Agenda Index City of Vancouver


Date: April 7 , 1998
Author/Local: Michael Gordon/7665
CC File No. 5303-1

TO: Vancouver City Council
FROM: Director of Central Area Planning
SUBJECT: CD-1 Text Amendment: 501 Bute Street (1199 West Cordova Street)




Relevant Council policies for the site include:

· Central Area Plan, adopted December 3, 1991;
· Coal Harbour Official Development Plan, adopted November 6, 1990;

· The Coal Harbour Policy Statement, adopted February 1990;
· CD-1 By-law No. 7681, enacted on November 26, 1996 for the Harbour Green Neighbourhood.


This report assesses and recommends referral to public hearing of an application to amend CD-1 By-law No. 7681 for the Harbour Green Neighbourhood to provide for the provision of a food kiosk or small restaurant and washrooms as part of Harbour Green Park.

Figure 1


Use and Density: On this site, the existing CD-1 By-law allows a total of 100 m² (1,076 sq.ft.) of floor area to provide a retail and/or small restaurant outlet within the Harbour Green Park. This will provide snacks and other food for park users similar to the concession stands in other parks in the city. It is proposed that the outlet will be located at one of the main entrances to Harbour Green Park at the foot of Bute Street, adjacent to West Cordova Street. However, Park Board park designers have concluded that a larger facility of 250 m² (2,691 sq.ft.) is necessary to ensure that the operation is viable. This requires an amendment of the CD-1 zoning to provide for the additional 150 m² (1,614 sq.ft.).

An amendment is also proposed to allow for uses such as washrooms that are customarily ancillary to a park. This will allow for the public washrooms that are proposed for the park.

This small increase in floor area for this use does not conflict with approved guidelines related to built form and other issues.

Parking: Due to the small size of this retail and service use, it is proposed that parking and loading provisions be waived. There is parking available in the community centre adjacent to the park.


Staff support the amendment of the CD-1 zoning to accommodate washrooms and a larger retail and/or food kiosk for park users as it will ensure that the outlet is viable and will enhance the use of Harbour Green Park for those using this new waterside open space.



1. Amend TABLE 1 in Section 5, Floor Area and Density, by deleting the figure “100” and replacing with the figure “250” in the column headed by the words “Maximum Total Floor Area”.

2. Amend Section 5.4, by adding the following new clause (b):

3. Amend TABLE 2, Maximum Floor Area Totals, by deleting the figure “100” and replacing with the figure “250” in the column headed by the sub-area number “4”.

4. Amend Section 8 (a) by deleting “and” after the clause “need be provided”.

5. Amend Section 8 (b) by deleting “units.” and replacing with “units, and”.

6. Amend Section 8 by inserting after 8(b) the following clause:

7. Amend Section 9 by deleting “units.” and inserting after dwelling the following clause “units and off-street loading need not be provided for retail and service uses in cases where the retail and service uses do not exceed 250 m² in floor area.”

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