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A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Thursday, September 23, 1999, at 3:40 p.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.
PRESENT: Mayor Philip Owen
Councillor Don Bellamy
Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
Councillor Jennifer Clarke
Councillor Alan Herbert
Councillor Lynne Kennedy
Councillor Daniel Lee
Councillor Don Lee
Councillor Gordon Price
Councillor Sam SullivanABSENT: Councillor George Puil (Civic Business) CITY MANAGER'S
OFFICE:Judy Rogers, City Manager CLERK TO THE
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the chair.
Report of Standing Committee
on Planning and Environment
September 23, 1999
Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in the following clauses of the attached report:
Cl. 1: 4542 West 10th Avenue
Cl .2: Nuisance Building - 536 East 30th Avenue
Cl. 3 Nuisance Building - 1249 East Pender Street
Cl. 4: Approval of Council Initiative - Downtown Vancouver BIA Renewal
Cl. 5: Grey Cup BannersClauses 1 - 5, inclusive
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clauses 1 to 5, inclusive, of this report, be approved.
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
1. Unauthorized Boat Moorage in False Creek File: 3138
Councillor Price expressed concern regarding the number of unauthorized boats anchored in False Creek, and requested a report back on the status of the False Creek moorage buoys that were part of the Blueways Program.
The Council adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
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A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on Planning and Environment was held on Thursday, September 23, 1999, at 2:00 p.m. in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.
PRESENT: Councillor Jennifer Clarke, Chair
Mayor Philip Owen
Councillor Don Bellamy
Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
Councillor Alan Herbert
Councillor Lynne Kennedy
Councillor Daniel Lee
Councillor Don Lee
Councillor Gordon Price
Councillor Sam SullivanABSENT: Councillor George Puil (Civic Business) CITY MANAGER'S
OFFICE:Judy Rogers, City Manager CLERK TO THE
The Minutes of the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment dated July 22 and 29, 1999, were adopted.
1. Development Application - 4542 West 10th Avenue File: 2609
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated August 27, 1999, in which the Director of Current Planning sought Councils advice on a development application requesting permission to construct a four-storey building containing retail and residential, where the proposed building exceeds 12.2 m/40.0 ft. in height. The General Manager of Community Services submitted the report for consideration.
Anita Molaro, Planner, Urban Design and Development Planning Centre, reviewed the report, including the rationale for staffs recommendations that compliance with the height regulation at the southwest portion of the building to respect the lower residential scale across the lane, and a reduction of 0.24 m/0.78 ft. at the northeast portion of the building to provide a maximum building height of 13.1 m/43.0 ft. Staff also recommend that the residential FSR be reduced to 2.40, which accepts only the additional residential density. Given the generally good quality of the design and based on the foregoing, the Director of Planning is inclined to support this application, however, before making a decision, this application is being referred to Council for advice.
Keith Hemphill of Rositch Hemphill and Associates Architects, on behalf of the applicant, provided background information and answered questions on the Development Application.
The following residents from the area spoke in opposition to the proposed development application:
Stella Shurety
Hilda Wiebe
Ian HyattThe foregoing speakers opposed the application based on one or more of the following points:
… height of proposed building would result in loss and/or elimination of view of the mountains;
… proposed building would increase shadows and cause loss of light;
… increased traffic in the lane is dangerous and would interfere with garage access etc.;
… opposed to zoning which allows buildings up to four storeys in height;Clause No. 1 continued
… proposed building is out of proportion and character with other buildings on the block;
… large number of windows facing the lane and backyards would result in loss of privacy.
The following motion by Councillor Sullivan was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
THAT the Director of Planning be advised that Council would favour the approval for the construction of a four-storey retail/residential building at 4542 West 10th Avenue as submitted under DE404134.
2. Nuisance Building - 536 East 30th Avenue File: 2701-1
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated September 9, 1999 in which the City Building Inspector recommended that City Council declare the building at 536 East 30th Avenue a nuisance and order it to be demolished. It was further recommended that a 336D Notice be filed against the Title to the property in order to warn any prospective purchasers of Councils Resolution. The General Manager of Community Services recommended approval, as reflected in the recommendations of this report.
Carlene Robbins, Manager, By-law Administration, reviewed the history of the severely dilapidated, single family dwelling. Peter Sweeney, Manager, Building Inspection, and Frank Durante, Building Inspector, responded to questions.
The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A. THAT Council declare that the building and site at 536 East 30th Avenue, are a nuisance and dangerous to public safety pursuant to Section 324A of the Vancouver Charter.
Clause No. 2 continued
B. THAT Council approve the Resolution attached to Administrative Report dated September 9, 1999, and order the Registered Owner of the property to cut the overgrowth of bushes, grass and weeds on the site and demolish the building and remove all resulting debris from the site within 14 days of a copy of the Resolution being served pursuant to Section 324A of the Vancouver Charter.
C. THAT in the event of the failure of the owner to comply with the order of Council, Council further orders and hereby authorizes the City Building Inspector to have the overgrowth of bushes, grass and weeds cut, and the building demolished and all resulting debris removed from the site at the expense of the owner.
D. THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the Certificate of Title to the property at 536 East 30th Avenue, in order to warn any prospective purchasers that as a result of the condition of the building and site and Councils Resolution, the purchaser could suffer a significant expense if the order of Council were enforced against him.
3. Nuisance Building - 1249 East Pender Street File: 2701-1
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated September 10, 1999 in which the City Building Inspector recommended that City Council declare the building at 1249 East Pender Street a nuisance and dangerous to public safety and order it to be demolished. It was further recommended that a 336D Notice be filed against the Title to the property in order to warn any prospective purchasers of Councils Resolution. The General Manager of Community Services recommended approval, as reflected in the recommendations of this report.
Carlene Robbins, Manager, By-law Administration, Peter Sweeney, Manager, Building Inspection, and John Chadwick, Property Use Inspector, reviewed the history and responded to questions regarding the complaints and orders against this building and with
Clause No. 3 continued
regard to garbage inside and outside the house. The B heritage building was damaged by fire in 1998 and has been vacant since. Heritage Planners agree the building is not recoverable and needs to be torn down, although anything of heritage value will be removed for the owner prior to demolition.
Bill Lee, on behalf of property owner Wah Lee, distributed a brief describing the familys history in the house, and expressed a strong desire to retain and repair it. Work has already been done to clean up the property, and once insurance claims are settled the family intends to repair the fire damage and restore the house.
The following motion by Mayor Owen was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A. THAT Council declare that the building at 1249 East Pender Street is a nuisance and dangerous to public safety pursuant to Section 324A of the Vancouver Charter.
B. THAT Council approve the Resolution attached to Administrative Report dated September 10, 1999, and order the Registered Owners of the property to demolish the building and remove all resulting demolition debris from the site within 14 days of a copy of the Resolution being served pursuant to Section 324A of the Vancouver Charter.
C. THAT in the event of the failure of the owner to comply with the order of Council, Council further orders and hereby authorizes the City Building Inspector to have the building demolished and all resulting demolition debris removed from the site at the expense of the owner.
D. THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the Certificate of Title to the property at 1249 East Pender Street, in order to warn any prospective purchasers that as a result of the condition of the building and Councils Resolution, the purchaser could suffer a significant expense if the order of Council were enforced against him.
Clause No. 3 continued
E. THAT in the event the owner resolves the problems associated with the house at 1249 East Pender Street in the next 60 days, to the satisfaction of staff, the matter be reported back to Council for re-consideration of the demolition order.
(Councillor Bellamy not present for the vote)
4. Approval of Council Initiative -
Downtown Vancouver BIA Renewal File: 8312
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated September 9, 1999, in which the Director of City Plans, recommended approval of the second step in the BIA renewal process, which is to approve a Council Initiative to renew the BIA, to forward the renewal application to the Court of Revision, and to approve the proposed 10 year funding ceiling. The General Manager of Community Services also recommends approval of the report.
Peter Vaisbord, Economic Development Officer and George Cadman, Downtown Vancouver BIA, were present to answer questions regarding on the report and the briefing that had taken place earlier that day.
The following motion by Mayor Owen was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A. THAT Council re-confirm the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association as sponsor for the Downtown Vancouver BIA.
B. THAT Council approve the commencement of a Council Initiative to re-establish (renew) the Downtown Vancouver BIA, for a period of ten years commencing April 1, 2000; and
THAT Council forward the application of the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association to a hearing of the Court of Revision.
Clause No. 4 continued
C. THAT the City notify property owners and tenants within the combined BIA and BIA expansion area (attached as Appendix D) of the proposed BIA renewal and levy.
D. THAT Council approve a 10 year (2000-2010) funding-ceiling of $20,634,983 for the Downtown Vancouver BIA.
5. Grey Cup 1999 Banners File: 4201
The Committee had before it a Policy Report, dated July 14, 1999, in which the General Manager of Engineering Services, at the request of the Grey Cup Committee, sought Councils reconsideration of funding for the installation and removal of approximately 210 Grey Cup banners.
Tom Timm, Deputy City Engineer, briefly reviewed the report.
Jack Farley, President, Grey Cup 99, responded to questions and explained that corporate sponsorship has not yet been secured for the Grey Cup banners.
The following motion by Councillor Kennedy was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
THAT in the event that commercial sponsorship is not secured, that Council approve funding for the installation and removal of Grey Cup banners, estimated at $5,000, the source of funds to be the Other Grant Budget.
The Committee adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver