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Date: April 8, 1999
Author/Local: RWhitlock/7814
RTS No. 00535
CC File No. 5303
Council: April 13, 1999
TO: Vancouver City Council
FROM: Director of Community Planning on behalf of Land Use and Development
SUBJECT: CD-1 Rezoning: 6162-6188 Cambie Street
THAT the application by W.T. Leung, Architect, to rezone 6162 to 6188 Cambie Street (Lots C & D of Lot 1, Block 999, D.L. 526, Group 1 NWD Plan 7765) from RT-2 Two-family Dwelling District to CD-1 Comprehensive Development District, to permit 16 townhouse units, be referred to a Public Hearing, together with:
(i) plans received February 10, 1999;
(ii) draft CD-1 By-law provisions, generally as contained in Appendix A; and
(iii) the recommendation of the Director of Community Planning on behalf of Land Use and Development to approve, subject to conditions contained in Appendix B; and
FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary CD-1 By-law for consideration at Public Hearing.
The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.
Council has considered the following initiatives related to the Oakridge/Langara study area, with dates of approval noted:
· Oakridge Langara Policy Statement (OLPS), approved July 25, 1995;
· Oakridge Langara Public Benefit Strategy, approved June 13, 1996;
· Oakridge Langara Traffic Management Plan, approved June 13, 1996; and
· Development Cost Levy By-law, adopted September 25, 1996.
This report assesses an application to rezone two parcels from RT-2 to CD-1 for the purposes of constructing 16 townhouse units. The site is located within the Oakridge/Langara area.
This application is similar to a recent rezoning application for 6112 to 6138 Cambie Street (the northerly end of this block face), which was considered and approved by Council following a Public Hearing held on December 3, 1998. Enactment of the CD-1 By-law is expected in March or April, 1999.
The application for 16 townhouses with underground parking is consistent with the Oakridge Langara Policy Statement and it fits well with the abutting pending CD-1 development. Consequently the Director of Community Planning on behalf of Land Use and Development recommends that this application be referred to Public Hearing, and that the application be approved.
Public Response: Response to notification letters and the rezoning sign has been minimal, with only three responses received to date. Two individuals criticized the City for approving the previous application on the abutting site in light of 400 signatures received in opposition.
Staff Response: Given the similarity of the current application to the previous application on the abutting site, and the same context, it has been assessed against the same subjects as follows:
Oakridge Langara Policy Statement (OLPS): The OLPS divides lands into three general categories related to rezoning possibilities:
1. high-priority sub-areas, which are considered suitable for rezoning;
2. reserve sub-areas, where unanimous support is required of property owners; and
3. remaining areas, constituting about 87 percent of the area, where no changes are supported.The rezoning site is situated within a OLPS-designated high-priority sub-area which includes the 5900, 6000 and 6100 blocks on the east side of Cambie Street.
Use: The proposed townhouse use is consistent with the OLPS which states that stacked townhouses should be allowed along arterial streets.
Density: The 1.0 FSR and the 9.2 m (30 ft.) height limit are consistent with the OLPS. The applicant has chosen not to seek the 20% bonus density. A required Development Cost Levy (DCL) of $3.25 per sq. ft. will be paid towards public benefits. Generally, proposals with a density of 1.0 FSR or less will not economically be able to pay a CAC in addition to the DCL, and this is the case with this application.
Traffic: Concerns were expressed on the previous application about traffic volume and speed on West 45th Avenue, east of Cambie Street, particularly anticipated increases after developments are completed on the west side of Cambie Street. As noted by staff at the recent Public Hearings for St. John Ambulance, Peretz Institute, and for 6112-38 Cambie Street, staff will monitor traffic and if a problem arises, a neighbourhood review can be carried out and remedies can be proposed. It should be noted, however, that the area east of Cambie Street has limited entry and exit points because of the Cambie Street boulevard. The intersection of West 45th Avenue and Cambie Street provides the only entry/exit point with a traffic signal for residents of the area going both north and south on Cambie Street. Volumes on West 45th Avenue are modest for this circumstance and are not expected to increase significantly as a result of redevelopment in the area.
On the basis that the proposed rezoning is fully consistent with the OLPS in terms of achieving a compatible and livable ground-oriented townhouse development, the Director of Community Planning on behalf of Land Use and Development recommends that the application be referred to Public Hearing, and be approved.
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Use · Multiple dwellings containing a maximum of 16 dwelling units.
Density · Maximum floor space ratio of 1.0, based on calculation provisions of the RM-4 District Schedule.
Height · A maximum of 9.2 m (30.2 ft.) or 3 storeys, with 10% relaxation for minor roof protrusions.
Parking · Parking is to be provided in accordance with the RM-4 standard of the Parking By-law.
Acoustics · Per RM-4N District Schedule.
(a) THAT the proposed form of development be approved by Council in principle, generally as prepared by W.T. Leung, Architect, and stamped "Received City Planning Department, February 10, 1999", provided that the Director of Planning may allow alterations to this form of development when approving the detailed scheme of development as outlined in (b) below;
(b) THAT, prior to approval by Council of the form of development, the applicant shall obtain approval of a development application by the Director of Planning, having concern for the following:
1. design development to take into consideration the principles of CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design), having particular regard to:
- increasing safety and visibility in the underground in accordance with section 4.12 or the Parking By-law and consideration to painting the walls and ceiling of the parking garage white;
- clarification is required regarding the fire exit from the underground. Landscape plans indicate a fire exit on the north side of the development, architectural plans show no fire exits;
(Note to applicant: Separate, secured parking for individual town homes is considered positive);
- decreasing opportunities for theft in the underground. Clarification is required regarding how and where visitors exit from the parking lot;
- decreasing opportunities for break and enter. Units facing semi-private space have shown to be most susceptible to break and enter. Opportunities can be reduced by deleting areas of concealment outside of doors, windows and patios. Landscape treatment should encourage casual surveillance by other residents and people passing by to other units; and
- decreasing opportunities for graffiti on the lane.
(c) THAT, prior to enactment of the CD-1 By-law, the registered owner shall:
(i) consolidate the two parcels;
(ii) make arrangements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Director of Legal Services for the following:
- provision of an on-site storm water storage system; and
- all electrical and telephone services to be undergrounded within and adjacent the site from the closest existing suitable service point;
(iii) execute a legal agreement satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services providing that owners will not discriminate against families with children in the sale of their property; and
(iv) make arrangements to the satisfaction of the Senior Planner for Tree By-law and Landscape review for the following:
· An Arborist report by a certified Arborist assessing all the trees over 8" in diameter, their health, location, size and species; recommendations for retention, relocation or removal; and management plan during construction.
· The Landscape Plan should reflect all trees over 8" in diameter to be retained, relocated or removed.
· The Landscape Plan should include additional Street Trees, where possible, to the approval of the City Engineer and Park Board.
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Site, Surrounding Zoning and Development: This 0.2 ha (0.50 ac.) site is comprised of two parcels located on the north-east corner of Cambie Street and West 46th Avenue. The site has a frontage of 44.9 m (147.36 ft.) and a depth of 45.7 m (150 ft.). The existing zoning is RT-2 Two-family Dwelling District and each lot is developed with side-by-side two-family dwellings. Lands to the east of the City lane to the rear of the site are zoned RS-1 One-family Dwelling District and developed accordingly. The site immediately to the north (Lots A and B) is expected to be rezoned CD-1 in April or May 1999, once conditions are met as determined at a Public Hearing in December 1998.
Proposed Development: Sixteen (16) ground-oriented townhouses are proposed, with underground parking accessed from the lane. The maximum proposed FSR is 1.0. The height is 9.2 m (30.2 ft.).
Public Input: An early notification letter was sent to nearby property owners on February 18, 1999 and a rezoning notification sign was posted on February 25, 1999.
Two telephone calls and one letter have been received in response to letter notification. One caller and the letter questioned why the previous application has been approved despite 400 signatures submitted in opposition.
Comments of the City Engineer: The City Engineer has no objection to the proposed rezoning, provided that the applicant complies with conditions as shown in Appendix B, prior to the enactment of the By-law.
Environmental Health: The Health Department has reviewed this rezoning and requests that the City's acoustical criteria shall form part of the zoning by-law, and that an acoustical consultant's report shall be required which assesses noise impacts on the site and recommends noise mitigating measures.
CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design): Design conditions are laid out in Appendix B, to be met at the development application stage.
Fire Prevention: Staff have indicated that the plan is acceptable for fire access.
Urban Design Panel Comment: The Panel had reviewed the previous rezoning application on the abutting site and gave it unanimous support. Staff felt there was no need to refer this virtually identical application to the Panel given this previous support.
Public Benefit: A Development Cost Levy (DCL) of $3.25 per sq. ft. will be payable at the building permit stage.
Environmental Implications: Nearby access to transit and commercial services may reduce dependence on use of automobiles.
Social Implications: There are no major positive or negative social implications to this proposal. There are no implications with respect to the Vancouver Children's Policy or Statement of Children's Entitlements.
Comments of the Applicant: The applicant has been provided with a copy of this report and is in general agreement with the report.
Street Address
6162 to 6188 Cambie Street
Legal Description
Lots C & D of Lot 1, Block 999, DL 526, Group 1, NWD Plan 7765
W.T. Leung, Architect
As above
Property Owner
6162 Cambie: Dean T. Jones; 6188 Cambie: Valerie and Harry Weinert
Lakeshore Development
2 041 m²
2 041 m²
One- and Two-family Dwellings, plus MCDs and Multiple Dwellings under certain conditions
Multiple Dwelling
Two-family Dwellings - 4
Multiple Dwellings - 12-1316
0.60 to 0.75
9.2 m (30.2 ft.)
9.2 m (30.2 ft.)
Two storeys plus a cellar or one storey plus a basement
Three storeys
One space for every 70 m² of gross floor area (not more than 2.2 spaces per unit)
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver