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A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Thursday, July 22, 1999, at 11:40 a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.
Mayor Philip Owen
Councillor Don Bellamy
Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
Councillor Alan Herbert
Councillor Daniel Lee
Councillor Don Lee
Councillor Gordon Price
Councillor George Puil
Councillor Sam SullivanABSENT:
Councillor Jennifer Clarke
Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Sick Leave)CITY MANAGER'S
OFFICE:Judy Rogers, City Manager
COUNCIL:Tarja Tuominen
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr.Bellamy,
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the chair.
Report of Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets
July 22, 1999
Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in the following clauses of the attached report:
Cl.1: Bayshore Parkade Lease Proceeds Distribution
Cl.2: Work Program of the Vancouver Economic Development Commission
Pertaining to the Economic Revitalization of the Downtown Eastside
Cl.3: Vancouver Economic Development Commission -
Request for Tax Receipts for Charitable Donations
Cl.4: Parking Corporation of Vancouver - 1999 Budget Review
Cl.5: Capital Grant Request - Bridge Housing Society for WomenClauses 1, 2 and 4
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clauses 1, 2 and 4 of this report, be approved.
Clause 3
The report will be considered at a future Standing Committee meeting.
Clause 5
MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
THAT the recommendation of the Committee, as contained in Clause 5 of this report, be approved.
MAJORITY(Councillor Puil opposed to B)
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
SECONDED by Cllr.Bellamy,
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
The Council adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
to re-convene In-Camera.* * * * *
JULY 22, 1999
A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on City Services and Budgets was held on Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 9:40 a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.
Councillor George Puil, Chair
Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Sick Leave) |
Judy Rogers, City Manager |
Tarja Tuominen |
The Minutes of the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting of June 24, 1999, were adopted.
1. Bayshore Parkade Lease Proceeds Distribution File: 1203
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report, dated May 27, 1999, in which the General Manager of Parks and Recreation recommended $650,000 of lease prepayment funds received by the City from Caesar Park Hotels and Resorts Company Ltd. under the Bayshore Parkade Construction Modification Agreement be designated for parks use by the Park Board. The General Manager also recommended the lease prepayment fund the development of a demonstration salmon stream in Stanley Park as a capital project.
Clause No. 1 (contd)
The City Manager recommended approval, but also recommended the remaining $100,000 of the prepaid lease payment be transferred to general City revenue and any funds generated by future lease negotiations, when the hotel re-development occurs, are to be allocated by City Council.
The report had been scheduled for consideration at the City Council meeting of June 15, 1999, but due to a delegation request, was referred to a future meeting of the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets.
Jim Lowden, Director, Stanley District, Parks & Recreation; and Brent MacGregor, Deputy City Manager; reviewed the report and responded to questions on redevelopment of the Bayshore Hotel site, Park Board plans for redevelopment of the old zoo site, and development of the demonstration salmon stream.
Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce (brief filed), opposed the proposed demonstration salmon stream project for six reasons, as listed in his brief. This proposed new use of the former zoo area must go to referendum. The funds could be used for numerous worthy projects such as maintaining and increasing aquatic facilities, playing fields and neighbourhood parks.
Clive Justice, Friends of Stanley Park Society (brief filed), opposed the proposed project as it is not an appropriate use of these funds. The funds should be used for the recreation and park needs of the increased population which the project will bring to the West End community. The replacement for the Zoo area was to be a naturalized water course landscape not a fish farm exhibit. The remaining $100,000 should not go into the general revenue of the City but to the West Ends Street Trees.
Jeff Marliave, Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Society, explained the proposed demonstration project will not be a salmon enhancement project but a display of a stream restoration project. The project is not proposed for commercial profit. The native community endorse the project and it will be an opportunity for visitors and citizens to see a day lighting stream restoration. In response to questions, Mr. Marliave advised it is planned to have all the seawater and freshwater disinfected by ozone treatment.
Clause No. 1 (contd)
The following motion by Cllr. Chiavario was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A. THAT Council designate $650,000 of the lease prepayment funds received by the City from Caesar Park Hotels and Resorts Company Ltd. under the Bayshore Parkade Construction Modification Agreement for parks use by the Park Board.
B. THAT Council approve the development of the demonstration salmon stream in Stanley Park as a capital project to be funded by the lease payment.
C. That the remaining $100,000 of the prepaid lease payment be transferred to general City revenue.
D. That any funds generated by future lease negotiations, when the hotel re-development occurs, are to be allocated by City Council.
2. Work Program of the Vancouver Economic Development
Commission Pertaining to the Economic Revitalization
of the Downtown Eastside File: 3143
The Committee had before it a Report dated July 9, 1999 from the Vancouver Economic Development Commission providing a status report on the Downtown Eastside Economic Revitalization Initiative and seeking the authority and funding to allow the Commission to take a lead role in working with the three levels of government and the community to complete the first phase of the work and to determine the research necessary for developing a comprehensive Economic Revitalization Strategy for the Downtown Eastside.
The City Manager recommended approval of the request to provide the Commission with the resources and mandate to continue the work over the next 18 months.
Judy Rogers, City Manager, advised the proposal is worth supporting.
Clause No. 2 (contd)
Barbara Crompton, Chair, Vancouver Economic Development Commission, reviewed the Commissions work program, the guiding principles, the identification of proposals for new businesses and projects in the area, and with Frank Came, Executive Director, responded to questions on the Commissions work to date and proposals for the subsequent phases of the Downtown Eastside economic revitalization initiative.
Ruth Meta, Common Concerns Association, supported the Commissions proposal, advising she will be establishing a laundromat, which is one of the new small businesses identified in the area. The initiative is creating opportunities for people who live in the Eastside.
Frank Gilbert, Downtown Eastside Residents Association (DERA), spoke in support of the Commission and the revitalization initiative. DERA has received a lot of support from the Commission. Mr. Gilbert also supported the key project criteria established by the Initiative, in particular the criteria that the project should not result in the displacement of residents.
The following motion by the Mayor was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A. THAT the status report, dated June 1999, on the Downtown Eastside Economic Revitalization Initiative be received for information.
B. THAT the following principles be adopted to guide the development of an Economic Revitalization Strategy for the Downtown Eastside:
- Build from within and involve those who already live and work in the area;
- Preserve and enhance the sense of community felt by residents of the Downtown Eastside and surrounding communities;
- Listen to those most affected;
- Improve the livability and safety of the Downtown Eastside for everyone; and
- Develop and implement a well understood plan that delivers results.
C. THAT the Vancouver Economic Development Commission (VEDC) berequested to take a lead role on behalf of the City in working with the three levels of government and the public to develop and begin implementation
Clause No. 2 (contd)
of a Downtown Eastside Economic Revitalization Strategy over the next eighteen months;
AND THAT $25,000 be allocated from Contingency Reserve for this purpose for the period July to December 1999;
AND FURTHER THAT the VEDC report back as part of its 2000 budget on its funding requirements to undertake this as a priority project.
D. THAT the VEDC be requested, in consultation with the three levels of government and the public, to prepare terms of reference for an Economic Capacity Study and other research needed to develop a Downtown Eastside Economic Revitalization Strategy and to report back on timing and funding requirements before October 1999.
3. Vancouver Economic Development Commission -
Request for Tax Receipts for Charitable Donations File: 3143
The report has been scheduled for a future meeting.
4. Parking Corporation of Vancouver - 1999 Budget Review File: 1753
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report, dated June 29, 1999, in which the General Manager of Engineering Services, in consultation with the General Manager of Corporate Services, sought approval for the 1999 Parking Corporation of Vancouver Capital budget and provided the Corporations 1999 Operating Budget and 1998 Actual Financial Figures.
Dave Rudberg, General Manager of Engineering Services, reviewed the Corporations operating budget.
Brian Lees, President, Parking Corporation of Vancouver, responded to questionson the increased operating costs. Mr. Lees advised the increase was due to safety and security concerns which meant more spending on security than anticipated.
Clause No. 4 (contd)
Doug McNicol, CUPE 1004, noted the Corporations budget did not show anything related to the on-going contract negotiations between the Corporation and the Union.
The Chair advised Mr. McNicol it was inappropriate for the Standing Committee to become involved in a discussion about contract negotiations.
The following motion by Cllr. Bellamy was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A. THAT Council receive for information, the summary of the Parking Corporation of Vancouver (VPC) 1998 Operating and Capital Actual Financial Figures, with the Audited Financial Statements available through the offices of the General Managers of Engineering and Corporate Services.
B. THAT Council receive for information the summary of the Parking Corporation of Vancouver (VPC) 1999 Operating Budget, with the complete 1999 Operating Budget available through the offices of the General Managers of Engineering and Corporate Services.
C. THAT Council approve the Parking Corporation of Vancouver (VPC) 1999 Capital Budget, totalling $179,650.00 to be funded by off-street parking revenues collected by the VPC.
5. Capital Grant Request - Bridge Housing Society for Women File: 2005
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated July 5, 1999, in which the Director of Community Services, Social Planning, reviewed a request from theBridge Housing Society for a capital grant to help build a new social service facility that will be operated by the Downtown Eastside Womens Centre and submitted options for two different grant amounts.
Rick Gates, Social Planner, reviewed the background of the Bridge Housing Societys request for a capital grant. Staff feel the project should be funded, but now that it will be built in a non city-owned facility, a problem arises how it is funded.
Clause No. 5 (contd)
Drew Dennis, Bridge Housing Society for Women, advised the current facilities are inadequate and the Society is looking forward to a new facility. The Society is concerned the capital grant is a big piece of the funding for the new facility. The Society requests the Committees support for the original amount of the capital grant.
The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A. THAT Council cancel the Capital Grant of $152,355 to Bridge Housing Society, approved on July 9, 1996.
B. THAT Council approve a Capital Grant of $152,355 to the Bridge Housing Society for Women to help fund the construction of a new facility for the Downtown Eastside Womens Centre, in conjunction with the development of the Bridge Housing project. The source of funds for this grant is the City-owned Social Service Facilities component of the 1996 Basic Capital Budget, specifically the grant referred to in Recommendation A.
FURTHER THAT Council notes the approval of this larger than usual capital grant for a non city-owned building is not precedent setting and is in recognition of the uniqueness of the particular circumstances of this issue.
(Councillor Puil opposed to B)
The Committee adjourned at 11:40 a.m.`
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver