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A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, April 28, 1998, at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall.
PRESENT: Mayor Philip Owen Councillor Don Bellamy Councillor Jennifer Clarke Councillor Alan Herbert Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Until Item U/B-1) Councillor Daniel Lee Councillor Don Lee Councillor Gordon Price Councillor George Puil Councillor Sam Sullivan ABSENT: Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario (Bereavement Leave) CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:Ken Dobell, City Manager
The proceedings in the Council Chamber were opened with a prayer read by the City Clerk.
Council was advised there were property matters to be considered "In Camera" later this day.
The Mayor announced that April 28th has been declared as a Day of Mourning for workers who have been killed or injured on the job, and he asked that Council observe a minute of silence in memory of those workers.
1. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
(City Services and Budgets)
April 9, 1998
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the foregoing minutes be adopted.
2. Minutes of Special Council Meeting
(Public Hearing)
April 8, 1998
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT the foregoing minutes be adopted.
3. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
(Planning and Environment)
April 9, 1998
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT the foregoing minutes be adopted.
4. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
April 21, 1998
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the foregoing minutes be adopted.
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the Chair.
1. Broadway-Lougheed Light Rapid Transit File: 5558
Dave Rudberg, General Manager of Engineering Services, provided a verbal report reference, using visual aids, on the Broadway-Lougheed Light Rapid Transit project, which has been initiated by the Provincial Government through B.C. Transit. He outlined the history of the project, the Citys relevant policies, the status of the project and the five step process and timelines being proposed by the Project Team, as follows:
1. Identification of Route Options and Issues April 30, 1998
2. Short List route and Station Location Options June 30, 1998
3. Decision on Preferred Route and Station Location Option Oct. 30, 1998
4. Functional Design and Mitigation Plans - Preliminary Version Feb. 28, 1999
5. Final Report - decision on proceeding with the project March. 31, 1999
The City has been invited to be involved at all stages, and recognition is given to the difference between Vancouvers built-up character, where transit service is most important, and the outlying municipalities, where shaping of urban form is required to develop ridership. Accordingly, the LRT Project Team pans to award separate contracts for teams of consultants in Vancouver and the rest of the system. Mr. Rudberg noted the areas of uncertainty relate to the LRT workplan time frame, the public consultation process; and the decision making process.
Ann McAfee, Director of City Plans, offered information on the critical issues of the project, from the Citys perspective. To address these issues, staff were proposing the following principles to guide the work and activities of the project team: Supply a High Level of Transit Service; Serve the Citys Land Use, Not Shape It; Provide a High Standard of Urban Amenity; Enhance Local Transit Service; Linkage to Transit Services; Minimize and Mitigate Impacts; Provide for Meaningful Involvement of Affected Parties; A Collaborative City Role; and Minimize the Impacts of Construction.
To guide Council in its deliberations, recommendations on the above had been included in a Policy Report (Transportation and Land Use) dated April 16, 1998.
Broadway-Lougheed Light Rapid Transit (contd)
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT the following recommendations of the General Manager of Engineering Services and Director of CityPlans, as contained in the Policy Report dated April 16, 1998, entitled Broadway-Lougheed Light Rapid Transit, be approved:
A.THAT the principles outlined in Appendix A of the Policy Report dated April 16, 1998, be approved to guide the City of Vancouvers participation in the planning stages of light rapid transit in the Broadway-Lougheed corridor.
B.THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services and Director of City Plans report back on the Citys work plan, staffing requirements and public consultation process;
C.THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of City Plans be authorized to provide for staffing secondments to the LRT Project;
D.THAT Development Applications and Rezoning Applications in the Vancouver portion of the Broadway-Lougheed corridor be monitored and that applicants be advised of the LRT project and significant opportunities and issues be reported to Council.
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
THAT Council inform the LRT Project Team that the City of Vancouver will not meet the October 30, 1998 deadline for the selection of a preferred route and station location option and that Council stress the extreme importance of the need for a comprehensive, open and effective public consultation process.
Broadway-Lougheed Light Rapid Transit (contd)
Also before Council for its consideration was an Administrative Report dated April 14, 1998, entitled "Terms of Reference for Consultant Study for Possible LRT Extension from Arbutus Street to UBC" in which the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of CityPlans recommended the initiation of a small, pre-feasibility study which would provide valued information on the practicality and implications of an extension of the Broadway-Lougheed LRT to UBC, from the proposed terminus at Arbutus Street.
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT the following recommendations of the General Manager of Engineering Services and Director of City Plans, as contained in the Administrative Report dated April 14, 1998, be approved:
A.THAT the University of British Columbia and BC Transit be invited to collaborate and cost share in a pre-feasibility study to identify options and implications of extending the proposed Broadway LRT from the planned terminus at Arbutus Street to UBC .
B.THAT Council approve funding to $15,000, source of funds to be Contingency Reserve, contingent on participation by UBC and/or BC Transit.
C.THAT the draft terms of reference (as included in Appendix A of the Administrative Report dated April 14, 1998), be approved, subject to further adjustments to accommodate input from other participants.
2. Status Report on Emergency Management in the City File: 3603
April 8, 1998
Patti Marfleet, Director of Risk & Emergency Management, provided a report reference on the status of Emergency Management in the City. Using visual aids, Ms. Marfleet acknowledged the City has been active in the following areas related to earthquake preparedness, over the last several years:
Status Report on Emergency Management in the City (contd)
1.earthquake exercises have been conducted;
2.emergency plans are being updated;
3.preliminary evaluation of the earthquake resistance of city buildings and a significant number of private buildings has been completed;
4.Emergency Social Services planning and exercises continue actively;
5.the City has developed the only Heavy Urban Search and Rescue Team in Canada;
6.the City has been a significant participant in the provincial-municipal Joint Emergency Liaison Committee; and
7.public education and information on emergency preparedness is maintained on a continuing basis.
Responses to issues and concerns outlined in a recent report of the Auditor General entitled "Earthquake Preparedness Performance Audit" were addressed by Ms. Marfleet in her report dated April 8, 1998, which was also before Council. The report contained extensive information on emergency preparedness, response and recovery initiatives undertaken by the City, the seismic upgrading of bridges, and the construction of salt water pumping stations. Continuing work is to be carried out in the area of ongoing training and exercises, updating plans, and examining recovery and restoration more fully.
Ms. Heather Lyle, the Citys Emergency Planner, provided additional information on the Emergency Operations Centre (E-Comm); Regional Emergency Coordination; Recovery Planning; and the Citys 1998 Emergency Preparedness Week Campaign, which will take place from May 4 to 11.
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At this point in the proceedings, Council interrupted
its regular business for a Civic Recognition
Mayor Owen and Council members took pleasure in presenting a Civic Merit Award to Mr. Gordon Smith, an artist and an educator who has shared with the City an invaluable legacy of creative works and knowledge.
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Council recessed at 4:10 p.m. and following a reception in the foyer,
reconvened at 4:35 p.m. with the same members present.
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Status Report on Emergency Management in the City (contd)
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT the Administrative Report, dated April 8, 1998, entitled "Status Report on Emergency Management in the City" be received for information.
1. Contracting Out a Portion of the
Apartment Recycling Program File: 3758
April 9, 1998
At the April 23, 1998 meeting of the Standing Committee City Services and Budgets, delegations were heard on the above matter, however, due to time constraints, discussion and decision on the report was referred to Council. Accordingly, before Council for its consideration, was an extract from the Report to Council of the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets, dated April 23, 1998 and a Policy Report dated April 9, 1998 entitled "Contracting Out a Portion of the Apartment Recycling Program".
Councillor Price stated that he was in a conflict of interest as he lives in an building that is served by a recycling contractor, therefore he left the Council Chambers at 5:00 p.m. and did not participate in the discussion and voting on this item.
Dave Rudberg, General Manager, Engineering Services, responded to questions, particularly with respect to existing companies that provide recycling services to apartment buildings, and the effect this new program would have on these businesses.
(At this point in the proceedings, Councillor Kennedy left the meeting)
Contracting Out a Portion of the Apartment
Recycling Program (contd)
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
A.THAT Council approve the design of the Apartment Recycling Program as outlined in this report, whereby Vancouver apartment buildings will be provided recycling services on a mandatory pay, voluntary participation basis.
B.THAT Council approve the implementation of the Apartment Recycling Program using both private and "in-house" recycling services, as outlined in the Policy Report dated April 9, 1998, entitled "Contracting Out a Portion of the Apartment Recycling Program".
C.THAT Council approve funding the annual operating cost of the Apartment Recycling Program, which is estimated to be $1,650,000, through the Solid Waste Utility, effective January 1, 1999. FURTHER THAT Council approve funding 1998 apartment recycling operating costs, which are estimated to be $400,000, from the Solid Waste Capital Reserve.
D.THAT Council approve funding the one-time capital cost of the Apartment Recycling Program, which is estimated to be $2,556,000, from the Solid Waste Capital Reserve.
E.THAT Council approve the establishment of positions for two permanent Clerks, one temporary Clerk subject to review after full implementation, and one temporary Engineering Assistant subject to job evaluation by the Director of Human Resource Services.
- amended
Contracting Out a Portion of the Apartment
Recycling Program (contd)
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke (in amendment),
THAT recommendation B be amended to add the following: "except that companies that now provide recycling services for multi-family residential buildings, that are consistent with the Solid Waste Management Plan, be allowed to continue providing those services until the end of their existing contracts or a maximum period of three years, whichever comes first.".
(Councillors Kennedy and Price absent for the vote)
The motion to amend having carried, Councillor Puils motion as amended, was put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY as follows:
ATHAT Council approve the design of the Apartment Recycling Program as outlined in the Policy Report dated April 9, 1998, entitled "Contracting Out a Portion of the Apartment Recycling Program", whereby Vancouver apartment buildings will be provided recycling services on a mandatory pay, voluntary participation basis.
B.THAT Council approve the implementation of the Apartment Recycling Program using both private and "in-house" recycling services, as outlined in the Policy Report dated April 9, 1998, entitled "Contracting Out a Portion of the Apartment Recycling Program" except that companies that now provide recycling services for multi-family residential buildings that are consistent with the Solid Waste Management Plan be allowed to continue providing those services until the end of their existing contracts or a maximum period of three years, whichever comes first.".
C.THAT Council approve funding the annual operating cost of the Apartment Recycling Program, which is estimated to be $1,650,000, through the Solid Waste Utility, effective January 1, 1999. FURTHER THAT Council approve funding 1998 apartment recycling operating costs, which are estimated to be $400,000, from the Solid Waste Capital Reserve.
Contracting Out a Portion of the Apartment
Recycling Program (contd)
D.THAT Council approve funding the one-time capital cost of the Apartment Recycling Program, which is estimated to be $2,556,000, from the Solid Waste Capital Reserve.
E.THAT Council approve the establishment of positions for two permanent Clerks, one temporary Clerk subject to review after full implementation, and one temporary Engineering Assistant subject to job evaluation by the Director of Human Resource Services.
(Councillors Kennedy and Price absent for the vote)
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT staff provide an information memo to clarify how the bidding process for the three contracts in the inner-city, related to the Apartment Recycling Program, will impact on existing small business recycling companies.
(Councillors Bellamy and Puil opposed)
(Councillors Kennedy and Price absent for the vote)
(Councillor Price returned to the Chambers at 5:15 p.m.)
1. Kings Lynn Statue Dedication of
Captain George Vancouver File: 1041
Council had for its consideration a memorandum dated April 28, 1998 from Mayor Owen providing information on a request received from the City of Kings Lynn, Norfolk, England, that Council contribute financially toward the creation of a statue of Captain George Vancouver, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of his death. In his communication, the Mayor pointed out that Councillor Kennedy will be in England in May and has agreed to change her arrangements so that she can attend a ceremony in Petersham on May 10, 1998 on behalf of Vancouver City Council. The Mayor recommended that Council consider participating toward the statue project with a donation of £5,000, which can be presented by Councillor Kennedy at the commemorative ceremony.
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT Council donate £5,000 (source of funds to be Contingency Reserve) to be used toward a project that results in the completion of a statue of Captain George Vancouver and acknowledges the contribution made on behalf of the citizens of Vancouver.
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
1. Strata Title Conversion - 2046 West 13th Avenue
April 7, 1998 File: 5311
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the application to convert the previously-occupied building at 2046 West 13th Avenue (Lot 6, Block 425, D.L. 526, Plan 2983) to strata title ownership be approved in principle, but that pursuant to Section 9(1) of the Condominium Act, the Certificate of Approval (Form 10) shall not be issued unless the following condition has been met within one year of the date of this approval:
Completion of all work required by the City Building Inspector, under the required permits, at no cost to the City, and issuance of an Occupancy Permit, in order that this previously-occupied building substantially complies with all relevant City by-laws.
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
2. Award of Contract: Request for Proposal (RFP #8-98-03)
Documentation Training Services - SAP Project File: 1805
MOVED by Cllr. Daniel Lee,
A.THAT the Director of Operations Support be authorized to negotiate a contract with ISM-BC Telecom Solutions not to exceed $500,000 plus applicable taxes, for the purchase of training and documentation development services to support the implementation of the SAP Project. Funding for the contract is available from within the existing project budget previously approved by Council.
B.THAT the Director of Legal Services be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the City.
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
3. 520 West Georgia Street Parkade -
Structural Restoration
April 15, 1998 File: 5653
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT Council approve funds up to $60,000 to repair the concrete parking decks and structure in the City parkade at 520 West Georgia Street. Source of funds to be Parking Sites Reserve.
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
4. Councillor Lynne Kennedy: Attendance at
Captain George Vancouver Bicentennial Service
April 16, 1998 File: 1254
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
THAT Council authorize Councillor Kennedy to attend the George Vancouver Bicentennial Service in Petersham, Surrey, England, at a cost of $885.00 (Cdn).
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
1. CD-1 Text Amendment: 501 Bute Street
(1199 West Cordova Street)
April 7, 1998 File: 5303-1
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the application by Besharat Friars Architects to amend CD-1 By-law No. 7681 for 501 Bute Street (Lot 21 of the Harbour Inlet Plan LMP 29895) to allow an increase in the amount of permitted retail and service uses and the exclusion from floor space regulations of accessory uses customarily ancillary to a park use, be referred to Public Hearing, together with:
(i)plans received March 24, 1998;
(ii)draft CD-1 By-law amendments, generally as contained in Appendix A; and
(iii)the recommendation of the Director of Central Area Planning to approve.
FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary By-laws for consideration at the Public Hearing.
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
I. Report of Special Advisory Committee
on Cultural Communities
April 3, 1998
Cultural Harmony Award
Clause 1 File: 3055
The Chair of the Special Advisory Committee on Cultural Communities, Eleanor Atienza, reviewed the report before Council which provided details on the Committees proposal that Council embrace the Cultural Harmony Award as an annual City initiative, not just a Special Advisory Committee initiative, and provide the necessary resources to implement the annual award. Implementation would include staff working in collaboration with the present and future Special Advisory Committee; communication staff identifying appropriate City venues to announce and publicize the award; production of an information brochure that can be used on an annual basis, and advertisements in local community and ethnic papers to solicit nominations for the award and to ensure adequate public awareness of the event. The following recommendations were put forward for Councils consideration:
"A.THAT Vancouver City Council approve the Cultural Harmony Awards as an annual City event and commit staff resources to implement the event.
B. THAT a one time budget of $5,500 be approved to fund the 1998 Cultural Harmony Awards Program to cover the following items :
(i) entrance plaque $ 500
(ii) program brochure $2,000
(iii) advertising campaign $3,000.
C. THAT an additional $800 be added to the annual Cultural Harmony Award
budget starting in 1999.
D.THAT funding for the above be allocated from Contingency Reserve, and added to the City Clerk's special occasion budget."
Report of Special Advisory Committee
on Cultural Communities
April 3, 1998 (contd)
Cultural Harmony Award (contd)
The City Manager put forward the following recommendation as an alternative to recommendations A through D:
"E.THAT a one-time budget of up to $500 be approved for an entrance plaque to the Cultural Harmony Grove, to be allocated from Contingency Reserve."
Ms. Atienza responded to questions of Council related to other options available for promoting the award.
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
A.THAT Vancouver City Council approve the Cultural Harmony Awards as an annual City event and commit staff resources to implement the event.
B. THAT a one time budget of $2,500 be approved to fund the 1998 Cultural Harmony Awards Program to cover the following items :
(i) entrance plaque $ 500
(ii) program brochure $2,000.
C. THAT an additional $800 be added to the annual Cultural Harmony Award
budget starting in 1999.
D.THAT funding for the above be allocated from Contingency Reserve, and added to the City Clerk's special occasion budget.
(Councillor Puil opposed to Recommendation B(ii))
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
Report of Special Advisory Committee
on Cultural Communities
April 3, 1998 (contd)
Cultural Harmony Award (contd)
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT funds in the amount of $3,000 for an advertising campaign related to the 1998 Cultural Harmony Awards program be approved.
(Councillors Clarke, Don Lee, Puil, Sullivan and Mayor Owen opposed)
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
1. A By-law to amend the Parking Meter By-law,
being By-law No. 2952 (New Rates)
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Daniel Lee,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Daniel Lee,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
2. A By-law to amend By-law No. 6510,
being the Sign By-law (Awning Signs)
MOVED by Cllr. Daniel Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Daniel Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
3. A By-law to amend By-law No. 5585,
being the Zoning and Development Fee By-law
(New Fee for Awnings)
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
4. A By-law to amend By-law No. 6134,
being the Building By-law (Amendment re Awnings)
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
As there was not a quorum present, the following By-laws were put over to the Regular Meeting of Council on Tuesday, May 12, 1998.
5.A By-law to Authorize Council Entering into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement with the Owner of Heritage Property (801 West Georgia Street)
6.A By-law to designate heritage property, and to amend By-law No. 4837, being the Heritage By-law (Hotel Georgia)
7.A By-law to Authorize Council Entering into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement with the Owners of Heritage Property (2104-2110 E. 19th Avenue)
8.A By-law to designate heritage property, and to amend By-law No. 4837, being the Heritage By-law (2104 E. 19th Avenue)
9.A By-law to designate heritage property, and to amend By-law No. 4837, being the Heritage By-law (285 West 17th Avenue)
10.A By-law to Authorize Council Entering into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement with the Owner of Heritage Property (5503 Blenheim Street).
A. Conveyance, Acceptance and Allocation of Land
for Lane Purposes (The East 2 feet of Lot 8,
Block 15, District lots 668 and 670, Plan 1369) File: 5807
MOVED by Cllr. Daniel Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT WHEREAS the registered owner will be conveying to the City of Vancouver for lane purposes land in the City of Vancouver, Province of British Columbia, more particularly known and described as follows:
City of Vancouver
Parcel Identifier: 002-623-871
The East 2 feet of
Lot 8
Block 15
District Lots 668 and 670
Plan 1369
Conveyance, Acceptance and Allocation of Land
for Lane Purposes (The East 2 feet of Lot 8,
Block 15, District lots 668 and 670, Plan 1369) (contd)
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and in the public interest to accept and allocate the said lands for lane purposes;
BE IT RESOLVED that the above described lands, upon conveyance, are hereby accepted and allocated for lane purposes and declared to form and to constitute a portion of a lane.
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)
Council agreed to waive "Notice of Motion".
Multilateral Agreement on Investment File: 1203
Councillor Puil referred to recent news stories about the Federal Governments negotiations for a Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) with the 29 member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the European Community. He understood that, if approved, the Agreement could interfere with the Citys zoning bylaws and the purchase of good and services, therefore, he recommended that the negotiations be stopped or municipalities be exempt from the Agreement. The UBCM, FCM and 35 cities, including Toronto, have taken a stand against it, and Councillor Puil recommended that Vancouver also take a stand against it.
Multilateral Agreement on Investment (contd)
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
(1)The Federal Government is in the process of negotiating the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) with the 29 member countries of the OECD, with the intention of having a signed agreement by September 1998;
The citizens of the City of Vancouver have had little access to information and informed debate on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment, and its implications at the Federal, Provincial and local levels;
There are potential negative impacts of a Multilateral Agreement on Investment on the lives and livelihoods of the residents of the City of Vancouver, especially small businesses;
The draft of the MAI treaty further extends the Free Trade Agreement and NAFTA in both the "National Treatment" and the "Performance Requirement" provisions, which will impact on the entire Municipal, University, School and Hospital sector, and specifically on the City of Vancouvers ability to implement purchasing policies and practices that favour local Vancouver-based businesses and suppliers;
The MAI treaty, as drafted, would stop municipalities from limiting the use of property by foreign companies, which could have the effect of restricting Councils right to set planning bylaws;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Vancouver urge the Government of Canada to consult widely and in depth with the people of Canada, especially and including, the soliciting of detailed responses from municipal councils, before taking any further action on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment.
Multilateral Agreement on Investment (contd)
(2)The Government of Canada be advised that the City of Vancouver is opposed to Multilateral Agreement on Investment and requests that further negotiations cease and desist immediately; and
(3) That the City of Vancouver endorse the position taken by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities that the Prime Minister of Canada be petitioned to have the chief negotiator of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment file a permanent and explicit exemption in the Agreement limiting its application to areas of Federal jurisdiction.
(4)A copy of this motion be circulated to the MPs representing areas within the Greater Vancouver Regional District with the request that they endorse the Citys action and that their responses as to whether or not they endorse Councils action; and
(i)forwarded to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities annual meeting; and
(ii)be made available to the public.
(Councillor Sullivan opposed to parts (2), (3), and (4) )
(Councillors Clarke and Kennedy absent for the vote)
1. Bicycle Path Between Ontario/1st Avenue and Science World File: 5553
Councillor Price advised that the bike connection between Ontario/1st Avenue and Science World has been dug up and a very poor gravel bed is in its place. He requested information on the status of this condition, which is unacceptable, and asked that corrective action be taken to ensure the bike route is maintained. The Mayor so agreed.
2. Fluid Lounge File: 2611
Councillor Bellamy, on behalf of the Chair of the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission, requested a report from the Chief Constable to the Commission, about activities related to the "Fluid Lounge" on Alexander Street in Gastown. Council members have been receiving letters on this and would like some information. The Mayor so agreed. Councillor Herbert advised that he believed this report is already being prepared.
3. False Creek File: 8200
Councillor Bellamy requested an information memo providing details about a very large yacht that is anchored in False Creek near Science World. The Mayor so agreed.
4. C2 Zoning File: 5301
Councillor Puil referred to his enquiry on this matter raised at the April 7, 1998 meeting of Council, and requested that the staff report to Council on this issue be expedited, as problems related to C2 zoning are creating a critical situation, particularly in Dunbar and Kerrisdale.
The Mayor so agreed.
5. Illegal Anchorage - False Creek File: 8200
Councillor Sullivan referred to problems experienced in False Creek with boats moored illegally, which can be a very high number in the peak tourist seasons. He had been advised that the matter will come forward to Council soon, however, he expressed concern that a number of boats that legitimately require temporary moorage, cannot be accommodated. He requested that when staff bring forward the report, consideration be given to including an option that would allow the City to have some properly regulated temporary moorage in False Creek, which would provide a more friendly reception for tourists.
The Mayor so agreed.
The Council adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver