Author/Local: Barrie Dawes/7629
CC File No. 5653
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Engineering Services
SUBJECT: 520 West Georgia Street Parkade - Structural Restoration
THAT Council approve funds up to $60,000 to repair the concrete parking decks and structure in the City parkade at 520 West Georgia Street. Source of funds to be Parking Sites Reserve.
There is no Council Policy directly applicable.
This report requests funding approval to carry out structural repairs to the parking decks and structure in the above-noted parkade.
The parking garage at 520 West Georgia Street, Lot 5, was constructed in two phases. The first phase was constructed about 1953 with the second phase completed in 1966. Generally the parkade was constructed with reinforced concrete slabs supported by reinforced concrete columns.
In October 1992, Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd., Engineering Consultant, was requested to review and assess the condition of the parkade structure. That report was most recently updated in July, 1997 with the findings showing an increase in the deck slab deterioration.
This facility is located close to the Downtown main shopping area and is well used by transient parkers. Net revenues from the parking operation are credited to the Parking Sites Reserve.
Over the past 40+ years, this parking garage has deteriorated structurally. The suspended concrete slabs have fine cracks which permit water penetration. Once the water contacts the reinforcing steel, the steel rusts and the corrosion process begins, which eventually causes the concrete to delaminate and break up. As the delamination occurs, more water can penetrate the concrete slabs accelerating the corrosion and ultimately reducing the load carrying capacity of the parking decks. The extent of concrete delamination has now progressed to the point where the problem areas require complete removal and replacement.
A number of other public safety issues mentioned in the R.J.C. reports have already been addressed. These include removal of the concrete facade panels, removal of loose concrete from soffit delaminations, installation of chain link fencing on open guard rail sections and replacement of some rotted wooden guard rail timbers. The cost of this work was approximately $9,000.
The R.J.C. reports dealt with significant upgrades to the structure to bring it more in line with current building code requirements and substantially extend the life of the facility. Our objective is to complete the required repairs so that the facility can function in a safe and economical manner for the next five years. At that time, the economics of this site will be considered as to whether this facility continues as a parking operation or there is greater benefit in redevelopment. The scope of work proposed in this report has been discussed with representatives of R.J.C. and the Vancouver Parking Corporation who concur. The restoration process will take approximately six weeks to complete.
In conclusion, it would be prudent for the City to proceed with this project this spring. This work, when completed, will ensure a safe structure for our parking patrons and a continued revenue generator for the Parking Sites Reserve Fund. * * * * *
(c) 1998 City of Vancouver