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JUNE 15, 1999
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, June 15, 1999, at 2:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall.
PRESENT: Mayor Philip Owen
*Councillor Don Bellamy
*Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
*Councillor Jennifer Clarke
Councillor Alan Herbert
Councillor Lynne Kennedy
*Councillor Daniel Lee
Councillor Don Lee
*Councillor Gordon Price
Councillor George Puil
*Councillor Sam SullivanCITY MANAGER'S
OFFICE: Judy Rogers, City ManagerCLERK TO THE
COUNCIL:Ulli S. Watkiss, City Clerk
* denotes presence during part of the meeting.
The proceedings in the Council Chamber were opened with a prayer read by the City Clerk.
Council was advised there were matters to be considered "In Camera" later this day.
Councillor Herbert explained that on a recent trip to China, he and Councillors Don Lee and Daniel Lee were presented with a gift for the City. As the City wishes to pass on the sculpture to the Chinese Cultural Centre, the President of the Chinese Cultural Association was present to receive the gift.
The Mayor offered congratulations to City staff and volunteers who have participated in the "Keep Vancouver Spectacular" clean-up campaign. He advised that in 1996, 1500 volunteers cleaned up 400 city blocks, while this year, 5000 volunteers cleaned up 1500 blocks. This marked increase is a measure of the great pride that Vancouver citizens have for their community.
1. Special Council Meeting
(Public Hearing)
May 18, 1999MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy
SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.
(Councillor Sullivan absent for the vote)
2. Regular Council Meeting
(City Services & Budgets)
May 20, 1999MOVED by Cllr. Puil
SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert
THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.
(Councillor Sullivan absent for the vote)
3. Regular Council Meeting
(Planning & Environment)
May 20, 1999MOVED by Cllr. Clarke
SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy
THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.
(Councillor Sullivan absent for the vote)
4. Regular Council Meeting
June 1, 1999
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario,
THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.
(Councillor Sullivan absent for the vote)
5. Regular Council Meeting
(Transportation & Traffic)
June 1, 1999MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.
(Councillor Sullivan absent for the vote)
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
SECONDED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the Chair.
(Councillor Sullivan absent for the vote)
1. Hastings Park Restoration and PNE Arrangements
Through 2002 File: 8009/RTS: 608
Larry Beasley, Co-Director of Planning, reviewed the background to the Administrative Report dated June 8, 1999 (see Administrative Report A8), which recommended the Council support the continued presence and operation of the PNE on Hastings Park for the next three years, in the context of the continued implementation of the Hastings Park Restoration Plan for green park and recreation purposes as currently approved and scheduled. Mr. Beasley noted that the report was before Council for information only as arrangements had been made for Council to hear speakers and consider the recommendations at the June 24, 1999 meeting of the Planning and Environment Standing Committee.
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT the verbal report by the Co-Director of Planning be received for information and consideration of the Administrative Report dated June 8, 1999, entitled "Hastings Park Restoration and PNE Arrangements Through 2002" be referred to the June 24, 1999 meeting of the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment for the hearing of any delegations.
(Councillor Sullivan absent for the vote)
1. Text Amendment - 1610-1650 Bayshore Drive File: 1401-8
At a Public Hearing held May 18, 1999, Council considered the proposed text amendment to 1610-1650 Bayshore Drive. Due to the late hour and the need to have further information from staff clarifying issues on views and an explanation of public benefits and impacts of other decisions such as transit, public housing benefits, details on potential changes in funding, Council concluded the Public Hearing and agreed to defer consideration of a motion to refuse the application.
* Councillors Chiavario and Clarke left the Council Chambers at this point in the proceedings, as they were not present at the Public Hearing, and therefore were not eligible to participate in the discussion.
Larry Beasley, Co-Director of Planning, referred to the original package of information before Council at the Public Hearing which contained staff's recommendations and conditions for approval and a subsequent memorandum dated June 10, 1999 which provided responses to questions raised by Council members at the Public Hearing. For ease of reference, Mr. Beasley also provided Council with a memorandum dated June 14, 1999 to which was attached a consolidation of all conditions, with changes.
* Councillor Sullivan joined the meeting at this point in the proceedings.
Having received this new information, Councillor Puil requested and received consent to withdraw his motion to refuse the application.
During discussion, Councillor Price emphasized that the public must be clear that with respect to the transit issue there is an option for an at-grade right-of-way.
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the application to amend the text of the CD-1 By-law for 1610-1650 Bayshore Drive be approved, subject to the following conditions:
. (a) THAT the proposed form of development be approved by Council in principle, generally as prepared by Hancock Br¸ckner Eng + Wright, Architects and stamped "Received, City Planning Department, November 13, 1998" provided that the Director of Planning may allow minor alterations to this form of development when approving the detailed scheme of development as outlined in (b) below, including reductions in height in accordance with revised section 3.4.1 of the CD-1 Guidelines.
Text Amendment - 1610-1650 Bayshore Drive (cont'd)
(b) THAT, prior to approval by Council of the form of development, the applicant shall obtain approval of a development application by the Director of Planning, who shall have particular regard to the following:
(i) design development to take into consideration the principles of CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) having particular regard to reducing opportunities for theft and maximizing personal safety in the underground parking garage, break and enter and vandalism such as graffiti, ensuring that private and public pedestrian routes are distinguishable and providing direct access to all residential units from the underground parking garage;
(ii) design development of the vehicular and pedestrian entrance and Porte Cochere off Cardero Street for Building `D' to provide high quality paving materials and landscaping;
(iii) design development to the northern facade of Building `H' on Bayshore Drive to minimize the height of any retaining walls and ensure the difference of height between the public sidewalk and the entrances to the townhouses is no more than 1.1 m;
(iv) design development of the northwest corner of West Georgia Street and Cardero Street to provide a high quality landscaping treatment;
Text Amendment - 1610-1650 Bayshore Drive (cont'd)
(v) design development to the base treatment and floor plate configuration of Buildings `C', `D' and `G' to minimize their impact on the northwesterly public view corridor seen from pedestrian sidewalk areas on the north side of Georgia Street;
Note to Applicant: Consideration should be given to double height lobby areas at-grade with extensive clear glazing, corner cutbacks to tower floor plates, asymmetrical floor plates, and clear glass railings for projecting balconies.
(c) THAT the amending By-law be amended to delete the amendment to increase maximum height under Section 7.1.
(d) THAT Section 3.4.1, Height, in the draft CD-1 Guidelines amendments be amended to show, in Table 1, that Building `D' should have a maximum height of 26 storeys and 74 m, and Building `I' should have a maximum height of 25 storeys and 72 m.
(e) THAT prior to enactment of the amending By-law, and at no cost to the City, the registered owner shall:
(i) execute an agreement, satisfactory to the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Legal Services, to secure access and specific construction details for fire and emergency access to Building `D', via the Porte Cochere, off Cardero Street;
(ii) execute an agreement, satisfactory to the General Manager of Engineering Services and Director of Legal Services, to secure fire and emergency access to Building `D', at the northwest corner of Cardero Street and West Georgia Street, in the vicinity of the south side of Building `D';
Text Amendment - 1610-1650 Bayshore Drive (cont'd)
(iii) make suitable arrangements, satisfactory to the General Manager of Engineering Services and Director of Legal Services, for the modification of the Public Transit System Volumetric Right-of-Way plan;
(iv) execute a modification agreement to the Public Transit System Volumetric statutory Right-of-Way agreement, satisfactory to the General Manager of Engineering Services and Director of Legal Services, providing for (1) the Owner assuming costs for the removal and replacement of landscaping, structures and other improvements located on the Lands in the event of the construction of the Transit Works; and (2) the Owner assuming any additional construction, maintenance and operating costs of the transit works and system to be located in the modified public transit system volumetric Right-of-Way resulting from the new location of Building `D', generally as shown in Appendix G of this report as opposed to the location of Building D approved in the 1993 rezoning, in the event of the construction of the Transit Works;
(v) execute a modification agreement to the Ground Level Transit System Statutory Right-of-Way agreement, satisfactory to the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Legal Services, providing for the Owner assuming costs for the removal and replacement of landscaping, structures and other improvements located on the Lands in the event of the construction of the Transit Works;
(vi) discharge to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services and Director of Legal Services, of the Transit Tunnel Construction and Maintenance Agreement respecting the 1993 rezoning;
Text Amendment - 1610-1650 Bayshore Drive (cont'd)
(vii) execute an agreement, satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, not to discriminate against families with children in the sale of residential units, except for units designated for seniors;
(viii) execute an agreement, satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services and the Manager of the Housing Centre, to secure the rental tenure of Building `D' in perpetuity;
(ix) amend the legal agreement, satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, the Director of Planning and the Manager of the Housing Centre, regarding the building envelopes for social and market housing to reflect the revised form of development;
(x) execute an agreement, satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, the Director of Planning and the Manager of the Housing Centre that the privately-owned open space bordered by the market residential and non-market housing sites in sub-area 1 will only be allocated for the exclusive use of the adjacent residential properties, with the written approval of the Director of Planning;
(xi) execute an agreement, satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services and the Director of Planning, securing landscaping improvements for the privately-owned open space described in (b)(ix) above and the non-market housing sites, pending the development of the non-market housing;
Text Amendment - 1610-1650 Bayshore Drive (cont'd)
(xii) amend the legal agreement respecting the provision of the child-care facility including the security arrangement charging the hotel, satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services and the Director of Social Planning, to ensure that a fully furnished, full-age range day care facility for 47 licensed spaces be provided and further that the facility shall comprise 484 mž (5,200 sq. ft.) (excluding additional circulation space required to accommodate the elevator, elevator lobbies and emergency exist stairwells) of indoor space and 437 mž (4,700 sq. ft.) of immediately adjacent, fenced and equipped play space which includes landscaping and grassed areas and must meet all community care facilities, licensing and day care requirements and be satisfactory to the Director of Social Planning.
(xiii) provide an amount of $127,000 for the Community Amenity Contribution to offset the request for a reduction in parking spaces.
(Councillors Chiavario and Clarke not eligible to vote)
(At this point, Councillors Chiavario and Clarke returned to the meeting)
1. Strata Title Conversion - 2104 East 19th Avenue
May 25, 1999 File: 5311/RTS: 689
MOVED by Cllr. Puil
THAT the application to convert the previously-occupied building at 2104 East 19th Avenue (Parcel C, Blocks 17 and 18, D.L. 195, Plan LMP37740) to strata title ownership be approved.
(Councillor Bellamy absent for the vote)
2. Water Conservation - Rain Barrels
May 22, 1999 File: 3753/RTS: 620
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee
THAT the City continue to provide up to 300 rain barrels per year at an annual cost of $18,000 providing a 50% subsidy to purchasers; source of the funds to be the 1999 Waterworks Budget - Water Conservation program;
FURTHER THAT staff review the program on an annual basis to ensure that the stated program objectives are met, and report back to Council after a further three years.
(Councillor Bellamy absent for the vote)
3. Sanitary Pump Station Facility -
Concord Pacific Place Area 1 - Beach Neighbourhood
June 1, 1999 File: 5809/RTS: 762MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services, in consultation with the General Manager of Engineering Services, to proceed with the establishment as Road, that portion of Lot 167, False Creek, Plan 20639, consisting of 174.5 m2 as shown in bold outlined in Appendix A to the Administrative Report dated June 1, 1999, for the purposes of a sewer pump station.
(Councillor Bellamy absent for the vote)
4. Form of Development: 301 Jervis Street
DE403667 - CD-1 By-law Number 7677
Owner of Development: Hillsboro Investment Ltd.
June 3, 1999 File: 2606/RTS: 730MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT the form of development for this portion (Sub-area 1B, Lot 2) of the CD-1 zoned site known as 301 Jervis Street be approved generally as illustrated in the Development Application Number DE403667, prepared by James K.M. Cheng Architects Inc. and stamped "Received, City Planning Department February 22, 1999", provided that the Director of Planning may approve design changes which would not adversely affect either the development character of this site or adjacent properties.
(Councillor Bellamy absent for the vote)
5. 1191 Robson Street - Development Application Number DE404060
Government Liquor Store
June 4, 1999 File: 2608/RTS: 739
During discussion, Councillor Kennedy noted that she had been appointed to a new panel whose mandate is to advise government on implementing new liquor laws and regulations. As amendments will be made allowing some liquor stores to open on Sundays, the Councillor requested staff to report back on appropriate locations for Council's consideration.
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT Council advise the Director of Central Area Planning on behalf of Land Use and Development that it would favour approval of Development Application Number DE404060 for a Liquor Store at 1191 Robson Street.
(Councillor Chiavario opposed)
(Councillor Clarke absent for the vote)6. Increasing Use of Internet Technology:
The Need for a Corporate Internet Webmaster
May 26, 1999 File: 1188/RTS: 640MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT Council approve the establishment of one new regular full-time position of Corporate Internet Webmaster at an estimated annual cost of $55,000, subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resource Services; source of funding to be re-allocation within the Information Technology operating budget.
(Councillor Clarke absent for the vote)
7. Bayshore Parkade Lease Proceeds Distribution
May 27, 1999 File: 1203/RTS: 713
As a delegation request had been received, consideration of this report was referred to a future meeting of the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets.
8. Hastings Park Restoration and Pacific National Exhibition
Arrangements Through 2002
June 8, 1999 File: 8009/RTS: 608
Please see Report Reference # 1.9. Gastown (former Woodwards) Parkades -
Award of Consultant Services
May 27, 1999 File: 5653/RTS: 772As a delegation request had been received, consideration of this report was referred to the June 24, 1999 meeting of the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets.
1. CD-1 Text Amendment for 2657-2693 West 10th Avenue
May 28, 1999 File: 5308/RTS: 734
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the application by Eric Stine Architect Inc., to amend CD-1 By-law No. 5705 for 2657-2693 West 10th Avenue (Strata Lots 1-7, D.L. 192 and 540, Strata Plan VR1467) to increase the permitted floor space by allowing the enclosure of the upper level on each of the seven existing townhouse units, be referred to a Public Hearing, together with:
(i) plans received February 8, 1999;
(ii) draft amending by-law to increase the permitted floor space, generally as contained in Appendix A of the Policy Report dated May 28, 1999; and
(iii) the recommendation of the Director of Central Area Planning on behalf of Land Use and Development to approve, subject to conditions contained in Appendix B of the Policy Report dated May 28, 1999;
FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary by-law for consideration at Public Hearing.
2. CD-1 Rezoning - 2001 Wall Street (Cannery Row)
And 1955/1965 Powell Street
June 1, 1999 File: 5308/RTS: 580MOVED by Cllr. Clarke;
THAT consideration of the Policy Report dated June 1, 1999 be referred to the June 17, 1999 meeting of the City Services and Budgets Committee to allow the applicant an opportunity to speak to why the application should proceed to public hearing.
3. 1088 Marinaside Crescent: Text Amendments for Quayside,
Area 4, and Roundhouse, Area 2, of the False Creek North
Official Development Plan
May 31, 1999 File: 5306/RTS: 763At 3:35 p.m. Councillor Price declared a conflict of interest and left the Council Chambers. He did not participate in the discussion or voting of this item, returning to the Chambers at 3:38 p.m..
MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
A. THAT the application by Busby and Associates Architects to amend CD-1 numbers 297 and 324 and the FCN ODP to permit a marina expansion and restaurant be referred to a Public Hearing, together with:
(i) plans received December 4, 1998;
(ii) draft amendments to CD-1 by-laws and FCN ODP generally as contained in Appendix A of the Policy Report dated May 31, 1999; and
(iii) the recommendation of the Director of Central Area Planning to approve the application, subject to conditions of approval contained in Appendix C of the Policy Report dated May 31, 1999;
FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary by-laws for consideration at Public Hearing.
1088 Marinaside Crescent: Text Amendments for Quayside, Area 4, and
Roundhouse, Area 2, of the False Creek North Official Development Plan (cont'd)
B. THAT the following recommendations be referred to Public Hearing:
(i) THAT a restaurant be approved with a modified design for a maximum area of 371.6 m2 (4,000 sq. ft.) rather than 557.4 m2 (6,000 sq. ft.).
(ii) THAT the marina from Davie Street westward be approved but that it must not extend beyond the harbour headline.
(iii) THAT Council authorize the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Legal Services to enter into an agreement with Pacific Place permitting portions of the water area over City road to be used by Pacific Place for restaurant use at a nominal fee.
(iv) THAT Council authorize the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Legal Services to enter into an agreement with Pacific Place permitting Pacific Place's usage of the water area over a portion of City road for marina use at a nominal fee.
C. THAT as an alternative to recommendations B(i), B(ii), and B(iii) Council may wish to consider at Public Hearing:
(i) THAT a restaurant not be approved;
(ii) THAT the marina from Davie Street westward not be approved noting that Pacific Place would not provide the floating public pier but would provide the full length of the pier parallel to Marinaside Crescent; and
(iii) THAT portions of the water area over City road be used by Pacific Place for restaurant use and that staff report back on market rates to be charged to Pacific Place for such use.
1088 Marinaside Crescent: Text Amendments for Quayside, Area 4, and
Roundhouse, Area 2, of the False Creek North Official Development Plan (cont'd)
D. THAT Council adopt the above Recommendations on the following conditions:
(i) THAT the passage of the above resolution creates no legal rights for the applicant or any other person, or obligation on the part of the City; any expenditure of funds or incurring of costs is at the risk of the person making the expenditure or incurring the cost;
(ii) THAT any approval that may be granted following the Public Hearing shall not obligate the City to enact a by-law rezoning the property, and any costs incurred in fulfilling requirements imposed as a condition of rezoning are at the risk of the property owner; and
(iii) THAT the City and all its officials, including the Approving Officer, shall not in any way be limited or directed in the exercise of their authority or discretion, regardless of when they are called upon to exercise such authority or discretion.
(Councillor Price absent for the vote)
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
1. 6112-6138 Cambie Street - By-law No. 7995 Text Amendment By-law #8030
MOVED by Cllr. Daniel Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Daniel Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
Cllrs. Chiavario, Clarke and Sullivan excused from voting on By-law 1
2. 6111 Cambie Street - By-law No. 8016 Text Amendment By-law #8031
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
Cllrs. Chiavario and Clarke excused from voting on By-law 2
3. 3438 Vanness Avenue and 5108-5160 Joyce Street -
By-law No. 7639 Text Amendment By-law #8032
MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
Cllrs. Chiavario and Clarke excused from voting on By-law 3
4. Zoning & Development By-law: Rezoning - CD-1 to RT-5N
and Repeal of CD-1 By-law No. 7180 - 1302-1322 East 12th Avenue
By-law #8033
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
Cllrs. Puil and Sullivan excused from voting on By-law 4
5. Zoning & Development By-law: Rezoning - RM-3 to CD-1
1316-1336 West 11th Avenue By-law #8034
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
Cllrs. Clarke, Price and Puil excused from voting on By-law 5
6. Zoning & Development By-law: 6475 Elliott Street (Clarendon Court) -
Text Amendment to Provide New Regulations for Land Already Zoned CD-1
By-law #8035
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
Cllrs. Chiavario, Kennedy, Price and Puil excused from voting on By-law 6
7. Subdivision By-law - Addition of Portions of China Creek Park
and Deletion of 976 W. 54th Avenue, both as a Consequence of Rezoning
By-law #8036
MOVED by Cllr. Daniel Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Daniel Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
A. Lane Paving - Lane south of 11th Avenue from the lane
east of Victoria Drive to Semlin Drive and the lane
east of Victoria Drive from 11th Avenue to 12th Avenue File: 5809MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
WHEREAS a lane paving project in respect of a lane south of 11th Avenue from the lane east of Victoria Drive to Semlin Drive and the lane east of Victoria Drive from 11th Avenue to 12th Avenue (hereinafter called the "project") was advanced as a local improvement on the initiative principle to a Court of Revision on February 3, 1998 and was approved by Council on that date, to be paid for in part by special assessment upon the real property to be benefited thereby;
AND WHEREAS the project has now been certified by the City Engineer as completed and the By-law assessing the benefitting properties for the costs of the project has been passed;
AND WHEREAS on July 27, 1976, Council passed a resolution approving the adoption of a standing policy in regard to the provision of special relief, in certain circumstances, as follows:
"A. Council adopt a standing policy of giving special relief as follows with respect to lane paving local improvements where properties are used residentially but zoned for higher use:
1. the relief to be such that they pay only one-half of the rate for their zoning;
2. the relief to be limited to owner-occupied single-family dwellings, the ownership of which precedes the assessment of the local improvement;
3. the relief to be given on a year-to-year basis as long as the properties remain eligible;
4. the relief to commence with projects placed on the Tax Roll in 1977.
B. The Collector of Taxes be instructed to bring forward each year the list of properties in a formal resolution under Section 67 of By-law 3614 as amended, to give effect to this policy.";
Lane Paving - Lane south of 11th Avenue from the lane
east of Victoria Drive to Semlin Drive and the lane east of
Victoria Drive from 11th Avenue to 12th Avenue (cont'd)
AND WHEREAS on November 9, 1982, Council passed a further resolution supplementing the aforesaid policy as follows:
"That current special relief policies for local improvements remain in effect except that property owners rates not be adjusted lower than residential rates.";
AND WHEREAS on March 8, 1983, Council passed a resolution which amended portions of the earlier resolutions as follows:
"THAT special relief applied to people owning and occupying single-family dwellings in higher zoned areas, ownership of which precedes the local improvement, as cited in Clause No. 2 of the City Manager's report dated January 18, 1983, be amended such that ownership of property preceding the local improvement is not a condition of relief.";
AND WHEREAS on April 25, 1989, Council passed a resolution which amended portions of the earlier resolution as follows:
"B. THAT with respect to all qualifying properties ... the reduction in taxes for 1989 and all succeeding years shall be for the remainder of the term of the By-law imposing the local improvement tax unless a condition set out in the resolution providing relief is no longer satisfied, in which case the reduction in taxes shall no longer be available for the taxation year next following, and Council's instruction to the Collector of Taxes regarding such reduced taxes shall become null and void.";
AND WHEREAS the annual special rate levied by the By-law imposing the local improvement tax expires in 2013;
AND WHEREAS Lot 23 of Lot C, Block 163, District Lot 264A, Plan 4560 abuts the project and contains an owner-occupied single-family dwelling;
AND WHEREAS the owner of the lot has applied for special relief by way of a reduction in taxes;
Lane Paving - Lane south of 11th Avenue from the lane
east of Victoria Drive to Semlin Drive and the lane east of
Victoria Drive from 11th Avenue to 12th Avenue (cont'd)
AND WHEREAS the lot is zoned RM-4N (Multiple Dwelling District) under the Zoning and Development By-law;
AND WHEREAS the Collector of Taxes is satisfied that the lot is eligible, under the provisions of the resolutions of Council cited herein, for the relief requested;
AND WHEREAS a special annual assessment for the said project imposed on the lot for a period of fifteen (15) years if assessed as RM-4N would be $154.46;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that for the foregoing reasons Council, by not less than two-thirds of all its members, hereby deems and declares that the lot is especially, inequitably or unjustly affected by such special assessment and, having met the criteria required by the resolutions cited herein, shall be subject to a reduced special assessment for the year 1999 and each subsequent year up to and including 2013 of $96.70 and hereby directs the Collector of Taxes, so long as the Collector is satisfied that the lot remains eligible, to enter onto the Tax Rolls against the lot the amount of the reduced special assessment. The difference between the said amounts shall be provided out of the general funds of the City.
B. Pavement, Curbs and Trees - 5th Avenue from
Woodland Drive to Commercial Drive File: 5802
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
WHEREAS a pavement, curbs and trees project on 5th Avenue from Woodland Drive to Commercial Drive (hereinafter called the "project") was advanced as a local improvement by petition to a Court of Revision on February 3, 1998, and was approved by Council on that date to be paid for in part by special assessment upon the real property to be benefited thereby;
AND WHEREAS the project has now been certified by the City Engineer as completed and the By-law assessing the benefitting properties for the costs of the project has been passed;
AND WHEREAS on July 22, 1980, Council passed a resolution which reads in part as follows:
"THAT Council approve Special Local Improvement Relief to underdeveloped properties which front on pavement and curb improvements as follows:
the relief to be such that the owners pay only seventy-five percent of the rate for their zoning;
the relief to be limited to owner-occupied single-family dwellings, the ownership of which precedes the assessment of the local improvement;
the relief to be given on a year-to-year basis so long as the properties remain eligible;
the relief to commence with ... projects placed on the Tax Roll in 1980 for the first time;
the Collector of Taxes be instructed to bring forward each year the list of properties in a formal resolution under Section 67 of By-law 3614 as amended, to give effect to this policy.";
Pavement, Curbs and Trees - 5th Avenue from
Woodland Drive to Commercial Drive (cont'd)
AND WHEREAS on October 16, 1982, Council passed a resolution which reads as follows:
"THAT current policies for local improvements remain in effect except that property owners rates shall never be adjusted lower than residential rates.";
AND WHEREAS on March 8, 1983, Council passed a resolution which amended portions of the earlier resolutions as follows:
"THAT special relief applied to people owning and occupying single-family dwellings in higher zoned areas, ownership of which precedes the local improvement, as cited in Clause No. 2 of the City Manager's report dated January 18, 1983, be amended such that ownership of property preceding the local improvement is not a condition of relief.";
AND WHEREAS on April 25, 1989, Council passed a resolution which amended portions of the earlier resolution as follows:
"B. THAT with respect to all qualifying properties ... the reduction in taxes for 1989 and all succeeding years shall be for the remainder of the term of the By-law imposing the local improvement tax unless a condition set out in the resolution providing relief is no longer satisfied, in which case the reduction in taxes shall no longer be available for the taxation year next following, and Council's instruction to the Collector of Taxes regarding such reduced taxes shall become null and void.";
AND WHEREAS the annual special rate levied by the By-law imposing the local improvement tax expires in 2013;
AND WHEREAS The West 1/2 of Lot 64, Block 145, District Lot 264A, Plans 222 and 1771 (hereinafter called "the lot") abuts the project and contains an owner-occupied single family dwelling;
Pavement, Curbs and Trees - 5th Avenue from
Woodland Drive to Commercial Drive (cont'd)
AND WHEREAS the owner of the lot has applied for special relief by way of a reduction in taxes;
AND WHEREAS the lot is zoned RM-4 (Multiple Dwelling District) under the Zoning and Development By-law;
AND WHEREAS the Collector of Taxes is satisfied that the lot is eligible, under the provisions of the resolutions of Council cited herein, for the relief requested;
AND WHEREAS a special annual assessment for the said project imposed on the lot for a period of fifteen (15) years if assessed as RM-4 (Multiple Residential District) would be $285.36;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that for the foregoing reasons Council, by not less than two-thirds of all its members, hereby deems and declares that the lot is especially, inequitably or unjustly affected by such special assessment and, having met the criteria required by the resolutions cited herein, shall be subject to a reduced special assessment for the year 1999 and each subsequent year up to and including 2013 of $214.03 and hereby directs the Collector of Taxes, so long as the Collector is satisfied that the lot remains eligible, to enter onto the Tax Rolls against the lot the amount of the reduced special assessment. The difference between the said amounts shall be provided out of the general funds of the City.
C. Pavement, Curbs and Trees - McGill Street
from Wall Street to Garden Drive File: 5802
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
WHEREAS a beautification (pavement, curbs and trees) project on McGill Street from Wall Street to Garden Drive (hereinafter called the "project") was advanced as a local improvement on the initiative principle to a Court of Revision on February 3, 1998, and was approved by Council on that date to be paid for in part by special assessment upon the real property to be benefited thereby;
AND WHEREAS the project has now been certified by the City Engineer as completed and the By-law assessing the benefitting properties for the costs of the project has been passed;
AND WHEREAS on June 17, 1975, Council passed a resolution approving the adoption of a standing policy in regard to the provision of special relief, in certain circumstances, as follows:
"A. Council adopt a standing policy of giving special relief in 1975 and subsequent tax years on local improvement charges to homes on flanking higher zoned lots:
1. so that they pay a rate according to their zoning but with a residential level of flankage relief;
2. that the relief be limited to owner-occupied single family dwellings, the ownership of which precedes the assessment of the local improvement charges;
3. that the relief apply to local improvement for pavements and curbs and for sidewalks;
4. that these properties need not be identified as requiring this special relief at the Court of Revision.
Pavement, Curbs and Trees - McGill Street
from Wall Street to Garden Drive (cont'd)B. That the Collector of Taxes be instructed to bring forward, each year, a formal resolution for those properties eligible for relief.";
AND WHEREAS on July 22, 1980, Council passed a resolution which reads in part as follows:
"THAT Council approve Special Local Improvement Relief to underdeveloped properties which front on pavement and curb improvements as follows:
the relief to be such that the owners pay only seventy-five percent of the rate for their zoning;
the relief to be limited to owner-occupied single-family dwellings, the ownership of which precedes the assessment of the local improvement;
the relief to be given on a year-to-year basis so long as the properties remain eligible;
the relief to commence with ... projects placed on the Tax Roll in 1980 for the first time;
the Collector of Taxes be instructed to bring forward each year the list of properties in a formal resolution under Section 67 of By-law 3614 as amended, to give effect to this policy.";
AND WHEREAS on October 16, 1982, Council passed a resolution which reads as follows:
"THAT current policies for local improvements remain in effect except that property owners rates shall never be adjusted lower than residential rates.";
AND WHEREAS on March 8, 1983, Council passed a resolution which amended portions of the earlier resolutions as follows:
Pavement, Curbs and Trees - McGill Street
from Wall Street to Garden Drive (cont'd)"THAT special relief applied to people owning and occupying single-family dwellings in higher zoned areas, ownership of which precedes the local improvement, as cited in Clause No. 2 of the City Manager's report dated January 18, 1983, be amended such that ownership of property preceding the local improvement is not a condition of relief.";
AND WHEREAS on April 25, 1989, Council passed a resolution which amended portions of the earlier resolution as follows:
"B. THAT with respect to all qualifying properties ... the reduction in taxes for 1989 and all succeeding years shall be for the remainder of the term of the By-law imposing the local improvement tax unless a condition set out in the resolution providing relief is no longer satisfied, in which case the reduction in taxes shall no longer be available for the taxation year next following, and Council's instruction to the Collector of Taxes regarding such reduced taxes shall become null and void.";
AND WHEREAS the annual special rate levied by the By-law imposing the local improvement tax expires in 2013;
AND WHEREAS Lot A of Lot 6, Block 7, District Lot 184, Plan 4809 (hereinafter called "lot A of 6") abuts the project as flankage and contains a multiple conversion dwelling with two dwelling units one of which is owner-occupied;
AND WHEREAS the Collector of Taxes is satisfied that the lot is eligible, under the provisions of the resolutions of Council cited herein, for the relief requested;
AND WHEREAS a special annual assessment for the said project imposed on the lot for a period of fifteen (15) years if assessed as RM-3A (Multiple Residential District) would be $786.37;
Pavement, Curbs and Trees - McGill Street
from Wall Street to Garden Drive (cont'd)
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that for the foregoing reasons Council, by not less than two-thirds of all its members, hereby deems and declares that the lot is especially, inequitably or unjustly affected by such special assessment and, having met the criteria required by the resolutions cited herein, shall be subject to a reduced special assessment for the year 1999 and each subsequent year up to and including 2013 of $393.18 and hereby directs the Collector of Taxes, so long as the Collector is satisfied that the lot remains eligible, to enter onto the Tax Rolls against the lot the amount of the reduced special assessment. The difference between the said amounts shall be provided out of the general funds of the City.
MAJORITYD. Pavement, Curbs and Trees - 2nd Ave.
from Cotton Drive to Commercial Drive File: 5802
MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
WHEREAS a beautification (pavement, curbs and trees) project on 2nd Avenue from Cotton Drive to Commercial Drive (hereinafter called the "project") was advanced as a local improvement by petition to a Court of Revision on June 16, 1998, and was approved by Council on that date to be paid for in part by special assessment upon the real property to be benefited thereby;
AND WHEREAS the project has now been certified by the City Engineer as completed and the By-law assessing the benefitting properties for the costs of the project has been passed;
AND WHEREAS on June 17, 1975, Council passed a resolution approving the adoption of a standing policy in regard to the provision of special relief, in certain circumstances, as follows:
Pavement, Curbs and Trees - 2nd Ave.
from Cotton Drive to Commercial Drive (cont'd)"A. Council adopt a standing policy of giving special relief in 1975 and subsequent tax years on local improvement charges to homes on flanking higher zoned lots:
1. so that they pay a rate according to their zoning but with a residential level of flankage relief;
2. that the relief be limited to owner-occupied single family dwellings, the ownership of which precedes the assessment of the local improvement charges;
3. that the relief apply to local improvement for pavements and curbs and for sidewalks;
4. that these properties need not be identified as requiring this special relief at the Court of Revision.
B. That the Collector of Taxes be instructed to bring forward, each year, a formal resolution for those properties eligible for relief.";
AND WHEREAS on July 22, 1980, Council passed a resolution which reads in part as follows:
"THAT Council approve Special Local Improvement Relief to underdeveloped properties which front on pavement and curb improvements as follows:
the relief to be such that the owners pay only seventy-five percent of the rate for their zoning;
the relief to be limited to owner-occupied single-family dwellings, the ownership of which precedes the assessment of the local improvement;
the relief to be given on a year-to-year basis so long as the properties remain eligible;
Pavement, Curbs and Trees - 2nd Ave.
from Cotton Drive to Commercial Drive (cont'd)
the relief to commence with ... projects placed on the Tax Roll in 1980 for the first time;
the Collector of Taxes be instructed to bring forward each year the list of properties in a formal resolution under Section 67 of By-law 3614 as amended, to give effect to this policy.";
AND WHEREAS on October 16, 1982, Council passed a resolution which reads as follows:
"THAT current policies for local improvements remain in effect except that property owners rates shall never be adjusted lower than residential rates.";
AND WHEREAS on March 8, 1983, Council passed a resolution which amended portions of the earlier resolutions as follows:
"THAT special relief applied to people owning and occupying single-family dwellings in higher zoned areas, ownership of which precedes the local improvement, as cited in Clause No. 2 of the City Manager's report dated January 18, 1983, be amended such that ownership of property preceding the local improvement is not a condition of relief.";
AND WHEREAS on April 25, 1989, Council passed a resolution which amended portions of the earlier resolution as follows:
"B. THAT with respect to all qualifying properties ... the reduction in taxes for 1989 and all succeeding years shall be for the remainder of the term of the By-law imposing the local improvement tax unless a condition set out in the resolution providing relief is no longer satisfied, in which case the reduction in taxes shall no longer be available for the taxation year next following, and Council's instruction to the Collector of Taxes regarding such reduced taxes shall become null and void.";
Pavement, Curbs and Trees - 2nd Ave.
from Cotton Drive to Commercial Drive (cont'd)
AND WHEREAS the annual special rate levied by the By-law imposing the local improvement tax expires in 2013;
AND WHEREAS Lot 15, Block 64, District Lot 264A, Plans 1146 and 1771 (hereinafter called "lot 15"), abuts the project as flankage and contains an owner-occupied single-family dwelling;
AND WHEREAS Lot A, Block 64, District Lot 264A, Plan 7012 (hereinafter called "lot A") abuts the project and contains an owner-occupied single-family dwelling;
AND WHEREAS Lot A (Reference Plan 35) of Lots 1 and 2, Block 73, District Lot 264A, Plans 391 and 1771 (hereinafter called "lot A of 1 & 2") abuts the project as flankage and contains a multiple conversion dwelling with two dwelling units one of which is owner-occupied;
AND WHEREAS the owners of lot 15, lot A and lot A of 1 & 2, hereinafter collectively called the "lots", have applied for special relief by way of a reduction in taxes;
AND WHEREAS the lots are zoned RM-4 (Multiple Dwelling District) under the Zoning and Development By-law;
AND WHEREAS the Collector of Taxes is satisfied that the lots are eligible, under the provisions of the resolutions of Council cited herein, for the relief requested;
AND WHEREAS a special annual assessment for the said project imposed on each lot for a period of fifteen (15) years if assessed as RM-4 (Multiple Residential District) would be $889.18 for lot 15, $371.25 for lot A and $592.80 for lot A of 1 & 2;
Pavement, Curbs and Trees - 2nd Ave.
from Cotton Drive to Commercial Drive (cont'd)
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that for the foregoing reasons Council, by not less than two-thirds of all its members, hereby deems and declares that each lot is especially, inequitably or unjustly affected by such special assessment and, having met the criteria required by the resolutions cited herein, shall be subject to a reduced special assessment for the year 1999 and each subsequent year up to and including 2013 of $222.29 for lot 15, $278.42 for lot A and $296.40 for lot A of 1 & 2 and hereby directs the Collector of Taxes, so long as the Collector is satisfied that the lots remain eligible, to enter onto the Tax Rolls against the lots the amount of the reduced special assessment. The difference between the said amounts shall be provided out of the general funds of the City.
MAJORITYE. Lane Paving - Lane south of 44th Avenue from St. George Street
to 132 feet west of the lane west of Fraser Street File: 5809
MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
WHEREAS a lane paving project in respect of a lane south of 44th Avenue from St. George Street to 132 feet west of the lane west of Fraser Street (hereinafter called the "project") was advanced as a local improvement by petition to a Court of Revision on February 3, 1998 and was approved by Council on that date, to be paid for in part by special assessment upon the real property to be benefited thereby;
AND WHEREAS the project has now been certified by the City Engineer as completed and the By-law assessing the benefitting properties for the costs of the project has been passed;
AND WHEREAS on July 27, 1976, Council passed a resolution approving the adoption of a standing policy in regard to the provision of special relief, in certain circumstances, as follows:
Lane Paving - Lane south of 44th Avenue from St. George Street
to 132 feet west of the lane west of Fraser Street (cont'd)"A. Council adopt a standing policy of giving special relief as follows with respect to lane paving local improvements where properties are used residentially but zoned for higher use:
1. the relief to be such that they pay only one-half of the rate for their zoning;
2. the relief to be limited to owner-occupied single-family dwellings, the ownership of which precedes the assessment of the local improvement;
3. the relief to be given on a year-to-year basis as long as the properties remain eligible;
4. the relief to commence with projects placed on the Tax Roll in 1977.
B. The Collector of Taxes be instructed to bring forward each year the list of properties in a formal resolution under Section 67 of By-law 3614 as amended, to give effect to this policy.";
AND WHEREAS on November 9, 1982, Council passed a further resolution supplementing the aforesaid policy as follows:
"That current special relief policies for local improvements remain in effect except that property owners rates not be adjusted lower than residential rates.";
AND WHEREAS on March 8, 1983, Council passed a resolution which amended portions of the earlier resolutions as follows:
"THAT special relief applied to people owning and occupying single-family dwellings in higher zoned areas, ownership of which precedes the local improvement, as cited in Clause No. 2 of the City Manager's report dated January 18, 1983, be amended such that ownership of property preceding the local improvement is not a condition of relief.";
Lane Paving - Lane south of 44th Avenue from St. George Street
to 132 feet west of the lane west of Fraser Street (cont'd)
AND WHEREAS on April 25, 1989, Council passed a resolution which amended portions of the earlier resolution as follows:
"B. THAT with respect to all qualifying properties ... the reduction in taxes for 1989 and all succeeding years shall be for the remainder of the term of the By-law imposing the local improvement tax unless a condition set out in the resolution providing relief is no longer satisfied, in which case the reduction in taxes shall no longer be available for the taxation year next following, and Council's instruction to the Collector of Taxes regarding such reduced taxes shall become null and void.";
AND WHEREAS the annual special rate levied by the By-law imposing the local improvement tax expires in 2013;
AND WHEREAS Lot 5, Block 3, District Lot 645, Plan 2317 abuts the project and contains an owner-occupied single-family dwelling;
AND WHEREAS the owner of the lot has applied for special relief by way of a reduction in taxes;
AND WHEREAS the lot is zoned RM-2 (Multiple Dwelling District) under the Zoning and Development By-law;
AND WHEREAS the Collector of Taxes is satisfied that the lot is eligible, under the provisions of the resolutions of Council cited herein, for the relief requested;
AND WHEREAS a special annual assessment for the said project imposed on the lot for a period of fifteen (15) years if assessed as RM-2 (Multiple Residential District) would be $153.82;
Lane Paving - Lane south of 44th Avenue from St. George Street
to 132 feet west of the lane west of Fraser Street (cont'd)
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that for the foregoing reasons Council, by not less than two-thirds of all its members, hereby deems and declares that the lot is especially, inequitably or unjustly affected by such special assessment and, having met the criteria required by the resolutions cited herein, shall be subject to a reduced special assessment for the year 1999 and each subsequent year up to and including 2013 of $97.31 and hereby directs the Collector of Taxes, so long as the Collector is satisfied that the lot remains eligible, to enter onto the Tax Rolls against the lot the amount of the reduced special assessment. The difference between the said amounts shall be provided out of the general funds of the City.
MAJORITYF. Pavement, Curbs and Trees - 44th Avenue
from St. George Street to Fraser Street File: 5802
MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
WHEREAS a pavement, curbs and trees project on 44th Avenue from St. George Street to Fraser Street (hereinafter called the "project") was advanced as a local improvement by petition to a Court of Revision on February 3, 1998 and was approved by Council on that date to be paid for in part by special assessment upon the real property to be benefited thereby;
AND WHEREAS the project has now been certified by the City Engineer as completed and the By-law assessing the benefitting properties for the costs of the project has been passed;
AND WHEREAS on July 22, 1980, Council passed a resolution which reads in part as follows:
Pavement, Curbs and Trees - 44th Avenue
from St. George Street to Fraser Street (cont'd)
"THAT Council approve Special Local Improvement Relief to underdeveloped properties which front on pavement and curb improvements as follows:
the relief to be such that the owners pay only seventy-five percent of the rate for their zoning;
the relief to be limited to owner-occupied single-family dwellings, the ownership of which precedes the assessment of the local improvement;
the relief to be given on a year-to-year basis so long as the properties remain eligible;
the relief to commence with ... projects placed on the Tax Roll in 1980 for the first time;
the Collector of Taxes be instructed to bring forward each year the list of properties in a formal resolution under Section 67 of By-law 3614 as amended, to give effect to this policy.";
AND WHEREAS on October 16, 1982, Council passed a resolution which reads as follows:
"THAT current policies for local improvements remain in effect except that property owners rates shall never be adjusted lower than residential rates.";
AND WHEREAS on March 8, 1983, Council passed a resolution which amended portions of the earlier resolutions as follows:
"THAT special relief applied to people owning and occupying single-family dwellings in higher zoned areas, ownership of which precedes the local improvement, as cited in Clause No. 2 of the City Manager's report dated January 18, 1983, be amended such that ownership of property preceding the local improvement is not a condition of relief.";
Pavement, Curbs and Trees - 44th Avenue
from St. George Street to Fraser Street (cont'd)
AND WHEREAS on April 25, 1989, Council passed a resolution which amended portions of the earlier resolution as follows:
"B. THAT with respect to all qualifying properties ... the reduction in taxes for 1989 and all succeeding years shall be for the remainder of the term of the By-law imposing the local improvement tax unless a condition set out in the resolution providing relief is no longer satisfied, in which case the reduction in taxes shall no longer be available for the taxation year next following, and Council's instruction to the Collector of Taxes regarding such reduced taxes shall become null and void.";
AND WHEREAS on August 2, 1990, Council passed a resolution extending the granting of special relief to property located at 2294 McLean Drive to "other properties having similar conditions in future projects";
AND WHEREAS the special relief referred to and approved by Council was based on the relief approved by Council on March 8, 1983 for local improvements in the West End, such relief being as follows:
"(a) THAT Council approve the additional special relief to owner-occupied multiple conversion dwellings having no more than four suites including the owner's suites affected by the West End Improvement Project (east of Denman), according to the relief formula set out in the City Manager's report dated February 9, 1983";
AND WHEREAS the annual special rate levied by the By-law imposing the local improvement tax expires in 2013;
AND WHEREAS Lot 5, Block 3, District Lot 645, Plan 2317 (hereinafter called "lot 5") abuts the project and contains an owner-occupied single family dwelling;
AND WHEREAS Lots 31 and 46, both of Block 2, District Lot 645, Plan 2317 (hereinafter called "lot 31" and "lot 46" respectively) abut the project and each contains an owner-occupied single-family dwelling;
Pavement, Curbs and Trees - 44th Avenue
from St. George Street to Fraser Street (cont'd)
AND WHEREAS Lot 42, Block 2, District Lot 645, Plan 2317 (hereinafter called "lot 42) abuts the project and contains a multiple conversion dwelling with two dwelling units one of which is owner-occupied;
AND WHEREAS the owners of lots 5, 31, 42 and 46, hereinafter collectively called the "lots", have applied for special relief by way of a reduction in taxes;
AND WHEREAS the lots are zoned RM-2 (Multiple Dwelling District) under the Zoning and Development By-law;
AND WHEREAS the Collector of Taxes is satisfied that the lots are eligible, under the provisions of the resolutions of Council cited herein, for the relief requested;
AND WHEREAS a special annual assessment for the said project imposed on the lots for a period of fifteen (15) years if assessed as RM-2 (Multiple Residential District) would be $395.20 for lot 5, $395.20 for lot 31, $395.19 for lot 42 and $392.80 for lot 46;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that for the foregoing reasons Council, by not less than two-thirds of all its members, hereby deems and declares that the lots are especially, inequitably or unjustly affected by such special assessment and, having met the criteria required by the resolutions cited herein, shall be subject to a reduced special assessment for the year 1999 and each subsequent year up to and including 2013 of $296.39 for lot 5, $296.39 for lot 31, $329.32 for lot 42 and $294.60 for lot 46 and hereby directs the Collector of Taxes, so long as the Collector is satisfied that the lots remain eligible, to enter onto the Tax Rolls against the lots the amount of the reduced special assessment. The difference between the said amounts shall be provided out of the general funds of the City.
G. Pavement, Curbs and Trees -
Alberta Street from 5th Avenue to 6th Avenue File: 5802
MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
WHEREAS a pavement, curbs and trees project on Alberta Street from
5th Avenue to 6th Avenue (hereinafter called the "project") was advanced as a local improvement by petition to a Court of Revision on November 16, 1995, and was approved by Council on that date to be paid for in part by special assessment upon the real property to be benefited thereby;
AND WHEREAS the project has now been certified by the City Engineer as completed and the By-law assessing the benefitting properties for the costs of the project has been passed;
AND WHEREAS on July 22, 1980, Council passed a resolution which reads in part as follows:
"THAT Council approve Special Local Improvement Relief to underdeveloped properties which front on pavement and curb improvements as follows:
the relief to be such that the owners pay only seventy-five percent of the rate for their zoning;
the relief to be limited to owner-occupied single-family dwellings, the ownership of which precedes the assessment of the local improvement;
the relief to be given on a year-to-year basis so long as the properties remain eligible;
the relief to commence with ... projects placed on the Tax Roll in 1980 for the first time;
the Collector of Taxes be instructed to bring forward each year the list of properties in a formal resolution under Section 67 of By-law 3614 as amended, to give effect to this policy.";
Pavement, Curbs and Trees -
Alberta Street from 5th Avenue to 6th Avenue (cont'd)
AND WHEREAS on October 16, 1982, Council passed a resolution which reads as follows:
"THAT current policies for local improvements remain in effect except that property owners rates shall never be adjusted lower than residential rates.";
AND WHEREAS on March 8, 1983, Council passed a resolution which amended portions of the earlier resolutions as follows:
"THAT special relief applied to people owning and occupying single-family dwellings in higher zoned areas, ownership of which precedes the local improvement, as cited in Clause No. 2 of the City Manager's report dated January 18, 1983, be amended such that ownership of property preceding the local improvement is not a condition of relief.";
AND WHEREAS on April 25, 1989, Council passed a resolution which amended portions of the earlier resolution as follows:
"B. THAT with respect to all qualifying properties ... the reduction in taxes for 1989 and all succeeding years shall be for the remainder of the term of the By-law imposing the local improvement tax unless a condition set out in the resolution providing relief is no longer satisfied, in which case the reduction in taxes shall no longer be available for the taxation year next following, and Council's instruction to the Collector of Taxes regarding such reduced taxes shall become null and void.";
AND WHEREAS the annual special rate levied by the By-law imposing the local improvement tax expires in 2011;
AND WHEREAS Lot B of 1 & 2, Block 14, District Lot 302, Plan 5832 (hereinafter called "the lot") abuts the project and contains an owner-occupied single family dwelling;
AND WHEREAS the owner of the lot has applied for special relief by way of a reduction in taxes;
Pavement, Curbs and Trees -
Alberta Street from 5th Avenue to 6th Avenue (cont'd)
AND WHEREAS the lot is zoned I-1 (Industrial District) under the Zoning and Development By-law;
AND WHEREAS the Collector of Taxes is satisfied that the lot is eligible, under the provisions of the resolutions of Council cited herein, for the relief requested;
AND WHEREAS a special annual assessment for the said project imposed on the lot if assessed as I-1 (Industrial District) would be $447.99;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that for the foregoing reasons Council, by not less than two-thirds of all its members, hereby deems and declares that the lot is especially, inequitably or unjustly affected by such special assessment and, having met the criteria required by the resolutions cited herein, shall be subject to a reduced special assessment for the year 1999 and each subsequent year up to and including 2011 of $335.99 and hereby directs the Collector of Taxes, so long as the Collector is satisfied that the lot remains eligible, to enter onto the Tax Rolls against the lot the amount of the reduced special assessment. The difference between the said amounts shall be provided out of the general funds of the City.
H. Approval of Form of Development - CD-1 - 6111 Cambie Street File: 2604
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT the form of development for the CD-1 zoned site known as 6111 Cambie Street be approved generally as illustrated in Development Application No. DE403844 prepared by Eng & Wright Partners Architects, and stamped "Received, City of Vancouver Planning Department, April 8, 1999", provided that the Director of Planning may approve design changes which would not adversely affect either the development character and livability of this site or adjacent properties.
1. Leave of Absence File: 1254
MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT Councillor Daniel Lee be granted leave of absence for the June 17, 1999 meeting of the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission.
2. Municipal Tax Notice File: 1551
Councillor Kennedy acknowledged the message that staff had provided in this year's tax notice advising of the grant reduction from the Province which has necessitated an increase in taxes.
3. Federation of Canadian Municipalities File: 3253
Councillor Kennedy explained that she and several other Vancouver Councillors had just returned from the annual FCM Conference which, this year, was held in Halifax. Unfortunately, many of the study tours were quite disorganized which marred an otherwise informative event.
Councillor Puil indicated he would mention this concern to the FCM administration.
4. Unsightly Premises File: 2701-1
Councillor Clarke referred to recent discussions she had held with Property Use Inspectors about complaints received in relation to vacant houses, that are very untidy-looking because the owners do not live in the City. The complaints are difficult to deal with because the relevant bylaws do not address the problems in a satisfactory way. The Councillor requested that because of the proliferation of these premises, staff should conduct an investigation and review the bylaws with a view to strengthening them.
The Mayor so agreed.
5. Unauthorized Signs on City Property File: 2851
Councillor Puil referred to the abundance of unauthorized signs on City property and utility poles, requesting that the City consider hiring a company to remove them. The Councillor urged citizens to be aware there is a bylaw prohibiting this method of advertising.
Councillor Price indicated the City of Surrey is looking at adopting a new bylaw to deal with this problem, which Vancouver should investigate.
5. Motorcycle Noise File: 3755
Councillor Price referred to motorcycle noise as a major source of complaints received by the City, with Harley Davidson products being the worst offenders. This type of noise is not acceptable and Harley is not acting as a good corporate citizen as long as it sanctions noise of this magnitude. The frustration level from not being able to effectively deal with this problem is very high.
Councillor Chiavario explained that she regularly attends meetings of the B.C. Coalition of Motorcycles, and understands that organization is trying to change the culture with regard to this problem. The motorcycle industry has not been responsive and the lack of testing facilities for this type of noise is an issue.
- - - - - -
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - Summer Street Banner Program File: 5766
Arrangements had been made for an unveiling of the original artwork for the Summer Street Banner Program which will feature artist Rob Wilson's designs. The Mayor acknowledged that 1999 is the 42nd year that banners will beautify the City's streets with more than 800 banners flying over Georgia Street and the Cambie and Burrard Bridges starting this week. Mr. Wilson and members of the Street Decoration Committee, consisting of Barbara Shelley, Barry Downs and Henry Hawthorn were recognized for their contributions.
- - - - -
The Council recessed at 4:05 p.m., and following a reception, reconvened
"In Camera" in the Mayor's Office.* * * * *
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