Agenda Index City of Vancouver



MOVED BY Councillor

SECONDED BY Councillor


1. The City of Vancouver is the owner of all the streets and lanes lying within the limits of the City of Vancouver;

2. There is a proposal to construct a daycare facility at the northwest corner of Burrard Street and Beach Avenue, partially on City-owned Lot C, Block 14, District Lot 185, Plan 12302;

3. The proposal requires the closure of a portion of the west side of Burrard Street, north of Beach Avenue;

4. A part of the said portion of Burrard Street to be closed was dedicated by the deposit of Plan 92 and lies within District Lot 185, and a part was dedicated by the deposit of Plan 210 and lies within District Lot 541;

5. The said portion of Burrard Street to be closed is no longer required for road purposes;

6. The said closure will require the relocation of public utilities and reconstruction of the road;

7. A statutory right-of-way will be retained over the closed road until such time as the utilities are relocated and the road construction completed;

8. The closed road will be consolidated with said Lot C.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT all that portion of the west side of Burrard Street, north of Beach Avenue dedicated by the deposit of, firstly, Plan 92 in District Lot 185 and, secondly, Plan 210 in District Lot 541, and being the same as shown in heavy outline on a Reference Plan of Survey attested to by A. Di Nozzi, B.C.L.S., and completed on the 5th day of January, 2000 and marginally numbered LB708, a copy of which is attached hereto, be closed, stopped-up; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the said portion of the west side of Burrard Street to be closed be consolidated with the abutting City-owned Lot C, Block 14, District Lot 185, Plan 12302 to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services.

(Closing a portion of the west side of Burrard Street, north of Beach Avenue as per the January 18, 2000 Council authority).

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