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Author/Local: John Madden/7460
LU&D No: 97035
CC File No. 5307
THAT the application by Busby and Associates Architects to amend CD-1 By-Law No. 7200 for 1529 West Pender Street (Lot 4, Block 42, D.L. 185 and of the Public Harbour of Burrard Inlet Plan, LMP 12354) to allow increases in the tower height and in the number of residential units; a conversion of commercial to residential use; and a reduction of the parking and loading requirements, be referred to a Public Hearing, together with:
(i) plans received November 6, 1997;
(ii) draft CD-1 by-law amendments generally as presented in Appendix A;
(iii)draft consequential amendments to the Coal Harbour Official Development Plan (CHODP) generally as presented in Appendix B; and
(iv)the recommendation of the Director of Central Area Planning to approve, subject to conditions contained in Appendix D.
FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary By-laws for consideration at the Public Hearing.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.
Relevant Council policies for the site include:
·Central Area Plan, adopted December 3, 1991.
·Coal Harbour Official Development Plan, adopted November 6, 1990.
·Public Art Policy, adopted October, 1990.
·The Coal Harbour Policy Statement, adopted February 1990, which provided a density "bonus" for the construction of rental accommodation, with units not larger than 70 m2 ( 750 sq. ft.), over the entire Coal Harbour site between Denman and Thurlow Streets. This was subsequently incorporated into the Marina Neighbourhoods CD-1 zoning schedule.
·On October 19, 1993 Council approved the CD-1 No. 312 (By-law No. 7200) zoning of this site as part of Marathons Marina Neighbourhood.
This report assesses an application to amend CD-1 By-law No. 7200 for the Coal Harbour Marina Neighbourhood with consequential amendments to the "Marina Neighbourhood CD-1 Guidelines for Land Development" and the Coal Harbour Official Development Plan.
The existing zoning for this site permits 15,000 m2 of residential rental in a 27-storey tower, with retail and office uses within a two storey podium. This is the only site to take advantage of the rental incentive which was added to the Coal Harbour ODP and the subsequent CD-1 By-law to encourage market rental units.
Proposed is a 30-storey residential rental tower including a 2-storey mixed-use podium, which would require the following changes to the CD-1 By-law and the Guidelines:
·an increase in the total number of residential units from 206 to 281;
·an increase of the tower height from 73.0 m (240 ft) to 84.0 m (275 ft);
·a conversion of rental and a minor amount of commercial space to provide market strata condominiums in the podium;
·an increase in the podium height from 8.0 m (26 ft) to 10.8 m (35 ft); and
·a reduction in the parking requirements.
No increase is proposed in the overall floor area for this development.
Staff support the proposed amendments to the CD-1 By-law, guidelines and CHODP, which are necessary to ensure a competitive, viable rental project and will result in a better development which provides an increased number of smaller rental housing units. Staff recommend that the application be referred to a Public Hearing, with a recommendation that it be approved, subject to conditions.
Figure 1
On this site, the existing CD-1 By-law allows a total of 15 000 m2 (161, 464 sq. ft.) of floor area for residential rental above a 2,951 m2 (31,765 sq. ft.) commercial office podium. The applicant proposes to amend the By-law to increase residential floor space by 131 m2 (1,410 sq.ft.) to 15,131 m2 (162,874 sq.ft.) with an equivalent reduction in the amount of commercial floor space. There is no overall increase in the total floor area.
The applicant proposes the conversion of 1,095 m2 (11,787 sq.ft.) of market rental to market strata to add 11 townhouse units along Hastings Street, each of which exceed 93 m2 (1,000 sq. ft) in area. The applicant believes that this conversion is necessary to remain competitive in the rental market and create a viable project.
Staff support the conversion of 1,095 m2 (11,787 sq.ft.) of market rental residential floor space to strata residential units in the podium even though this would not conform to the provisions of Councils rental incentive density bonus policy. To qualify for the density bonus, the units must be rental and 70 m2 ( 750 sq. ft.) or less in size. In addition, to these 11 units being strata rather than rental units, they are well over 93 m2 (1,000 sq ft.) in size. On balance, Housing Centre, Planning and Real Estate staff believe that this is a unique proposal and that a diversion from the principles of Councils policy is supportable. A review of the proforma confirmed that the conversion is necessary to develop a viable rental project and does not result in an unreasonable profit for the developer or an unreasonable land value for the site. The construction of a rental building is unattractive to a private developer unless significant incentives are offered. In addition, it involves the conversion of a relatively small amount of floor space (seven per cent of the floor space designated for rental). The covenant on title, which prohibits stratification, should be replaced with a Housing Agreement to secure rental, so that financing is possible.
The addition of these townhouses along Hastings Street will improve street activity and security. Also, this area of Hastings Street is restricted to pedestrians/buses and will have no provision for on-street parking or vehicle access to serve commercial uses.
Should Council not agree with the proposed conversion of rental to strata floor space, then at the public hearing a condition of rezoning should be adopted which requires that 1,095 m2 (11,787 sq.ft.) of market strata residential or office floor space be converted to rental residential and accommodated in the tower and the podium or the floor space should be deleted from the project.
As this will be the only market rental project in the Coal Harbour redevelopment area, staff also support the other changes proposed in the application because they are reasonable to make the project viable. The applicant proposes to reduce the size of the units from 70 m2 (750 sq.ft.) to approximately 50 m2 (538 sq.ft.) resulting in an increase from 206 to 270 market rental units. The Manager of the Housing Centre has reviewed the proposed unit sizes and finds them consistent with other projects that are renting in the vicinity. As well, the reduction in size will result in more rental units which are likely to be more affordable. It also reflects Councils rental density incentive policy which encourages smaller units.
Built Form:
a) Tower Height
The zoning allows a maximum height of 73.0 m (240 ft. or 27 storeys) on this site. The applicant proposes to increase the tower height by 11 metres (36 ft. or 3 storeys) for a total height of 84.0 m (30 storeys). Analysis indicates that the view corridors are increased with a slimmer tower as compared to the shorter, wider tower permitted under the existing zoning. The increased height accommodates the increased number of smaller rental units within a slimmer and more efficient floor plate. The slimmer tower also results in a modest reduction of shadowing on the non-market housing outdoor amenity space to the north.
b) Podium Massing
The proposed increase in the podium height from 8.0 m (26 ft.) to 10.8 m (35 ft.) allows for two levels of commercial space on Pender Street and 2-storey townhouses on Hastings Street with commercial space above. Analysis shows that this increase does not impact public views to the water or mountains from critical vantage points identified in the design guidelines, including views north from Alberni Street (see Appendix G).
The increased height of both the tower and podium are supported by the Urban Design Panel who gave this proposal unanimous support (Appendix F).
Parking and Loading Requirements:
The applicant proposes a reduction of 46 parking spaces, from the 256 spaces required under the existing CD-1 By-Law to 210 spaces. Planning and Engineering staff support the reduction because:
·engineering surveys of West End and Downtown South households indicate small-sized units (specifically those 50 m2 or less) tend to exhibit a significantly lower rate of vehicle ownership;
·the parking requirements for the larger units in the building are expected to be less than those in the waterfront developments;
·parking associated with commercial uses will be available to residents visitors outside of office hours; and
·this location is well-served by transit and will appeal to the market sector of people who do not own cars.
The reduced parking requirements are detailed in Appendix A, pages 3 and 4 and will only apply to this development site.
The applicant has also asked for a reduction to the loading requirements, which is not supported by Engineering Services and not recommended. More specific requirements by Engineering Services are contained within Appendix D.
Public Amenities:
Lands and financing for public amenities, consistent with CHODP requirements, were secured through legal agreements as part of the original rezoning of this site and will continue to be secured with the proposed amendments to the sites zoning. Staff have concluded that the increased number of units will not result in an increase in population as compared to the project proposed under the existing zoning due to the smaller size of the units.
Consequential text amendments to the CHODP conform with the proposed changes to the CD-1 By-law, including the increase in the number of rental units, conversion of residential rental to residential strata, and the increase in the height of the proposed development. Also, the proposed increases in the tower and podium heights will also require an amendment to the "Marina Neighbourhood CD-1 Guidelines for Land Development".
As this is the only market rental site in the Coal Harbour redevelopment area, staff support the proposed amendments to the CD-1 By-law, guidelines and CHODP, which are necessary to ensure a competitive, viable rental project. In addition, the design modifications will result in a better development which responds well to the surrounding neighbourhood and provides an increased number of smaller rental housing units close to amenities and employment.
Staff recommend that the application be referred to a Public Hearing with a recommendation from the Director of Central Area Planning that it be approved, subject to the draft CD-1 By-law provisions generally as shown in Appendix A, the draft CHODP amendments generally as shown in Appendix B and the proposed conditions of approval listed in Appendix D.
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Amend By-law No. 7200, in accordance with the amendments noted below.
Note: All additions are in bold and deletions are
crossed out.4The only uses permitted within the area outlined in black on Schedule "A", which area shall be more particularly described as CD-1(312), subject to approval by Council of the form of development and to such conditions, guidelines and policies adopted by Council, and the only uses for which development permits will be issued are:
(a)multiple dwellings, not exceeding
70 568 m²71 794 m2 in total gross floor area, provided separately or in conjunction with any of the uses listed below, provided that:(i)a minimum of 97 units (but not including the units provided under clause (ii) below) shall be for family housing, all of which shall be designed in accordance with the Council-adopted "High-Density Housing for Families with Children Guidelines";
(ii)a minimum of 99 units shall be provided through government funded programs targeted for core-need households or through such other non-market housing programs or initiatives as Council may approve, and shall be designed for family housing consistent with clause (i) above;
(b)multiple dwellings not exceeding
15 000m213 905 m2 in total gross floor area, each dwelling unit having a net floor area of less than 70 m2, provided they are for rental use only and secured by an agreement acceptable to the City;6.1The total floor area for the uses listed in Table 1 shall not exceed the totals set opposite such uses, and any use permitted by section 4 but not listed in Table 1 is not limited by this sub-section 6.1.
Residential Uses
Retail and Service Uses
Office Uses
85 56885 699 m2
5 2686 678 m2
3 0511 510 m26.5The total floor area in each sub-area for the uses listed in Table 2 shall not exceed the applicable totals set opposite such uses, and any use permitted by section 4 but not listed in Table 2 is not limited by this sub-section 6.5. In sub-area 1, the Development Permit Board or Director of Planning may permit the substitution of office uses for retail and service uses or retail and service uses for office uses, provided that the total floor space for retail , service and office uses does not exceed 2 820 m2.
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MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA (in square metres)
SUB-AREA (from Diagram 1)
Residential Uses
Retail and Service Uses
Office Uses
15 00015 1311 410
2 9511 410
37 568
1 998
33 000
1 570
1 700
6.6The maximum number of units in each sub-area shall be as set out in Table 3.
SUB-AREA (from Diagram 1)
Maximum Number of Units
7. Height
7.1The maximum building height measured above the base surface, but excluding the mechanical penthouse and roof, shall be as set out in Table 4.
MAXIMUM HEIGHT (in metres)
SUB-AREA (from Diagram 1)
Maximum Height
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9. Parking
Off-street parking shall be provided, developed and maintained in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Parking By-law, except as follows:
(a)retail uses shall provide a minimum of 1 space for each 100 m² of gross floor area up to 300 m², then 1 space for each 50 m² of gross floor area, subject to a maximum number of spaces of 10% greater than the minimum calculated using this clause;
(b)restaurant uses shall provide a minimum of 1 space for each 50 m² of gross floor area up to 100 m², then 1 space for each 10 m² of gross floor area for the next 400 m² to a total of 500 m² of gross floor area, and thereafter 1 space for each 20 m² over 500 m² of gross floor area, subject to a maximum number of spaces of 10% greater than the minimum calculated using this clause;
(c)multiple dwelling units larger than 52 m2 (gross floor area), not including units in sub-area 1 or units designated for the rental incentive, core-need or seniors housing, shall provide a minimum of 0.9 spaces for each dwelling unit plus 1 space for each 200 m² of gross floor area, with a maximum of 1.1 spaces for each dwelling unit plus 1 space for each 125 m² of gross floor area, except that no more than 2.2 spaces for each dwelling unit need be provided;
(d)multiple dwelling units larger than 52 m2 (gross floor area) in sub-area 1, not including units designated for the rental incentive, core-need or seniors housing, shall provide a minimum of
0.90.3 spaces for each dwelling unit plus 1 space for each200100 m² of gross floor area, with a maximum of1.10.5 spaces for each dwelling unit plus 1 space for each125100 m² of gross floor area, except that no more than 2.2 spaces for each dwelling unit need be provided;(e)multiple dwelling units less than or equal to 52 m2 gross floor area shall provide a minimum of 0.5 space per dwelling unit, subject to a maximum of 1.0 space per dwelling unit;
rental incentive dwelling uses shall provide a minimum of 0.4 spaces for each dwelling unitplus 1 space for each 100 m² of gross floor area, with a maximum of 0.6 spaces for eachdwelling unit plus 1 space for each 100 m² gross floor area, except that no more than 2.2spaces for each dwelling unit need be provided;(f)live-aboard residential dwelling uses shall provide a minimum of 1.2 spaces for each live-aboard to a maximum of 1.4 spaces for each live-aboard;
(g )floating home residential dwelling uses shall provide a minimum of 1.4 spaces for each floating home to a maximum of 1.6 spaces for each floating-home;
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(h)office uses shall provide a minimum of 1 space for each 93 m² of gross floor area with a maximum of 1 space for each 80 m² of gross floor area;
(i)recreational and cultural uses shall provide parking as determined by the Director of Planning in consultation with the City Engineer;
(j)the visitor component of residential use parking in all sub-areas except sub-area 1, 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit, may be located off-site provided it is located no further than 150 m away from the site containing the dwelling units;
and(k)a maximum visitor component of 0.2 space per dwelling unit shall be provided in sub-area 1, except that the Director of Planning, in consultation with the City Engineer, taking into account the time varying demand of uses, may reduce the visitor component to a minimum of 0.05 space per dwelling unit; and
(l)commercial, live-aboard and floating home uses located within the marina shall provide parking at locations as determined by the Director of Planning in consultation with the City Engineer.
Note: All additions are in bold and deletions are
crossed out.(1) Amend Schedule A of By-law No. 6754 by deleting the second paragraph of section 3.2.1 and substituting the following:
"The basic residential allowance permitted shall not exceed a maximum of
2,0342,045 dwelling units, having a total floor area up to a maximum of216858218 084 square metres. Above this basic residential allowance, as an incentive for the construction of market rental units not exceeding a net unit size of 70 square metres, a further allowance for these kinds of units, totalling up to 0.24 net floor space ratio, may be permitted. The maximum total floor area for these market rental units shall not exceed1500013 905 square metres. The maximum number of base dwelling units and total floor areas which may be permitted within each area shall be as illustrated in Figures 4A and 4B."(2)Amend Figure 4a of Schedule A of By-law No. 6754 by replacing the number 2 034 with the number 2 045, and replacing the number 206 with the number 270, and replacing the number 2 240 with 2 315, and replacing the number 835 with the number 846 and replacing the number 1041 with the number 1116.
(3) Amend Figure 4b of Schedule A of By-law No. 6754 by replacing the number 92 059 with the number 93 285, and replacing the number 15 000 with 13 905, and replacing the number 107 059 with the number 107 190.
(4) Amend Figure 5 of Schedule A of By-law No. 6754 by replacing the number 139 500 with the number 137 959, and replacing the number 3 665 with the number 5 075, and replacing the number 186 000 with the number 185 869.
(5) Amend Figure 12C of Schedule A of By-law No. 6754 by replacing the number 73 with the number 84.
Amend Figure 4 (Maximum Building Heights in metres) to increase the maximum height of the tower from 73 m to 84 m and to increase the height of the podium from 8 m to 11 m.
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(a) THAT the proposed form of development be approved by Council in principle, generally as prepared by Busby and Associates Architects and stamped "Received City Planning Department, November 6, 1997", provided that the Director of Planning may allow minor alterations to this form of development when approving the detailed scheme of development as outlined in (b) below.
(b) THAT, prior to approval by Council of the form of development, the applicant shall obtain approval of a development application by the Director of Planning, who shall have particular regard to the following:
(i)design development to the layouts of the residential units to provide greater variety in unit type and size, and to provide usable private open space for each unit, in the form of open, enclosed or "French" balconies;
(ii)design development to the podium level amenity and deck areas to maximize their usability for residents and to improve the decks appearance when viewed from above;
(Note to applicant: Consideration should be given to accommodating urban gardening container systems, and other landscaping on the podium roof.)
(iii)design development to the western party wall of the commercial podium to improve its interface with adjacent approved residential development;
(Note to applicant: Consideration should be given to breaking up the expanse of wall with window openings, recessed sections, or other architectural treatments.)
(iv)lowering of the pedestrian canopy on Pender Street to an approximate height of 3.1 m (10 ft.) above the sidewalk to improve its effectiveness for weather protection;
(v)design development to take into consideration the principles of CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) having particular regard to reducing opportunities for theft in the underground parking garage, break and enter, vandalism such as graffiti.
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(c) THAT, prior to enactment of the amending By-Law, and at no cost to the City, the registered owners shall:
(i)execute an agreement, satisfactory to the Director of the Office of Cultural Affairs and the Director of Legal Services, for the provision of public art in accordance with the Citys Public Art Policy, such agreement to provide for security in a form and amount satisfactory to the aforesaid mentioned officials;
(ii) make suitable arrangements, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services, for all electrical and telephone services to be underground within and adjacent of the site from the closest, existing suitable service point;
(iii) execute an agreement, to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services, not to discriminate against families with children in the sale of residential units;
(iv)execute a Housing Agreement to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services and the Manager of the Housing Centre to secure the rental tenure in perpetuity;
(v)make suitable arrangements, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services for the provision of sidewalk, curbing and street trees.
(vi)make suitable arrangements, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Legal Services for the dedication of a 1.5m x 1.5 m corner cut-off at the southeast corner of the site;
(vii)execute an agreement drawn to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services and the General Manager of Engineering Services providing for the continuing support of Pender Street insofar as this support may be affected by any development of the site; and
(viii)make suitable arrangements, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services that parking associated with commercial uses must be available to residents visitors outside of business hours.
Where the Director of Legal Services deems appropriate the preceding agreements are to be drawn, not only as personal covenants of the property owner, but also as Covenants pursuant to Section 215 of the Land Title Act.
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The preceding agreements are to be registered in the appropriate Land Title Office, with priority over such other liens, charges and encumbrances affecting the subject site as is considered advisable by the Director or Legal Services, and otherwise to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services prior to enactment of the by-law; provided however the Director of Legal Services may, in her sole discretion and on terms she considers advisable, accept tendering of the preceding agreements for registration in the appropriate Land Title Office, to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services, prior to enactment of the by-law.
The preceding agreements shall provide security to the City including indemnities, warranties, equitable charges, letters of credit and withholding of permits, as deemed necessary by and in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.
The timing of all required payments shall be determined by the appropriate City official having responsibility for each particular agreement, who may consult other City officials and City Council.
(d) THAT, if approved at Public Hearing, the by-law be accompanied at the time of enactment by the "Marina Neighbourhood CD-1 Guidelines for Land Development" to be amended by resolution of Council.
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Site and Surrounding Development:
The proposed development at 1529 Pender Street is located within the boundary of the Coal Harbour Official Development Plan. The 0.25 ha (0.62 acre) site is bound by Nicola Street to the east, a CD-1 zoned site on the corner of Cardero and Georgia Street to the west, Hastings Street to the north and Pender Street to the south. The site, which is currently a surface parking lot, is adjacent to 1575-77 West Georgia Street which is zoned CD-1 for a 13-storey residential tower. Directly to the north across Hastings Street, are a 4-6 storey non-market housing project and two residential towers that range between 68.0 m to 73.3 m. Immediately south on the corner of Georgia and Cardero Street, there is an 80.0 m office tower (Sun Life) which is zoned DD (Downtown District).
Proposed Development:
The proposed development has a 30-storey residential tower with ground level townhouses fronting on Hastings Street and mixed retail/commercial on Pender Street. Proposed amendments to the CD-1 By-law will allow for an increase in the tower height from 73.0 m to 84.0 m and also increase the height of the podium from 8.0m to 11.0 m. The number of units is increased from 206 to 281 over a smaller but more efficient floorplate. There are 270 rental units in the tower and 11 strata townhouses are on the north side of the podium.
Vehicular access to 2 levels of underground parking is provided via Nicola Street. Pedestrian access to commercial/retail services is on Pender Street as well as to the townhouses off of Hastings Street.
The proposal to increase the number of units does not result in an increase in the allowable floor area which is consistent with the overall allocation of residential floor space in the CHODP and the sub-area CD-1 By-law. This proposal conforms to the allowable FSR of 7.2.
The proposed building fits well within the existing and future family of towers in the area with respect to height, massing and siting. The podium will assist in providing pedestrian scale on Pender and Hastings Streets and contributes to pedestrian activity by having retail/commercial shops and trees along the sidewalk off Pender Street.
Social and Environmental Implications
This proposal provides for more rental housing close to outdoor and cultural amenities and adds to the mixture of housing tenure in the Coal Harbour area. The proposal will allow for individuals to live close to work thereby reducing automobile dependency.
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Public Input:
A rezoning sign was erected on the site on November 28, 1997 and a notification letter has been distributed to the surrounding neighbourhood. Staff have received 3 letters and 6 phone calls concerning the proposed reduction in parking and the size of the units, and the proposed increase in height.
General Manager of Engineering Services:
The General Manager of Engineering Services has no objections to the proposed
rezoning amendment, provided that the applicant complies with the conditions as shown
in Appendix D.
Housing Centre Comments:
"The Manager of the Housing Centre supports the decrease in unit size and the increase in the number of rental units. The October 1997 CMHC rental survey indicated that the average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in the West End was $740 per month and the vacancy rate was 0.7%. Affordable housing options for one person households are limited, and it is important that new rental units be as affordable as possible. The rental units proposed in this project will be rented at market rates, and, since smaller units rent for less than larger units, the smaller (50 m2) units are an improvement to the building program.
There is a covenant on the title for this site now, which prohibits stratification of any residential part of the building, as the means of ensuring that rental tenure is secured in perpetuity. This covenant will have to be replaced. Financing will likely require stratification, and, as well, the proposal is to develop 11 townhouses for sale and these will have to be strata titled. Condition "C4" requires that a Housing Agreement to replace the existing covenant be entered into to ensure the 270 units intended to be rental are maintained as rental in perpetuity.
The Manager of the Housing Centre also supports the conversion of the retail space originally proposed for the Hastings St. frontage to residential townhouses. This portion of Hastings will be closed to all traffic except transit and emergency vehicles, and to introduce retail would necessarily invite non-essential traffic into the street. With 99 units of family
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non-market housing under construction opposite, this street can be expected to function as hard surface play area for children."
Urban Design Panel Comments:
On November 19, 1997, the Urban Design Panel gave unanimous support for the project. There were no concerns about the additional height and the panel felt the slimmer tower form was an improvement to the previously approved form of development. The townhouses on West Hastings Street were considered more appropriate than commercial use and were strongly supported.
The Panel also strongly supported the proposed use of this site for a rental building. There were, however, some concerns about the number of small units, and the applicant was encouraged to try to achieve greater variety in unit type and size. It was stressed that with small units the exterior open space and interior amenity space will need to be very carefully maximized. The applicant was urged to ensure the podium level is used for some creative function. It was noted that the amount of work area in the townhouse live/work units is also very small. The panel suggested that efforts should be made to maximize balcony areas and that special attention be given to the design of the open amenity space on the podium so as to invite and encourage use.
The applicant has been provided with a copy of this report and will provide comments before referral to public hearing.
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Street Address
1529 West Pender Street
Legal Description
Lot 4, Block 42, D.L. 185 and of the Public Harbour of Burrard Inlet, Plan LMP 12354
Busby and Associates Architects
Busby and Associates Architects
Property Owner/Developer
Fineline International Developments
2492.5 m2
2492.5 m2
DEVELOPMENT (if different than proposed)
Multiple Dwellings (rental), retail uses, service uses, office uses, cultural and recreational uses, repair shop, public authority use, public utility, parking uses and accessory uses customarily ancillary to the above uses.
multiple dwellings(rental and strata), retail uses, office uses, service uses, cultural and recreational uses, repair shop, public authority use, public utility, parking uses and accessory uses customarily ancillary to the above uses.
73.0 m (tower)
84.0m (tower)
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(c) 1997 City of Vancouver