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Date: September 7, 1999
Author/Local: YMcNeill/7582
RTS No. 961
CC File No. 1401-12Public Hearing: September 21, 1999
Vancouver City Council
Director of Current Planning
1234 Matthews Street - Designation and Heritage Revitalization Agreement.
3633 Selkirk Street - Replacement of the Heritage Revitalization Agreement with a Covenant.
A. THAT the house at 1234 Matthews Street listed in the B category on the Vancouver Heritage Register, be designated as Protected Heritage Property.
B. THAT Council authorize the City to enter into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement to secure the ongoing maintenance of the house at 1234 Matthews Street, and vary provisions of the Zoning and Development By- Law, as indicated under DE403237, thereby permitting:
(i) an infill dwelling of @ 11,000 sq. ft. and;
(ii) other variations to the FSD Official Development Plan as indicated in DE403237.C. THAT Council authorize replacing the Heritage Revitalization Agreement for the site at 3633 Selkirk Street with a registered covenant which restricts development to the building and landscaping contemplated in DE403236.
D. THAT Council instruct the Director of Legal Services to register an agreement to secure the heritage house at 1234 Matthews Street, while it is vacant and being moved and to ensure its prompt restoration.
E. THAT Council instruct the Director of Legal Services to bring forward for enactment a Bylaw to authorize the Designation of the heritage house at1234 Matthews Street and a By-Law to authorize the Heritage Revitalization Agreement.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A, B, C, D and E.
Councils policy on heritage designation states, in part, that legal designation will be a prerequisite to granting certain bonuses and incentives.
This report seeks Councils approval to designate and enter into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) with the owner to secure the conservation and protection of the heritage house at 1234 Matthews Street. Council is also asked to approve the preparation of a legal agreement to secure the heritage house during its relocation and while it is vacant and to ensure its prompt rehabilitation. In addition, Councils approval is sought to replace the HRA for the site at 3633 Selkirk Street, with a covenant which would allow for an alternate building style than permitted under the present HRA.
The proposal involves two adjacent sites in the First Shaugnessy District (see Appendix map #1 ). The small vacant pan-handle site with a HRA that describes the approved form of development. At the time the pan-handle lot was created, it was considered prudent to identify a proposed building size and style so as to regulate the impact of the new building on the adjacent municipally designated Tudor mansion at 3689 Selkirk Street. The owner wishes to change the building style to that shown in DE403236 and has slightly altered the site area to provide for a parking garage. The Director of Planning approved this application subject to Councils approval of the amendment to the existing HRA. Because the consent of the owner of 3689 Selkirk Street may be legally required to amend the 3633 Selkirk Street HRA, and because foreclosure action much complicates and delays the giving of such consent, the Law Department recommends simply replacing the 3633 Selkirk Street HRA with a registered covenant to the same effect.
The large corner site contains the heritage house with the remaining lot given over to landscaping. The house at 1234 Matthews Street was added to the Vancouver Heritage Register (VHR) in 1999 in the B category. Development Application DE403237 proposes to restore and designate the heritage building, while converting it to two units and moving the building to align with Selkirk Street. A new infill dwelling will be constructed on thesame lot and aligned with Matthews Street. ( see Appendix ). The Director of Planning approved this application subject to Councils approval of the requisite HRA and designation.
Heritage Value: The house at 1234 Matthews Street was constructed in 1910 by local builders and represents a good example of the Edwardian Box forms constructed in the city at the time. The symmetrical form with its clapboard siding and side veranda are a positive reflection of one of the simpler housing types in the area. Originally owned by Henry Sherwood, it was later purchased in 1922 by Nathan Lando, a noted wood carver of interior fittings and founder of Lando furs. The building is listed in the B category of the Vancouver Heritage Register.
Revitalization Program and Economic Viability: The owner proposes to restore the heritage house to its original form and detailing and relocate the house to front on Selkirk Street. All original material will be retained and restored or matched where it has deteriorated beyond repair. The building will be converted to two dwelling units, one above the other and used as rental property for the employees of the owner.
A financial analysis of the proposal was not requested, as the City was not asked to consider a floor area increase.
The Director of Legal Services has prepared the necessary legal agreements and the notification requirements, as specified in the Vancouver Charter, have been met. The owner is prepared to enter into an HRA and designate the heritage house and has agreed that the variances to the Zoning and Development Bylaw represent fair, full and complete compensation in exchange for the designation of the property and has waived his rights to further compensation.
Compatibility with Community Planning Objectives: The intent of the First Shaugnessy Official Development Plan(ODP) is to conditionally permit a second dwelling unit on large sites where a pre-1940 house is maintained. Typically this results in a new infill building created to look like the coach-houseand is limited in floor area. The corner site measures more than 33,000 sq.ft. in area and permits a total buildable floor area of @15,000 sq.ft.
Given that the heritage house is only 3,700 sq.ft. staff supported a second dwelling larger than the infill provisions in the O.D.P., thereby retaining the heritage house in its original form. The objectives of the O.D.P. are met through retention and designation of the heritage house and the development of a compatible new dwelling unit ( see Appendix ). Heritage Staffs analysis is that although the proposed siting of the heritage house is not optimum for the lot, on balance, the project will produce a more compatible development with the neighbourhood, than what could be achieved on this site through the zoning. The proposedbuilding for the vacant site at 3633 Selkirk Street is in keeping with the Design Guidelines for the area and supported by the neighbourhood and staff.Zoning Variances: The recommended HRA will vary the First Shaugnessy O.D.P.as described in the zoning chart and require the conservation and rehabilitation of the heritage building. Additional zoning relaxations have been supported for the location and height of the buildings as described under permits DE#403237 and DE#403236.
Zoning Chart:
Maximum permitted floor area of an infill dwelling
2,002 sq.ft. (186 m² )
11,040 sq.ft.( 1,025 m² )
Notification: As part of the Development Application review process, a sign was placed on the site and the surrounding property owners were notified. No responses were received by the Planning Department.
Comments of the Vancouver Heritage Commission: The Vancouver Heritage Commission reviewed and supported the Development Applications on May 10, 1999, and commended the applicant for adding another house to the Heritage Register. In addition, they supported the retention, restoration and long term protection of the heritage building.
Comments of the First Shaugnessy Neighbourhood Design Panel: The Panel reviewed this application on a number of occasions and on May 28, 1999 motioned to support the proposal with their comments addressed.CONCLUSION
Staff recommend that Council amend the Heritage Revitalization agreement for the site at 3633 Selkirk to permit an alternate building style. In addition, staff recognize that the heritage house at 1234 Matthews Street is a valuable fragment of the history of the area. The requested zoning variances represent fair, full and complete compensation to the owner for the conservation of the heritage house. Therefore, it is recommended that Council support the HRA and the registered agreement and that Council amend Schedule A of the Heritage Bylaw to designate the house at 1234 Matthews Street, as a Protected Heritage Property.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver