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A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on April 7, 1998, at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall.
PRESENT: Mayor Philip Owen Councillor Don Bellamy Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario Councillor Jennifer Clarke Councillor Alan Herbert Councillor Lynne Kennedy Councillor Daniel Lee Councillor Don Lee Councillor Gordon Price Councillor George Puil Councillor Sam Sullivan ABSENT: Councillor Sam Sullivan (Leave of Absence) CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:Judy Rogers
The proceedings in the Council Chamber were opened with a prayer read by the City Clerk.
Council was advised there were property matters to be considered "In Camera" later this day.
Brent MacGregor, Deputy City Engineer, provided a brief update on the Keep Vancouver Spectacular community-based clean-up program that commences in May. Citizens of Vancouver are encouraged to get involved in the program which includes an education campaign on not littering, graffiti removal, street cleaning and other initiatives. The coordinating committee consists of representatives from the Business Improvement Associations, Recycling Council of B.C., the Neighbourhood Integrated Service Teams, hotels, community leaders and City staff. Newspaper advertisements, public service announcements and plays for elementary school children, plus street posters are being used to promote the campaign.
1. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
(City Services and Budgets)
March 12, 1998
When discussing Clause 2 Approval of Special Events, Councillor Price drew attention to the negative motion that was put and lost concerning the GM Fleet Preview event. Concern was expressed that confusion had arisen out of this lost motion and clarification was necessary to confirm that it was intended the event go ahead on private property, but not on City streets.
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario,
THAT the foregoing minutes be adopted with the following clarification to Clause 2 Approval of Special Events:
"THAT the GM Fleet Preview event for 1998 proceed on private property only and not be held on the City of Vancouvers streets.
2. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
(Planning and Environment)
March 12, 1998
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the foregoing minutes be adopted.
3. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
(Transportation and Traffic)
March 24, 1998
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT the foregoing minutes be adopted.
4. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
March 24, 1998
When discussing Unfinished Business, Clause 1 CD-1 Text Amendment 4255 Arbutus Street (Arbutus Village Centre), Councillor Kennedy explained that Councils intention was to receive a report back from staff on the CAC component of this application and to continue dialogue before voting on whether or not to refer the matter to a Public Hearing. She referred to a memorandum dated April 3, 1998 from the City Manager which suggested that in view of this intention, the report back from staff should be considered by Council at its next meeting as Unfinished Business, rather than by the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment on April 23, 1998.
Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
March 24, 1998 (contd)
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT the following motion approved by Council at its March 24, 1998 meeting be amended by deleting the words "to the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment" and substituting the words "to the April 21, 1998 meeting of Council":
"THAT the Policy Report dated November 12, 1997 entitled "CD-1 Text Amendment 4255 Arbutus Street (Arbutus Village Centre)", the Administrative Report dated January 26, 1998 entitled "Community Amenity Contribution - 4255 Arbutus Street, CD-1[78], By-law No. 4634", the memorandum dated March 24, 1998 from Bruce Maitland, Manager of Real Estate Services entitled "4255 Arbutus Street -Community Amenity Contribution", and the corresponding letter dated March 13, 1998 from Michael Geller, be referred to the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment for further review, at which time staff will provide a report back clarifying points raised in Mr. Gellers letter and:
(a) the intended use for this project;
(b)the standards used by the City when determining Community Amenity Contributions for other major projects."
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT the Policy Report dated November 12, 1997 entitled "CD-1 Text Amendment 4255 Arbutus Street (Arbutus Village Centre)", the Administrative Report dated January 26, 1998 entitled "Community Amenity Contribution - 4255 Arbutus Street, CD-1[78], By-law No. 4634", the memorandum dated March 24, 1998 from Bruce Maitland, Manager of Real Estate Services entitled "4255 Arbutus Street - Community Amenity Contribution", and the corresponding letter dated March 13, 1998 from Michael Geller, be referred to the April 21, 1998 meeting of Council for further review, at which time staff will provide a report back clarifying points raised in Mr. Gellers letter and:
(a) the intended use for this project;
(b)the standards used by the City when determining Community Amenity Contributions for other major projects.
Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
March 24, 1998 (contd)
When discussing Administrative Report (A5) Stanley Park Works Yard Redevelopment - Funding Transfers, some members of Council clarified that their intention when opposing approval of this matter, was not to show a lack of support for the Park Board, but rather to oppose the re-development of the works yard as a parking lot.
Councillor Don Lee then requested the leave of Council to make a motion without notice to renew the motion on the Stanley Park Works Yard Redevelopment Funding Transfers which lost at the March 24, 1998 Council meeting.
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT Councillor Don Lee be given leave to introduce a motion without notice.
(Councillors Chiavario and Puil opposed)
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT Council renew the following motion which lost at the March 24, 1998 Council meeting.
"THAT Council approve the Stanley Park works yard parking lot project as part of the Park Board 1998 capital plan.
A.THAT Council authorize the transfer of $100,000 from each of the following accounts:
1) Stanley Park Transportation
2) General Parks Asphalt
3) Stanley Park Zoo Redevelopment
to the Stanley Park service yard parking lot project.
Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
March 24, 1998 (contd)
C.THAT Council authorize the temporary transfer of $255,000 as a loan from the Stanley Park Zoo Redevelopment account, to be repaid over 3.5 years from pay parking revenue, to the service yard parking lot project."
(Councillors Chiavario and Puil opposed)
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
A.THAT Council approve the Stanley Park works yard parking lot project as part of the Park Board 1998 capital plan.
B.THAT Council authorize the transfer of $100,000 from each of the following accounts:
1) Stanley Park Transportation
2) General Parks Asphalt
3) Stanley Park Zoo Redevelopment
to the Stanley Park service yard parking lot project.
C.THAT Council authorize the temporary transfer of $255,000 as a loan from the Stanley Park Zoo Redevelopment account, to be repaid over 3.5 years from pay parking revenue, to the service yard parking lot project.
(Councillors Chiavario and Puil opposed)
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT the minutes of the Council Meeting held March 24, 1998 be adopted with the foregoing amendments.
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the chair.
1. 1998 Interim Operating Budget File: 1605
Before Council for its consideration was an Administrative Report dated March 31, 1998 in which the Director of Finance put forward recommendations to balance the 1998 Interim Operating Budget.
Using visual aids, Mr. Ken Bayne, Comptroller of Budgets and Research, described the major components of the Operating Budget, reviewing the budget projections, the preliminary estimates, and revenue and expenditure adjustments leading to the current budget position which reflected a $6.9 million shortfall or 2% general tax increase, composed of a 1.1% increase related to the growth of City controlled costs and an additional 0.9% increase related to the growth in regional sewer costs. Adjustments made incorporated normal budget review strategies and further budget measures recommended by the Corporate Management Team. Consideration of the 1998 Park Board Global Budget also had been included in the Administrative Report, which was adjusted to reflect declining revenues in the Boards revenue programs. A two year plan for managing the 1998-1999 tax increases had been included in the Budget report. Mr. Bayne also provided information on what the 2% tax increase would mean to the average home owner, as requested by Council.
Mr. Bayne responded to questions from Council related to the strategic initiative fund, the Park Board budget, the four-day work week for City employees, and the proposed reduction to the Library Boards budget.
1998 Interim Operating Budget (contd)
Ms. Judy Taylor, Chair, Vancouver Library Board addressed Council, expressing the Boards concern over the proposed reduction to its budget in the amount of $203,000, which had been accrued due to a reorganization of administrative staffing so that public service levels could be restored. To have these savings taken away was considered detrimental to the Board and would have a significant impact on any future cost savings measures that may be undertaken by the Board. She asked that Council not overlook the Librarys contribution.
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
THAT consideration of the portion of the 1998 Operating Budget dealing with the proposed Library Board budget reduction in the amount of $203,000, be postponed and that discussion of this matter take place at a Standing Committee meeting on April 9, 1998.
(Councillors Bellamy, Price, Puil and Mayor Owen opposed)
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
A. THAT Council approve the Interim Estimates of the 1998 Operating Budget as reviewed in this report and detailed in Appendix 1 of the Administrative Report dated March 31, 1998, and instruct the Director of Finance to bring the 1998 Operating Budget into balance with a 2% general purposes tax increase, reflecting a 1.1% increase related to City costs and a 0.9% increase related to regional sewer costs. The final report on the budget will be submitted for approval by April 30, 1998.
B. THAT Council approve the Park Board 1998 Global Budget of $38,048,700, including revenue adjustments totalling $220,000 and the addition of $330,000 for added basic costs. This represents the base budget for Park Board for 1998, prior to the adjustments recommended in Recommendation C below.
C. THAT Council approve the revenue enhancement and expenditure reduction proposals listed as "Year 1" items in Appendix 3 of the Administrative Report dated March 31, 1998 for inclusion in the 1998 Operating Budget except for the portion relating to the proposed Library Board budget reduction in the amount of $203,000, consideration of which will take place at a Standing Committee meeting on April 9, 1998.
1998 Interim Operating Budget (contd)
D. THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to bring forward the appropriate bylaw amendments to give effect to increases in Building Grade fees and Parking Meter rates as detailed in Appendix 3 of the Administrative Report dated March 31, 1998.
E. THAT the Director of Finance in conjunction with the Corporate Management Team, be instructed to report back on those revenue enhancement and expenditure reduction proposals listed as "Year 2" items for consideration when Council deals with the projections for the 1999 Operating Budget. Development of a budget plan for 1999 will be considered by Council in September, 1998.
* * * * *
The Council recognized fifteen employees who recently retired from the City with varying lengths of service.
The Mayor presented each employee with a Certificate on behalf of the City, and thanked them for their long and faithful service.
* * * * *
The Council recessed at 4:20 p.m.
and following a reception and In Camera Meeting in the Mayors Office,
reconvened in open session, at 5:35 p.m. with all members present.
* * * * *
2. "Dont Buy Panhandling" File: 3504
Ms. Judy Rogers, Deputy City Manager provided information on the matter of panhandling in response to increasing complaints from citizens about this type of activity. She acknowledged Council members concerns and noted that the City of New Westminster has recently approved a bylaw that prohibits panhandling and a similar bylaw was adopted by the City of Winnipeg in 1995, however, litigation procedures have commenced against this bylaw. Ms. Rogers put forward the following three options for Councils consideration as a means of addressing the problem:
- Instruct staff to bring forward a bylaw to deal with panhandling;
- Legalize panhandling and provide places for this activity to take place;
-Instruct staff to continue to work with the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association, the Gastown Business Improvement Society, the Robson Street Business Association, and Tourism Vancouver on the "Dont Buy Panhandling" campaign. MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT staff provide a report back on the following:
(a)the impact on Vancouver caused by other municipalities creating bylaws on panhandling;
(b)immediate remedial measures that can be taken by the City of Vancouver to address the panhandling situation;
(c) current activities within departments relevant to managing panhandling.
1. New Resource Centre File: 4113
As requested by Council at its meeting of March 24, 1998, Mr. Jeff Brooks, Director of Community Services Division, in a memorandum dated April 2, 1998 provided information on the proposed new Resource Centre. Mr. Brooks outlined the background leading to the proposal for the Resource Centre which is one component in the strategy to interrupt the epidemic among injection drug users in the Downtown Eastside.
Also before Council were copies of letters dated March 31, 1998 to Mr. Brooks and April 7, 1998 to the Mayor and Council, from the Vancouver/Richmond Health providing further information on the Resource Centre.
In response to a request of Council, the Deputy City Manager provided confirmation of the anticipated dates for related reports scheduled to come before Council or Committee in the near future. Information reports will be come forward in April addressing the needle exchange program, and physical onstreet enhancement related to the Downtown Eastside. In early May, the Downtown Eastside Strategic Action Plan will come forward with recommendations, and in early June a report addressing a housing plan for the Downtown Eastside will come forward along with a community monitoring report. In late June, early July a report will be submitted which will address the regulation and conversion of SROs. Ms. Rogers agreed to prepare an information memorandum to Council about the timing of the reports.
In discussion, some Council members expressed a desire to consider these reports in a strategic and comprehensive manner that allows for public participation, in a constructive, topic-related forum. Mr. Brooks was asked to provide written information on the "abstention model", the definition of the harm reduction program and other dispensing activities taking place in the Downtown Eastside. He also responded to questions related to the proposed community advisory committee, outlined in the March 31, 1998 letter from the Vancouver/Richmond Health Board.
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT the communication from the Director of Community Services Division dated April 2, 1998 and the letters from the Vancouver/Richmond Health Board dated March 31, 1998 and April 7, 1998 be received for information.
CITY MANAGER'S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 1.Warning to Prospective Purchasers
496 East 19th Avenue
Lot T, Block 51, District Lot 301, Plan LMP31879
March 18, 1998 File: 2701
As a delegation request had been received, this report was referred to the April 9, 1998 City Services & Budgets Committee meeting.
2. 1121 - 1151 Boundary Road
Subdivision and Sale
March 12, 1998 File: 5102
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
A.THAT Council authorize the Manager of Real Estate to apply for re-subdivision of 1121 - 1151 Boundary Road into five single family lots and sell the resultant parcels by tender.
B.THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services to execute the subdivision plan on behalf of the City.
3. Amending the Burrard Slopes Development
Cost Levy (DCL) By-law
March 26, 1998 File: 1755
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
A.THAT Council approve the amendment of the Burrard Slopes DCL By-law to use DCL funds to finance improving park land and constructing, altering, expanding or replacing highway facilities.
B.THAT Council approve the redistribution of the 80.2 percent DCL allocation for providing park land to 71.7 percent for providing and improving park land, and 8.5 percent for constructing, altering, expanding or replacing highway facilities.
February 3, 1998 Court of Revision
March 25, 1998 File: 5802
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
A.THAT Court #582, Item #004 BE APPROVED for lane lighting on the lane east of Elgin Street from the lane south of 31st Avenue to the lane north of 33rd Avenue.
B.THAT Court #582, Item #041 BE APPROVED for lane pavement on the lane east of Elgin Street from the lane south of 31st Avenue to the lane north of 33rd Avenue and the lane south of 31st Avenue from Elgin Street to Ross Street.
C.THAT Court #582, Item #052 BE APPROVED for lane pavement on the lane south of 10th Avenue from Windsor Street to St. Catherines Street.
5. Use of Road Salt for De-Icing
March 9, 1998 File: 5801
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT Council approve the continued use of road salt (sodium chloride).
CITY MANAGER'S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (CONTD) 6. Revision to Project 222/Vancouver Jail Agreement
March 11, 1998 File: 3601
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
A.THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services and Chief Constable to execute and deliver to The Ministry of Attorney General an amendment to the August 1, 1997 Project 222/Vancouver Jail Agreement, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services and the Chief Constable, to:
(i)change the anticipated date for moving the jail from April 1, 1998 to April 1, 1999;
(ii)replace the Citys obligation to provide 12 police custodial guards with an obligation to provide 4 police sergeants;
(iii)(to offset the savings accruing to the City under (ii) above) replace the Citys obligation to make annual payments of $825,000 with an obligation to make annual payments of $1,391,000;
(iv)(to reflect the new anticipated date for moving the jail) make the annual payments referred to under (iii) above fixed until 2005 instead of 2004; and
B.THAT the resolution of Council dated July 30, 1996 "THAT interim financing for this arrangement be provided from the Capital Financing Fund (Solid Waste Capital Reserve) with a maximum loan of $1,522,695 in 1996 dollars to be repaid beginning in 1999 out of annual savings of $727,729 in operating costs" be rescinded and replaced with the following:
"THAT interim financing for this arrangement be provided from the Capital Financing Fund (Solid Waste Capital Reserve) with a maximum loan of $2,100,000 in 1998 dollars to be repaid beginning in 1999 out of annual savings of $725,000 in operating costs"
CITY MANAGER'S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (CONTD) Revision to Project 222/Vancouver Jail Agreement
March 11, 1998 (contd)
C.THAT no legal rights or obligations will be created by the adoption of these Recommendations and none will arise, except upon the execution and delivery of all necessary legal documents by the parties.
7. Motor Vessel - "Spirit of Vancouver II"
Charter Vessel: Class A Lounge Liquor License
March 2, 1998 File: 2612-2
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT the Vancouver City Council endorse the request by HF Management Ltd., for a Class A (motor vessel) Lounge liquor license on board the M.V. Spirit of Vancouver II, subject to Liquor Control and Licensing Branch circular number 552.
8. Proposed Closure of a Portion of the
Lane South of Kingsway,
East of Knight Street
March 20, 1998 File: 5753
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT all that portion of the lane south of Kingsway shown hatched on the plan attached as Appendix "A" to the Administrative Report dated March 20, 1998 (the "Lane"), be closed, stopped-up, conveyed to the abutting owner and subdivided with the abutting lands to form the consolidated site (the "Consolidated Site") subject to the following conditions:
Proposed Closure of a Portion of the Lane
South of Kingsway, East of Knight Street
March 20, 1998 (contd)
1.The Owner of the Consolidated Site (the "Owner") shall lease certain premises located in the Consolidated Site to the City for use as a library subject to the terms and conditions set out in Appendix "B" of the Administrative Report dated March 20, 1998.
2.The Owner shall provide in registrable form a Section 219 Covenant which shall be registered concurrently with the sale and transfer of the Lane which shall provide that the Owner shall not permit the use of any building or buildings on the Consolidated Site for any purpose whatsoever until such time as the lease and options to lease have been fully registered against the title to the Consolidated Site in priority to any charges, liens and encumbrances not in favour of the City, containing terms and conditions to the satisfaction of the Manager of Real Estate Services and the Director of Legal Services.
3.The Owner shall provide in registrable form a statutory right of way in the Citys favour and in the Citys form for the utilities existing in the Lane and for vehicular and pedestrian access purposes over the Lane together with an equitable charge, both of which shall be discharged by the City after the subject utilities have been removed from the Lane and both of which shall be registered against the Title to the Consolidated Site in priority to any charges, liens and encumbrances not in favour of the City.
4.Subject to first receiving the Approving Officers approval, the Owner shall provide in registrable form in the Citys favour and of the Citys form an option to purchase the Lane back for the amount of $210,786 excisable only after April 1, 2001 which shall be registered against the title to the Consolidated Site in priority to any charges, liens and encumbrances not in favour in the City.
Proposed Closure of a Portion of the Lane
South of Kingsway, East of Knight Street
March 20, 1998 (contd)
5.If the City exercises the option to purchase referred to in Recommendation 4. above, and subject to first receiving City Council authority and the approval of the Approving Officer (if necessary) both at the time of the reconveyance, the City would reconvey to the Owner the new lane the City will be acquiring pursuant to the current proposed subdivision plan (a requirement of the reconveyance would be that it would need to be consolidated with those lands identified by the Owner, subject to receiving the Citys approval in accordance with its by-laws).
6.Prior to any excavation being conducted on the Lane, the Owner shall provide the City with a letter of credit in an amount to the satisfaction of the Citys General Manager of Engineering Services, which letter of credit could be drawn upon by the City if the City exercises its option to purchase Lane back as referred to in Recommendation 4 above and if the City needs to fill in any excavation and restore the Lane to the state that it was in prior to the closing date of the sale of the Lane.
7.The Owner shall pay the City the sum of $210,786 plus GST if applicable, for the Lane.
8.The Owner shall dedicate that portion of the Consolidated Site necessary to provide a lane outlet to King Edward Avenue suitable to meet the circulation needs of traffic expected to use this lane, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
9.The Owner shall be responsible for the cost of relocating existing utilities or providing rights- of-way to contain them, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Proposed Closure of a Portion of the Lane
South of Kingsway, East of Knight Street
March 20, 1998 (contd)
10.The Owner shall pay the City the additional cost expected to be incurred by routing the proposed sewer around the Consolidated Site, rather than through Lane. (The estimated cost for this additional sewer work is $261,000, if constructed in 1997.)
11.The Owner to be responsible for the cost of physically closing the Lane and constructing the new lane outlet, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
12.Proceeds from the sale of this Lane to be credited to the Streets Capital Property Purchase Account #14/33/0601/999 - Property Acquisition Transportation Corridor.
13.Such further and other terms as are satisfactory to the City Engineer, the Library Board, the Manager of Real Estate Services and the Director of Legal Services, it being noted that no legal obligations arise herein until execution of the documents.
9. Graffiti Removal Program
April 1, 1998 File: 3501
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
A. THAT Council approve a three year Graffiti Removal Vehicle Program;
B.THAT Council approve the creation of a new position to operate the vehicle, the classification to be reviewed by the General Manager of Human Resources in six months. In the interim a qualified CUPE 1004 Trades Painter, currently laid off, would be hired;
C.THAT Council accept sponsorships to fund this new Program and authorize staff to pursue additional sponsors; and
D.THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services report back after one year on the success of the Graffiti Removal Program.
1. Tax Installment Prepayment Plan (T.I.P.P.)
March 27, 1998 File: 1551
MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
A.THAT a voluntary property tax installment prepayment plan (T.I.P.P.) be approved with an implementation date of August 1, 1998.
B.THAT one clerical position be established to handle the administrative and customer service process, at an approximate annual cost of $39,000. This position will be initially recruited for a two year term subject to review for regular status based on ongoing workloads for T.I.P.P.
Tax Installment Prepayment Plan (T.I.P.P.)
March 27, 1998 (contd)
C.THAT on-going costs of $3,000 for additional banking and postage costs, one-time costs of $55,100 for computer programming and $8,600 for equipment be approved in order to implement this program. 1998 funding for these and staffing costs will be from interest earnings on higher cash balances, interest costs saved on tax prepayments, and from savings in the departmental budget due to an existing staff vacancy.
D.THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to submit a by-law to Council, before April 30 of this year, which incorporates the terms and conditions of this plan as outlined in Appendix A of the Policy Report dated March 27, 1998.
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
1. A By-law to amend By-law No. 6510,
being the Sign By-law (598 Taylor Street)
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
2. A By-law to amend By-law No. 2849, being the Street
and Traffic By-law (Bicycle Safety - Rules and Regulations
Designation of Pathways)
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
A By-law to amend By-law No. 2849, being the Street
and Traffic By-law (Bicycle Safety - Rules and Regulations
Designation of Pathways)(contd)
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
3. A By-law to amend By-law No. 6924,
being the Downtown South Development
Cost Levy By-law (Addition of Park Improvement)
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
4. A By-law to amend By-law No. 5064,
being a By-law which created the
Vancouver City Planning Commission
(Correction of Error)
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
A. Closing a Portion of the lane east of
of Granville Street, south of 5th Avenue File: 5753
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
1.The City of Vancouver is the owner of all the streets and lanes lying within the limits of the City of Vancouver;
2.There is a proposal to redevelop the lands at the northeast corner of Granville Street and 6th Avenue;
3.A request has been received from the developer to close, stop-up and include, in the redevelopment, a portion of the lane east of Granville Street, south from 5th Avenue;
4.The subject portion of lane to be closed, adjacent to Lot 4, except Part in Plan 14045, Block 271, District Lot 526, Plan 590, was dedicated by the deposit of Plan 590;
5.The subject portion of lane to be closed contains utilities that are required to be covered by a statutory right-of-way;
6.The subject portion of lane to be closed is no longer required by the City for lane purposes;
7.Portions of the lands abutting the portion of lane to be closed are required by the City to be dedicated as road;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT all the portion of lane dedicated by the deposit of Plan 590, adjacent to Lot 4, except Part in Plan 14045, Block 271, District Lot 526, Plan 590, the same as shown heavy outlined on a Reference Plan of Survey, completed on the 27th day of February, 1998, attested to by Mike E. Shaw, B.C.L.S., and marginally numbered 30235-15, be closed, stopped-up and conveyed to the abutting owner; and
Closing a Portion of the lane east of
of Granville Street, south of 5th Avenue (contd)
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all that portion of lane so closed be subdivided with the abutting lands, dedicating for road, portions of the abutting lands as required, to the satisfaction of the Approving Officer.
B. Conveyance, Acceptance and Allocation
of Lands for Road Purposes (Lot 4 of the
Public Harbour of Burrard Inlet New
Westminster District, Plan LMP36517) File: 5807
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT WHEREAS the registered owner will be conveying to the City of Vancouver for road purposes land in the City of Vancouver, Province of British Columbia, more particularly known and described as follows:
PID: 024-044-628
Lot 4 of the Public Harbour of Burrard Inlet New Westminster District
Plan LMP36517
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and in the public interest to accept and allocate the said lands for road purposes;
BE IT RESOLVED that the above described lands, upon conveyance, are hereby accepted and allocated for road purposes and declared to form and to constitute a portion of a road.
C. Conveyance, Acceptance and Allocation of Lands
for Road Purposes (All that Portion of Lot 3 of
Lots 1 and 6 to 8, Block 2, District Lot 714,
Plan 8240, Group 1, New Westminster District) File: 5807
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT WHEREAS the registered owner will be conveying to the City of Vancouver for road purposes land in the City of Vancouver, Province of British Columbia, more particularly known and described as follows:
All that portion of Lot 3 of Lots 1 and 6 to 8, Block 2, District Lot 714, Plan 8240, Group 1 New Westminster District, the same as shown heavy outlined on plan of survey completed on the 27th day of February, 1998, attested to by A. Di Nozzi, B.C.L.S., and marginally numbered LD 3475.
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and in the public interest to accept and allocate the said lands for road purposes;
BE IT RESOLVED that the above describe lands, upon conveyance, are hereby accepted and allocated for road purposes and declared to form and to constitute a portion of a road.
1. Leave of Absence File: 1254
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT Councillor Puil be granted Leave of Absence for April 21, 1998.
2. C2 Zoning Problems File: 5301
Councillor Puil referred to problems that have been brought to his attention in relation to a development and relaxations within C2 zoning, particularly with regard to the separation between C2 zones and adjacent single-family housing areas. He questioned why the guidelines cannot be followed and require outright use only in C2 zones, without relaxations to height, and side or rear yard regulations.
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT staff provide a report back on C2 zoning and ways to deal with developments on the basis of outright use only.
(Councillors Daniel Lee and Price absent for the vote)
3. Crime Prevention Specialist File: 3703
Councillor Kennedy advised, for information, that a crime prevention specialist is available through the Davie Street Community Policing Office for groups in the West End that want to receive instruction on how to protect themselves from crime.
The Council adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
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