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JUNE 1, 1999
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, June 1, 1999, at 2:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall.
PRESENT: Mayor Philip Owen
+Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
Councillor Jennifer Clarke
Councillor Alan Herbert
Councillor Lynne Kennedy
+Councillor Gordon Price
Councillor George Puil
Councillor Sam SullivanABSENT: Councillor Don Bellamy (Leave of Absence)
Councillor Daniel Lee (Leave of Absence)
Councillor Don Lee (Leave of Absence)CITY MANAGER'S
OFFICE: Judy Rogers, City ManagerCLERK TO THE
COUNCIL:Ulli S. Watkiss, City Clerk
+ denotes presence during part of the meeting.
The proceedings in the Council Chamber were opened with a prayer read by the City Clerk.
Nick Losito, Chair of the Special Office of the Environment explained that the Mayors Environmental Achievement Award program was instituted in 1997 with the first awards being presented in 1998. The program acknowledges initiatives that preserve andprotect the environment.
The Mayor recognized that the first week of June is Environment Week, which provides an opportune time to acknowledge recipients of the Citys Environmental Awards. The Mayor presented certificates to the following:
Non-profit Organization Category:
General Gordon Schools Greening sub-committee of the Parents Advisory Committee; Renfrew Ravine Committee, a sub-committee of Collingwood Neighbourhood House;
River Works!, Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre.Individual Category:
Willard Sparrow, restoration of Musqueam Creek.
ANNOUNCEMENT - Way to Go School Program
Bernadette Kowie, Project Coordinator, Way to Go School Program explained that her organization provides the tools and resources for Vancouver Elementary School communities to promote safe options for utilizing alternative transportation methods on the journey to school, such as walking and biking. Volunteer parents and school administrators, offer many hours of their time to this program and should be commended.
The Mayor acknowledged the importance of the Program and recognized several parents, school administrators and school trustees that were present. Council members were then shown slides of the Bike to School Week events held at Jules Quesnel Elementary School.
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Councillor Chiavario joined the meeting at this point
Council was advised there were matters to be considered In Camera later this day.
OF MAY 18, 1999· Vancouver Economic Development Commission - Vacancies
George Madden and Lois Nahirney were appointed to fill existing vacancies on the Vancouver Economic Development Commission
1. Regular Council Meeting
(City Services & Budgets)
May 6, 1999MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.
2. Regular Council Meeting
(Planning & Environment)
May 6, 1999MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.
3. Regular Council Meeting
May 18, 1999
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.
4. Regular Council Meeting
(Transportation & Traffic)
May 18, 1999MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario,
THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.
5. Special Council Meeting
(Public Hearing - Partial)
April 13/May 6, 1999MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the Chair.
1. Grey Cup 1999 FILE: 4201/RTS: 729
Tom Timm, Deputy City Engineer, briefly reviewed the recommendations and consideration items contained in the Administrative Report dated May 27, 1999, which outlined the major activities involved in the 1999 Grey Cup Event. It was proposed that the City of Vancouver and the B.C. Lions host the 87th annual Grey Cup at B.C. Place Stadium on November 28, 1999.
Jack Farley, President, Grey Cup Organizing Committee, introduced other membersof the Committee and provided a video presentation about the Grey Cup. He concluded by seeking Councils support for a grant of $20,000 to the Grey Cup Festival Committee to fund activities for a Fan Day during Grey Cup weekend and an additional grant of $5,000 to fund the installation and removal of Grey Cup street banners.
Council members were not supportive of the request for funds to install and remove the Grey Cup banners, believing this should be the responsibility of the commercial sponsor for the banners.
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT Council approve funding for the installation and removal of Grey Cup banners, estimated at $5,000; source of funds to be the Other Grants budget.
(Councillors Chiavario, Clarke, Herbert, Kennedy, Price, and Sullivan opposed)
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT the following motions be approved (formerly A, C, D, E, and F of the Administrative Report dated May 27, 1999):
1. THAT Council approve a grant of $20,000 to the Grey Cup Festival Committee to be applied to the cost of providing a free, community spirit, Fan Day at BC Place Stadium during Grey Cup weekend; source of funds to be from the Other Grants Budget. (This items requires 8 affirmative votes of Council.)
2. THAT Council approve funding for a City of Vancouver hosted reception for Grey Cup, CFL and City of Vancouver representatives during the Grey Cup weekend, estimated at $10,000; source of funds to be the Other Grants budget. (This item requires 8 affirmative votes of Council.)
3. THAT Council permit the use of banners celebrating the Grey Cup event on City streets including the use of third party advertising subject to design approval by the City Engineer.
4. THAT Council instruct staff to issue a Special Event Market Permit, at no cost, to allow the Grey Cup Festival Committee to prevent the illegal sale of unapproved Grey Cup merchandise in the downtown core.
5. THAT Council reaffirm its commitment to fund policing and engineering services for the Grey Cup weekend events, to be funded from existing Police Department and Engineering Services operating budgets.
(Councillor Chiavario opposed to motion #3)
1. Contract Extension - Contract No. 57-97-05: Supply and Delivery
of Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe and Fittings
May 4, 1999 File: 1805/RTS: 686MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT Council approve the extension of the contract to Gladding McBean, a division of Pacific Coast Building Products, for the supply and delivery of extra strength vitrified clay sewer pipe and fittings, for an additional 12-month period, at an annual estimated cost of $222,922 U.S. funds, plus the 7% Goods and Services Tax (less any municipal rebate received) and the Provincial Sales Tax.
2. Bayshore Gardens - Extension of Due Date
for Parks Payment-in-Lieu
April 7, 1999 File: 5303/RTS: 718MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT Council extend the Due Date for the final parks payment-in-lieu, as defined in the Bayshore Parks and Payment In Lieu of Parks Agreement, from November 9, 1999 to November 9, 2005, with the existing occupancy covenants and payment schedule, generally as outlined in Appendix A to the April 7, 1999 Administrative Report, remaining unchanged.
3. Status Report on E-Comm
May 10, 1999 File: 3603/RTS: 721
Patti Marfleet, Director, Risk and Emergency Management, provided a summary of the information contained in the Administrative Report dated May 10, 1999. Ms. Marfleetpointed out the E-Comm initiative supports Councils goals for public safety and emergency preparedness. E-Comm is an independent provincial corporation which encompasses a broad partnership across three levels of government and a vision of integrated, post-disaster communications for emergency and public services throughout southwestern B.C.
Ken Bayne, Comptroller, Budgets and Research, provided Council with a brief explanation of the budget considerations associated with the operation of E-Comm. He explained that a report analyzing the impact of the E-Comm budget on the City budget is being prepared and will be submitted to Council in the near future.
Peter Martin, General Manager, E-Comm, and Clyde Hosein, Manager, City Facilities Development responded to questions of Council.
MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
THAT Council receive this status report on E-Comm for information.
(Councillor Price absent for the vote)
4. Strata Title Conversion - 2636 & 2638 St. Catherines Street
May 13, 1999 File: 5311/RTS: 723
MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT the application to convert the previously-occupied building at 2636 & 2638 St. Catherines Street (Lot A of Lot C, Block 158, D.L. 264A, Plan 5603) to strata title ownership be approved.
(Councillor Price absent for the vote)
5. Insurance Corporation of British Columbia -
1999 Funding for Road Safety Improvements
April 27, 1999 File: 5762-1/RTS: 690Ian Adam, Assistant City Engineer, Transportation, provided an overview of the ICBC Road Safety Improvement Program and funding contributions, noting the Program is quite unique and the size of contribution is significant.
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
A. THAT Council accept 1999 contributions from ICBC Road Safety Improvement Program for various safety improvement projects as specified in this report, and that the Director of Legal Services and/or the General Manager of Engineering Services be authorized to enter into agreements relating thereto, provided they are drawn to their satisfaction.
B. THAT the Mayor write the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, thanking ICBC for its ongoing support of safety improvements in the City of Vancouver.
6. Powell Street Relocation Project, Proposed Closure
of a Portion of Powell Street, West of Rogers Street
May 6, 1999 File: 5753/RTS: 503MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
A. THAT Council close, stop-up and convey to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company ("C.P.") all that portion of Powell Street, west of Rogers Street, the same as shown shaded on the plan attached as Appendix A to the May 6, 1999 Administrative Report, subject to the following conditions:
1. The transfer to occur for a nominal sum to the satisfaction of the Manager of Real Estate Services and the Director of Legal Services;
2. The portion of Powell Street to be conveyed, to be consolidated with the abutting C.P. lands, the same as generally shown within the heavy outline on the plan attached as Appendix B to the May 6, 1999 Administrative Report, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Legal Services;
3. The "Identified Utilities " as defined in Paragraph 4 of the Offer to Purchase Agreement dated September 30, 1998 between the City, the Vancouver Port Corporation and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company (on file in the City Clerk's Office) be documented to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services ; and
4. The City grant an Encroachment Agreement at no annual fee to the C.P. for a minor switching apparatus constructed onto Powell Street, adjacent to the conveyed lands. The agreement to be to the satisfactionof the General Manager of Engineering Services.
B. THAT Council authorize the Manager of Real Estate Services and/or the Director of Legal Services to execute a conveyance of an approximate 81 square metre (870 square feet) portion of (P.I.D. 023-918-616) Lot S, except: Part Road on Plan LMP 35881; Block 2 of Block A, District Lot 182, Plan LMP 35311, to C.P., the same as shown hatched on the plan attached as Appendix C to the May 6, 1999 Administrative Report, subject to the following conditions:
1. Consolidation of the subject portion of Lot S with the abutting C.P. owned Lot 1, except Part in Reference Plan 19952, Block 2, District Lot 182, Plan 14625, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Legal Services; and
2. The conveyance to be for a nominal sum to the satisfaction of the Manager of Real Estate Services and the Director of Legal Services.
C. THAT Council accept this report as a "report back on the final details of the Powell Street Relocation" exchange per Recommendation D of the June 14th, 1996 Administrative Report from the General Manager of Engineering Services.
7. Pedestrian Improvements - Carolina Street at Eighth Avenue
May 11, 1999 File: 5702/RTS: 722
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT corner bulges be constructed as detailed in this report at a total cost of $14,000 funded from Streets Basic Capital Unappropriated Account 30000326 (Traffic Calming).
8. Amendment to the Vancouver Heritage Register
to Add 1234 Matthews Avenue
May 7, 1999 File: 5052/RTS: 716MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT the Vancouver Heritage Register, dated August 1986, be amended to add 1234Matthews Avenue.
9. Form of Development: 5526 Ormidale Street
May 18, 1999 File: 2607/RTS: 724
MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT the approved form of development for this portion of the CD-1 zoned site known as 5488-5666 Ormidale Street (5526 Ormidale Street being the application address) be approved generally as illustrated in the Development Application Number DE404065, prepared by ABC Design and stamped Received, City Planning Department May 6, 1999, provided that the Director of Planning may approve design changes which would not adversely affect either the development character of this site or adjacent properties.
10. Replacement of Firehall No. 18: 1375 West 38th Avenue
Award of Construction Contract File: 1805/RTS: 738
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT the contract for replacement Firehall No. 18 be awarded to Palcor Construction Ltd. up to a maximum amount of $2,080,545 plus GST; source of funding to be the Fire Protection funding available from the 1997-1999 Capital Plan.
11. Theatre Rental Rates: September 1, 1999 to August 31, 2000
May 17, 1999 File: 4251/RTS: 726
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
A. THAT Council approve the Schedule of Rental Rates for Civic Theatres, as detailed in Appendix A to the May 17, 1999 Administrative Report, effective September 1, 1999.
B. THAT Council approve an increase in the funding for grants equal to theatre rent for the last four months of 1999 to offset this rental rate increase; source of funds to be Contingency Reserve.
12. Local Improvements by Petition - June 22, 1999
First and Second Step Report
May 11, 1999 File: 5802/RTS: 727MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
A. THAT petition projects listed in Appendix I to the May 11, 1999 Administrative Report, be brought before a Court of Revision on June 22, 1999.
B. THAT the reports of the City Engineer and Director of Finance be adopted together with details of the Second Step Report as summarized in Appendix II to the May 11, 1999 Administrative Report.
13. Intersection Safety Cameras
Administrative Report
May 25, 1999 File: 3701/RTS: 753Council had for its consideration an Administrative Report dated May 25, 1999 in which the Chief Constable sought Council approval to allow the Province of B.C. to operate the Intersection Safety Camera Program in the City of Vancouver. Also before Council was a letter dated February, 1999 from the Honourable Jenny Kwan, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing providing information on the Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing Program.
Inspector Murray Day, Vancouver Police Department, responded to questions of Council indicating the Intersection Safety Camera Program is important to the Police Department as the performance testing phase of the Program has produced a marked decrease in intersection accidents.
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT Council approves the Province of British Columbia to operate the Intersection Safety Camera Program in the City of Vancouver at no cost to the City.
1. Tree Installation for Local Improvement
Pavement and Curb Projects
April 30, 1999MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
A. THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services and the General Manager of Parks & Recreation, be authorized to delete, at their discretion, tree planting from Local Improvement Initiative Pavement, Curbing and Trees projects, where more than 50 percent of the abutting property owners object to the planting, and the owners have been advised of the benefits of tree planting.
B. THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services monitor, for the next two years, the number of Initiative street paving projects where trees are deleted and report back if this becomes excessive (more than 5% per year).
(Councillor Chiavario opposed)
2. CD-1 Text Amendment - 400 Great Northern Way
May 25, 1999 File: 5304-1/RTS: 444
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT the application by Raymond Ching, Architect, to amend the CD-1 By-law No. 4559 for 400 Great Northern Way (Lot 1, Blocks 4, 90 and 91, DL 200A & 264A, Plan 14083) to permit development of a church, school and related uses, be referred to a Public Hearing, together with:
(i) plans received May 14, 1999;
(ii) draft CD-1 By-law provisions, generally as contained in Appendix A to the May 25, 1999 Policy Report; and
(iii) the recommendation of the Director of Central Area Planning on behalf of Land Use and Development to approve, subject to conditions contained in Appendix B to the May 25, 1999 Policy Report.
THAT the Director of Central Area Planning on behalf of Land Use and Development make application to amend the Sign By-law, to change the sign regulation of this site from Schedule B (M-1) to Schedule B (C-1).
FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare thenecessary CD-1 and Sign By-law amendments for consideration at Public Hearing.
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
A. Establishing Road, a portion of Powell Street immediately
east of Raymur Avenue File: 5807
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT WHEREAS a portion of Powell Street (the Land) was originally the subject of a land exchange between the City and Canadian Pacific Railway Company in 1891 but the transfer of the Land to the City was not completed due to a defect in title;
AND WHEREAS pursuant to an Order of the Supreme Court of British Columbia dated April 19, 1999, the Land was transferred to and vested in the City of Vancouver as registered owner in fee simple;
AND WHEREAS the Land, a 302 square metre parcel located in the middle of Powell Street east of Raymur Avenue, in the City of Vancouver, British Columbia, is more particularly known and described as follows:
P.I.D. 024-493-651
Parcel C, Block 48, District Lot 181, Group 1, N.W. D., Plan LMP41928
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and in the public interest to accept and allocate the Land for road purposes;
BE IT RESOLVED that the Land is hereby established for road purposes and declared to form and to constitute a portion of a road.
1. Proposed Toronto Smoke-free Bylaw File: 1261
Councillor Kennedy advised the City of Toronto is seeking support for its upcoming resubmission of its Smoking by-law. A draft letter of support from Vancouver City Council to the City of Toronto was circulated for Councils consideration.
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Puil,
That the proposed letter of support on the Toronto Smoke-free Bylaw be forwarded to the City of Toronto by the Mayor on behalf of Vancouver City Council.
2. Construction on Pender Street File: 5501
Councillor Price expressed concern over the lack of signage on Pender Street providing forewarning of the construction activity taking place, which is frustrating motorists. The Councillor requested staff to address this problem and provide adequate and highly visible advance warning signs. The Mayor so agreed.
3. Closed Circuit TV Cameras File: 3701
Councillor Chiavario requested that Council receive reports from the Chief Constable and the Police Board on the subject of closed circuit Police surveillance cameras before implementation. The Mayor advised that the Police Department is currentlyconsulting with the community about this issue and a report will be submitted to Council within the next month.
The Council recessed at 4:10 p.m., to reconvene In Camera in the Mayors Office.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver