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Date: June 23, 1998
Author/Local: JOB
CC File No. 5307
TO: Standing Committee on Planning and Environment
FROM:Director of Central Area Planning, in consultation with the
Manager of the Housing Centre, General Manager of Engineering
Services, and the Director of Social Planning.
SUBJECT:600 Pacific Street (Beach Neighbourhood Area 1A) Rezoning Issues
A.THAT Council indicate it is willing to consider additional density, and a resulting increase in the number of residential units, in Beach Neighbourhood Area 1A False Creek North Official Development Plan (FCN ODP) attributable to sites not owned by Pacific Place prior to 1998, noting that to date it has not been determined whether the additional density can be accommodated in the neighbourhood design.
B.THAT Council indicate it is willing to consider the incorporation of the City owned site, Lot 4 (Plan 9597, Blk.123, Lot 4), for non-market residential purposes.
C. THAT Council indicate it is willing to consider a modest expansion to the marina beyond that shown in the Beach Neighbourhood Area 1A of the FCN ODP.
D. THAT Council indicate it is willing to consider a road connection between the existing Beach Avenue to the west of Granville Street and the proposed Beach Avenue within the Beach Neighbourhood Area 1A.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A-D.
Relevant Council policy includes:
False Creek North Official Development Plan (FCN ODP), including the street pattern, approved in April 1990
·530·False Creek North shoreline and pedestrian/bicycle concept plans, approved in October 1991·530
Revised 20% Social Housing Policy, approved in April 1993
Childcare Operating Strategy, approved in February 1993
Public Art Program, approved in October 1990
Interim policy on Soil Contamination, approved in January 1990 and amended in March 1991
·530·The Downtown Bridgeheads Study, approved December 9 1997 ·530
The City received a rezoning application for 600 Pacific Street (Beach Neighbourhood Area 1A) from Pacific Place Developments Corp. (formerly Concord). This report reviews four issues that staff are requesting Council guidance on prior to considering a revised rezoning application and providing the detailed analysis toward a public hearing. The four issues, and staff recommendations, are as follows:
·530·should the density in Area 1A be increased by approximately 11 % from non-Pacific Place owned sites in the FCN ODP, and a resulting 10 % increase in the number of residential units, above that currently permitted. Staff recommend that additional density and units should be considered.·530
·530·should Lot 4, previously allocated for expansion of the Dance Centre, be considered as a future non-market residential site. Staff recommend that Lot 4 be considered as part of the Beach Neighbourhood Area 1A as a non-market residential site; ·530
·530·should expansion to the marina by approximately 50 m ( 164 ft.) beyond that shown in the FCN ODP be considered. Staff recommend that some expansion should be considered although noting that public opinion on this matter is divided; and·530
·530·should Beach Crescent connect to Beach Avenue noting that the FCN ODP did not illustrate a full vehicle right-of-way but that pedestrian and bicycle linkage would initially be provided, with a vehicular linkage maintained as a future possibility as traffic conditions change over the years. Staff recommend that vehicular linkage should be considered now although noting that public opinion to date on this matter is divided.·530
These issues, with the exception of the marina, were noted in the February 1996 rezoning report for the adjacent Area 1B. Without guidance from Council on these issues the applicant and staff would have difficulty in moving forward in an orderly manner to public hearing for Beach Neighbourhood Area 1A.
This report has been prepared in consultation with Pacific Place (formerly Concord).
Additional FCN ODP Density from Non-Pacific Place Sites
The western boundary of the original False Creek North Official Development Plan ( FCN ODP ) includes four sites that were not owned by Pacific Place at the time of the FCN ODP approval (see Appendix A, 1 of 4). These sites are not specifically addressed or recognised in the FCN ODP with respect to density. It is now timely to conclude whether density from these sites can be considered in addition to the FCN ODP density. The sites are:
Site 1: City owned Pacific Street site, Lot 4;
Site 2: City owned ( formerly Cominco owned) Canada Metals site;
Site 3: Pacific Place owned (formerly Province owned) Beach Avenue site; and
Site 4: City owned pump station site on Granville Street
When the planning negotiations between the City and Pacific Place were originally undertaken for the FCN ODP they were on the basis that Pacific Place owned all the sites within the FCN ODP boundary. Therefore when the balance between the private development rights and the public amenities such as parks, school sites and day cares and infrastructure costs such as roads and utilities, Pacific Place proceeded on the understanding that their lands were entitled to all the FCN ODP development rights to off-set those public costs.
Technically there could be an argument that the development rights attributable to the FCN ODP should be distributed proportionally over both Pacific Place and non-Pacific Place sites. However, on the basis that the FCN ODP provides a development framework and that it is subject to interpretation by Council, City staff have proceeded in discussions with the Pacific Place with the concept that additional density above that specified in the FCN ODP could be attributable to the non-Pacific Place sites. Furthermore, that density could be added to any other Area in the FCN ODP.
Therefore the proposition is that the non-Pacific Place sites remain within the FCN ODP boundary, that additional density is added to the FCN ODP, and that the value of the additional density will be negotiated between the City and Pacific Place as the rezoning proceeds.
The additional density potentially attributable to these four site is 8 988.9 m2 (96,758 sq.ft.) (see Appendix B). The existing density permitted by the FCN ODP for Area 1A is 83 612 m2 (861,421 sq.ft.). This additional density represents an increase of approximately 10.75% for Area 1A or 1% for the whole FCN ODP. There is also the ability to transfer the density to any other area in the FCN ODP.
The caveat in considering increasing the density is that it has not yet been proven that the additional density can be accommodated in the neighbourhood urban design. Development negotiations and design review of the neighbourhood has not been completed. While staff believe some additional density is achievable there is considerable design work to determine whether it all can be accommodated in a neighbourly fit.
Dwelling Unit Count
Any additional density generated by considering non-Pacific Place sites would potentially add to the residential unit count. The FCN ODP unit count for Area 1A is 926 units. If all the additional floor area was utilized for dwelling units an additional approximately 100 units [@ approximately 1,000 sq.ft. per unit] could be generated.
Therefore staff proposed to add approximately 100 dwelling units to the neighbourhood. It is not proposed that 20% of the additional units be non-market residential. Instead it is proposed that the 412 units of non-market housing currently required be provided for the Beach Neighbourhood Area 1A and 1B, but that Pacific Place provide the land required for the approximately 215 units of non-market housing in Area 1A at a discount. This would reduce the cost of the two non-market projects proposed for Area 1A enabling the sites to compete for allocations of non-market units from the provincial housing programs.
The additional dwelling units represents an increase in the total number of approximately 10 % for Area 1A, 4% for all Area 1, or 1% for the whole of the FCN ODP.
It should be noted that under standard rezoning policies, any additional density, and resultant residential units, additional support facilities and amenities such as park area, schools, daycare spaces, public art would be expected. Because of the limitations of land for park expansion or school sites, staff would not be expecting additions to these. This is partly in recognition of the good quality, discounted non-market sites being achieved in the area. However, staff would expect additional contributions to daycare spaces and public art to be assessed, but only for market units.
Lot 4
Lot 4 is a City-owned Granville Street site (see Appendix A, 1 of 4). Lot 4 is currently occupied by the City Impound lot. Staff have submitted a rezoning application for the relocation of this function to a nearby site and is in the process of gathering public imput.
Prior to the notion that Lot 4 be made available to the Dance Centre for its future expansion, Lot 4 had been planned as a 15-unit non-market residential site as part of the overall Beach Neighbourhood. The Dance Centre rezoning included the adjacent westerly Lots 1, 2 and 3.
Staff recommend that it is appropriate that Lot 4 should again be considered as a non-market residential site and integrated with the Beach Neighbourhood. This gives the potential of creating a larger, more flexible and livable non-market site.
Marina Expansion
Adjacent to the easterly side of Granville Bridge is an existing marina operated by the False Creek Yacht Club. The water lot is owned by Pacific Place (formerly Concord) and leased to the Club. The FCN ODP ( see Appendix A, 2 of 4) anticipates a marina in this location. The existing marina extends along the George Wainbourn Park frontage for approximately 70 m (230 ft.) The applicant proposes an easterly expansion to the existing marina of approximately 50 m ( 164 ft.). This would result in approximately 66% of the Park water frontage having boats moored in front which, for example, will impact public views of the water. While staff have not fully analysed the advantages and disadvantages, staff believe expansion to the marina is worth considering although noting that public comment to date has been divided.
Beach Avenue Connection
The applicant proposes a road connection between the existing Beach Avenue to the west of Granville Street and the proposed Beach Avenue within the Beach Neighbourhood Area 1A (see Appendix A, 3 of 4). The FCN ODP states that " A pedestrian and cycling linkage is to be provided to Beach Avenue. The option for a vehicular linkage is to be maintained." The FCN ODP Illustrative Plan (see Appendix A, 4 of 4) shows the new portion of Beach Avenue ending in a cul-de-sac, i.e., no through vehicular connection. At the time the FCN ODP was approved Pacific Place did not own Lot 1 which is required by the connection
There are several issues that need to be evaluated in either option that include, amongst others: public transit access, emergency vehicle access, potential concern of increased traffic through both South East Granville Slopes and Beach Neighbourhood, traffic calming measures, and impact on development capacity of adjoining non-market sites. While staff have not fully analysed the advantages and disadvantages of a vehicular connection, staff believe that both options should be evaluated as part of the rezoning process.
The main purpose of addressing the issues at this time is they have significant impact on the preparation of the final neighbourhood design. Their resolution will facilitate, to the degree possible, the applicant in bringing forward a more supportable rezoning.
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Non-Pacific Place Sites
Site 1: City owned Pacific Street site Lot 4; Lot 4 remained outside the Dance Centre rezoning but assumed 1.5 FSR on the basis it was consolidated with adjacent lots. When the Dance Centre was rezoned Lot 1 and 3 were dedicated as street and Lot 2 permitted a density of 1.6 FSR which resulted in a floor area of 3 344 m2 (35,996 sq.ft.).
Site 2: City owned (formerly Cominco owned) Canada Metals site; a base density of 1.5 FSR for the existing site configuration and 2.25 FSR assuming it is consolidated with the adjacent sites.
Site 3: Pacific Place owned (formerly Province owned) Beach Avenue site; a base density of 0.6 FSR for the existing site and 1.5 FSR assuming it is consolidated with the adjacent sites.
Site 4: City owned pump station site on Granville Street; a base density of 0.6 FSR for the existing site and 1.5 FSR assuming it is consolidated with the adjacent sites.
Site area
Attributable FSR
Attributable density
m 2
m 2
sq. ft.
1 290
1 935
2 095
4 714
1 380
4 945
8 989
Therefore the four non-Pacific Place sites could add approximately 8 989 m2 (96,758 sq.ft.) to the FCN ODP buildable area of 83 612 m2 (900,021 sq.ft.) for Area 1A. This represents an increase density of approx. 10.75 % for Area 1A or 4.2 % for area 1.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver