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Date: June 7, 1999
Author/Local: S. Edwards/7913
RTS No. 00691
CC File No. 5757
T&T Date: June 22, 1999
Standing Committee of Transportation and Traffic
General Manager of Engineering Services
Proposed Corner Bulges for Pedestrian Crossings on Major Streets -Victoria Drive
THAT Council approve street changes as described in the attached report, to improve the pedestrian environment at the intersections of Victoria Drive at Grant, Charles and Napier and that funding of $48,000 be allocated from Account 30000326; "Streets Basic Capital Unappropriated - Local Area and Other Improvements"; and
FURTHER THAT additional annual costs of $1,500 related to ongoing maintenance be reflected in future Operating Budgets, without offset.
Council's priorities for transportation are pedestrians, cycling, transit, goods movement and the automobile.
In May 1997, Council approved the Transportation Plan which emphasized the need for improved pedestrian facilities.
In 1986 the Grandview-Woodland Plan outlined a number of recommendations to address the existing transportation needs of the community including pedestrian crossings on Victoria Drive. This portion of Victoria Drive has not yet had a signal recommended. Requests to improve the pedestrian crossing conditions continue to be received by staff.
Alternatives to signals needed to be explored for these crossings and staff met with representatives of the Grandview-Woodland Area Council (GWAC) in order to initiate discussions regarding improving pedestrian conditions. A neighbourhood open house was organized in the area and attended by staff and representatives of the Grandview Woodlands Area Council and Our Own Backyard. A number of neighbourhood concerns were discussed and addressed at this meeting. A review of the area allowed designs to be finalized with input from the GWAC. This information was then forwarded to the neighbourhood in the form of a neighbourhood survey (Appendix A).
An improvement which has been implemented at several locations within the city recently is the addition of pedestrian bulges. Pedestrian bulges in applications such as this have many benefits including improved pedestrian visibility, elimination of passing on the right, elimination of illegal parking in the corner clearance, and reduction of the street crossing distance. Bulges also act as visual narrowings while maintaining adequate circulation, and may help reduce vehicle speeds.
This portion of Victoria Drive is the 3rd location to have bulges proposed on a major street in Vancouver. Recently three other locations or areas have had bulges approved and constructed on major streets in Vancouver.
1) 57th Avenue from West Boulevard to Arbutus Street.
As part of the South Kerrisdale plan three locations were approved and constructed to calm traffic and improve pedestrian crossings on 57th Avenue.
2) West Boulevard @ 42nd Avenue
In order to improve the existing pedestrian crossing conditions near the Kerrisdale Community Centre a pedestrian bulge was installed on the southwest corner.
3) 10th Avenue @ Sasamat
These bulges were installed at the bus stops to improve transit operation, increase sidewalk space, and shorten the pedestrian crossing distance.
To date, the majority of feedback received on the existing locations has been positive.
Traffic Patterns
It is anticipated that the proposed bulges will have little impact on traffic patterns at these intersections. There are no restrictions to vehicle movements that will be caused by the installation of these measures. The only impact anticipated will be to prevent vehicles "passing on the right" while other vehicles are turning left. In order to observe and record any negative impacts associated with these bulges "before data" has been collected. Data collected includes: traffic speed and volumes, pedestrian volumes, and turning movements. Several months after completion of the project, if approved, follow up data will also be collected. This will allow proper assessment of the measures installed. Following data collection and assessment any addition or deletion of measures from the existing plan would require further consultation with neighbourhood representatives.
Public Involvement
These improvements have been prepared in consultation with the Grandview-Woodland Area Council, with information received from the public during a neighbourhood open house and from concerned individuals.
A neighbourhood survey was delivered to resident living within one block of Victoria Drive between Venables and 1st Avenue. A total of 724 surveys were hand delivered to residents and businesses in the area. A sample of the material distributed is shown in Appendix A.
Of the 724 surveys, 187 (26%) were returned, which is a good response rate for a survey of this type. Of the respondents from within the survey area, 172 (92%) are in favour of the proposed plan. By comparison 13 (7%) were against and an additional 2 (1%) of the responses were spoiled ballots or from outside of the survey area. A complete summary of the results and comments is provided in Appendix B.
The installation of the proposed pedestrian bulges address several recommendations of the Transportation Plan. The improved pedestrian facilities recommended directly relate to recommendation NP8 - Improve pedestrian spaces; and recommendation R5 - Small changes to improve pedestrian environments.
Funding of $48,000 for this project is available from "Streets Basic Capital Unappropriated Account - Local Area and Other Improvements". Costs of $1,500 for increased maintenance of landscaping and signage will need to be funded in future Operating Budgets. This ongoing cost may be reduced if the neighbourhood adopts the bulges and agrees to maintain the vegetation landscaping.
This solution not only addresses the concerns of the neighbourhood but also allows the implementation of new and innovative transportation solutions in addressing concerns related to pedestrian crossing environments. This solution has a much lower overall cost than other suggestions such as installing a new traffic signal. Therefore, it is recommended that pedestrian bulges be installed on Victoria Drive as described in this report.
* * * * *
Victoria Drive @ Grant, Charles, and Napier Streets
City Hall, 453 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V5Y 1V4
Dear Resident: March 24, 1999
The City of Vancouver has been working with the Grandview Woodlands Area Council in order to address concerns related to pedestrian crossing conditions along Victoria Drive. The area between First Avenue and Venables Street has been identified by residents and in the 1986 Grandview Woodlands Plan.
The attached diagram outlines the proposed work namely, corner bulges on Victoria Drive at Grant Street, Charles Street, and Napier Street.
The corner bulges proposed have been shown to have the following safety benefits:
- improved visibility of pedestrians,
- reduced pedestrian crossing distance (from curb to curb),
- eliminates vehicles passing other vehicles on the right,
- no loss of parking (the bulge occupies the street space reserved for corner clearances)
Please fill out the enclosed questionnaire and forward your comments to me through any of the following means; facsimile, 873-7212; dropping it off at City Hall; or use the postage paid envelope enclosed for your convenience. Your responses will be kept confidential.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this work please feel free to contact me directly. I can be reached by email at scott_edwards@city.vancouver.bc.ca or by phone at 873-7913.
Yours truly,
Scott Edwards, M.Eng.,
Traffic Management Branch
City of Vancouver
Victoria Drive Pedestrian Bulge Project City Hall, 453 West 12 th Avenue
Neighbourhood Survey Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1V4
Please review the proposed improvements and detach and return the postage paid questionnaire OR fax it to SCOTT EDWARDS at 873-7212 by April 21, 1999. For your survey to be counted you must include your name and address; however, your response will be kept confidential.
The attached diagram shows the proposed bulges on Victoria Drive between Venables and 1st Avenue. Please study the diagram carefully and then mark the appropriate space below.
Proposed measures:
The layout and design of these bulges have been developed in consultation with representatives of your community and we are now seeking your comments and feedback on this project. The installation cost will be covered by the City and will not be borne by the residents of the area.
As this plan attempts to address the issue of pedestrian crossing conditions at specific locations we would ask that you address this concern alone. Additional comments on any secondary issues can be added below.
Please detach the reply card along the perforation and mail.
Name: Phone:
Question: In Favour Opposed
Are you in favour of the proposed pedestrian bulges at
Napier, Charles and Grant, as shown on the attached diagram?
Do you have any additional comments or concerns with the proposal or the individual measures?
Please read the enclosed information
and return the postage paid reply card.
This survey affects proposed pedestrian improvements in your neighbourhood
Please detach the reply card along the perforation and mail.
City of Vancouver
Victoria Drive Pedestrian Bulge Survey
Traffic Management Branch
453 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, B.C.
V5Y 9Z9
page of site dwg
Survey Results
Response Comment
1. |
Bulge on south side Charles St. should be on north side. Concerned about high volumes of traffic on Charles St. between Nanaimo St. and Victoria Dr. during rush hours. Traffic circles do not deter traffic or reduce speeds. |
2. |
Victoria Dr. is very pedestrian aware. Cars frequently stop for pedestrians. |
3. |
High traffic volumes. Poor driver courtesy. |
4. |
Good idea. Frequent corner clearance violations. Bulges will improve this situation. |
5. |
Traffic situation has gotten worse at these intersections. Any alteration that would increase pedestrian crossing safety would be appreciated. |
6. |
This is a very poor idea! If implemented it will cause traffic jams. Cars won't be able to simply go around cars waiting to turn left. |
7. |
The sooner the better! Let's install them before there is another pedestrian related accident. |
8. |
I think money is better spent if pedestrian controlled traffic lights were installed at one of the crossings. |
9. |
Mostly I am concerned about the speed of vehicles on Victoria Drive. There is no enforcement of the speed limit between 1st and Hastings streets and drivers are taking advantage of this the risk of accidents. I've mentioned this to the VPD traffic unit but to no avail. |
10. |
Very good idea. Also-do not remove too many parking spaces for rush hour on Victoria-it will only encourage commuters to cut through the neighbourhood including speeding along Grant St. |
11. |
We should have lights or a real crosswalk and no parking on Victoria Drive as there are too many accidents. |
12. |
There is a residence for seniors on the NE corner of Victoria/Napier. Perhaps a 30km/h zone or 4way stops would slow traffic up enough so that seniors could cross the street to reach Commercial Drive without waiting for long periods of time. At present, traffic continues to speed through the intersections, often passing on the right when cars stop for pedestrians. it's a dangerous intersection . I've seen many accidents during the 15 years I've lived here. |
13. |
Excessive speeding is a common practice along Victoria Drive and on Napier Street, between Victoria and Nanaimo. |
14. |
I find this a necessary proposal as Victoria Drive is impossible to cross on my bike, especially during rush hours. It would be advisable to put traffic circles placed on Napier between Victoria and Nanaimo as well. Everyday there are obvious commuters racing between Nanaimo and Victoria which is very unsafe for children, pedestrians and cyclists. |
15. |
Get the semis and cube trucks off my street and put them back where they belong with signs (no trucks) and also put a light a Kitchener/Victoria for pedestrians. |
16. |
"We would like to see Venables Street became one way WB between Victoria Drive and Commercial Drive. Thereby rerouting ""short cut"" taking commuters onto the industrial and commercial routes to Clark Drive and Commercial Drive. We see lines of cars up to 3 blocks long for several hours a day waiting to make left (EB) turn at Victoria /1st." |
17. |
We would like to see the traffic reduced on Victoria as it's primarily houses, parks and schools. Cars should be encouraged to use main routes like Main Street, Clark Drive (left turn lane needed), Commercial Drive and Nanaimo Street (which is sorely underused). |
18. |
Heavy truck traffic. High speeds. |
19. |
I feel this will help ensure the safety of pedestrians as people tend to pass on the right without considering the crosswalks. These bulges will stop this. |
20. |
Perhaps bulges at the Kitchener Street entrance to the park should be considered also as it is a very high ped traffic crosswalk, busier than either Charles or Grant Streets. |
21. |
Yes, I see and find that far too many drivers DO NOT stop for pedestrians or slow down at the Grant Street and Kitchener Street crosswalks. I've almost been run over twice at these locations and have seen others almost hit. May I suggest a possible blinking crosswalk light. |
22. |
I am not convinced this by itself will be adequate in showing traffic near Victoria Park. The 30km limit is for one block only and drivers rarely observe it. In the 8 years we have lived here traffic on Victoria Drive appears to me to have about doubled. What about 4way stops at Grant and Kitchener/Victoria? or better yet, no right turn off 1st onto Victoria. |
23. |
Very important improvement! These corners are very difficult to see, more so if van or truck is parked at corner. Many children cross at these corners. How about flashing yellow lights. |
24. |
Please consider traffic circles at the intersections of Salsbury/Parker and Salsbury/Napier. A ped controlled traffic light along Victoria drive perhaps at William. |
25. |
This street is a horror show as the traffic management and the engineering dept. is well aware of . The bulges if put in would be of some use but minimal. We need no truck signs posted and proper ped crossings activated by lights. |
26. |
Provided ped crossings is not limited only to the side of the street with the bulges. |
27. |
Kitchener/Victoria is one of the more heavily used crosswalks along Victoria - no bulge there? |
28. |
How about speed bumps all around Victoria Park? |
29. |
The most dangerous corner is at William because it doesn't line up. There are accidents there all the time. |
30. |
Put in a left turn signal at 1st and Victoria (southbound) o keep traffic out of residential areas east of Victoria. The speed of traffic on William is too fast and the proposed chicane on Napier will only divert more traffic. The bulges are, however, a good plan. |
31. |
Why not include the intersection at the corner of Victoria/Venables? Traffic often blasts through this intersection on both streets and there is a school located right there. The current traffic diverter doesn't work! Called ASE April 14/99 @ 09:30. |
32. |
Set up pedestrian crossing road traffic lights. |
33. |
What about to add some cross lights as well. |
34. |
Yes, slow down the traffic any way you possibly can. It is a miracle no pedestrians have been hit in the past few years. People are so frantic to get to work downtown, they have yelled and shaken their fists at one another @ Napier/Victoria, due to traffic trying to enter or exit onto or off Napier. |
35. |
Please try and reduce (fast moving) traffic along Napier Street between Lakewood and Victoria. (big speed bumps like in the UK). |
36. |
With increase traffic flow (from 1st to Venables-->downtown), pedestrians are at risk by rush hour drivers. Most people I talk to feel ped controlled crosswalk lights are needed, especially at Charles (which also has a lot of E-W traffic from Victoria to Nanaimo). |
37. |
Would be nice to have one on Kitchener/Victoria too! Really busy with a school up the street. |
38. |
Serious consideration should be given to creating a no-traffic ped mall on Commercial Drive between Venables Street and 1st Avenue as there is a constant battle between ped and vehicular traffic, this would also serve to enhance the feeling of community in this unique area. |
39. |
As Napier Street is a route for children to Britannia School and community centre, traffic along Napier should be controlled. We need the following: 1.)NLT between 6-9am, to stop rush hour traffic using Napier. To avoid lights at Venables/Victoria. 2.)Island at Salsbury/Napier, to stop large trucks from using Napier and to slow traffic at intersection. Traffic ignores stop signs already there, and cars park right up to intersections, blocking sidewalk crossings. |
40. |
Why not on Kitchener? 1.)Lord nelson elementary school is on Kitchener 2.)I have witnessed 3 car/ped accidents at Victoria/Kitchener, turning left/south on Victoria from Kitchener is awful 3.)Kitchener in your 1986 report was already a high volume of traffic cars using it as a route to hwy and it still exists with cars speeding up the hill. |
41. |
Motorists are evil! Please make it safer for me! |
42. |
We love the idea! We live near the proposed Charles Street crossing and our experience is that both the north and the south crossings are significantly used by pedestrians. Ideally, bulges should be put on both crossings, perhaps at all 3 intersections. Certainly, we appreciate that this would add to the costs. |
43. |
2 or 3 years ago I requested a traffic circle to be installed at Semlin/Gravely. I petitioned the neighbouring streets and got a majority. All you did was put stop signs but facing the wrong way! I'm looking for measures to decrease the speed and intensity of traffic along Gravely! How about revising this or at least putting in a 4way stop. |
44. |
My concerns of the cost of this installation will eventually be add on the residents of the area tax bill!! |
45. |
I am concerned about Graveley St.-every time we have a back up of traffic on 1st Ave. cars race down Graveley St. to by pass the congestion. The stop sign that was put in at Semlin/Graveley is ignored. I have seen on some days 15 cars racing down the street one after the other trying to get ahead of the line that is forming on 1st Ave. |
46. |
In the Charles and Grant St. intersections there are existing crosswalks. At Napier and Victoria I have witnessed many near accidents involving pedestrians. The bulges are a good idea but I wouldn't want to encourage people to cross at this intersection without a crosswalk. I would like bulges and a crosswalk. |
47. |
We would also like to see ped lights at either Charles or Napier there are no lights on Victoria Dr. from 1st to Venables to slow down traffic. Also there should be no right turn sign on 1st to Victoria Dr. |
48. |
The bulge at Grant St. will cause more cars to turn left onto Grant St. as they do now. Nobody obeys Playground Zone and drivers at great speed. It's a miracle that no child has been hit. |
49. |
Love to have one way on Napier ie)like Parker Street. Traffic dangerous and too much traffic going through. Accidents are happening more frequently. |
50. |
Speed of through traffic on Kitchener between Victoria and Lakewood. |
51. |
We support any initiatives in the areas that contribute to an improved ped quality for our neighbourhood. |
52. |
Although it would improve ped visibility, I fear it would increase traffic congestion and encourage cutting up the side streets-because cars will not be able to pass on the right at those 3 intersections. |
53. |
What is the cost? |
54. |
1.)If commuter rush hour traffic on Victoria Dr. was discouraged or stopped, then the extremely dangerous conditions would end. 2.)At rush hours am&pm Napier and William Streets are used by fast driving commuters to get between Victoria and Nanaimo. |
55. |
These curbs are definitely needed. Victoria has become a speed zone, almost impossible to cross at the designated crosswalks. I have almost been hit (3 times) when one lane stops while the other lane speeds along. |
56. |
I'd like to have lines indicating minimum distance from corners for cars to park on Victoria. I'm finding it increasingly difficult to enter Victoria St. traffic from the cross streets especially William St. Cars are parking too close to the corner and I've never seen any tickets given out. There have been a lot of near misses with the busy traffic. |
57. |
I agree because Victoria is very busy and usually it's difficult to cross. |
58. |
Even more would be better. What about no south left turns and lights? |
59. |
We strongly request a ped controlled light either at Grant/Victoria or Kitchener/Victoria. There are always many people and children crossing to Victoria Park and traffic moves too quickly. There are no other lights between E. 1st and Venables. |
60. |
They are very much needed. |
61. |
"Ultimately, there should be ""flashing"" ped crosswalks at any or all of these locations, as they are close to schools, parks, daycares, and nursing homes. Living on Victoria/Charles, I notice that traffic moves really fast between Grant and Venables, travelling north. Most cars exceed 50km/h. Maybe, like California State, install speed devices such as dips in the road at street crossings or speed bumps. The bulges should be on all 4 corners." |
62. |
"Parking on Grant Street along Victoria Park is getting worse and worse. Park users, shoppers on Commercial Dr. and day long parking (workers on the Drive?) make it very difficult for Grant St. residents. Can we please have ""resident's only"" parking along the non-park side of Grant?" |
63. |
Will they lighten traffic? |
64. |
Excellent idea. Crossing is dangerous for all, especially children. |
65. |
"Absolutely, in favour. Ped bulges are great, and as my 12 years here I have seen many accidents and near accidents due to cars being forced to ""creep out"" by other cars parking right up to the intersections along Victoria (particularly at Napier/Kitchener). I'm hoping these will help that problem as well." |
66. |
I would also like to see one at Kitchener/Victoria. There is a crosswalk there and it's a dangerous one. Not very many vehicles obey the playground speed limit between Grant and Kitchener. Good place to set up police radar!! |
67. |
Anything that can be done to reduce traffic and support ped uses I am in favour of: one-ways(see area east and north of here say around Lakewood/Adanac/Templeton school area). There is far too much traffic, trucks especially, and constant speeding esp. along Victoria. |
68. |
Also need a ped controlled traffic signal and/or better signage for motorists indicating cars are required to stop for pedestrians at crosswalks.(and what about a city-wide education campaign aimed at motorists)I'd also like to see an advanced left turn signal from Clark SB onto 1st EB, to connect drivers between Georgia viaduct and the freeway. |
69. |
Decrease traffic flow please. |
70. |
Yes! I'm very distressed by the amount of traffic on Napier St. travelling east to west between Nanaimo and Victoria every morning during the week. |
71. |
Do it on Kitchener St. as well since it provides access to students of Lord Nelson School. |
72. |
Looks a good idea. Go for it. |
73. |
1.)I think you should add these ped bulges on every street corner on Victoria Dr. as this has become a major thoroughfare. 2.)You should ban parking on the SB curb lane on Victoria Dr. and 1st Ave. (north of 1st Ave.)This slows traffic considerably as many turn left onto 1st Ave. |
74. |
I like this neighbourhood. |
75. |
Much needed. Many seniors have difficulty crossing now. Now, if you could only do something about the heavy traffic on Napier! |
76. |
Victoria is a major street. How about putting up lights at one of these corners. What about an advance left turn light at 1st/Victoria. |
77. |
I have no idea what a ped bulge means. |
78. |
The GVRD needs to continue to move in this direction, favouring walking and biking in order to make those modes of transportation safer and more convenient. Though I believe this is the intent of Transportation 2020, it is too rarely reflected in actual traffic policy. |
79. |
We have so much traffic on Graveley St. towards Victoria, could you please put a traffic circle or a 4way stop sign on Semlin/Graveley St. Thank you very much for your consideration. |
80. |
If possible, I would make a more visible sign that there is a ped crossing ie flashing amber light, signs to slow down entering residential area at top of Venables. Concern-speed control along Victoria, north and south of 1st Ave. Please consider placing corner bulges by school south of 1st. |
81. |
"I think I am in favour. ""Bulge"" is not clear. (as an ESL teacher, I can tell you even fluent english speakers will be confused) If you mean more sidewalk space and less road space, I am in favour." |
82. |
Concern-because of no turning, NB, onto Victoria from EB at 1st Ave., drivers (especially taxis) use Salsbury then Graveley to get onto Victoria, and usually at excessive speeds. Perhaps some sort of speed bumps or whatever on Graveley to make this route less attractive. Please reply at above #. Comment-bulge every street corner from Venables to 1st Ave. or put in speed bumps and marked crosswalks at every corner. |
83. |
Great idea! Being a resident on Victoria Dr. with young children, something needs to be done about the high volume and speed of traffic. Victoria Dr. sees many children via parks/schools/Commercial Dr. etc. Yes! |
84. |
Add curb cuts for wheelchairs, etc. |
85. |
While this plan attempts to address the issue of ped crossing conditions, I believe it will help to reduce traffic on Victoria Dr. north of E. 1st Ave. Any measures to reduce traffic along Victoria Dr. north of E. 1st would be greatly appreciated. |
86. |
Maintenance of Victoria Park - need to be clean & safe. Please provide people to clean the park and proved additional safety features such as a fence around part of the park and extra lights. I would also suggest a traffic at Victoria/Kitchener. Most of the cars over speed. |
87. |
As a parent of a small child I am especially concerned about this issue. Commercial Dr. with its shops and community facilities is very much the focus of our neighbourhood and yet Victoria Dr. is a dangerous rift in the middle. |
88. |
I believe the proposed improvements are an excellent idea. I have lived here a long time and have personally witnessed many near accidents, due to bad visibility and vehicles passing others on the right. There are 2 other paying tenants in our suite and we are strongly in favour of the proposed corner bulges. |
89. |
The street should be repaved as the surface is very uneven and the crosswalks remarked and signage put up to indicated ped right of way. |
90. |
Eventual costs inevitably filter down. Drivers get confused and distracted by unexpected impediments, hence less safety can be an outcome. Redesign. IN FAVOUR = NO. |
91. |
1.)isn't Vic Dr. a thru street? Can't think of any other that would have same round abouts. 2.)What about emergency vehicle who use Victoria very much. |
92. |
Speed bumps along Charles St. from Victoria to Nanaimo, problem of speeding vehicles. |
93. |
I feel that this would create for a safer and more cooperative use of the neighbourhood. Traffic along Victoria does not always recognize ped right of way. |
94. |
There should also be bulges at Victoria/Kitchener at the NE corner of Victoria Park. I think the bulge should be on both corners of this park. |
95. |
Heading south on Victoria Dr. at 1st Ave. there should be a designated left turn lane and signal. |
96. |
I assume same provision will be made for people crossing and or vehicles turning across busy traffic if necessary, so as not to bottle neck and congest the street. |
97. |
For traffic flow relief, north side Victoria Dr./1st Ave. should have a designated left signal and two separate traffic lanes with and no parking in that block (north-west Victoria/1st) |
98. |
Great idea and I'd like to see the Victoria Dr./Commercial Dr. area continue to become more ped friendly. Accommodate people, not cars. |
99. |
Napier St. traffic between Victoria and Nanaimo is a concern and it looks as if this proposal might help alleviate/solve this. We hope this proposal is implemented and allowed time to be monitored to gauge success before any other measures are considered/implemented along Napier St. |
100. |
Thanks for considering neighbourhoods and pedestrians. |
101. |
Cars should only be allowed for people who really need them. There are too many cars on the streets killing children and old people. Bring back trams. There should be traffic lights between 1st and Venables on Victoria to slow traffic. |
102. |
I'm quite concerned about the volume of traffic on Victoria Dr.--because cars are forced to turn at Venables onto Victoria, the volume is considerable. Also, these cars are going fast. |
103. |
Please try to do something to address the problem of speeding on our street. Cars fly up and down this street and there are many children living here. |
104. |
Great idea! |
105. |
I live at Victoria/Charles. Cars are numerous and travelling fast. Mr. Police-where are you?!! To cross requires aggressiveness. A few tickets each week would sure give a bit of caution. |
106. |
This project is long overdue!! |
107. |
Very Good. Do more landscape. |
108. |
Please include landscaping. |
109. |
These changes will slow down heavy truck traffic, as well as any other heavy traffic. The speed along Victoria has always been a danger to pedestrians. |
110. |
While I am in favour of the proposed ped bulges I, and my neighbours on Salsbury Drive, that this will have the effect of making some motorists use our street as alternative route. I strongly urge consideration of speed bumps to be placed on Salsbury Drive, and on many other Vancouver streets. These are very common now in London (UK) where the effect has been very positive. I/we will be contacting you shortly on this issue. |
111. |
Desperately in need of a ped crossing light at Charles/Victoria. Lots of school kids cross there and traffic seems unwilling to slow down. It is DANGEROUS. |
112. |
"With ""walk"" and ""don't walk"" signs. All the streets on east of Victoria that are ridiculously designed to divert traffic only cause more traffic racing up and down on Napier St. and other streets on west side of Victoria. You're better off putting in speed bumps!! Than creating a ""maze"" on the streets." |
113. |
"Too much traffic using Napier St. during rush hours. I am a senior citizen and it would be good to have ""walk"" signs as I do not walk as quick as I used to and the same for Nanaimo St." |
114. |
More crosswalks on Victoria Dr. and Commercial Dr. and lighted crosswalks. |
115. |
I strongly support this project. I am also very concerned about the number of vehicles that use Napier St. to avoid the left turn onto Venables from Victoria during morning rush hour (as well as other times). Is there any way to monitor and curb this safety hazard? |
116. |
no decision. just comments. |
117. |
There seems to be an ever increasing number of cars in the morning commute turning off of Victoria onto Charles making their way to Commercial and then onto downtown. |
118. |
We need pedestrian controlled lights at more of the crosswalks as well, particularly at Victoria Park. Signs (i.e. No Passing) need to be more visible. |
119. |
Great idea. The crosswalk at Charles/Victoria is currently very dangerous-cars don't stop. Could a light also be put in? Or some other kind of notification of crosswalk. |
120. |
Wonderful idea! |
121. |
This is a band aid solution. Instead of asking us simple questions, you provide tough answers. ie: carrot vs stick. Victoria Drive shut off for 1 or 2 days for neighbourhood block party/fringe Festival. |
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver