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Author/Local: F.Klotzbach/7916
Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic
General Manager of Engineering Services
Proposed Sunrise Bicycle Route
A. THAT the Sunrise Bicycle Route be constructed as detailed in this report.
B. THAT $326,500 from the BC/Canada Infrastructure Works Program and $158,250 from Streets Basic Capital Unappropriated Account 12/31/6903/999 (Bicycle Network) be allocated for the above work.
C. THAT the annual signal maintenance budget be increased by $4,000, the annual streets maintenance budget be increased by $4,000, and the sign maintenance budget be increased by $1,850, all without offset, for the maintenance of two new cyclist/pedestrian signals, eight new traffic circles and approximately 75 new bicycle route signs proposed along the new bike route, starting in 1999.
D.THAT the Mayor write to the BC/Canada Infrastructure Works Program expressing thanks for the 1997/98 program contribution towards the Sunrise Bikeway.
·On May 27, 1997, Council approved the Vancouver Transportation Plan that emphasised the need to provide more comfortable cycling and walking environments.
·On May 14, 1992, Council approved a City-wide bicycle route network with priority given to local street integration.
·The Vancouver Comprehensive Bicycle Plan (1988) and the Clouds of Change Report (1990) established the Citys policy of promoting and encouraging cycling as a transportation alternative.
In consultation with the Bicycle Network Subcommittee of the Bicycle Advisory Committee to Council, a proposal for the Sunrise Bikeway was developed. The Sunrise Bikeway will provide the main north-south bicycle route for the eastern portion of the City and generally follows Kaslo, Slocan, East 29th, Earles, Vivian and Elliott Streets. See Appendix A.
It is proposed that some intersections be modified for additional comfort and safety for cyclists and that cyclists be given appropriate priority along the route. Traffic calming devices such as traffic circles are recommended to discourage vehicle short-cutting and speeding. Pavement improvements are also recommended to improve the riding surface. Measures are proposed at arterial street crossings to enhance safe bike crossings and a signage system similar to the existing bikeways will be adopted.
Neighbouring residents were surveyed for their opinion of the proposed bicycle route improvements. Approximately 69% of residents who responded are in favour of the route.
Based on feedback from the Bicycle Advisory Committee and resident surveys, staff recommend that the proposed Sunrise Bikeway detailed in this report be approved.
The total cost of the Sunrise Bikeway is estimated to be $509,750. As $25,000 was previously approved for preliminary work and $326,500 will be provided by the BC/Federal Infrastructure Works Program, additional funding of $158,250 is required at this time.
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval for the implementation of the Sunrise Bicycle Route.
In consultation with the Bicycle Network Subcommittee of the Bicycle Advisory Committee to Council, a proposal for the Sunrise Bikeway was developed.
The Sunrise Bikeway was accepted for funding by the 1997/98 BC/Canada Infrastructure Works Program.
(a) Route Alignment and Improvements
The general route alignment and details proposed are shown in Appendix A.
The route will be direct and user friendly with the following details:
(i) Traffic circles will be installed at the following locations:
Kaslo at Oxford
·Kaslo at Triumph
·Kaslo at Franklin
·Kaslo at Turner
·Slocan at East 5th
·Slocan at East 7th
·Vivian at East 47th
·Vivian at East 51st
A traffic circle was originally proposed for the intersection of East 16th Avenue and Slocan Street. However due to the negative response of residents within one block of the measure, this circle will not be constructed at this time.
(ii) The crossing of Hastings at Kaslo and the crossing of 49th Avenue at Vivian will be made easier with new cyclist/pedestrian activated signals. In addition, three existing signals will be upgraded with cyclist actuation.
(iii)The crossing of East 54th Avenue at Vivian will be made easier with a new pedestrian/cyclist median.
(iv) In addition to the above measures, all uncontrolled intersections along the route will be controlled by stop signs. Furthermore, where the bikeway runs through a neighbourhood with other uncontrolled intersections, all intersections off the bikeway will be upgraded with stop signs for safety reasons.
(v) Miscellaneous pavement upgrades recommended along the route include repairing uneven pavement, bumps and large cracks.
(b) Neighbourhood Compatibility
Input from affected residents, schools and businesses was gathered through a survey, letters, phone calls and e-mail. A copy of the survey is shown in Appendix B and the survey delivery areas for the route are shown in Appendix C. Of those who responded, 69% of residents living within two blocks of the route are in favour of the Sunrise Bikeway, and only 19% are opposed. A summary of survey results is found in Appendix D. In addition to the survey results, a 196 name petition against the route was received from the area near Slocan Street and East 22nd Avenue.
Originally, a right in/right out diverter was proposed for the north leg of Slocan at East 22nd Avenue. This measure would affect many residents in the neighbourhood and a majority of residents would have to support it. As this measure was not strongly supported, another measure that does not divert traffic is proposed instead. This new measure would involve adding corner bulges and a pedestrian refuge to the north leg of Slocan. This would narrow the throat of Slocan to reinforce the fact that it is a local street, as well as improve conditions for pedestrians and cyclists.
Similarly, a median proposed for Vivian and East 54th Avenue to assist pedestrian and cyclist crossing did not receive strong support. In response to residents concerns about diverting traffic, we are now proposing a pedestrian/cyclist median that allows for vehicle movements.
Many surveys returned from the southern section of the route requested traffic calming devices on Elliott Street. In particular, several residents requested a traffic circle on Elliott at Vivian Drive. The recently adopted Transportation Plan identified Elliott Street as a street to be reclassified from a secondary arterial to a collector street. However, this process will involve public consultation beyond the scope and time frame of this project. Therefore, it is recommended that calming measures on Elliott be reviewed along with the reclassification of Elliott Street.
As with all bikeways, the route will be monitored after the initial installation and, if needed, residents will again be surveyed as to the effectiveness of the bike route and its impact on the neighbourhood. Adjustments will be made if this route does not meet either the needs of cyclists or the neighbourhood.
(c) Implementation
Route improvements would begin immediately and completion is expected by the end of Summer 1998.
(d) Maintenance
Elements of the proposed Sunrise Bikeway could be considered for maintenance levels above those of a normal street. However, due to current budget constraints it is recommended that the bicycle route receive the same level of service as would a normal street, at no additional cost. This may require refusing some public requests for extraordinary maintenance levels.
Each of the two new cyclist activated signals will incur an additional annual maintenance cost of $2,000; therefore, an increase of $4,000 is recommended to the annual signal maintenance budget. Similarly, each of the eight new traffic circles will incur an additional annual maintenance cost of $500 and a corresponding increase of $4,000 is recommended to the annual streets maintenance budget, to be reduced to $100 per circle for each circle residents agree to adopt. In addition, each of the approximately 75 new bicycle route signs will incur an additional annual maintenance cost of $14 and signs on each of the eight new traffic circles will incur an annual maintenance cost of $100. Therefore, a corresponding increase of $1,850 is recommended to the annual sign maintenance budget.
(e) Route Names
The Sunrise route was generally called the Slocan/Elliott Bikeway during the planning stages. The Sunrise name was suggested to lessen confusion between the route and street names and to use a name associated with the east side of Vancouver. Other route names we considered were:
·Slocan/Elliott Bikeway
·Fraserview Bikeway
·Slocan Bikeway
·Fraser-Burrard Bikeway
·Burrardview Bikeway
·S.S. (Schools to Seas) Slocan Bikeway
After discussions with the Bicycle Network Subcommittee and after receiving surveys from the public, it is recommended that the route be named the Sunrise Bikeway.
(f) Route Signage
The signage, including route markers, destination signs and brochures, will be similar to those that have been successful along the Adanac, Off-Broadway, Ontario, Heather, Lakewood and S.W. Marine Drive Bikeways. All are based on the use of clear, internationally recognised standard symbols with a minimum of wording. The route markers will be placed at one block intervals, alternating directionally.
Free brochures about this and other routes will also be available at City Hall and other public areas, and will be distributed at cycling related events. They will provide help to users, promote the route and reinforce cyclist etiquette. This brochure will be of leaflet size similar to other Bikeway brochures. Information and maps describing Vancouvers cycling program are also available on the Internet through the Citys home page.
Estimated Capital Costs:
Cyclist/Pedestrian Signals
Kaslo and Hastings
Vivian and 49th Ave.
Cyclist Actuation
Slocan and Hastings St.
Slocan and First Ave. and open east cross walk
Elliott and S.E. Marine
Traffic Circles
Kaslo and Oxford St.
$ 8,000
Kaslo and Triumph St.
$ 8,000
Kaslo and Franklin St.
$ 8,000
Kaslo and Turner St.
$ 8,000
Slocan and Fifth Ave.
$ 8,000
Slocan and Seventh Ave.
$ 8,000
Vivian and Forty Seventh Ave.
$ 8,000
Vivian and Fifty First Ave.
$ 8,000
Intersection Modifications
Slocan and Grandview Hwy.
Slocan and Twenty Second Ave.
Vivian and Fifty Fourth Ave.
Corner Bulges
Slocan and Grant St.
Pavement Repairs
Miscellaneous pavement repairs
Standard bicycle route signage
Stop sign installations
Overhead bikeway signs at arterial street crossings
$ 8,000
Bikeway street name blades
$ 3,500
Bicycle Stencils along route
$ 6,250
Public Consultation
Advertisements, mail-outs, etc.
Temporary Help
Funding Sources:
Previously approved by Council on November 4, 1997 for the Elliott/Slocan (Sunrise) Bikeway:
BC/Canada Infrastructure Works Program
New funding requested from:
Streets Basic Capital Unappropriated Account
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(c) 1997 City of Vancouver