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OCTOBER 28, 1997
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, October 28, 1997, at approximately 12:25 p.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.
PRESENT: Mayor Philip Owen
Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
Councillor Jennifer Clarke
Councillor Alan Herbert
Councillor Lynne Kennedy
Councillor Daniel Lee
Councillor Don Lee
Councillor Gordon Price
Councillor George Puil
ABSENT: Councillor Don Bellamy (Civic Business)
Councillor Sam Sullivan (Leave of Absence)
COUNCIL: Denise Salmon
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the chair.
Report of Standing Committee on
Transportation and Traffic
October 28, 1997
Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in the following clauses of the attached report:
Cl.1: Ridgeway Greenway - Portion of 37th Avenue
(West of Fraser at Mountain View Cemetery)
Cl.2: BC Transit 1998/99 Conceptual Transit Service Plan
Clause 1
Ridgeway Greenway - Portion of 37th Avenue
(West of Fraser at Mountain View Cemetery)
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause 1 of this report, be approved.
(Councillors Don Lee and Puil opposed to Recommendation A.)
Clause 2
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause 2 of this report, be approved.
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
SECONDED BY Cllr. Clarke,
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
1. Leave of Absence - Councillor Chiavario
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke
SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert
THAT Councillor Chiavario be granted Leave of Absence for October 30, 1997, from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
The Council adjourned at 12:27 p.m.
* * * * *
OCTOBER 28, 1997
A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on Transportation and Traffic was held on Tuesday, October 28, 1997, at approximately 9:30 a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.
PRESENT: Councillor Gordon Price, Chair
Mayor Philip Owen
Councillor Don Bellamy
Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
Councillor Jennifer Clarke
Councillor Alan Herbert
Councillor Lynne Kennedy
Councillor Daniel Lee
Councillor Don Lee
Councillor George Puil
ABSENT: Councillor Sam Sullivan (Leave of Absence)
COMMITTEE: Denise Salmon
1. Ridgeway Greenway - Portion of 37th Avenue
(West of Fraser at Mountain View Cemetery) File: 5767/5753
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated October 10, 1997, (on file) in which the General Manager of Engineering Services and Director of Community Planning, in consultation with the Manager of Non-Market Housing, reviewed the status of the approved road closure of 37th Avenue west of Fraser Street (at Mountain View Cemetery) as part of the Ridgeway Greenway pilot project and recommended it be made permanent.
Clause 1 Cont'd
Peter Bremner, Traffic Management Engineer, outlined the public consultation process for the planning and design of the Ridgeway Greenway pilot project and reviewed the main points of the report with the Committee. With the aid of a map, Mr. Bremner indicated, according to correspondence received, those in favour and opposed to the street closure; time did not allow for inclusion of the 300+ names received on a petition opposed to the road closure. Two alternate routes for accessing adjacent arterials were then highlighted.
Shirley Chan, Manager, Non-Market Housing, summarized her comments provided in the report.
The following speakers were in favour of making permanent the closure of 37th Avenue west of Fraser Street (at Mountain View Cemetery), as approved by Council on June 27, 1996:
·400·Rob Nijjar, VCPC·400
·400·Bonnie Friesen* (submitted two letters in favour of closure from Kenny Lim and Family and Abdool Hafez Khan) ·400
·400·Jan Fricker·400
·400·Russel Kwan·400
·400·Wendy Kwan·400
·400·Colin Judd·400
·400·Colin Cartwright·400
·400·David Duthie·400
·400·Cheeying Ho, BEST·400
·400·Richard Imeson ·400
·400·Patrick Britten·400
·400·Valerie McIntosh·400
·400·jil weaving·400
·400·Charlie Killam·400
·400·Mary Sutherland·400
·400·Barbara Rines·400
·400·Brian Billingsley·400
·400·Arno Schortinghuis·400
*Also circulated at the meeting were three additional letters in favour of the closure from the following people, who were unable to attend the meeting: Brian Svelnis, Gary and Phyllis Coward, and Elizabeth and Keith Hamel.
Clause 1 Cont'd
The speakers' points are summarized as follows:
·400·the long-term vision for the Ridgeway Greenway pilot project would be compromised by reopening 37th to vehicular traffic·400
·400·less traffic on the street has brought neighbours out of their homes and provided a sense of neighbourhood·400
·400·cars continue to ignore the installed barricade resulting in a boulevard of mud·400
·400·motorists should not short-cut through residential neighbourhoods, including Prince Edward, but rather use adjacent major arterial routes·400
·400·numerous decisions to move into the 37th Avenue neighbourhood had been made based on the Ridgeway Greenway project, and anticipated sense of community and safety of children provided by the closed street and park playground, which should not be jeopardized by those motorists who want to short-cut through the neighbourhood·400
·400·Council members were requested to demonstrate leadership and support the initiatives proposed in City Plan, Clouds of Change, and the Ridgeway Greenway/Bikeway report·400
·400·since the closure there has been a steady increase in both pedestrian and bicycle traffic·400
·400·if approval of the closure were reversed, there would be no opportunity to measure the true success of the project as envisioned in the original plan·400
·400·with anything but a complete closure benefits of the planned pond to reduce stress on the drainage system and traffic free environment would be lost·400
·400·if opened, 37th Avenue would provide a clear path from Main to Fraser, aided by stop signs on cross streets·400
·400·illegal two-way traffic will result from even a one way closure·400
·400·since the closure commuter cyclist use has increased, cars no longer screech, neighbours make fuller use of their yards, and parents are often seen on the street teaching their children to ride bicycles·400
·400·residents of seniors housing and an extended care facility located adjacent Cartier Park now enjoy use of its circular path, undisturbed by racing cars ·400
·400·safe, pleasant bike routes are needed in the city - and programs such as the Ridgeway Greenway pilot will have a positive effect on the long-term quality of life in Vancouver·400
·400·limiting access to the street has led to reduced incidents of crime in the area·400
·400·no more than 40 additional seconds is now required to access Fraser by either 41st or 33rd Avenues·400
·400·support for the innovative and progressive Greenways program·400
Clause 1 Cont'd
·400·Ridgeway Greenway offers one of few relatively car free routes for cyclists in the GVRD - the original decision was to make a green space for pedestrians and cyclists -not inconvenience motorists·400
·400·driving a few extra blocks is a small inconvenience in exchange for the neighbourhood benefit of a green zone and safe space for families·400
·400·opening 37th Avenue one way would be dangerous, and tempt drivers to travel faster due to no oncoming traffic, as well as increase danger to children and the elderly who make use of Cartier Park·400
·400·traffic calming needs to be considered for Prince Edward·400
·400·a push button pedestrian light at 41st and Prince Edward would facilitate movement of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists·400
·400·37th Avenue traffic problems are caused by commuters, not local traffic·400
·400·opening 37th will lead to a decrease in property values·400
·400·since the closure, the neighbourhood is much quieter, if opened eastbound this would undermine the design implications, the Greenway program must be supported·400
·400·those most in favour of the closure have the furthest commute out of the neighbourhood·400
·400·full potential for Vancouver's finest Greenway, with Mountain View as the jewel in the crown, will only be achieved by persevering with the original plan·400
The following speakers were opposed to making permanent the closure of 37th Avenue west of Fraser Street (at Mountain View Cemetery), as approved by Council on June 27, 1996:
·400·Raymond Kwong·400
·400·Gunter Hasbach (petition submitted)·400
·400·Tyler Moore·400
·400·Dave Sims·400
The speakers' points are summarized as follows:
·400·37th Avenue is a public road, and roads should be shared by both cyclists and motorists·400
·400·motorists are being excluded from 37th in favour of those with special interests·400
·400·exclusion of motorists, at expense of certain residents, puts forward the additional risk turning left eastbound from Prince Edward onto 41st Avenue·400
Clause 1 Cont'd
·400·the cemetery should not be used as a park due to social taboos and traditions, but rather used as a contemplative space·400
·400·all proposed ideas for the cemetery could still be incorporated with the street opened one way; a compromise is needed·400
·400·more green space in the area is not necessary; 90 acres currently exist in the cemetery ·400
·400·Prince Edward now suffers excess traffic due to 37th Avenue closure, creating potential to endanger users of Cartier Park ·400
Jim Turner was neither in favour nor opposed, but expressed the following points:
·400·requested removal of stop sign at 34th and Prince Edward to alleviate the 24 hour a day excessive traffic noise adjacent his home·400
·400·suggested some type of blockage to prevent non-local traffic from entering the neighbourhood·400
·400·opposed to Prince Edward becoming an arterial route·400
The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A.THAT the closure of 37th Avenue at Mountain View Cemetery west of Fraser Street, approved by Council on June 27, 1996, be made permanent for Greenway development and that staff continue to work with the Cemetery consultants to integrate their development proposals into the Greenway design to maximize public benefit.
(Councillors Bellamy, Don Lee and Puil opposed.)
The following motion by Councillor Herbert was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
B.THAT staff be requested to report back on a traffic calming program for Prince Edward Street.
Clause 1 Cont'd
C.THAT, as part of the Prince Edward traffic calming process, staff include a review on potential for timing the lights at both Main and Fraser streets to help improve or maximize the comfort level of those motorists turning left from Prince Edward Street onto 41st Avenue.
2. BC Transit 1998/99 Conceptual Transit Service Plan File: 5551
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated October 14, 1997 (on file), in which the General Manager of Engineering Services discussed a City response to BC Transit's 1998/99 Conceptual Service Plan.
Wayne Pledger, Strategic Transportation Planning Engineer, advised both Mr. Prokop and Mr. Lambert had left due to other commitments. He provided background on the recommendations before Council. Some Committee members felt they were not provided with sufficient detail to make a decision on the recommendations; Mr. Pledger advised BC Transit first develops its general direction - then works toward its final detailed plan.
The following points were raised:
·400·BC Transit is currently in the process of acquiring 30-40 leased busses to target the passups and overcrowding currently occurring on some routes·400
·400·Engineering staff suggested Council members prepare specific questions for Transit, to allow for specific responses when Transit is next before Council·400
·400·Concern with the apparent erosion of Vancouver's trolley system, and expansion of diesel stock·400
Nathan Davidowicz spoke in favour of the recommendations before Council this day; with note many of the same recommendations had been reaffirmed by numerous Councils over the last 15 years, and continue to be ignored by BC Transit. He further noted only one additional vote would be required on the Vancouver Regional Transit Commission (with both Vancouver and Burnaby already in favour) to make First Avenue a 1998 bus route priority.
Clause 2 Cont'd
* * *
Councillor Bellamy left the meeting during discussion of the foregoing item.
* * *
The following motion by Mayor Owen was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A.THAT Council confirm its outstanding requests for transit improvements as listed in Appendix A attached to the Administrative Report dated October 14, 1997.
B.THAT substantial resources in the 1998/99 Annual Service Plan be allocated to City bus routes in order to meet increasing service demands, with the following focus (notwithstanding the need for other Appendix A improvements):
-providing more service on bus routes experiencing passups and overcrowding, in all time periods
-providing peak period express service on selected City transit corridors, based on need
-adding B-Line Stops on Broadway at Renfrew Street and Clark Drive
C.THAT BC Transit be requested to work with the City to review transit options for the Downtown and Central Area, as per the Citys Transportation Plan (including the Central Broadway/Waterfront Station Route).
D.THAT the local service on Georgia Street provided by North Vancouver buses be made permanent; and further that the local service operation be extended to include West Vancouver buses.
E.THAT the use of buses on Burrard Street between 4th Avenue and the Burrard Bridge, and bus stops on northbound and southbound Burrard Street at 3rd Avenue be approved.
F.THAT BC Transit be thanked for the new services provided in the 1997/98 Annual Service Plan.
Clause 2 Cont'd
G.That BC Transit be requested to provide the City an opportunity to comment on the detailed 1998/99 Annual Service Plan in advance of its approval by the Vancouver Regional Transit Commission.
H.THAT BC Transit be advised Vancouver City Council considers the maintenance and expansion of the trolley system to be an urgent priority.
The Committee adjourned at 12:25 p.m.
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(c) 1997 City of Vancouver