FROM: City Clerk's Office DATE: October 16, 1997
FILE: 5053
TO: Mayor and Councillors
SUBJECT: Planning Principles & Concept Plan for Mole Hill
At the July 31, 1997, Standing Committee on Planning & Environment meeting, Council heard delegations on the planning principles and concept plan for Mole Hill. Due to time constraints, Council postponed its decision until a future meeting. This item was postponed from the October 7, 1997 Council meeting to October 28, 1997.
Council has before it three sets of recommendations (attached):
-staff recommendations set out in the Policy Report dated July 21, 1997 (limited distribution attachment);
-recommendations of the Mole Hill Working Group set out in pages 3 and 4, Appendix 4, of the Policy Report;
-recommendations of the Vancouver Heritage Commission set out in Appendix G of the Policy Report.
Minutes of the July 31, 1997 Planning & Environment Committee meeting were previously distributed and are on file in the City Clerks Office.
-staff recommendations set out in the Policy Report dated July 21, 1997;
A.THAT the principles for the development of Mole Hill put forward by staff, as set out in Appendix B of the Policy Report dated July 21, 1997, be endorsed by Council;
B.THAT the Concept Plan based on staffs principles as shown on Appendix B page 3, be adopted by Council as the basis for the next phase of planning;
C.THAT the adoption of A and B above, constitute the end of Phase I of the planning of Mole Hill and that Phase II commence immediately, involving the Mole Hill Working Group and the general public in further refining the plan and implementation strategies;
D.THAT funding for Phase II of Mole Hill planning, in the amount of $50,000 as described in the Policy Report dated July 21, 1997, be approved;
FURTHER THAT the 1997 portion of this, in the amount of $25,000, come from Contingency Reserve Fund and the balance be included in the 1998 departmental operating budget; and
E.THAT to expedite the first phase of the Mole Hill childcare development already approved by Council (i.e. the new construction of a childcare facility and an infill family dwelling unit suitable for licensed family childcare) being undertaken by the B.C. Wood Specialities Group, and to extend the useful life of the existing two adjacent houses, Council authorize the Manager of Real Estate and Director of Facility Development in consultation with staff from Heritage Planning to proceed with required service and life safety building upgrade work, basic maintenance, and minor heritage "revealing" work to the exteriors of the existing houses at 1129 and 1137 Pendrell;
FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to work with B.C. Wood Specialities Group to explore sources for donated materials which will facilitate the current and future exterior heritage work in Mole Hill; and
F.THAT Engineering and Planning staff report back on the treatment of the public lane, taking into consideration infill sites, services, pedestrian use, and vehicular access.
-recommendations of the Mole Hill Working Group set out in pages 3 and 4, Appendix 4, of the Policy Report dated July 21, 1997;
A.THAT the principles for the development of Mole Hill put forward by the Working Group, as set out in Appendix C, be endorsed by Council;
B.THAT the Concept Plan based on the Working Group's principles as shown on Appendix C, page 6, be adopted by Council as the basis for the next phase of planning;
C.Same as foregoing staff recommendation C;
D.Same as foregoing staff recommendation D;
ESame as foregoing staff recommendation E;
F.Same as foregoing staff recommendation F;
G.THAT Council and the Working Group explore partnerships with other non-market and private industry agencies. These partnerships could be for demonstration, innovation, and skill-training projects which will bring in equity and expertise and may have transferability to other city-wide initiatives; i.e. CityPlan or the Southeast Shore of False Creek;
H.THAT Council direct staff and the Working Group to oversee the renovation of 1 or 2 houses (for example, 1129 and 1137 Pendrell) as a demonstration project to preserve the houses as a heritage resource functioning as low-end of market rental housing and to achieve a more clear understanding of the renovation costs. Note that if this project is successful both staff and the Working Group will gain valuable information which is necessary in order to make a reasonable judgment on how to proceed with the remaining houses on the block.
-recommendations of the Vancouver Heritage Commission set out in Appendix G of the Policy Report dated July 21, 1997.
-that all buildings and streetscape on the site be protected, through appropriate zoning and/or designation;
-that no structure be demolished;
-that no or few structures be moved;
-that intervention to individual buildings be kept to a minimum;
-that a set of design guidelines be produced to address the entire site, including:
-the restoration/rehabilitation of existing housing stock,
-infill housing,
-new construction,
-that a programme be drawn up for the continued maintenance and ongoing preservation of the site;
-that the City takes advantage of the density transfer options that are available;
-that the Heritage Planning Group and the Heritage Commission continue to be involved in all further stages of the planning and development process for Mole Hill.
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(c) 1997 City of Vancouver