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DECEMBER 1, 1998 A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, December 1, 1998, at 2:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall.
PRESENT: Mayor Philip Owen Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario Councillor Jennifer Clarke Councillor Alan Herbert Councillor Lynne Kennedy Councillor Daniel Lee Councillor Don Lee Councillor Gordon Price Councillor George Puil Councillor Sam Sullivan ABSENT:Councillor Don Bellamy (Sick Leave)
OFFICE:Ken Dobell, City Manager
The proceedings in the Council Chamber were opened with a prayer read by the City Clerk.
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Council recessed at 2:05 p.m., and following a Public Hearing, reconvened
the Regular Council session at 2:15 p.m.
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The Mayor noted with sadness that Jack Shadbolt, Artist and Benefactor, and Freedom of the City Recipient in 1989, had recently passed away. He provided a brief summary of Mr. Shadbolts accomplishments, explaining his art works were very highly regarded and his contribution to the community would be greatly missed.
It was agreed that the Mayor, on behalf of City Council, would send a letter of condolence to Mr. Shadbolts wife and family.
Council was advised there were property matters to be considered "In Camera" later this day.
OF NOVEMBER 17, 1998
Participation in SRO Partnership
Council approved a contribution of $1,000,000 to a partnership between the City, B.C. Housing, the Vancouver/Richmond Health Board, the Ministry of Human Resources and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation to acquire, renovate, and operate the Sunrise and Washington Hotels in downtown Vancouver for the purpose of providing secure and stable housing for low-income urban singles, with the Citys contribution to be subject to Housing Agreements being registered against title of both properties that:
a)prohibit the sale of the properties without the Citys consent;
b) require the continued operation of the SRO hotels for non-profit housing for low-income urban singles at GAIN rates;
c)require the Citys approval of any non-residential uses in the buildings;
d)require the Citys approval of any redevelopment of the properties, and
e) prohibit the inclusion of a safe injection site
and such other terms and conditions to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services and the Director of the Housing Centre.
Participation in SRO Partnership (contd)
The source of funds for the partnership would be the Affordable Housing Fund. Half of the funds would be disbursed once the Housing Agreements are executed and registered to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services; with the remainder to be paid upon completion of the renovations to the SRO rooms in the hotels.
1. Regular Council Meeting
(Planning and Environment)
October 22/November 5, 1998
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.
2. Regular Council Meeting
(City Services and Budgets)
November 5, 1998
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.
3. Regular Council Meeting
November 17, 1998
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.
4. Special Council Meeting
(Major Roads)
November 16, 1998
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.
5. Special Council Meeting
(Public Hearing)
October 22/November 17, 1998
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario,
THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Daniel Lee,
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the chair.
1. Vancouver Trends File: 1008
Estelle Lo, General Manager of Corporate Services, provided Council with a report reference on the latest Vancouver Trends publication, focussing on trends identified by the Corporate Management Team as being significant and of interest to Council. Ms. Lo referred to charts contained in the Vancouver Trends publication, which provided a cursory glance at each topic area ie: The Setting of the City; The People of the City; the Economy of the City; the Parts of the City; Moving Around the City; Leisure in the City; Services to People; Services to Property; Financial Management; and Long-Range Planning. The charts are based on information that is regularly maintained by the City or is readily available from published sources.
In conclusion, Ms. Lo explained that with the economic, social and environmental challenges facing the City there is a need to focus on effective long-range planning. Vancouver Trends provides valuable background material to be used in the planning process for setting long-term targets and for tracking progresses towards the targets.
During discussion, Council members posed questions to Ms. Lo, for future response, on the figure used for the employment base in downtown; the number of rental properties available and the rental rate; the use and increased demand for library resource material; and it was noted that long term planning should take high infrastructure spending into consideration.
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert
THAT Council direct the Corporate Management Team to incorporate Vancouver Trends into the Citys long-range planning process commencing in the year 2000.
2. Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre Expansion File: 8109
Council members were provided with a report reference on the expansion of the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre and the Canada Place Cruise Ship Terminal and associated development, as outlined in the Policy Report dated November 5, 1998 entitled "Portside: Comprehensive Development Agreement". The recommendations contained in the Policy Report were approved by Council at its meeting of November 17, 1998, which referred the proposed form of development, and the design development conditions to a Public Review Meeting, to be held on December 8, 1998, for consideration and comment by the public, leading to a decision by Council on the terms proposed in the draft Agreement.
Larry Beasley, Director of Central Area Planning provided an overview of the project, including the three stage process for the expansion, and briefly addressed associated issues. He explained the Portside development is entirely on Federal Government lands administered by the Vancouver Port Corporation (Port). As such, the Citys review and approval processes do not apply. However, the Port and Greystone Properties Ltd. (Greystone), the developer of the lands, have agreed that the Citys regulatory process be followed as closely as possible as if the subject lands were in fact wholly within the Citys regulatory jurisdiction. To facilitate the co-operative effort necessary for this request to be met, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), was agreed to between the City, the Port and Greystone (which is representing the Provincial Government).
Brent MacGregor, Deputy City Engineer, provided a summary of the draft Comprehensive Development Agreement (CDA), attached to the Policy Report as Appendix A, which is expected to achieve the following six key objectives:
1.establish uses and the form of development for the cruise ship pier extension, the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre (VTCC) expansion and adjacent hotel and commercial development;
2.require the concurrent execution of legal agreements for the delivery of public benefits identified in the 1994 Central Waterfront Port Lands Policy Statement (CWPLPS) approved by the City and the Port;
3.confirm that no development will occur on the Eastlands project phase until the public process identified in the 1998 MOU is concluded, an application to redevelop is submitted and the CDA is amended to permit the approved redevelopment (at this time the CDA confers no development rights or allowances on the Eastlands);
Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre Expansion (contd)
4.establish that City processes will be followed for subdivision and permitting of development on the subject lands except for certain aspects of the development of the pier extension to Canada Place;
5.establish that the uses and form of development for the pier extension to Canada Place will be governed by the CDA and that permits will be issued in the same manner as for the existing Canada Place development; and
6.prohibit development above the pile supported deck structure until after subdivision and all ancillary agreements are registered to the satisfaction of the City.
Staff responded to questions of Council members, and agreed to provide responses to further questions, at the Public Review meeting.
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the Report Reference on the "Portside: Comprehensive Development Agreement for the expansion of the New Trade and Convention Centre and associated development" be received for information.
The Council recognized Mr. Jack Perri, former Director of Permits and Licenses, who recently retired from the City after 37 years of service.
The Mayor presented Mr. Perri with a gift on behalf of the City, and thanked him for his outstanding contribution to the City, wishing him well in his retirement.
This was immediately followed by a reception in the foyer.
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The Council recessed at 4:00 p.m.
and, following an In Camera meeting in the Mayors Office,
reconvened at 5:00 p.m. with all members present,
except Councillors Bellamy and Kennedy.
1. Ward System and Local Government
Accountability Report from Simon Fraser University Files: 123/1103
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT Vancouver City Council unanimously and adamantly opposes the creation of a Ward System for municipalities over 25,000 in population as suggested in the Provincial Government report on Local Government Accountability submitted by the Simon Fraser University, AND THAT this resolution be sent to the UBCM and to the Minister of Municipal Affairs.
CITY MANAGER'S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 1. Local Improvement Reballot from
September 8, 1998 Court of Revision File: 5802
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
THAT Court #586, Item #008, not be approved for pavement and curbs on 39th Avenue from Inverness Street to Culloden Street.
2. Coliseum Chiller
November 10, 1998 File: 8009
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT Council reimburse the PNE $106,354.58 for the overhaul of the chiller in the Pacific Coliseum; source of funds to be a transfer from Revenue Surplus to be repaid from the Hastings Park Reserve in 1999.
3. Authority to Invest Funds - 1999
November 2, 1998 File: 1707
MOVED by Cllr. Daniel Lee,
THAT the Director of Finance be authorized, for the year 1999, to invest the funds of the following accounts as same become available, and to vary the investments from time to time as may be expedient, in accordance with Section 201, 259 and 260 of the Charter:
A.For Sinking Fund Account, Property Endowment Fund, Cemetery Perpetual Maintenance Fund, Captain Vancouvers Grave Maintenance Trust Fund, Capital Financing Fund, Taylor Manor Trust Funds
- Securities of or guaranteed by the Government of Canada;
- Securities of or guaranteed by a Province of Canada;
- Securities of the City of Vancouver;
- Securities of the Greater Vancouver Water District;
- Securities of the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District;
-Securities of the Greater Vancouver Regional District;
- Securities of the Municipal Finance Authority;
- Securities of or guaranteed by any chartered bank in Canada;
-Securities or deposits in, or share or other evidence of indebtedness of, a Credit Union incorporated under the Credit Unions Act.
Authority to Invest Funds - 1999
November 2, 1998 (contd)
B. For General and Capital Accounts
- Securities of or guaranteed by the Government of Canada;
-Securities of or guaranteed by a Province of Canada;
-Securities of or guaranteed by any chartered bank in Canada;
-Securities of the GVRD, GVWD, MFA, or City of Vancouver which mature within one year from the date of acquisition;
-Securities or deposits in, or shares or other evidences of indebtedness of, a Credit Union incorporated under the Credit Unions Act.
4. Annual Financial Authorities
November 2, 1998 File: 1612
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
A.THAT the Director of Finance be authorized for the period of January 1 to December 31, 1999, in accordance with Section 215 and 216 of the Vancouver Charter, to draw warrants for payment and to report same in writing to the City Clerk for the information of Council within 15 days after the end of each month in which the warrant is drawn.
B.THAT the Director of Finance be authorized to temporarily use, during the period January 1, to July 15, 1999 such capital funds as are available, for other expenditures of the City, pending collections of taxes, as provided by Section 259 (b) of the Vancouver Charter.
5. Railway Crossing Agreement with
Ledcor Industries Ltd. File: 1203
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
A.THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services and Director of Legal Services be authorized to conclude negotiations, and execute and deliver, a legal agreement with Ledcor Industries Ltd. incorporating the general terms and conditions outlined in this report and such other terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Legal Services.
B.THAT Ledcor Industries Ltd. be permitted to install and operate a fibre optics network at railway crossings in the City of Vancouver once it has executed a legal agreement with the City of Vancouver and performed any preconditions to such installation and operation as are set out in such legal agreement.
6. City-Owned Childcare Facilities 1998 Capital Budget
November 17, 1998 File: 1602
MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT Council approve capital funds of $75,000 for upgrades and structural repairs to seven City-owned childcare facilities as outlined in this report; source of funds to be the City-owned Social and Cultural Facilities component of the 1998 Capital Budget.
7. Assignment of Lease - Three Links Plaza
November 17, 1998 File: 4656
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT Council approve the assignment of the lease of Three Links Plaza (7349-7363 Rebekah) from the Three Links Housing Society to the Affordable Housing Advisory Association on terms and conditions to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services; and
FURTHER THAT no legal obligation shall arise or be created until the execution of all legal documentation to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services.
8. 1999 Property Tax Land Averaging
November 16, 1998 File: 1551
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
A.THAT, pursuant to legislative requirements in the Assessment Act, the City Clerk be instructed to notify the Assessment Commissioner before January 1, 1999 that the City is considering three-year land averaging and/or land phasing as property tax calculation options for 1999. It should be noted that this notice of intent is revocable should Council, at a later date, decide not to proceed with either of these taxation options.
B.THAT the Director of Finance be instructed to report back in the new year on the projected taxation impacts of three-year land averaging, based on the assessment values provided by the BC Assessment Authority in the 1999 Consolidated Roll.
C.THAT the Area Assessor for Vancouver be invited to address Council in the new year on the assessment trends reflected in the 1999 Consolidated Roll.
9. Lower Mainland Municipal Association
Fee Schedule for 1999
November 17, 1998 File: 123
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
THAT Council renew its 1999 membership to the Lower Mainland Municipal Association at a cost of $1,000.
10. Award of Tender No. 35-98-06: Supply of
Two 180-190 HP Landfill Bulldozers File: 1805
MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT Council accept the low bid from Terratech Equipment Inc. for two Komatsu D65PX-12 bulldozers at a total cost of $620,366 ($355,571 for one road construction unit, $351,433 for one final cover unit, plus $1020 each for hinged oil coolers, plus $988 each for free-spooling of the winches, plus $6814 for extreme service pads for the final cover unit, less $6234 each for factory paint, less $85,000 for trade-in of one surplus bulldozer), plus the Provincial Sales Tax, the 7% Goods and Services Tax (less any municipal rebate received) and the BC Environmental Levy, subject to a contract satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.
11. Grant Allocations of Unused Portion of the
1998 Community Safety Funding Program
November 17, 1998 File: 2151
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT Council approve two grants of $5,000 each to Musqueam Community Policing Centre and Chinatown Police Community Services Centre. The source of funding is unused funds from the 1998 Community Safety Grant allocations.
12. 1998 Community Services Grant Emergency Reserve -
MOSAIC Vietnamese Community Services Coordinator
November 9, 1998 File: 2151
MOVED by Cllr. Daniel Lee,
THAT Council approve a $20,000 grant from the 1998 Community Services Grants emergency reserve to MOSAIC for a short term, part-time Vietnamese Community Services Coordinator.
1. Fraser River Estuary Management Plan File: 3258
October 8, 1998
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
THAT Council endorse the final version of the Fraser River Estuary Management Plan (FREMP) with the following conditions:
(i)THAT area designations in the estuary adjacent to Vancouver be based on the Citys zoning and applicable policies; and
(ii)THAT the City continue to participate in the implementation of the FREMP in the context of ongoing work programs and budgets, with any proposals for studies or projects requiring additional staff time or funding being reported back to Council for consideration.
2. Blueways Program - Update and Future Directions File: 3138
November 18, 1998
MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
A.THAT the attached "Blueways Policies and Guidelines" (Appendix A to Policy Report dated November 18, 1998) be adopted.
B.THAT Council approve funding as outlined in Appendix B to Policy Report dated November 18, 1998, of $56,070 to undertake the work program as outlined in this report; the source of funds to be 1999 operating budget without offset.
C.THAT Council approve the proposed budget of $60,000 for the installation of the False Creek Moorage Buoys (Appendix C to Policy Report dated November 18, 1998); source of funds to be the Property Endowment Fund (PEF) with net revenue accruing to the PEF.
D.THAT Council endorse the current structure and composition of the Water Opportunities Advisory Group (WOAG) and that they continue to act in an advisory capacity to Council on issues related to Vancouvers waterfronts and waterways.
(Councillor Puil opposed to Recommendation B)
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Daniel Lee,
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
1. A By-law to amend By-law No. 4848,
being the Water Works By-law (1999 Fees)
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
2. A By-law to amend By-law No. 4450,
being the License By-law (1999 Fee Increases)
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
3. A By-law to amend By-law No. 5343, being a By-law
which amended the Zoning and Development By-law
by rezoning an area to CD-1 (2940-2970 East 22nd Avenue)
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
4. A By-law to amend By-law No. 6510, being the Sign By-law
(2940-2970 East 22nd Avenue and 1200 Hamilton Street)
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
5. A By-law to designate heritage property, and to
amend By-law No. 4837, being the Heritage By-law
(Designation of 1232 (formerly 1228) Richards Street)
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
6. A By-law to Authorize Council To Enter Into an Agreement
to Amend an Existing Heritage Revitalization Agreement
(Metropolis Project Development Inc. re 1232 Richards Street)
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
A. Establishing Road at Powell Street and Rogers Street,
South of CPR Right of Way adjacent to Lot B, Plan 19584) File: 5807
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT WHEREAS the registered owner will be conveying to the City of Vancouver for road purposes land in the City of Vancouver, Province of British Columbia, more particularly known and described as follows:
PID: 015-684-288
That part of Lot 12 lying South of the Canadian Pacific Railway Right of Way
as shown on Reference Plan 1601 of Lot 2 Block K District Lot 182 Plan 176
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and in the public interest to accept and allocate the said lands for road purposes;
BE IT RESOLVED that the above described lands, upon conveyance, are hereby accepted and allocated for road purposes and declared to form and to constitute a portion of a road.
B. Establishing Road, East Side Cambie Street, North of
Dunsmuir Street, adjacent to 555 Cambie Street File: 5807
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT WHEREAS the registered owner will be conveying to the City of Vancouver for lane purposes land in the City of Vancouver, Province of British Columbia, more particularly known and described as follows:
City of Vancouver
Parcel Identifier: 017-705-061
All that portion of Lot F, Block 38, District Lot 541, Plan LMP3441, Group 1, New Westminster District, the same as shown heavy outlined on plan of survey completed on the 19th day of September, 1997, attested to by J. W. Larson, B.C.L.S., and marginally numbered LD 3418.
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and in the public interest to accept and allocate the said lands for lane purposes;
BE IT RESOLVED that the above described lands, upon conveyance, are hereby accepted and allocated for lane purposes and declared to form and to constitute a portion of a lane.
C. Establishing the East 2 feet for Lane,
adjacent to 1376 Laburnum Street File: 5807
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT WHEREAS the registered owner will be conveying to the City of Vancouver for lane purposes land in the City of Vancouver, Province of British Columbia, more particularly known and described as follows:
City of Vancouver
The East 2 feet of
Lot 8
Block 175A
District Lot 526
Plan 2301
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and in the public interest to accept and allocate the said lands for lane purposes;
BE IT RESOLVED that the above described lands, upon conveyance, are hereby accepted and allocated for lane purposes and declared to form and to constitute a portion of a lane.
The following Notice of Motion was submitted by Cllr. Don Lee and recognized by the Chair:
Sam Kee Building: Encroachment Fees File: 5807
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario,
WHEREAS on November 28, 1996 Council reduced the areaway encroachments of the Sam Kee Building at 8 West Pender Street on city lands to a nominal fee, leaving in place the encroachment fee for overhanging bay windows;
AND WHEREAS the Building is a protected heritage A building, designated by the Province, and recognized as the "Worlds Thinnest Building";
AND WHEREAS the owners have agreed to pay all outstanding fees and payments regarding the encroachments to the City;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the annual fee for all encroachments of the Sam Kee Building be established at $1.00, which rate will be effective on the payment of all outstanding encroachment fee arrears and payments.
- Notice
Council requested that staff provide a background report on the Sam Kee Building for consideration when the above motion will be dealt with at the City Services and Budget Committee meeting of December 10, 1998.
1. World AIDS Day File: 4113
Councillor Herbert informed Council that December 1, 1998 has been proclaimed World AIDS Day and the rate of infection has shifted this year to include a high percentage of First Nations people. He stressed that education is the only defence against the spread of this disease.
2. Public Warning File: 3701
Councillor Chiavario drew attention to a letter she had received from Mr. Steve Krugah dated November 17, 1998 seeking money by illegal means. She cautioned the public to be aware of these fraudulent letters and to be careful when dealing with such requests. The letter was presented to the City Clerk for referral to the Police and the Better Business Bureau.
The Council adjourned at 5:35 p.m.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver