Agenda Index City of Vancouver


Date: May 7, 1998
Author/Local: M.D’Agostini/7056
CC File No. PH361

TO: Vancouver City Council
FROM: Director of Community Planning
SUBJECT: Heritage Designation of 1114 Barclay Street - ‘O Canada’ House




Council policy on heritage designation states, in part, that legal designation will be a prerequisite to accepting certain bonuses and incentives.


This report recommends that Council designate the ‘O Canada’ house at 1114 Barclay Street in exchange for an increase in the maximum number of bed and breakfast units permitted and a parking relaxation.


The ‘O Canada’ House is located in the RM5-B Zoning District in the West End (see site map below). In 1995, Jim Britten and Mike Browne, purchased the building, listed in the ‘A’ evaluation category on the Vancouver Heritage Register. Prior to this, the building had been unoccupied and neglected for a number of years and was vulnerable to demolition. During 1996 the owners completely restored the exterior and rehabilitated the interior for use as bed and breakfast accommodation. The owners have now submitted a Development Application DE402892 requesting an increase in the number of bed and breakfast units in the building from 2 permitted to 6 proposed and a parking relaxation. The Director of Planning has approved the application, including the relaxation to the number of units and parking, subject to Council designating the heritage building.



Heritage Value
The heritage value of this building is significant for both it’s architectural and cultural history. Completed in 1897, this building is a very good example of the Queen Anne style. The house has several notable architectural features including three front facing gables, a two-storey central bay, granite foundation, porch piers and retaining wall, and a wrap-around verandah. The building is important historically as the home of Ewing Buchan who was responsible for composing a version of ‘O Canada’ while residing in this house. Buchan’s version of ‘O Canada’ was first performed at a meeting of the Vancouver Club on February 9, 1910. The building is listed in the ‘A’ evaluation category on the Vancouver Heritage Register.

Compatibility with Community Planning Objectives and Zoning Considerations
The intent of the RM-5 Zoning District Schedule is “to permit a variety of residential developments and some compatible retail, office, service and institutional uses.” The Bed and Breakfast Accommodation use is permitted on a conditional basis in the RM-5 district. The proposed use at this site is compatible with community planning objectives and the zoning for the site with the exception of the proposed number of bedrooms which exceeds the maximum prescribed in the Zoning and Development By-law.

The owners of 1114 Barclay Street are seeking a relaxation of the maximum number of units permitted to make it economic to retain and preserve this under-developed heritage site. Section 3.2.5 of the Zoning and Development By-law, allows the Director of Planning to relax provisions of the By-law where “Council determines that the proposed development would make a contribution to conserving ... a building or site on the Heritage Register.”

The Director of Community Planning supports the development application as it would meet Council’s long-term goal of protecting, through voluntary designation, resources on the Heritage Register and it would make a positive contribution to the neighbourhood. Furthermore, the proposed use is compatible and well-suited to the heritage building. The additional units would make retention of the ‘O Canada’ house economically viable. Approval of the additional units is also supported based on the location of the house near the eastern most part of the West End which is adjacent to the much more intensively developed Downtown District.

The impact on adjacent properties will be minimal. Adjacent properties are developed at a significantly higher density and\or height than the ‘O Canada’ house. The additional proposed bedrooms will be fully contained within the existing building and there is no additional floor space nor any additions proposed as part of this development application.

The applicants are also seeking a parking relaxation. Six parking spaces (one space per unit) are required. The owners are providing four parking spaces on site and are requesting a relaxation for the two remaining spaces. Based on the proximity of the house to public transit and major attractions the Director of Planning is prepared to approve the parking relaxation subject to the heritage designation of the building.

Condition and Economic Viability
The house is in excellent condition as it was completely restored and upgraded in 1996. The Director of Permits and Licences advises that additional upgrading to meet Building By-law regulations may be required to accommodate the increased life safety concerns being introduced by the proposed change in use.

The owners have agreed to designate their house and that a relaxation of the number of bed and breakfast units and parking requirements will make retention of the heritage building economically viable. They have also submitted a letter waiving any future claim for compensation as a result of the designation.

The Director of Real Estate Services has reviewed information provided by the Planning Department and the applicant and concluded that the additional bed and breakfast units will not provide the applicants with an extraordinary profit.

As part of the development permit application 234 neighbours in adjacent buildings were notified by letter of the proposed increase in the number of Bed and Breakfast units for the site. No replies were received in response to the notification.

Comments of the Vancouver Heritage Commission
The development application was presented to the Vancouver Heritage Commission on March 16, 1998. The Heritage Commission resolved:

With respect to the last portion of the resolution, the Director of Community Planning is at present undertaking a review of alternatives for regulating the operation of bed and breakfast establishments in the city. This includes a review of bed and breakfast accommodation uses in heritage buildings.


The owners of 1114 Barclay Street have made a development permit application for a relaxation to the number of bed and breakfast units permitted in this building that is listed in the ‘A’ evaluation category on the Vancouver Heritage Register. Council approval of the heritage designation of the building is required in order to approve relaxations to the number of permitted units and the parking requirements. The Director of Community Planning supports the proposal as it is in keeping with community planning objectives and would provide a more viable economic use that would ensure the preservation of the ‘O Canada’ house. The owners have agreed to the heritage designation of 1114 Barclay Street and they are prepared to waive any future demands for compensation. Therefore it is recommended that Council approve the heritage designation of 1114 Barclay Street.

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