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DATE: Thursday, July 22, 1999
TIME: 2:00 p.m.
PLACE: Committee Room No. 1
Third Floor, City Hall
FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT NANCY LARGENT AT (604) 873-7652 OR E-MAIL nancy_largent@city.vancouver.bc.ca
The Minutes of the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting of June 24, 1999, were adopted.
1. Demolition of Nuisance/Dangerous Building
at 455 East 6th Avenue File # 2701-1
A. THAT Council declare that the above building at 455 East 6th Avenue (Lot 11, E. 33 ft, Block 88, District Lot 264A, Plans 268 and 1771) is a nuisance and dangerous to public safety, pursuant to Subsection 324A of the Vancouver Charter.
B. THAT Council approve the Resolution attached to the Administrative Report dated July 2, 1999, and order the Registered Owner of the property to pull down and demolish the building at 455 East 6th Avenue and remove all demolition debris from the site within 14 days of a copy of the Resolution being served pursuant to Section 324A of the Vancouver Charter.
C. THAT in the event of the failure of the owner to comply with the order of Council, Council further orders and authorizes the City Building Inspector to have the building at 455 East 6th Avenue demolished and have all demolition debris removed at the expense of the owner.
D. THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the Certificate of Title to the property at 455 East 6th Avenue, in order to warn prospectivepurchasers that as a result of the condition of the building and Councils Resolution, the purchaser could suffer a significant expense if the Resolution was enforced against him.
2. Vancouver Molson Indy Legacy File # 4205
A. THAT Council support the proposed contributions by Molstar Sports towards the following projects, as a legacy to the Vancouver Molson Indy race:
1. A temporary walkway through the SE Shore of False Creek lands between Science World and the Cambie Bridge.
2. A science related playground adjacent to Science World.
3. General landscape improvements in the area of Science World and Creekside Park.
B. THAT Engineering Services staff report back on the details, including potential City funding required to complete the temporary walkway.
C. THAT Molstar Sports, Science World, Park Board staff and City Gate residents meet to develop the details of the playground.
D. THAT any discrete areas of the SE Shore lands identified by staff be provided at no cost to Molstar Sports where Molstar Sports might wish at their cost to provide temporary year round facilities (such as basketball courts).
3. 900 Burrard Street: Commercial Cinema Entertainment Proposal
DE404053 - CD-1 By-law Number 6421 File # 2604
A. THAT Council advise the Development Permit Board that it supports the Boards inclination to approve DE404053 for 900 Burrard Street, subject to conditions as the Board may decide in granting approval, acknowledging the off-street parking reduction and the departure from various guidelines previously approved for this CD-1 site.
B. THAT the form of development for the CD-1 site known as 900 Burrard Street be approved generally as illustrated in Development Application number DE404053, prepared by Busby and Associates Architects and stamped Received, City Planning Department May 18, 1999", provided that the Development Permit Board may establish conditions of approval and design changes which would not adversely affect either the development character of this site or adjacent properties;
FURTHER THAT the Development Permit Board be requested to consider adding the following wording to its proposed condition 1.8:
"as well as the longer term maintenance of visible access to the interior of the building as currently proposed."
C. THAT Council write to BC Hydro to encourage it to extend the contract for the physical upgrade of the Del Grauer Sub-station - a Heritage A building -to include a restoration of the transparency of the west facade and a return to the original modernist features.
4. Interim Policies and Planning Program
for the Grandview/Boundary Industrial Area File # 8008
The attached Policy Report dated June 22, 1999, refers.
A. THAT Council endorse the work plan for the Renfrew and Rupert Station precincts and Grandview/Boundary area planning process as outlined in this report and in Appendix A of the Policy Report dated June 22, 1999.
B. THAT Council adopt the I-3 High Technology Interim Rezoning Policies and Guidelines: Grandview/Boundary Industrial Area, as outlined in Appendix B of the Policy Report dated June 22, 1999.
C. THAT Council adopt the Rupert and Renfrew SkyTrain Station Precincts Interim Rezoning Policies: Grandview/Boundary Industrial Area as outlinedin Appendix C of the Policy Report dated June 22, 1999.
D. THAT Council adopt the Highway-Oriented Retail (HOR) Interim Rezoning Policies and Guidelines: Grandview/Boundary Industrial area, as outlined in Appendix E of the Policy Report dated June 22, 1999.
E. THAT Council adopt the I-2/I-3 Educational, Institutional, Cultural, and Recreational Uses Interim Guidelines for Conditional Approvals: Grandview/Boundary Industrial Area, as outlined in Appendix F of the Policy Report dated June 22, 1999.
F. THAT no Community Amenity Contributions (CACs) be charged on applications for rezoning to I-3, station precinct commercial, or highway oriented retail uses in the Grandview/Boundary area, where the maximum allowable floor space ratio achieved through rezoning does not exceed the currently permitted 3 FSR.
G. THAT for privately initiated applications for rezoning or conditional uses, agreements for the provision of on-site and adjacent off-site engineering services (e.g., sewer, water, roads, and traffic improvements) be negotiated as a condition of approval.
H. THAT the city-wide interim Development Cost Levy (DCL), to come into effect on January 28, 2000, at a rate of $1.00 per square foot for non-residential uses in industrial areas, $0.51 for daycare, and $2.50 for commercial, retail, and all other uses, as further described in this report, apply to new development in the Grandview/Boundary Industrial Area.
I. THAT, as part of the Grandview/Boundary Industrial Area Planning process, staff report back with options for an area specific DCL District By-law if funds required to service the area exceed revenues collected through servicing agreements and resources available from the City Interim DCL fee.
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A Regular Council meeting was convened immediately following the StandingCommittee meeting.
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I. Standing Committee of Council
on Planning and Environment
July 22, 1999At its meeting immediately following the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment, Vancouver City Council approved the recommendations of the Committee as set out in its report dated July 22, 1999.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver