Agenda Index City of Vancouver


Date: December 5, 1997

Dept:City Manager

TO: Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets

FROM:General Managers of Corporate and Engineering Services, Chief Information Officer

SUBJECT:Memorandum of Understanding and Funding for the Trial of the Public/Private Partnership for Telecommunications Services - Rogers Communications Inc.


A.THAT the City, in cooperation with the VSB, continue to work towards a Partnership Agreement with Rogers Communications Inc. by participating in joint projects to develop a working relationship and draft a Partnership Agreement for communications technologies and programs in our mutual interest.

B.THAT the attached Memorandum of Understanding for the development phase of the Partnership be approved.

C.THAT the Projects specified by the Memorandum of Understanding be funded at $282,200 from the 1997 Strategic Initiatives Fund ($212,200) and Contingency Reserve ($70,000),and that the ongoing costs be funded from the 1998 budget ($12,500).


The City Manager believes that the projects described in this report are important steps toward improved communications and potentially enhanced operations through the application of modern technology. While budget circumstances make allocation of funds for any developmental projects difficult, these projects offer unique opportunities to the City. The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of the above recommendations.


There is no applicable Council policy. Council’s earlier action in approving the first stage of the partnership arrangement is described under Background.


The purpose of this report is to:

update Council on the City’s progress towards forming a public / private partnership agreement with Rogers Communications Inc.;

-present for approval a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to trial a business relationship with Rogers Communications Inc. with the objective of creating a public / private partnership. Selected pilot projects will serve as the substantive activity of the MOU; and

-request funds as outlined in this report to conduct pilot projects.

This report presents to Council a proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), the objective of which is to develop, define and establish business practices on which to formulate a public/private partnership, between the City, the Vancouver School Board and Rogers Communications Inc. The purpose of the partnership will be to combine the strengths of Rogers Communications Inc. in terms of market presence, physical telecommunications capacity and know-how to further the interests of the City. This effort will not only examine alternatives for the City’s internal communications needs, primarily centered around data communications, but also alternate forms of communication with the public, interactively, through innovative use of various media such as the internet and the existing cable based broadcast network.


On July 30, 1996, Council recognized the increasing importance of the role that telecommunications plays in the economy of Vancouver and adopted a leadership policy for the corporate City. Following this direction the City staff, with consulting assistance, issued an RFI to solicit interest in participation in public/private partnership for telecommunications services, especially the provision of broadband services. The result was that Rogers Communications Inc. was selected to develop such a partnership. Failing a successful conclusion, BC Telephone would be considered for a similar effort.

The details of the selection process are documented in the Administrative Report dated February 27, 1997 (CC File No. 5806-1) presented as part of the P&E Committee Agenda (Item 4), March 27, 1997.

The Vancouver School Board (VSB) is an active participant in this MOU though use of Rogers Communications Inc. technology and services to access the internet in order to enrich the learning environment for children, and as additional teaching resources for instructors.


The City, with participation of the VSB, has met extensively with Rogers Communications Inc. to:

·81· ·81draft an MOU for this phase of the project which will lead to participation of the City, with Rogers Communications Inc., in a ‘partnership trial’ leading to a formal partnership agreement

·81· ·81identify pilot projects to exercise a relationship between the City, VSB and Rogers Communications Inc.

The challenge has been to identify pilot projects that:

-will serve to elaborate a "partnership" agreement - in other words, draw upon the aspects of the particular organizations that can contribute to and benefit from a relationship in a complementary manner that goes beyond simple business dealings. The relationship should have each partner bring value to the relationship that the other could not easily obtain, in net interests of both parties

-provide business experience that can be drawn upon in drafting the mechanics of a long term relationship

-are achievable technically in a reasonable time frame

-are affordable

-do not unnecessarily commit the City beyond the pilot periods (anticipating the event that a pilot may not result in a service worth continuing)

-cover a wide variety of services.

The process has been facilitated by:

·81· ·81the Chief Information Officer and Electrical Engineering from the City

·81· ·81the Director of Information Technology from the VSB

·81· ·81the Government Account Executive from Rogers Communications Inc.

Deloitte, Touche consulting has provided project assistance in the planning and drafting of the MOU document and pilot project descriptions.

The draft MOU is attached for Council’s review and endorsation (Attachment 1). Pilot project descriptions for the proposed projects are included as Attachment 2. General descriptions of the seven projects proposed are provided below.

Project 1 – Communications Services Opportunities

The purpose of this project is to conduct a business case analysis to identify strategies and opportunities for Rogers to provide primary and comprehensive telecommunications services between City locations and the public. This project will use the experience gained in other projects to provide a meaningful assessment of the opportunities.

Project 2 - Digital Personal Communications

This project will take advantage of Rogers Cantel’s Digital Cellular Service to improve personal voice and messaging communications of Councillors and senior staff. This technology offers enhanced services, including messaging, and a higher level of confidentiality.

Project 3 - GIS - "VanGo" Electrical

Create a reliable mobile application that will perform with acceptable speeds to improve access to data for field based workers. This is first aimed at Engineering Services, but will have applicability elsewhere. Mobile access to information offers significant potential productivity improvements in City operations.

Project 4 – Community TV Programming

This project will utilize community tv to expand and complement the City’s existing communication methods to the public. As well, the project will foster a closer relationship between the City and the community by explaining important and timely issues. A six program series on civic issues on community tv will explore the opportunities and merits of this mechanism.

Project 5 - Broadband Utilization

This project will take advantage of the existing Rogers broadband network to provide enhanced internet access for City operations. In future, similar capabilities may be used to provide higher capacity links for movement of City data between locations.

Project 6 - WAVE@VSB

The VSB has launched the WAVE to ten schools in September, and will add on additional schools in increments of ten per month until all 110 schools are connected. The WAVE@Home product will initially be implemented until WAVE@School is ready, which is expected to be January 1998. WAVE@School will then be offered, which is a multi-user solution for schools, and has WAN capabilities.

Project 7 – Interactive TV

This project will use Digital Interactive Television technology as a means of two-way communication between the City and public through ‘in-the-home’ services, i.e. the television and cable network.

Interactive television is an emerging service that allows a television to act as a two way communications device. Two way communication is enabled through use of a digital ‘set-top’ box which in this case communicates over Rogers’ cable network to computers and other networks (including, potentially, the Internet).

The project will be aimed at providing a service related to COV activities that are of public interest, where public feedback may be desired. Services of a demand nature (i.e. the consumers specifically request information) are of particular interest. Potential applications may be the ability for the public to request information regarding development proposals in their neighborhood and on city activity (neighbourhood planning, traffic management, greenways), or make bookings at City facilities.


There are no long term staffing requirements. Some temporary staff will be used to conduct this work, and existing City staff will have an opportunity to participate in "state of the art" technology applications. In the long term, the use of these technologies may increase the efficiency and effectiveness of City operations.


The conduct of pilots will require the City to make investments in technology and services as well as direct current personnel resources towards project activities. From the City’s perspective the consideration of pilots has been such that we anticipate benefits to the City either materially or through learning. The cost of each of the pilots is detailed in the project descriptions (Attachment 2) and summarized in the attached cost summary sheet (Attachment 3).

The total capital cost of these projects is $282,200. The sources of funding are $212,200 from the Strategic Initiatives Fund, $70,000 from Contingency Reserve, and $12,500 from the 1998 budget for the ongoing costs.


The greatest result of this MOU will be the examination as to whether a partnership is realizable and the structure of that relationship in a potential partnership agreement. Individual projects will offer significant benefits and may provide an immediate opportunity to implement new technology effectively within the City.

The conduct of this trial is taking place in an environment where there is deregulation in the telecommunications industry and strong competition in the Vancouver area. These changes are occurring as rapidly as the development of the technology itself. This will influence the development of agreements and will be a consideration for a long term relationships in order to assure that the City’s interests are protected now and after such an agreement is put in place.

An organizational structure has been outlined in the MOU which involves formal participation of the City, VSB and Rogers Communications Inc. in joint management and oversight of this partnership trial.

Council’s adoption of a leadership policy in the area of telecommunications and the subsequent RFI process seeking a potential partner for formulation of a public / private partnership led to the City choosing Rogers Communications Inc. as a prime candidate. An MOU for a ‘partnership trial’ has been drafted, and as part of that MOU, Projects are identified to exercise the potential relationship.

The report recommendation supports advancing to the next stage of partnership development.

Memorandum of Understanding

Vancouver Interactive

City of Vancouver

Vancouver School Board

Rogers Communications Inc.

(collectively the "Parties")


On March 27, 1997, following an evaluation of responses to a detailed request for proposals, Vancouver City Council resolved that the City of Vancouver ("the City") begin negotiations with Rogers Communications Inc. ("Rogers") towards forming a public/private partnership to provide enhanced communications services to the City.

On June 16, 1997 the Board of School Trustees, School District No. 39 (Vancouver) also resolved that the Vancouver School Board ("VSB") begin negotiations with Rogers towards forming a public/private partnership to provide communications services to all the public schools within the VSB .

As the City, VSB and Rogers have spent significant time and resources evaluating a partnership, the parties now wish to record their mutual understanding concerning this partnership (the "Partnership "). The Partnership, and the activities leading up to it, including this MOU and associated projects, shall be known as Vancouver Interactive.


This document confirms the parties’ understandings, as of this date, of the principal objectives of the relationship between the City, VSB and Rogers regarding the provision of services under Vancouver Interactive . The City, VSB and Rogers commit to make good faith efforts to finalize a long term, comprehensive Partnership Agreement ("the Partnership Agreement") that can be executed within 11 months after signing of this MOU.

This document identifies the projects (the "Projects"), attached as Schedule A to this MOU, which will be undertaken by the parties to provide working experiences upon which a long term Partnership can be based.


The objective of this MOU is the development and execution of a Partnership Agreementwhich in turn will facilitate the deployment of advanced communication services in support of City and VSB operations, and enhanced communications between the City, VSB and their constituents in a manner that makes economic sense to the parties.

Vancouver Interactive will also enable Rogers to utilize their networks and services to develop potential applications for the public and education sectors which may be applied outside the partnership for economic benefit.


There will be two committees involved in the governance of this MOU and associated activities leading to the signing of the Partnership Agreement

Executive Committee: Provide overall direction which includes approval of overall budget allocation, Project organization, evaluation criteria, and public relations strategies. The Executive Committee will consist of the City Manager, VSB School Superintendent and the B.C. President of Rogers .

Operating Committee: Coordinated by the City’s Chief Information Officer, it includes representatives from the City, VSB and Rogers. It will meet at least monthly to review progress and make decisions regarding the progress of the Projects and milestones and deliverables as described below. The Operating Committee will also be responsible for the creation of, and setting overall direction for, Project Teams (defined below). The Operating Committee will report regularly to the Executive Committee.

Project Teams: Project teams will be formed for each Project. Members will have an understanding of the objectives of the Project to which they have been assigned. Project teams will be formed from appropriate members from the City, VSB and Rogers. These teams will meet on a regular basis to ensure the completion of the Projects.


Disagreements arising from the MOU or Projects shall be referred to the Operating Committee. If the disagreement cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of all members of the Operating Committee, it will be forwarded to the Executive Committee for resolution.


All parties agree that after signing this MOU the parties will have made their best efforts to complete the following:

·81· ·81After 9 months, all Projects will be completed and the evaluation period will have begun. The Projects, and the criteria used to evaluate them, are outlined in each Project term sheet (the "Project Term Sheet"). The completed Project Term Sheet are attached as Schedule "B" to this MOU.

·81··81After 11 months, the Partnership Agreement shall be prepared in final form by the Parties. The Partnership Agreement will include but is not limited to:

·81· ·81Long term goals and obligations of the parties.

·81··81A vision and plan for service delivery. This plan will include the services that Rogers initially intends to provide, an outline of the overall price schedule for those services, and the time frame the price schedule will remain in effect. Separately Rogers will include a clause in the Partnership Agreement which will endeavor to guarantee the City "most favored" customer rates for identical services for the term of the Partnership Agreement .

·81··81The parties agree that where appropriate, compensation for services may be provided through in kind exchanges of products, facilities or services.

·81··81A high level network design to support the service delivery plan. This design should include a plan to incorporate City facilities under a managed service or similar arrangement.

·81··81An organizational structure that identifies how the relationship between the Parties will be structured and maintained.

The parties acknowledge that factors may affect the deadlines set out in this MOU and attached Schedules. Notwithstanding, the parties will endeavor to minimize the effect of these factors on Vancouver Interactive.


All parties recognize the need to evaluate the deliverables listed above as well as the overall working relationship between the Partners. The evaluation period for all deliverables shall begin as soon as the Projects are completed. The evaluation period shall end within 60 days of the completion of the last Project. At the end of the evaluation period each member of the Executive Committee shall provide written notification to each Partner indicating their organization’s intent to either proceed or not proceed with the Partnership.


The City and VSB will pay costs for the equipment and services required to implement the Projects subject to necessary approvals. These costs have been mutually agreed and are outlined in each Project Term Sheet.

During the MOU phase, Rogers will charge the City and VSB its normal market rates for services normally charged to Rogers customers, minus a percentage. This percentage will vary by Project, as described in the respective Project Term Sheet . Normal market rates refer to rates Rogers charges to its customers for equivalent services and include services normally charged to Rogers customers. All parties recognize that this is only a temporary situation, until the Projects have been evaluated. If a Project is rolled out on a wide scale, charges will be reevaluated and agreed upon at that time.

Wherever possible Rogers will use its purchasing power and relationships in the communications industry to allow the City or VSB to purchase equipment in the most cost effective manner.

The City and VSB also agree to make available to Rogers any non-financial resources to facilitate the timely completion and implementation of the Projects.

The parties agree to offer to each other preferred customer status. On the City’s part, this includes, but is not limited to, access to rights of way, cell sites and locations, and discounts on charges the City may impose from time to time, where appropriate. Rogers would offer "most favored" customer prices for identical services to the City and VSB, where appropriate. As services expand between Rogers and the City, Rogers will ensure that where Rogers requires to pay for locating equipment and facilities, first consideration will be given to City of Vancouver sites, where appropriate.


All parties agree to the scope and estimated cost distribution outlined in this MOU. Any change in scope or increase in costs for Projects must be reviewed by the Operating Committee at the next scheduled committee meeting. Approvals to changes in Projects’ scope and cost must occur before the expenditure associated with that Project takes place.

All parties agree that the purposes of the Projects are to test the viability of a new technology or new application, and the relationship between the parties.


The parties acknowledge that intellectual property of value may be created by the efforts of the parties in implementing the Projects. The parties agree that as intellectual property ownership issues arise the ownership of the intellectual property will be negotiated to the mutual satisfaction of the parties. The governing principle to negotiate proportionate ownership among the parties will be the extent to which each party has made significant direct and indirect contributions to the development of the intellectual property. The parties will refer material intellectual property ownership disputes to the Executive Committee for resolution. In the event that the dispute cannot be resolved by the Executive Committee, the matter will be referred to an Arbitrator selected by the Executive Committee. Intellectual Property ownership issues will be addressed fully in the Partnership Agreement.


This MOU can be terminated by any partner with 90 days prior written notice. If this MOU is terminated, all partners are still under obligation to pay for the previously agreed upon cost of the Projects as outlined in each Project Term Sheet implemented up until the time of termination. All parties agree that before written notice of termination is provided, the reason(s) of termination will be discussed by the Executive Committee and the Operating Committee in a joint meeting and parties will make reasonable efforts to resolve any issues. Notice of termination of this MOU must be served in writing to the members of the Executive Committee.


The City and VSB recognize that Rogers has current and potential competitors in the marketplace, and the City and the VSB creates, aquires, collects and handles information that may be of a personal or business confidential nature. Consequently, all parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any so designated knowledge acquired through Vancouver Interactive.

In the event that this MOU is terminated, all parties agree to return to the original owners any proprietary, confidential or sensitive material. Technical information prepared by Rogers shall be the property of Rogers and all copies of such information and reports shall be returned to Rogers.


In the spirit of the Partnership the City agrees, wherever possible, Rogers will have first right to supply, on a cost competitive basis, any communications services required by the City while this MOU is in effect.

No legal partnership or other legal relationship is created unless a Partnership Agreement is signed. No legal rights or remedies are intended to be created by this document except with respect to:

·81· ·81Intellectual Property and arbitration described

·81· ·81cost sharing arrangements for each Project

·81· ·81reciprocity on confidentiality

This MOU shall come into force and effect on the date of signature and shall expire the earlier of October 1, 1998, or the date that the Partnership Agreement is signed by the City, VSB and Rogers, unless extended by mutual agreement of the parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Memorandum of Understanding as set out below.

On behalf of the On behalf of the On behalf of

City of Vancouver Vancouver School Board Rogers Communications Inc.

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Ken Dobell Don Goodridge Glenn Wong

City Manager School Superintendent President

British Columbia Region

Rogers Cablesystems Limited

dated: dated: dated:

Attachment 2 - Project 1

Communication Services Opportunities

Partners: City of Vancouver



Purpose: Conduct a business case analysis to identify strategies and opportunities for Rogers to provide primary and comprehensive telecommunications services between City locations and the public.

Description: The COV operates a large telecommunications plant throughout the city as does Rogers. This plant is primarily used for data communications, with some voice communications. As we use information technology to a greater extent, there is a growing need for increased communications capacity, both in terms of where we have connections, as well as the capacity of individual connections.

There may be opportunities for Rogers to provide comprehensive services in the form of communications carrier and/or services management for all or part of COV and VSB needs.

This project is aimed at developing a business case to examine the role Rogers may play as a comprehensive communications carrier for all or part of the COV/VSB needs. The business case will be cost driven and will look at the total communications needs, including opportunities that Rogers may bring by greater bandwidth capability.

Contributions: Rogers - 0.2 FTE from internal staff experts

COV - 0. I FTE from internal staff


Capital: COV - contract staff for business case development - $25,000

Ongoing: none

Total Cost: $ 25,000

Long-term Impact: There is no direct implication from this project. However, the recommendations resulting from the project may have a significant operational benefit and corresponding budgetary impact.

Benefits: Allows the COV to make a considered and rational decision on the role of Rogers as a comprehensive carrier for the COV and/or VSB

Criteria of Success: A clear cost and opportunity decision.

Key Dates: Project is to commence Feb 1, end July 3 1.

Project Leader: COV - Larry Meek

Project Members: VSB - Karl Jones

Rogers - Chris Kucharski

Attachment 2 - Project 2

Digital Personal Communication Systems (PCS)

Partners: City of Vancouver


Purpose:Take advantage of Rogers Cantel's Digital Cellular Service to improve personal voice and messaging communications of senior staff.

Description:Digital Cellular Service uses mobile telephones that are similar to common cellular phones, however they extend and improve quality and features through the use of digital technology.

The project will equip selected senior staff and officials with Digital Cellular phones and will train personnel with their extended feature use.

Additionally the text messaging feature of the Digital Cellular phones will be implemented to allow support staff to send short text ('e-mail like') messages to Digital Cellular users.

Contributions: Rogers - provide training to the City trainer, as well as expert advice. COV - provide trainer, who will train the City staff.


Capital: none

Ongoing: covered in existing ongoing budgets

Total Cost: none

Long-term Impact:

The costs for this project will be ongoing, but will be accommodated in the established telecommunications budget.

Benefits:-Improved quality of communications, made available at a competitive rate.

- Use of simple text messages to avoid phone calls and missed messages.

-Enhanced features such as caller ID.

- Improved privacy and hence reduction of toll fraud and scanning related theft.

Criteria of Success:

-Greater utility of service, which would be assessed qualitatively.

-Fewer missed personal communications through text messaging feature.

- No scanning related breaches of privacy.

Key Dates: Project is to commence immediately, evaluation May 15.

Project Leader: COV - Larry Meek

Rogers - Nick Cunliffe

Project Members: Councillors and selected COV senior staff

Attachment 2 - Project 3

GIS - "VanGo" - Electrical

Partners: City of Vancouver - Engineering Services

Rogers Communications Inc.

Purpose:Create a reliable mobile application that will perform with acceptable speeds to improve access to data for field based workers. This is first aimed at Engineering Services, but will have applicability elsewhere.

Description:The pilot application was selected such that it would push the current technical boundaries of mobile computing capabilities, would require real time communication to be effective, so that the concepts be transferable to other work units within the City.

The pilot will allow field staff to remotely access City information from a variety of information systems, the ability to update data. Applications such as the receipt and reporting back on work orders are ideal.

The pilot application will be built from two existing programs that currently function in the office environment: a maintenance/work order/dispatch program, known as LACY, and housed in Electrical Operations and the geographical information system (GIS, or map data systems) which is housed at City Hall. Further capability will be built into the application by making scanned images available.

Development work will be required to rewrite maintenance/work order systems (a task that must be completed anyway) and create programs to integrate it, as well as the existing GIS systems, to programs that can operate over the radio network.

Particularly attractive is the use of internet technology to achieve the above.

Contributions:City - Staff expertise to create an application that can be transmitted over a wireless network. Mobile hardware, in-office hardware,software licences, outside development costs. Rogers - Staff expertise to assist in application development. Supporting mobile network infrastructure. Discounted air time rates.


Capital: 2 mobile units 12,000

hardware upgrades 5,000

radio "modems" 1,500

CD Burner 5,000

General utilities 2,000

8 person months development time 40,000

Total Cost: $65,500

Ongoing:An additional $20,000 per year, to be divided between IT and Engineering budgets.

Benefits:-Increased productivity for field staff : reduced travel tome to access information, efficient scheduling of multi task work groups, reduced repetition of work done by others.

-Ability to view accurate graphical data in a mobile environment. Decrease in clerical workload due to double entry of data.

Criteria of Success:

-By the end of the trial period the technology is working and available 80% of the time, and the downtime for repair does not exceed one day.

- Reduced hours spent in data entry by clerical staff.

- Increase by 10% in number of tasks completed in a one week period.

- Measurable reduction in travel time for electricians.

- Positive employee feedback

Key Dates: Start date: immediate; test in field June 30; end test phase August 31

Project Leader: COV - Susan Clift

Project Members: Cantel - Nick Cunliffe, Sherine Alif, Mark Coup, COV - Art Blomquist,

Jonathan Mark, Franco Depieri, Martin Tilt, David Crossley, Larry Meek.

Attachment 2 - Project 4

Communication Opportunities - Community TV

Partners: City of Vancouver


Purpose:To complement the City's existing communication methods to the public. As well to foster a closer relationship between the City and the community by explaining important and timely issues.

Description:Six shows will be produced. The program will run weekly as follows:

- a new show shown bi-weekly.

- second and fourth week of month will repeat previous week.

General Outline of the show:

- 0.5 minute opening

- 1 minute opening remarks

- 2 minute City Highlights (what's on this week: APEC, Indy, etc.)

- 2 minute Council/Board highlights (decisions, by-laws)

- 3 minute "streeter' (short feature)

- 12 minute feature segment

- 2 minute minor segment

- 3 minute minor segment ("issue of the day" - conduct polling)

- 90 second What's Ahead

- 30 second Host Wrap-up

26 minutes Total

Some staff generated ideas:

- A complete look at recycling that follows material from curbside to final use

- What the City is doing to prepare for earthquakes and other emergencies (including segments on E-Comm, bridge upgrading and the salt water pumping system)

- Neighbourhood Integrated Services Teams

- Social Housing issues

-Various day-in-the-life segments intended to show the variety of City services or to explain a complex process in human terms (firefighter, youth worker, planner, theatre worker, etc.)

-How Vancouver is being "greened" -- Greenways, community gardens

- Transportation planning: what the City is doing

- How a library really works

Contributions:COV - FTE required full-time for 2 months until the show is launched. Then one half of a FTE required.

Rogers - Studio, camera fees (inside), Broadcasting Canadian Cable Labs Funding.

VSB has approved a $10,000 contribution, subject to Council approval of this project.


Capital : Producer 20,000

Host 1,500

Camera for short segments 2,700

Camera for long segments 6,000

Tape 1,500

Graphics 5,000

Promotion 10,000

VSB Contribution(10,000)

Total Cost: $36,700

Long-term Impact:If this project is successful a separate budget submission will be made to consider it an ongoing program, the cost of which will depend on the number and nature of programs.

Benefits:Allows the City to broadcast information regarding key issues to the public at large (over 95% of Vancouverites have access to the Community Channel, so it is one of the best means of communication, with the widest possible audience).

Criteria of Success:Number, and quality of viewer calls regarding the show (compared to other Community Channel shows).

- Number of viewer calls in response to polls.

- Effectiveness of city/Rogers partnership.

- Number of hits on web site.

- Opinion of city staff ?

Key Dates:- Producer Starts - Dec (preparatory advertising has been done)

- Host Hired - Dec

- Pre-production - Dec

- Show# I to SFU - Jan 19

- Show# I Airs - Jan 26

- Show #2 Airs - Feb 9

- Show #3 Airs - Feb 23

- Show #4 Airs - Mar 9

- Show #5 Airs - Mar 23

- Show #6 Airs - Apr 6

Project Leader: Scott Macrae

Project Members:Scott Macrae, Peter Davison (Rogers), Mathew Levinson, (SFU Excite Labs).

Attachment 2 - Project 5

Broadband Connections


City of Vancouver



Take advantage of the existing Ropers broadband network to improve telecommunications based service between City locations.


Rogers has an extensive communications infrastructure throughout the Vancouver area. The COV is continually upgrading and changing its communications infrastructure through owned and leased facilities.

While a business case is being formulated (Project 1) to examine a comprehensive role Rogers may play in provision of communication services, some pilot opportunities to trial such a relationship exist now.

This project would implement a fibre connection to Rogers infrastructure to provide broadband data access to the Internet for City use, and to ensure a high capacity link for public access to information from City services.


COV and Rogers personnel, as required by this business relationship.


The costs are capital and ongoing:


terminating equipment 30,000

labour 5,000

The ongoing operational communications costs will be part of annual budget submission, but will be approximately $ 12,500 per year for the pilot project.

Should the pilot not be successful, the terminating equipment can be salvaged for other use (likely for 75% of original cost).

Long-term Impact:

Long term costs will be covered in regular IT budget submissions.


·81· ·81High capacity data connections.

·81· ·81Increased level of services.

·81· ·81Experience with Rogers to contribute to the business case (Project 1) process.

·81· ·81Increased level of services.

Criteria of Success:

·81· ·81High quality and cost effective service for the COV.

Key Dates:

Service to begin February, 1998.

Project Leader :

COV - Martin Crocker

Project Members:

COV - Kevin Bowers

Rogers - Chris Kucharski

Attachment 2 - Project 6



Vancouver School Board (VSB)



To provide Internet Access to elementary and high schools within the Vancouver School Board district, and to allow for expansion of the VSB Wide Area Network.


The VSB will launch the WAVE to ten schools in September, and will add on additional schools in increments of ten per month until all 110 schools are connected. The WAVE@Home product will initially be implemented until WAVE@School is ready, which is expected to be January 1998. WAVE@School will then be offered, which is a multi-user solution for schools, and has WAN capabilities.


COV - None

Rogers - Product development, discounted service to re-terminate cabling in schools, discounted equipment; 1 FTE.

VSB - Rewiring of schools and upgrading of equipment to support WAVE

platform, internal marketing of service; 0.5 FTE.



School dependant


$55/month/single modem connection to each school

Long-term Impact:

Any costs will be managed within the VSB budgetary process.



·81- Provides students access to new technology.

- Enrich the learning environment for students.

·81··81- Teaching resources for technology awareness and skills.

·81··81- Improves the quality of communications for the VSB.

Criteria of Success:

·81· ·81Availability of service.

·81· ·81Mean Time to Repair.

·81· ·81Effectiveness of customer service.

·81· ·81Product lives up to vendor’s promises.

Key Dates:

September/97 - Launch service to first ten schools (complete).

January/98 - Offer WAVE@School to all schools.

Project Leader :

Karl Jones (VSB).

Project Members:

VSB - Karl Jones

WAVE/Rogers - John Mah

Schedule B - Project 7

Digital Interactive Television


Digital Interactive Television


City of Vancouver



To use Digital Interactive Television technology as a means of two-way communication between the City and public through ‘in-the-home’ services, i.e. the television and cable network.


Interactive television is an emerging service that allows a television to act as a two way communications device. Two way communication is enabled through use of a digital ‘set-top’ box which in this case communicates over Rogers’ cable network to computers and other networks (including, potentially, the Internet).

The project will be aimed at providing a service related to COV activities that are of public interest, where public feedback may be desired. Services of a demand nature (i.e. the consumers specifically request information) are of particular interest.

Potential applications may be the ability for the public to request information regarding development proposals in their neighborhood and on city activity (neighbourhood planning, traffic management, greenways), or make bookings at City facilities.


COV - 0.5 FTE Technology analysis / management.

Rogers - as required research and development staff.



Consulting Fees - Excite Labs 30,000

supplemental staff

content 35,000

information technology 30,000

TOTAL: $ 95,000

Note: this funding has been endorsed by the CMT from the 1997 Strategic Initiative Fund.

Long-term Impact:

A new range of services that can solicit information as well as distribute it - impacts current resources but this will be related to shifting or increasing levels of service to the public. This direction may offer significant benefits, but these decisions must be made on an individual basis depending on the outcome of the trial.


·81· ·81Specifications for a series of applications will be developed.

·81· ·81The COV will have a presence in the initial Rogers’ set top box roll-out.

·81· ·81Provide broader access to COV information and services, on an interactive basis.

Criteria of Success:

Public ability to interact with the City without going to City Hall.

Key Dates:

The project will commence immediately.

Project Leader :

COV - Larry Meek / Scott Macrae.

Rogers - to be determined.

Project Members:

To be determined.

Attachment 3

Summary of Project Costs


One-time Capital Cost

Ongoing Cost (adjustment to budget required)

Ongoing Cost(covered in existing budgets)

1)Communications Services Opportunities



2)Digital Personal Communications Systems (PCS)


3)GIS - "VanGo" Electrical


Savings will result if successful

$20,000 shared between IT and Engineering budgets

4)Community Channel Show


Scaleable – to be evaluated

5)Broadband Connections Opportunities

$ 35,000

$ 12,500


VSB cost

VSB cost

VSB cost

7)Digital Interactive Television

$ 95,000

(SIF allocated)

Potential costs and savings – to be evaluated

8)Project Management





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