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Date: June 10, 1999
Author/Local: S Anderson/7473
RTS No. 00126
CC File No. 5340Council: June 22, 1999
Vancouver City Council
Director of City Plans in consultation with City Plan Department Heads Steering Committee
Implementation of Kensington-Cedar Cottage and Dunbar Community Visions
A. THAT Council approve the Community Vision implementation and monitoring strategy described in this report, including the attached Dunbar and Kensington-Cedar Cottage Action Plans (Appendix A).
B. THAT Council approve hiring a temporary Planner I for a 28 month period to co-ordinate work on implementation and monitoring activities related to the Dunbar and Kensington-Cedar Cottage Visions. Total cost including benefits, overtime and computer is $151,540 with the 1999 cost of $24,648 being from Contingency Reserve and amounts of $63,446 being added to the Planning Departments 2000 and 2001 Operating Budgets.
C. THAT Council approve hiring a temporary Civil Engineer for a 28 month period to work on developing comprehensive arterial plans for Knight Street, Kingsway, and Dunbar Streets. Total cost including benefits and computer is $163,660 with the 1999 cost of $26,380 being funded from Contingency Reserve and amounts of $68,640 being added to the Engineering Departments 2000 and 2001 Operating Budgets.
D. THAT Council approve a budget of $50,000 for communications and outreach expenses in Dunbar and Kensington-Cedar Cottage for Vision implementation activities in the 28 period ending December 2001 with the $10,000 for programs in 1999 being funded from Contingency Reserve andthe remaining $40,000 being added to the Planning Departments 2000 Operating Budget with carry over of any unspent project funds to 2001.
E. THAT staff report back with a strategy and budget for providing community development support in Kensington-Cedar Cottage to assist with local volunteer initiatives.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A, B, C, D, and E.
In 1998, Council approved the Dunbar and Kensington-Cedar Cottage Community Visions and instructed staff to report back with an approach to implementing and monitoring the Visions.
This report recommends Council approval of a strategy to implement and monitor the Dunbar and Kensington-Cedar Cottage Community Visions, including action plans, and budget requests for staffing and communications.
In June and September 1998, City Council adopted the Kensington-Cedar Cottage (KCC) and Dunbar Community Visions (Vision Summaries are attached as Appendix C). These Vision programs were a pilot project for a new approach to community planning aimed at bringing CityPlan to the local level. The Vision programs included extensive community involvement including ideas fairs, workshops, newsletters, multicultural outreach and all-household surveys. The final Visions include directions on the full range of CityPlan topics and express how the two communities see CityPlan being implemented to meet their unique local needs and desires. The staff report entitled CityPlan Community Vision Program: Continuation recommends that Council approve extending the Community Vision program to the rest of the mainly single family areas in the City.
This report presents an approach to implementing and monitoring the adopted Visions for Dunbar and KCC.
Since the Kensington-Cedar Cottage and Dunbar Community Visions were approved by Council last summer, Visions staff have discussed with staff in various departments how the City can best direct its programs and resources to achieve the directions set out in the two Visions. Staff have also met several times with people from the two communities to review the action plans and discuss ongoing community involvement in monitoring and implementation.
Guiding this work and discussions with the community have been these key messages from the Visions program:
1. Community Visions will be used to inform and guide City decisions and ongoing programs that affect the community;
2. CityPlan supports re-directing budgets and resources to address priorities rather than increasing spending; and
3. CityPlan and Visions are based on a 20 year time frame. Not all implementation actions will happen in the short term.Vision Implementation Action Plans
The attached implementation action plans take into account these discussions and advice as well as the results of the Vision surveys. Staff have confidence that the plans are a realistic and reasonable projection of how fast and how much the City can deliver, given limited resources and competing needs.
1. Actions That Can Be Achieved Within Existing Resources
(a) Short-term actions - One to three years
In both communities, much can be done in the next few years, with existing resources and staff as follows:
- Ongoing Programs can be focussed on priority areas, e.g., pedestrian safety and comfort improvements (pedestrian-activated traffic signals, corner bulges, bus shelters); greenways; street tree planting; enforcement initiatives;
- Specific Studies Staff and budgets have been allocated for specific studies or plans that will address some Vision priorities, for example: the Broadway and Commercial Station Area Planning; the C-2 Mixed Use Zoning review; the development of new city-wide traffic calming criteria; and the review and revision of lane paving criteria and options; and
- Policy Guides Staff will be using the Vision directions as policy guides when making decisions or recommendations on issues such as seniors housing, public views, parking.
(b) Longer term actions - Three years or more
Not all Vision implementation actions can be achieved in the short term with existing programs and resources. The choices are: to spread the work over a longer time period or to add more resources and get the work done sooner. For some actions the first approach, that of scheduling the work over a longer period of time with no increase in staff, is recommended. For example, each of the Visions contain directions that would require the Planning Department to undertake two or more detailed planning/rezoning studies for neighbourhood centres and/or new housing
types. The approach will be to assign two teams of existing staff to do these follow-up studies. Their first assignments will be the C-2 Review and the Broadway and Commercial Station area planning program. The C-2 Review is now scheduled to start in early 2000; the Broadway and Commercial work will commence about the same time, once the Station design work is completed. These studies will take approximately 24 and 15 months respectively. When they are complete the staff teams will then be freed up for the next priority study. Based on the requirements of the first two pilot Visions, staff estimate that it will take about 10 years to complete the follow-up studies for all of the nine Vision areas, i.e. another 4 years after completion of the final Visions. The Action Plans will be reviewed annually with the community and Council to determine priority order for remaining work items.2. Actions For Which Additional Resources Are Requested
Two new staff positions are recommended for Vision implementation activities:
· a Civil Engineer to develop comprehensive arterial plans for Knight Street, Kingsway and Dunbar Street, the main arterials; and
· a Planner I to co-ordinate Vision implementation and monitoring actions.In addition, a budget for computers and communications and outreach activities is requested.
(a) Arterial Plans Engineer
Both of the approved Visions and the Transportation Plan contain directions related to safety and comfort improvements for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users on the major arterials, particularly in pedestrian priority areas. Staff are of the opinion that the most effective way of achieving these directions and capital improvements would be within the context of comprehensive arterial plans. Given other transit and transportation planning now underway, Engineering does not have staff available in the foreseeable future to assign to Vision implementation arterial planning. If the recommended staff positions are approved, Engineering would follow the same strategy as outlined above and schedule the arterial planning sequentially allowing an average of 12 months per arterial plan.
It is recommended that one additional temporary Civil Engineer be hired for a 28 month period at a total cost including benefits and computer of $163,660 (The 1999 portion of $26,380 would be funded from Contingency Reserve and the balance of project funding would be added to the 2000 and 2001 Engineering Departments Operating Budgets with any funds remaining in the account at year end being carried over to the completion of the 28 month project). The need for continuing this position will also be reviewed in two years in light of the next Visions and other work pressures.
(b) Vision Implementation and Monitoring Planner I:
The two Vision Implementation action plans contain about 120 actions involving a range of City departments and boards. A temporary Planner I position is proposed to: 1) track and follow up on implementation actions, including working on planning initiatives; 2) monitor rezonings, development applications, and public works in the two communities for consistency with the Vision directions; 3) facilitate communication and co-operation between City staff and the community for example through developing community web pages. The Planner I would meet regularly with the community and be responsible for preparing the annual Vision implementation monitoring reports to City Council, in consultation with the community and City staff.
It is recommended that a temporary Planner I be hired for a 28 month period at a total cost of $151,540 including benefits and overtime and a computer. The 1999 portion of $24,648 would be funded from Contingency Reserve with the balance of project funding to be added to the 2000 and 2001 Planning Departments Operating Budgets with any funds remaining at year end being carried over to the completion of the 28 month project. The need for continuing this position will also be reviewed at the end of the two years.
(c) Communications and Outreach Budget
Staff request approval of $50,000 to cover implementation-related communications and outreach costs such as ads, newsletters, meetings, printing, etc. for the two communities for the next 28 months of implementation activities. The 1999 portion, $10,000 would be funded from Contingency Reserve and the balance included in the 2000 Planning Departments Operating Budget with any remaining project funds carried over to 2001. The annual monitoring reports will include detail on expenditures.
(d) Community Development Resources for KCC
The KCC Vision Dir 2.1 on Community Development Staff and Support reads:
To help the community accomplish more with local volunteer efforts, there should be one or more paid community development workers available. There should also be support and funding available to help organizations with basic communication and translation needs.Staff support this direction but at this time are not prepared to make a recommendation as there has not been a full discussion with the community on this subject. Staff will report back to Council on this direction when there has been further discussion and agreement on a community development strategy.
Vision Implementation Monitoring
Staff recommend that the attached action plans be approved by Council and reviewed and updated on an annual basis. At the time of the annual reviews, which would involve both staff and the community, the action plans would also be updated to reflect changes in City programs and resources as well as community priorities and external events that affect work programs.
On-going Community Involvement in Vision Implementation
Both the Dunbar and KCC Visions contained directions on Community Involvement in Decision Making.
Community residents should have more, and more timely input into decision-making about changes in their community such as development projects, street and traffic changes, transit planning, park design, etc. In both communities, this was one of most highly supported directions KCC (89%) and Dunbar (91%).
In November, 1998 through January, 1999, workshops were held in both communities to:
- review and discuss draft action plans; and
- discuss ways in which the community could be involved with the City on an ongoing basis on Vision implementation and monitoring.Since then, there have been follow-up meetings in both communities of people interested in developing community-based processes to facilitate communication between the City and community and to encourage ongoing community involvement in Vision implementation activities. In Dunbar, these discussions have given birth to the Dunbar Neighbourhood Council (DNC) which is holding monthly open meetings and is committed to encouraging co-operation and communication amongst the various organizations, interests and individuals in Dunbar. A priority of the DNC is to establish a neighbourhood information centre or clearing house to facilitate information exchange on Vision implementation activities and other changes and activities in the community.
In Kensington-Cedar Cottage, the KCC Vision Steering Committee has formed, with similar purposes to the DNC. The KCC committee also includes representatives of the major community organizations as well as former Vision Community Liaison Group members and other interested citizens. The committee has had two meetings and has identified two short-term priority implementation actions: street litter clean-up and traffic mitigation around two elementary schools. The committee is working with staff to develop strategies to address these issues.
Staff have been attending the monthly meetings in the two communities and are providing support and assistance where appropriate. The two groups will have input to the annual monitoring reports to Council.
Linkages with the Public Involvement Review Implementation
One of the Public Involvement Review directions was to improve ongoing contact between the City and the community. One of the proposed actions of the Public Involvement Review (PIR) Implementation Phase is the development of Community pages on the Citys web-site where community-specific information on City initiatives and programs would be posted and linkages made to community web-sites. Dunbar and Kensington-Cedar Cottage are proposed as the pilot communities for this initiative.
Staffing and Financial Implications
The report notes that many of the actions to implement these the first two Community Visions plus upcoming Visions can be done within existing resources over the next ten or so years. Two temporary staff positions, a Planner I and a Civil Engineer are requested to address specific implementation needs over the next 28 months. In addition, up to half of an existing Planner III will be allocated to overseeing implementation activities. Some time of the Citys Business Improvement Program Co-ordinator will also be directed to work with merchants in the Vision areas to implement neighbourhood centre improvements. Staff do not expect that subsequent Visions will generate additional staff demands but that existing staff plus the two new temporary positions will finish up on implementation work for the first two Visions and then go on to next completed communities. Continued need for the temporary Planner I and Civil Engineer positions will be assessed before the end of the 28 months to ensure a smooth transition and continued funding if required.
The total budget requested, $375,199 is for a 28 month project, September, 1999 to December, 2001 (see Appendix B). The 1999 portion of $61,028 would be funded from 1999 Contingency Reserve. The balance of project funding would be included in the 2000 and 2001 Operating Budgets with any funds remaining at the end of 2000 being carried forward to 2001 to complete the 28 month program. In addition, staff will be reporting after further consultation with the community, on a community development strategy for Kensington-Cedar Cottage which may include a request for funding. This is not anticipated to have implications for the 1999 budget.
Since Council approved the Dunbar and Kensington-Cedar Cottage Community Visions in 1998, staff have developed action plans to implement the Vision directions and have met with the community to review these plans and discuss ways in which the community can continue to be involved in Vision implementation and monitoring. Staff recommend that Council approve two new positions and a communications budget to assist with implementation of these and subsequent Visions.
* * * * *
The attached actions plans were developed in consultation with the various City departments and boards and discussed with the community at workshops held this winter. At this point, only actions to be undertaken by the City are listed. In developing the list of actions and the estimated time frame for implementation, staff considered: existing City programs and resources, competing demands from other communities, prior commitments, Vision direction support from the Choices surveys, and discussions at the community workshops.
The actions are listed in the order of the Vision directions they address (which are shown in brackets). Following each action is an indication if the action is scheduled for the next 3 years, unscheduled at this time or if the action is a policy guide.
Actions which are Scheduled and Resourced
These are actions which have been scheduled and for which resources are assigned or available within the short-term, i.e. the next 3 years. Included in this column are new work studies such as: the C-2 review and the Welwyn Street row house demonstration project which will be underway this year and which will address specific directions in both Visions. Ongoing City programs such as traffic lights, bus shelters, tree planting which can deliver on Vision directions are also included in this column as are City partnership programs such as BIA, parks improvement, neighbourhood greenways, neighbourhood traffic calming, community public art, Tree Trust which can respond to local community initiatives.
Actions Not Yet Scheduled
Not all City actions can be accomplished in the short term, i.e. 3 years. The intention is that once a year when the action plans are updated, actions in right column will be reviewed. As there is more certainty as to when staff and resources will become available these actions will be scheduled.
A few actions in this column are the subject of Recommendations in this report, e.g. the arterial plans engineers, and are indicated accordingly. Some other actions in this column are the subject of reports that will be before Council shortly. If these recommendations are approved the related actions will be moved to the left column.
Policy Items
Some Vision directions will be used as policy guides for City staff and Council where there are decisions to be made on changes in the communities.
Actions Not Listed
Actions which could be carried out by the community or other agencies without City involvement are not listed.
New actions initiated after date of this report/action plan will be added to the working action plan and included in next official version of the plan when it is updated next year. It will be the role of staff working on monitoring and co-ordinating vision implementation to ensure that City initiatives in the community are consistent with Vision directions and that the community is consulted.
Kensington-Cedar Cottage Community Vision Implementation Action Plan | |||||
Action # |
Action |
Lead Dept(s)/Boards |
Status | ||
Not Yet Scheduled/Resourced |
Policy Guide | |||
1. Community Involvement in Decision Making | |||||
1A |
· Implement Public Involvement Review recommendations, including: -community web pages
_ |
1B |
· Develop New Development Review Process, including: -improved communication and public involvement
_ |
1C |
· Support development of on-going community-based processes/groups to work together and with the City on Vision implementation (Dir 1.1) |
Planning |
_ |
2. Community Development | |||||
2A |
· Develop a community development strategy and budget to support community-based initiatives that involve residents in implementing Vision directions. (Dir 2.1) |
Planning |
_ |
2B |
· Encourage and support local initiatives that build community and implement Vision directions, through existing City programs such as public art, BIAs, parks improvement, greenways. (Dir 2.1) |
All depts/
_ |
3. Safety | |||||
3A 3B 3C 3D |
· Negotiate new crime prevention office as part of rezoning process for former Safeway site at 41st and Victoria. (Dir 3.1) · Look for permanent home for Broadway Crime Prevention Office through the Sky Train Station Area Planning Program (Dir 3.1) · Continue City funding of crime prevention offices, subject to annual grants review process and Council approval (Dir 3.1) · Continue and expand community policing initiatives including foot and bike patrols, community-based crime prevention programs. (Dir 3.1) |
Police |
_ _ _ _ |
4. Community Services and Facilities | |||||
4A |
· Locate new services in accessible sites such as shopping areas, along transit lines, and in clusters (Dir 4.1) |
All |
_ | ||
4B |
· Work with area service providers to develop a communications strategy, including multilingual communications. (Dir 4.2) |
_ |
4C |
· Make more City Hall services available in the community e.g. permits, licences, information (Dir 4.3) |
All |
_ |
4D |
· Support applications for substance abuse treatment facilities but avoid over-concentration and location in problem areas (Dir 4.4) |
Planning /Soc Planning |
_ | ||
4E 4F 4G 4H |
Community Centre Improvements
· Request Capital Plan funding for Stage 2 improvements to Kensington Community Centre. (Dir 4.8) · Request Capital Plan funding for improvements to Trout Lake Community Centre (elevator, ventilation, sound proofing, preschool playground equipment, front office)
· Prepare long-range strategic plan for upgrading/ expanding/ replacing community centres, pool, rinks throughout the city. (Dir 4.1, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9) |
CCA/Park Bd CCA/Park Bd CCA/Park Bd Park Bd/
_ _ _ _ |
4I |
· Replace current Kensington Library with a new facility in either in the proposed development at Kingsway and Knight or an alternative location (Dir 4.10) |
VPL/Planning |
_ |
5. Shopping Areas | |||||
5A 5B |
Kingsway and Knight
· Do comprehensive Neighbourhood Centre Plan for Kingsway and Knight that includes: - shopping area improvements (Dir. 5.1, 5.4, 5.5, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3);
Planning Planning / Eng |
_ | |
5C |
Broadway and Commercial
Planning/Eng |
_ |
5D 5E |
- shopping area improvements (Dir 7.1; 9 all);
· Monitor current rezoning process on former Safeway site re: Vision directions. (Dir 7 all) |
Planning/Eng Planning |
_ |
5F |
Fraser and King Edward
- shopping area improvements (Dir 8.1, 8.4; 9 all)
5G 5H 5I 5J |
All Shopping Areas
· Encourage formation of business associations/ Business Improvement Areas (Dir 9.2) · Do not support internal shopping malls or big box proposals in or near local shopping areas (Dir 9.3) · Undertake comprehensive review of street furniture and amenities to improve their design, quality, quantity, co-ordination and administration. (Dir 5.3, 6.4, 7.3, 7.6, 8.3) |
Eng Planning Planning Eng |
_ _ |
_ _ | |
6. Mixed Use Building Design | |||||
6A 6B |
· Review and revise C-2 zoning (Dir 5.4; 7.4; 8.4; 10.1, 10.3) · Develop C-2 area specific design guidelines (Dir. 5.4; 7.4; 8.4; 10.1,10.3) |
Planning Planning |
_ |
_ |
7. Traffic & Transportation | |||||
7A 7B |
· Increase enforcement of speed limit on Clark/Knight. (Dir. 11.1) |
Eng/Plan Police |
_ |
7C |
Eng/Planning |
7D |
Commercial & Victoria
Eng |
7E 7F |
On All KCC Arterials
· Improve response time for pedestrian activated traffic signals (Dir 11.1, 12.1, 13.1, 14.1, 15.3) |
Eng Eng |
_ _ |
7G 7H 7I |
Public Transit
· Install bus bulges to give buses priority on key bus routes (Dir 15.3) See Actions 7A, 7C, 7D · Review feasibility and develop operational criteria and procedures for City licensing of shared-ride mini-bus/van services (Dir 15.4) |
Eng Eng P&L |
_ _ _ |
_ | |
7J 7K 7L |
Traffic Calming in Residential Areas
· Install small-scale traffic mitigation measures (e.g. stop signs, crosswalks, speed bumps) to address specific local issues identified by community (Dir. 16.2) · Request Province to amend the BC Motor Vehicle Act to allow the City to reduce maximum speed on residential streets to 40 kmph.(Dir 12.2) |
Eng Eng Eng/
_ _ _ |
7M 7N 7O 7P |
Greenways and Bike Routes
· Work with community to plan and construct a neighbourhood greenway connecting Windsor Castle north to Grays Park (Dir. 17.1) · Work with community to develop additional north-south and east-west greenways/bike-routes as identified in Vision (Dir. 17.1) · Consider bike lane on Commercial/Victoria as part of traffic plan (See Action 7D) (Dir. 17.2) · See Action 10F on Grandview Cut. |
Eng |
_ _ |
_ _
8. Single Family Areas | |||||
8A |
Rental suites in houses
_ |
8B 8C |
· Do Buffalo Hill Urban Design and Development Study to address retention of character buildings and landscaping. |
Planning Planning |
_ Council report pending _
9. New Housing Types | |||||
9A 9B 9C 9D |
· Consider rezoning proposal for Rowhouse /2-4-6plex Housing Demonstration Project in KCC IF proposal fits Vision and meets Citys Housing Demo Project Guidelines (Dir 21.1) · Develop Kingsway/Knight rowhouse, four-and sixplex, duplex zoning. This planning should be part of a comprehensive Kingsway/Knight Neighbourhood Centre. (See Action 5B) (Dir.21.1, 21.4R) · Develop Victoria-41st rowhouse, four- and sixplex, duplex zoning: This planning should be part of a comprehensive Victoria-41st Neighbourhood Centre Plan. (See Action 5D) (Dir.21.1, 21.4R) |
Planning Planning |
_ |
_ _ _ |
9E 9F |
· Include consideration of infill as a tool for character preservation on larger lots in RS-2 and RS-1A Study (See Actions 8B,C)(Dir 22.2R) |
Planning |
_ _
9G |
Seniors housing
Hsg/Soc Pl/Plan |
_ | ||
10. Greening, Parks, Streets, Lanes | |||||
10A 10B 10C 10D 10E |
Greening on Public and Private Sites
· Publicize and expand Tree Trust programs aimed at encouraging the planting and preservation of trees on private property (Dir. 24.1,2,3,4) · Revise the lane paving petition process to provide more options and more information on impacts (Dir. 24.1) · Recommend extending RS-5/6 permeability regulations to all single family areas (Dir. 24.3) · Encourage and support community greening initiatives such as community gardens, planting in traffic circles, plant swaps, etc. |
Park Bd/
Planning / Park Bd Eng Eng/
_ _ _ _ _ |
10F |
Grandview Cut
_ |
10G 10H 10I |
Park Improvements
· Redevelop Grays Park as per Grays Park master plan (Dir. 4.8, 24.5) · Construct playground structures at Clark and Kingcrest Parks (Dir. 24.5) |
Park Board CCA/Park Bd CCA/Park Bd |
_ |
_ _ |
10J |
Public Views
Planning |
_ | ||
11. Home-Based Work | |||||
11A |
· Review regulations related to home-based businesses to increase flexibility and encourage more home-based work (Dir.25.1) |
_ |
12. Upkeep and Cleanliness, Construction Quality | |||||
12A 12B |
Upkeep and cleanliness
· Encourage and support local clean-up campaigns (Dir. 26.1) |
Eng/ NIST |
_ _ |
12F |
Quality of construction
Planning |
_ |
13. Recycling, Conservation, Water Quality, Noise Control | |||||
13A 13B |
· Support community initiatives: local collection depots for hazardous waste collection, recycling/composting and storm drain marking programs (Dir. 18.2,3; 27.1, 27.2;) · Implement and enforce Urban Noise Task Force recommendations: - Garden equipment and construction noise restrictions;
Eng/Off of Env P & L/
_ _ |
Dunbar Community Vision Implementation Action Plan | |||||
Action |
Lead Dept(s)/
Status | ||
Not Yet Scheduled/Resourced |
Policy Guide | |||
1. Shopping Areas | |||||
1A |
· Do comprehensive plans for all 3 shopping areas which address Vision directions on pedestrian comfort and safety, appearance, parking, store fronts, amenities. (Dir 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 1.9, 1.10; 2.1; 10 all; 11.1) Related actions: 2A, 5A |
1B |
· Negotiate some shopping area amenities and improvements through the development review process (Dir 1.2) |
Planning |
_ |
1C |
· Support developments with small storefronts and uses that animate the street, not developments without retail at grade. (Dir 1.3, 1.9, 1.10). |
Planning |
_ | ||
1D |
· Encourage and support formation of business association/Business Improvement Areas (Dir 1.2, 1.4) |
_ |
1E |
· Retain parking, both on and off-street, in shopping areas (Dir 1.5) |
Eng |
_ | ||
1F |
· Do not support internal shopping malls or big box proposals in or near local shopping areas (Dir 1.6) |
Planning |
_ | ||
1G |
· Encourage and support local improvement initiatives, eg. beautification projects, street banners, public art, planting through existing City partnership programs (Dir 1.2, 1.9, 1.10) |
_ |
1H |
· Undertake comprehensive review of street furniture and amenities to improve their design, quality, quantity, co-ordination and administration. (Dir 1.2) |
Eng |
_ |
2. Mixed Use Building Design | |||||
2A 2B |
· Review and revise C-2 zoning (Dir 2.1) · Develop C-2 area specific design guidelines (Dir2.1) |
Planning Planning |
_ |
_ |
3. Existing Single Family Areas | |||||
3A |
_ |
3B |
· Revise single family zoning in Dunbar to address issues of design control for all new houses, design diversity, yard size, house size and orientation, character retention (Dir 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5; 4.1; 6.2R) |
Planning |
_ |
3C 3D |
Rental suites
· Conduct a community survey to see if/where rental suites to be legalized (Dir 5.2) |
_ _ |
4. New Housing Types | |||||
4A |
Infill and rowhouses/2-4-6 plexes
_ | ||
4B |
· Prepare Rowhouse/2-4-6 plex Plan and zoning that fits Vision, in consultation with community and including review of impacts, location, design (Dir 7.1, 7.4R). |
Planning |
_ |
4C |
Seniors Housing
Soc Plan/
_ | ||
5. Traffic & Transit | |||||
5A |
Arterial Traffic
Eng |
5B |
· Install pedestrian activated traffic signals, corner bulges, median refuges, and other measures to address traffic safety issues on arterials (Dir 1.1, 10.1, 10.2) Related Actions: 1A, 5A |
Eng |
_ |
5C 5D |
· Increase enforcement of speed limit on arterials (Dir 10.1) · Improve response time for pedestrian activated traffic signals (Dir 10.1, 10.2, 10.3) |
Police Eng |
_ _ |
5E 5F 5G |
Public Transit
· Extend rapid transit to UBC, add more bus routes and more frequent service, develop community mini-bus service (Dir 11.2) · Review feasibility and develop operational criteria and procedures for City licensing of shared-ride mini-bus/van services (Dir 11.2) |
Eng Refer to GVTA. P&L |
_ _ |
5H |
Neighbourhood Traffic Calming
Eng |
_ |
5I 5J |
· Install small-scale, spot traffic management measures (e.g. stop signs, crosswalks, speed bumps) in residential areas to address specific local concerns (Dir 12.2) · Request Province to amend the BC Motor Vehicle Act to allow the City to reduce maximum speed on residential streets to 40 kmph.(Dir 12.2) |
Eng Eng/
_ _ |
5K |
Greenways and Bike Routes
Eng/Plng |
_ |
5L |
· Review feasibility of a bike lane on Dunbar Street (Dir 10.2) See Action: 5A |
Eng |
_ |
5M |
· Develop additional east-west and north-south bike routes and neighbourhood greenways (Dir 13.1) |
Eng |
_ |
6. Greening, Parks, Streets, Lanes | |||||
6A |
Park Bd /CCA |
_ |
6B 6C |
Greening on Private Sites
· Recommend extending RS-5/6 permeability regulations to all single family areas (Dir 14.3) |
_ _ |
6D 6E |
· Include lane and street paving in review of permeability issues (Dir 14.7) |
Eng Eng |
_ _ |
6F 6G |
Public Views
· Consider views to mountains, downtown and water from parks and Durbar Street when processing development applications (Dir.14.6) |
Planning Planning |
_ |
_ | |
6H |
Greening of Public Areas
Eng/ Park Bd/ Off Env |
_ |
7. Community Services & Facilities | |||||
7A |
· Expand & support volunteer services to seniors and residents living at home (Dir 15.1) |
Refer to Van Health Bd |
7B |
· Support proposals for housing for seniors and residents with special needs who cannot live in their own homes. (Dir 15.2, 9.1, 9.2) (Action 4D) |
Social Pl/
_ | ||
7C |
· If current library site is redeveloped, look for opportunities to combine services and address community needs (eg. seniors housing). (Dir 15.3) |
_ | ||
7D |
· Develop services to address needs of Dunbars youth and involve them in community life (Dir 15.4) |
Park Bd/
_ |
7E 7F |
Crime Prevention
· Establish Community Policing Office in Community Centre (Dir 16.1) |
Police CSG/
_ _ |
8. Home-based Work | |||||
8A |
· Review regulations related to home-based businesses to increase flexibility and encourage more home-based work (Dir 1.4; 17.1) |
_ |
9. Recycling, Conservation, Water Quality, Noise Control | |||||
9A |
· Support community environmental initiatives such as: community composting and recycling, neighbourhood cleanups, energy and water conservation, native planting, through existing City partnership and funding programs. (Dir 18.1,2,3) |
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9B |
· Implement and enforce the Urban Noise Task Force recommendations concerning: - garden equipment and construction noise restrictions;
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10. Community Building and Community Involvement in Decision Making | |||||
10A |
· Encourage and support community initiatives to strengthen community spirit and identity through existing City partnership programs such as public art, BIA, parks improvement. (Dir 19.1) |
All depts/
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10B |
· Implement Public Involvement Review recommendations, including: -updated community group database on website
- improvements to departmental processes - improved information on city services
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10C |
· Improve Development Review Process, including: - communication and public involvement
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10D |
· Support development of on-going community-based processes/groups to work with the City on Vision monitoring and implementation (Dir 20.1) |
Planning |
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Kensington-Cedar Cottage and Dunbar Community Visions Implementation
Summary of Requested Budget and Staffing 1999 to 2001
28 months Annual Cost 1999 portion *
1) Staff
Temporary Civil Engineer 2 with benefits $160,160 $68,640 $22,880
Planner I with benefits $144,803 $62,059 $20,686
Overtime $ 3,236 $ 1,387 $ 462
$148,039 $63,446 $21,148
Total Staff Costs $308,199 $132,086 $44,028
2) Expenses
2 computers and software $ 7,000 - $ 7,000
Communications budget for $ 50,000 $20,000 $10,000
2 communities
Total Staff and Expenses $375,199 $61,028
* Source of 1999 funds to be Contingency Reserve.
* * * * *
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver