of effort, another early step will be to determine what other groups or agencies may be undertaking that will complement the study. In carrying out the study, every effort will be made to work cooperatively with other groups actively involved in the Downtown Eastside revitalization process. The study will include original research only if the desired information is not available or being compiled elsewhere.
The product coming out of this study is intended to be one usable document with as much possible of the community specific information necessary for the development of an economic revitalization strategy. Informed decision making must be the basis for the Economic Revitalization Strategy for the Downtown Eastside.
The draft terms of reference for the Economic Capacity Study are shown in Appendix A. The VEDC and staff will report back to Council with a detailed work program for the Economic Revitalization Strategy by September 2000.
The VEDC and Planning staff met with representatives of Strathcona Area Merchants Society (which is now the Strathcona Business Improvement Area), Gastown Business Improvement Society, Chinatown Merchants Association, West Hastings Revitalization Association and Community Directions. In the discussions, there was some concern that the study may redo what has already been done. Staff noted that the initial stage of the study (reviewing existing literature and initiatives) is designed just to address that issue. Overall, several groups were interested in the economic information that would be generated through this study and that it could assist them in their business and community work.
It is estimated that the cost of the first two parts of the Economic Capacity Study, as described in the terms of reference, will be $80,000. The VEDC has received $25,000 for Part I from the federal Ministry of Western Economic Diversification. The City would amend its contract with the VEDC to fund $55,000 for Part II, as well as to contribute up to $25,000 for Part III, to permit the VEDC to perform, if needed, additional research and analysis based on the community input. The total cost to the City is therefore up to $80,000. Any unexpended funds would be returned to the City.
There is no source of funding for this work specifically included in the preliminary Operating Budget Estimates reported to Council on February 15. Should Council wish to proceed with this work, these funds will have to be accommodated within the 2000 Operating Budget to be considered by Council on April 18.
The Economic Capacity Study will be a key component toward the development of an Economic Revitalization Strategy for the Downtown Eastside and surrounding communities. When developed, the Strategy will tie in well with other medium and longer term efforts in the Downtown Eastside, as well as building on shorter term economic actions, such as the Tenant-Improvement Assistance Program and the Lease-Subsidy Program (which are presented in a companion report).
March 2000
The City and the Vancouver Economic Development Commission (VEDC) want to conduct a comprehensive study of the facts, factors and trends that influence the economy of the Downtown Eastside now and in the future. This Economic Capacity Study will assist in upcoming work, including the development of an Economic Revitalization Strategy for the area.
The project will be managed by the VEDC with advice from the already established Economic Revitalization Steering Committee and a group of Downtown Eastside resident and business representatives to be established for that purpose. The VEDC will sign the contract with the successful consultant(s).
The study will consist of three parts:
PART I: Information Gathering
PART II: Opportunities, Projections and Forecasts
PART III: Follow-up Analysis
Study Area
The study area consists of overlapping communities, made up of the Downtown Eastside, Chinatown, Gastown, Strathcona, Thornton Park, Victory Square (see attached map). Information about adjacent areas (such as in the Central Waterfront, the Central Business District, International Village, East False Creek and the False Creek Flats) is likely to be required as part of this study.
Utilize information already available and carry out research and analysis to produce a document that includes the items listed below. Review the preliminary results with interested community and business stakeholders to verify it is complete and accurate.
Description of Downtown Eastside and Surrounding Communities
A. Demographics of community and trends
B. Brief narrative description of community, with
C. Brief narrative description of sub-areas within
the community: Chinatown, Gastown, Hastings Street (Cambie to Gore), Industrial Area,
Oppenheimer, Strathcona, Thornton Park, Victory Square Area.
Economic Profile and Trends
A. Employer Profile
1. Ten largest employers
2. By economic sector: number of employers, payroll,
number of employees by gender, and number of residents employed by gender
3. Geographic distribution of employers and
4. Purchasing power and hiring practices that could
be redirected to the community, i.e. import replacement.
B. Workforce Profile
1. Number in workforce
2. Number employed/unemployed
3. Number on Employment Insurance
4. Number of employable on Income
5. Number on disability pensions.
C. Wealth and Income Profile
1. Income arising from employment/business
2. Income arising from investments
3. Income arising from Employment Insurance
4. Income arising from Income Assistance
5. Geographic distribution of wealth by source
6. Disposable income.
D. Financial Leakage and Spending Patterns
Human Resource Profile
A. Community Skills Asset Inventory (from Community Directions)
Physical/Infrastructure Profile
A. Telecommunications
B. Transportation
C. Available Land
D. Available Floor Space
1. Street level storefront
2. Commercial
3. Industrial
E. Heritage Buildings, with map
1. Restored
2. Occupied, not restored
3. Unoccupied
F. Ownership Profile
Housing and Resident Profile
A. Market Housing - type, ownership, distribution in community
B. Non-market Housing - type, ownership, distribution in community
C. Residents:
1. With telephones
2. Computer literate
3. With computers
4. With access to Internet
D. Income Distribution by Housing Type
1. Average income and source of income of market
housing residents
2. Average income and source of income of non-market
housing residents
3. Average income and source of income of SRO
A. Impacts on the community and opportunities for community residents and businesses in current and projected developments in or adjacent to the Downtown Eastside.
B. Community assets to enhance opportunities by sector, comparative and relative advantages of sectors for the community, sector integration opportunities, and job creation potential for:
1. High tech
2. Arts and culture
3. Tourism
4. Manufacturing
5. Retail
6. Education
7. Others
C. Growth scenarios and impacts:
1. External growth and pressure points on the
Downtown Eastside and possible impacts on the community
2. Projected population growth based on current
3. Population growth scenarios based on increased
legitimate community economic activity
4. Impact of growth scenarios on:
a. Demand and price for market housing
b. Demand for non-market housing
c. Demand and cost for commercial space
d. Demand and cost for light industrial space
e. Opportunities for retail goods and services..
D. Public review:
Review the results with interested community and business stakeholders.
Carry out targeted follow-up analysis based on the community input, if needed.
Part I of the study should be completed by May 2000. Part II should include a preliminary report for public review by the end of August 2000, and be completed by October 2000. Part III will be dependent upon the need for follow-up research, with timelines being finalized with VEDC and City staff.
PART I - Information Gathering:
$25,000 from Ministry of Western Economic
PART II - Opportunities, Projections and
$55,000 from the City of Vancouver
PART III - Follow-up Analysis:
up to $25,000 from the City of Vancouver
* * * * *
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver