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Date: November 10, 1999
Author/Local: P. Teichroeb
RTS No. 01125
CC File No. 2601
P&E Date: December 2, 1999
Standing Committee on Planning and Environment
Chief License Inspector in consultation with the Chief Constable and the Director of Legal Services.
Regulations for Alcohol-Free Late Night Dance Events
A. THAT the regulations for Late Night Dance Events as outlined in this report be endorsed;
B. THAT the Director of Legal Services be requested to bring froward for enactment a by-law amending the License By-law generally in accordance with Appendix C.
If recommendation B is approved, the by-law will be presented for enactment at todays meeting of Council.
The General Manager recommends approval of the foregoing.
On November 17, 1998, Council endorsed the recommendation that directed the Child and Youth Advocate to work with the appropriate agencies and civic departments to bring forward a report looking at the opportunities and obstacles related to late night social/recreational activities and venues for youth within the City.
To establish guidelines and regulations for Late Night Dance Events in the City of Vancouver.
Late Night Dance Events or Raves, have become very popular with the 14 to 25 year old age group all over the world. In the past few years, these events have taken place in various jurisdictions throughout the Lower Mainland, usually without the appropriate approvals.
In the early stages, part of the mystique of these events was to keep the location secret until just before the event to prevent closure by the Police or Fire Department. Many of these events have now evolved to pre-arranged parties in legal venues. These have been held in various halls in other cities as well as in Vancouver. Many of these occur in over- crowded halls without appropriate security in place. Police and Fire Departments have moved to prevent some events where it has become apparent that safety has been compromised.
Over the past 6 months, staff from Police, Fire, CSG and Health Board have worked in liaison with the industry in an effort to set up a process for approving such events. This new process has been in place since August 1999. The general feeling is that these events will occur somewhere and an approval process will result in safer events and reduce the events impact. Appendix A shows the staff committee members responsible for evaluating applications and Appendix B is a copy of the application form.
Initially, the new application process for Late Night Dance Events has gone relatively smoothly. Applicants, provided they have submitted a complete application, can usually expect to meet with the After Hours Committee within two weeks of their submission date. The committee will provide the applicant with a preliminary decision at the conclusion of this meeting to allow the promoter sufficient lead time to organize the event. All large halls, venues and promoters have been notified of the new procedures. Approvals have been granted for 5 events, two of which have occurred without any major problems; the other three events have not yet taken place.
These events will only be licensed in venues approved for public assembly such as the Plaza of Nations, Pacific National Exhibition, and other licensed halls. Some of the City owned and operated facilities including the Queen Elizabeth Theatre and the Concourse area of Library Square will likely be used for these events. City staff have met to discuss the conditions under which approval will be granted and to ensure that the appropriate city contracts are in place. Venues such as the City owned facilities are somewhat easier to manage for these events as they have their own security staff and safety plans.
On October 30th, an event proceeded at the Plaza of Nations without City approvals. Police, Fire and Permits and Licenses were challenged by the lack of lead time to ensure theapproval of permits. Concerns were related to the security plan and policing requirements, fire safety plan and the permitted occupancy of the building in relationship to the number of tickets sold. The License By-law was not definitive enough to control events and to provide legal options to stop the event.
The upcoming millennium New Years Eve has raised renewed concerns with staff. There will be a large number and variety of events occurring at the same time. It is imperative that the control be in place to ensure safe events and to allow sufficient time to allocate Police resources.
Therefore, staff have moved quickly to review the current by-laws and the powers designated under the Charter. New regulations and proposed by-law amendments have been drafted in order to put the appropriate controls in place. Appendix C contains proposed regulations to govern Late Night Dance Events. If the recommendations in this report are approved these regulations will be included in the License bylaw.
There are concerns related to the Late Night Dance Events but it is recognized that this is a legitimate form of entertainment for young people. Staff feel that a cautious approach is required to ensure patron safety and minimum neighbourhood impacts. The recommended by-law amendments will give the City the necessary authority to deal with events that do not meet the safety and operational conditions however, approved safe events will provide an opportunity for late night social activities.
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Appendix A:
Paul Teichroeb Chief License Inspector P&L 873-7545
Guy Gusdal Permits & Licenses 871-6461
Lynne Rippon Manager, DIAC 873-7550
(Bill Boons) AlternateBob Young Vancouver Police Department 717-3082 fax 665-3913
Bill Campbell Events Captain/Fire Prevention 873-7860
(Harry McGuire) Alternate 873-7592Alfred Guthrie Vancouver/Richmond Health 736-2866 fax 731-8651
Board (Environmental Health)
Pat Fry Films & Special Events 871-6447
Avy Woo Fire Prevention Engineer/Fire 873-7038 fax 871-6148
Liz Menzies Risk & Emergency Management 873-7737
(Maria Law) Alternate - Manager, Risk
Management and Loss Control 873-7737
Coralys Cuthbert Office of Cultural Affairs 871-6005
(Social Planning)
Appendix B: Application Form
City of Vancouver
All applications to hold an all-night dance party in Vancouver will be reviewed by the After Hours Committee. This committee is responsible for approving special events in Vancouver and is staffed by members of the following agencies:
City of Vancouver Film Office
Permits & Licenses Department
Planning Department
Vancouver Police Department
Vancouver Fire and Rescue Service
Vancouver/Richmond Health BoardAll applications should forward a detailed event plan. Included in this plan should be:
· Copies of all Business Licenses.
· A reference letter from the venue involved, indicating their approval.
· A security plan that meets industry standards.
· The name of provincially licensed security company contracted.
· Proof of liability insurance coverage.
· Background information on similar events the applicant(s) has been involved with.At all times during the approval process, public safety will be paramount. All agencies of the After Hours Committee must concur for approval. Applicants are reminded of the following conditions:
· All events will be liquor free.
· Minimum six weeks notice to After Hours Committee prior to an event. There will be NO exceptions.
· The After Hours Committee may limit the number of events on any given night.
· Promoters or staff that has contact with minors will be subject to a criminal record check.
· Acceptable applications will be followed by an After Hours Committee meeting with the applicant in attendance.Questions may be forwarded to Guy Gusdal, License Coordinator, Permits & Licenses, 871-6461 or Constable Rolfe Fuhrmann, Vancouver Police Department, 717-3082.
City of Vancouver
Applicant(s) Name
City: Postal Code:
Telephone No. Business: Residence:
If Incorporated:
Date of Incorporation: Incorporation No. Directors Names:
Address of Proposed Event:
Will Alcohol be Served at the Event? Yes _ No _
Will minors be admitted? (18 and under) Yes _ No _
Proposed Patron Capacity: Fire Capacity:
Security Company Name: Business License No.
Are two copies of Security Plan attached? Yes _ No _
Is the Security Company insured for late night events? Yes _ No _Proposed Hours of Operation:
Type of Food:
Type of Entertainment:Have you attached two copies of the complete proposal? Yes _ No _ (These copies are required for processing)
Have you organized an All-night Dance Party before? Yes _ No _
If YES, where and when?
At these events, were there incidents that required police or emergency services to attend?
Yes _ No _
Have you allowed for the cost of Vancouver Police Department presence during the event?
Yes _ No _
If YES, how many officers have you budgeted for?
NOTE: The application must be reviewed by the After Hours Committee.
A Special Event business license will also be required, and should be applied for at least six weeks prior to the event.
Is the proposed location suitable: YES _ NO _
Are residential uses in close proximity: YES _ NO _
Do you approve of the event? YES _ NO _
Comments/Conditions:Director of Planning:
Maximum Fire Capacity:
Plans Submitted: YES _ NO _
Do you approve of the event? YES _ NO _
Comments/Conditions:Fire Department Events Captain:
Maximum Health Capacity:
Temporary Washroom Required: Male: Female:
Health Permit Required: YES _ Permit #
NO _
Do you approve the event?YES _ NO _
Environmental Health Officer:VANCOUVER POLICE DEPARTMENT
Security Plan Approved YES _ NO _
Do you approve of the event? YES _ NO _
Comments/Conditions:Inspector i/c Special Events:
After Hours Committee Results: APPROVED: _ BUSINESS LICENSE NO.
Appendix C: Definitions and Conditions
Late Night Dance Event means an event involving dance or music and any part of which occurs between the 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. on any day but does not include an event taking place in a private residence.
Late Night Dance Event Permit means a permit issued under section 5 of this By-law.
Maximum Occupant Load means the lesser of the number of persons that may be permitted in premises under the provisions of the Fire By-law, the Building By-law, or the Health By-law.
1. No person shall promote, organize, or hold a Late Night Dance Event without having first obtained a Late Night Dance Event Permit from the Inspector.
2. No person shall
a. advertise a Late Night Dance Event; or
b. offer, distribute, or sell tickets for a Late Night Dance Event,
unless a Late Night Dance Event Permit has been issued for that event.
3. No person shall permit a Late Night Dance Event to be held on premises owned, operated, or controlled by that person unless a Late Night Dance Event Permit has been issued for the event.
4. A person applying for a Late Night Dance Event Permit must make the application on the form provided by the Inspector and must submit it to the Inspector no less than six weeks before the day the event is to be held.
5. The Inspector may, subject to sections 6 and 7, issue a Late Night Dance Event Permit for a single event which permit shall not be transferable and shall be valid only for the dates, times, and location specified in the permit.
6. The Inspector must not issue a Late Night Dance Event Permit unless the person applying for the permit is licensed under this By-law and has submitted:
a. a plan, approved by the Chief Constable, describing procedures to be put in place during a Late Night Dance Event to ensure safety and security of all persons attending or participating in the event;
b. a plan, approved by the Fire Chief, describing procedures for evaluating potential emergencies, contacting emergency service providers, and conducting an evacuation of the premises, and including floor plans of the premises showing all emergency exits; and
c. a plan, approved by the Medical Health Officer, describing procedures for noise abatement and for dealing with health related matters.
7. The Inspector must not issue a Late Night Dance Event Permit if, in the opinion of the Inspector, the event would unreasonably affect a community or the City at large because of
a. proximity to residential areas;
b. lack of parking at or near the proposed location; or
c. inadequate access to public transport.
8. Notwithstanding the provisions of this By-law, the Inspector may refuse to issue or may cancel a Late Night Dance Event Permit if
a. in the opinion of the Chief Constable, the holding of the Late Night Dance Event could endanger public safety; or
b. the applicant has failed to comply with a plan submitted to under section 6.
9. Every person applying for a Late Night Dance Event Permit shall pay the prescribed fee upon approval of the application for the permit but before issuance of the permit.
10. The fee for a Late Night Dance Event Permit shall be:
a. for an event with a proposed patron capacity of less than 350 persons - $200.00;
b. for an event with a proposed patron capacity of 350 or more but less than 750 persons -$350.00;
c. for an event with a proposed patron capacity of 750 or more but less than 2000 persons -$600.00; and
d. for an event with a proposed patron capacity of 2000 or more persons - $800.00.
11. All sound amplification equipment and musical instruments used during a Late Night Dance Event must be contained completely within the building or structure described in the permit.
12. The person organizing, promoting, or holding a Late Night Dance Event shall not permit
a. the number of tickets offered, sold, distributed, or advertised for the Late Night Dance Event to exceed the Maximum Occupant Load of the premises by more than ten percent; or
b. the number of people in the premises to exceed the Maximum Occupant Load.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver