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Date: March 31, 1998
Author/Local: L. Challis/7135
CC File No.: 5306TO: Vancouver City Council
FROM: Director of Central Area Planning on behalf of Land Use and Development
SUBJECT: CD-1 Text Amendment - 3330 S.E. Marine Drive
THAT the application by Howard/Bingham/Hill Architects to amend CD-1 By-law No. 5381 for 3330 S.E. Marine Drive (Lot 190 except part shown in explanatory plan LMP 6475, District Lot 330, Plan LMP 2011) to allow an addition to the Fraser Lands Church for uses accessory to the church, be referred to a Public Hearing, together with:
(i) plans received January 21 , 1998;
(ii) draft CD-1 By-law amendments, generally as contained in Appendix A; and
(iii) the recommendation of the Director of Central Area Planning on behalf of Land Use and Development to approve, subject to conditions contained in Appendix B.
FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary CD-1 By-law for consideration at Public Hearing.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.
Relevant Council Policies for this site include:
CD-1 By-law No. 5381, enacted August 12, 1980.
Champlain Heights South CD-1 Guidelines (Sub-Area 1, Church Site), adopted July 31, 1990, which provide design criteria to ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses and to enhance the quality of the development.PURPOSE AND SUMMARY
This report assesses an application to amend CD-1 By-law No. 5381 which applies to sub-area 1 of Champlain Heights South, being the subject site at 3330 S.E. Marine Drive (see map below). The application seeks to allow a 2-storey addition to the Fraser Lands Church for accessory uses which would include a chapel, offices, classrooms and a gymnasium.
Staff support the proposed additional space which, as a result of the sloping site, can be accomplished relatively unobtrusively. In addition, surface parking would be reduced and expanded programming would be available to the community.
Staff recommend that the application be referred to a Public Hearing, with a recommendation that it be approved subject to conditions.
Figure 1
Density: When Champlain Heights South was rezoned to CD-1 in 1980, an FSR of 0.25 was approved for sub-area 1, the church site. This density was related to the amount of surface parking that could be accommodated on the site. The application proposes to increase the density to 0.61 to allow for additional accessory uses. Staff consider the proposed density acceptable as:
the added density would be located on the lowest portion of the site where it would not obscure the visibility of the existing church, and would have the least amount of impact on the remainder of the site in terms of views and shadowing;
it is less than the density of 0.77 FSR that is permitted in the residential sub-areas of Champlain Heights South; and
underground parking would be provided which reduces the area of the site required for surface parking.
Height: The proposed maximum height of the addition is approximately 15.0 m (50 ft.) which is significantly greater than the 10.7 m (35 ft.) permitted under the CD-1 By-law. The additional height is required for a gymnasium which has higher roof requirements than the other uses being proposed. Due to the slope of the site, the overheight portion of the building would be limited to the extreme southern edge of the addition. A small portion of the overheight roof which encroaches into the treed reserve area where no development is permitted will be removed with further design development of the roof form. Staff support the additional height.
Site Coverage: In sub-area 1, the CD-1 By-law permits 30% site coverage for buildings. A further 30%, relaxable to 40%, site coverage is permitted for off-street parking, loading and manoeuvring aisles. The residential sub-areas of Champlain Heights South are permitted 50% site coverage for buildings and up to 30% site coverage for parking and manoeuvring.
The proposed development would bring the site coverage for buildings up to 49% but would reduce the site coverage for parking and manoeuvring down to 27%. Overall, the combined site coverage would increase from 70% to 76%. Staff find this increase acceptable as the building site coverage would be the same as in the other sub-areas of Champlain Heights South and there would be a decrease in the amount of site coverage by surface parking.
Form of Development: The existing church has a strong form and dominance on the site. The addition reinforces this identity and reflects the shape of the existing church by including roof forms that respond to the sloping "shell" form of the original building.Besides exceeding the permitted height and site coverage, the proposed form of development also extends into the required 8.0 m (26.2 ft.) landscape setback along the southern boundary of the site. The CD-1 By-law allows relaxation of this landscape setback requirement, if the intent and effect of the setback can otherwise be achieved. Staff and the Urban Design Panel agree that the intrusion can be supported if the relationship between the addition and the reserve area is satisfactorily addressed at the development application staff (see Appendices B: Proposed Conditions of Approval and D: Urban Design Panel Comments). Staff support the form of development and recommend it be approved in principle (Appendix B).
Parking and Traffic: There are presently 73 surface parking spaces on the site which meets the parking requirement for the existing church which has a maximum seating capacity of 700. If the church reaches it maximum congregation size (presently 300 people) there would be considerable spillover onto surrounding streets. The City's parking requirement for church use recognizes that parking demand is most significant on the principal day of worship. The requirement is intended to provide some, but not all, of the parking needed to keep overflow parking away from neighbouring streets, as a requirement to fully meet this need is considered too onerous for a weekly activity.
While no increase is proposed to the seating capacity of the sanctuary, the application proposes to increase the number of parking spaces to 134. The additional 61 spaces (equivalent to 1 space per 35 m2 gross floor area) is more than typically secured through the Parking By-law, but is being proposed in response to concerns from the adjacent residents about on-street parking, especially during Sunday Services (see Appendix D: Public Input). Any increase in parking demand created by the gymnasium and other accessory space would likely occur at separate times to the church services. Therefore, the additional parking spaces will also provide more off-street parking during church services.
The neighbours have also expressed concerns about the traffic access to Marine Drive. However, conflicts are generally minimized, since peak activity times at the church occur at off-peak times for general traffic. A check of accident records for this location found that there is a very good safety record at this segment of S.E. Marine Drive.
Staff support the proposed amendments to the existing CD-1 By-law to increase the floor space ratio, height and site coverage for sub-area 1, the church site. These increases can all be accommodated with minimal impact and the amendments will allow the church to increase its programming that is also available to the local community. Staff recommend that the application be referred to a Public Hearing with a recommendation from the Director of Central Area Planning on behalf of Land Use and Development that it be approved, subject to draft CD-1 By-law provisions generally as shown in Appendix A, and proposed conditions of approval as listed in Appendix B.
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1. Amend Section 3.1, Uses, by inserting immediately after the use "church", the following new use:
"- child day care facility;".
2. Amend Table 1 in Section 3.3, Uses, by inserting after the line beginning with the word "Church", a new line commencing with the words "Child Day Care Facility" and followed by the symbol "X" in the column headed by the sub-area number "1".
3. Amend Section 4.3.1, Floor Space Ratio, by deleting the figure "0.25" and replacing with the figure "0.61".
4. Amend clause (a) of Section 4.4.1, Site Coverage, by deleting the figure "30" and replacing with the figure "50".
5. Amend Section 4.6, Off-Street Parking and Loading, by renumbering sections 4.6.2 and 4.6.3 to 4.6.3 and 4.6.4 respectively and inserting the following new section 4.6.2:
"4.6.2 For sub-area 1 the minimum number of parking spaces will be:
(a) for Church, a minimum of 1 space for each 9.3 mū of floor area used for assembly purposes, except that where two or more separate areas of assembly exist within a site and are not used concurrently, the Director of Planning may require parking for only the largest of these areas;
(b) for all other uses exceeding a total of 750 mū, including accessory uses to Church, a minimum of 1 space for each 35 mū of gross floor area must be provided, subject to section 4.9.1 of the Parking By-law."
6. Amend Section 4.7.1, Building Envelope, by deleting clause (c) and replacing with the following new clause (c):
"(c) church: 10.67 (35 ft.), except that the Director of Planning may permit:
(i) an increase in the maximum height of up to 15.0 m (50 ft.) for any portionof the building located within 24.4 m (80 ft.) of the northerly boundary of the setback/buffer area (Sub-area 5), provided he first considers:
(A) the height, bulk and location of the building and its effects on the site, surrounding buildings, adjacent properties and streets, and existing views;
(B) the amount of open space, and the effects of the overall design on the general amenity of the area;
(C) the intent of this By-law, all applicable policies and guidelines adopted by Council and the relationship of the development with nearby park lands; and
(D) the submission of any advisory group, property owner or tenant; and
(ii) religious symbolic structures, such as spires or towers, within 10.67 m (35 ft.) of the church building provided that:
(A) he is satisfied that the structure is compatible with the overall appearance of the building;
(B) the height of such structure shall not exceed 21.34 m (70 ft.); and
(C) the width of such structure shall not exceed 20 percent of the width of the church measured on any elevation drawing;"
(a) That the proposed form of development be approved by Council in principle, generally as prepared by Howard/Bingham/Hill Architects, and stamped "Received City Planning Department, January 21, 1998", provided that the Director of Planning may allow minor alterations to this form of development when approving the detailed scheme of development as outlined in (b) below.
(b) That, prior to approval by Council of the form of development, the applicant shall obtain approval of a development application by the Director of Planning, who shall have particular regard to the following:
(i) design development to simplify and unify new roof forms;
(ii) design development to the southeast corner of the building to decrease its height and reduce its impact on the adjacent park and to soften its transition to the adjacent landscape;
(iii) design development to the roof decks and patios adjacent to the Reserve and the park to increase the landscaping at the edges, both at the base of the walls and at the guards;
(iv) design development to the entrance to the parking structure to improve its relationship to the patio and deck above;
(v) design development to take into consideration the concepts of CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) having particular regard for reducing opportunities for:
(A) theft in the underground. The underground area should be gated during non-operating hours. Exit stairs from the underground should be kept within the envelope of the building with the door flush with the wall;
(B) mischief in the stairs to and on the patio deck. The stairs leading to the deck should be visibly open;
(C) graffiti on open walls. Graffiti is prevalent and its removal is an expense to building owners. Opportunities can be mitigated by reducing areas of exposed wall, by covering these walls with vines, hedges, lattice or steel mesh or by using a protective coating material. [Contact Helen Chomolok, Graffiti Coordinator at 873-7162 for further information and resources.]
Note to applicant: Clarification is needed regarding the function of the exterior patio stairs. Will there be access to the classrooms from the patio?
(vi) provide a detailed Landscape Plan illustrating both common and botanical name, size and quantity of all proposed plant material. Proposed plant material should be clearly illustrated on the Landscape Plan. Specifically, planting proposed along east and west elevations of the gymnasium, and areas to be landscaped along the west elevation of the Chapel;
(vii) provide a legal survey illustrating the existing trees 20 cm caliper or greater on the development site and all existing neighbouring trees 20 cm caliper or greater located within 2 m of the property line, and an Arborist's report to minimize the impact of construction on adjacent trees in the reserve area.
Site, Surrounding Zoning and Development: The .59 h (1.45 ac.), triangular-shaped site is located at the junction of S.E. Marine Drive and Marine Way and is the westerly sub-area in the Champlain Heights South CD-1. The CD-1 includes 5 sub-areas located between Marine Drive, Marine Way and Boundary Road and specifies uses and regulations for each sub-area.
The site slopes down from north to south with a change in elevation of approximately 10.0 m (33 ft.) on the east side of the property. East of the site is the 1.2 h (2.9 ac.) Kinross Ravine Park which includes a natural ravine and a trail connecting Marine Drive and Marine Way. Further east is the remainder of the Champlain Heights South CD-1 which is developed with multiple dwellings, most of which are townhouses. The church site is located south of Everett Crowley Nature Park and the Champlain Heights neighbourhood. Immediately south, between the site and Marine Way, is a 30.5 m (100 ft.) reserve area of mature tree growth. No development is permitted in the reserve area which buffers all of the development in Champlain Heights South from Marine Way. South of Marine Way is industrially-zoned land which includes uses primarily related to the forest industry.
The Champlain Heights South CD-1 recognized the demand for church land in Vancouver and included a site (sub-area 1) for this purpose. In 1991, the Fraser Lands Church obtained the City-owned property through a 99-year lease. The Fraser Lands Church, which is associated with the Vancouver Chinese Alliance Church on Fraser Street, was built in 1994 and occupies the northeast portion of the site. The church has seating for over 700 people, although the current congregation is just over 300. The existing building also includes a small amount of space for offices, multi-purpose rooms and a nursery. Surface parking for 73 vehicles is located on the site.
Proposed Development: The application proposes a 2 085 m2 (22,445 sq. ft.) addition to the existing church [currently 1 467 m2 (15,790 sq. ft.)] to provide space for accessory uses to the church, including a small chapel, offices, classrooms, a foyer and a gymnasium. The church anticipates phased redevelopment, with the chapel and foyer being built first. The skylit foyer would connect the old and the new buildings and would allow for natural light into the sanctuary. The chapel would be built at the southwest corner of the existing building. The remainder of the addition would be built as funding becomes available. The gymnasium would be located in the lowest portion of the site to reduce its impact on the total development. Seventy-one underground parking spaces would be provided under the addition. The main floor structure over the parking would be extended westward outside theclassrooms and chapel to create a patio deck with planters for usable outdoor open space.
Uses: The church has suggested that the additional uses would be accessory to the existing church, and staff concur. Some of the programming proposed in the new space includes: gym nights, coffee houses, Christian education programs, boys and girls club and other children's activities, all of which will be available to the community as well as church members.
The Director of Social Planning has requested that Child Day Care Facility be included as a separate principal use to provide Fraser Lands Church the future potential for this use and to avoid the need for another text amendment. Child Day Care Facility is proposed as a principal use because it is considered too significant to be considered an accessory use.
Social and Environmental Implications: The proposed addition would further augment the existing community facilities. There are no implications with respect to the Vancouver Children's Policy or Statement of Children's Entitlements. The proposed rezoning neither contributes to nor detracts from the objective of reducing atmospheric pollution.
COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC, REVIEWING AGENCIES AND THE APPLICANTPublic Input: A notification letter was sent to 178 nearby property owners on July 4, 1997, and a rezoning information sign was posted on the site on July 8, 1997. Four phone calls and 11 form letters were received expressing concern about the traffic and parking impact of additional development on the site.
The applicant held a Community Open House on June 7, 1997, prior to submission of the rezoning application. Of the approximately 200 people who attended the Open House, 50 were non-church members. A Public Information Meeting held at the church on November 25, 1997 was attended by approximately 10 local residents and 50 church members, many of whom also live in the area. The principal issues raised were the impacts of church traffic and parking; maintenance of the church site; preservation of the reserve area; and additional programming to further utilize the church's facilities.
Comments of the General Manager of Engineering Services: "The General Manager of Engineering Services has no objection to the proposed rezoning."
Social Planning Comments: "Include provision for child care as a conditional use so that there is future potential for this use and to avoid another amendment at a later date if the church or a society wants to provide a child care service on this site."
Urban Design Panel Comment: The Urban Design Panel reviewed this proposed rezoning on three occasions. At the first review on July 16, 1997, the Panel was unable to support the application due to the following specific concerns:
the integration of the addition with the composition (geometry and form) of the original church;
the relationship of the height and scale of the gymnasium to the adjacent ravine park;
the lack of usable outdoor open space.At the second review on November 19, 1997, the Panel acknowledged the improvements to the proposal but was still unable to support the application due to remaining concerns about the integration of the addition with the existing church.
At the third review on February 11, 1998, the Panel reviewed the revised proposal and offered the following comments:
"The Panel considered the clarity of the plan and general legibility of the organization to be significantly improved. The application for rezoning was unanimously supported.
Several areas require major design development, particularly the roof forms and articulation of the masses. The chapel and its relationship to the main church entry is not quite resolved, and several Panel members found the gymnasium roof forms overly complex and working against the integrity of the church. There were no major problems raised about the proposed FSR and, with one exception, no concerns about height.
The Panel had serious concerns about the southeast corner and its relationship to the adjacent park. Several Panel members thought it was "brutal" and needed serious reconsideration to find a more positive solution. The workability of the parkade may need to be looked at again, which may result in a softening of the corner. The entry to the underground parking and its relationship to the plaza and chapel needs careful consideration.
A comment was made that it appears the gymnasium cannot be constructed without destroying part of the reserve, and the relationship of the reserve becomes critical with the reduced setback. At the development application stage it will be important to provide results of a survey indicating the size and condition of the trees to indicate whether or not it will be possible to build close to the reserve."
Comments of the Applicant: The applicant has been provided with a copy of this report and has provided the following comments:
"We have reviewed with the Owner (Fraser Lands Church) the Policy Report, dated March 31, 1998, and the Owner concurs with its findings and recommendations."
Street Address 3330 S.E. Marine Drive Legal Description Lot 190 except part shown in explanatory plan LMP 6475, District Lot 330, Plan LMP 2011 Applicant Howard/Binghom/Hill Architects Architect Howard/Binghom/Hill Architects Property Owner City of Vancouver (Leased to Fraser Lands Church)
0.59 h (1.45 ac.)
DEVELOPMENT (if different than proposed)ZONING CD-1 CD-1 Text Amendment USES Church, Accessory Uses Church, Accessory Uses Church, Child Day Care Facility, Accessory Uses
MAX. FLOOR SPACE RATIO 0.25 0.61 MAXIMUM HEIGHT 10.67 m (35 ft.) 15.0 m (50 ft.) SITE COVERAGE 30% building only
30-40% parking50% building only
30% parkingPARKING SPACES 73 (surface) 63 (surface)
71 (underground)
134 totalR:\CC\REPORTS\COUNCIL\1998\APR21\P1.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver