JULY 31, 1997

                                 POLICY REPORT

                                           Date: July 8, 1997
                                           File No: SP070797
                                           CC File: 2005

   TO:       Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets

   FROM:     Director of Community Services Division and Director, Office
             of Cultural Affairs 

   SUBJECT:  1997 Capital Grant Allocations 


        THAT Council approve 11 Capital Grants, totalling $65,250, as
        listed in Appendix A, including conditions on the grants, where


        The General Manager of Community Services submits the foregoing for
        Council's CONSIDERATION.


   In 1987, City Council adopted "Criteria and Guidelines for Capital
   Grants".  Included in these was the stipulation that the City grant for
   a project is not to exceed one-third of the total project cost.

   The 1997-1999 Capital Plan included provision for a Capital Grant
   program for social service and cultural projects in facilities which are
   not owned by the City.

   Approval of grants requires eight affirmative votes.


   This report contains recommended allocations for the 1997 Capital Grant


   For many years, the City has provided support for cultural and social
   service facilities through a number of mechanisms including: direct
   provision of facilities like Carnegie and the Vancouver Civic Theatres,
   capital budget allocations to organizations operating out of City-owned
   facilities (i.e. Mt. Pleasant Neighbourhood House, Firehall Theatre),
   and capital grants to organizations located in their own (or leased)

   Council approved an allocation of $500,000 for Capital Grants in the
   1997-1999 Capital Plan.  On May 7, 1997, Council approved an allocation
   of $100,000 in the Capital Budget for this year's Capital Grants.  


   Capital Grants Process:

   City Council adopted criteria and guidelines for Capital Grants in 1987. 
   These were amended in 1994 to reflect recent changes in the program
   (i.e. grants are only for facilities not owned by the City; only social
   service and cultural facilities are eligible).  Revised criteria and
   guidelines are attached to this report as Appendix C.

   Following Council's approval of the $100,000 budget allocation in May
   1997, a preliminary application form, along with a copy of the criteria
   and guidelines, was sent to Community Service and Cultural grant
   applicants who own or lease spaces and who had expressed an interest in
   the Capital Grants program.  As the budget was half that of the previous
   three years, staff did not undertake a general mailing and did not
   encourage applications from large projects.

   A total of 14 organizations returned completed preliminary applications. 
   One organization did not meet the basic eligibility criteria for Capital
   Grants and was so advised.  Full application forms were then sent to the
   remainder.   A total of 13 applications, requesting a total of $145,951
   were submitted The front pages of the application forms are attached to
   this report as Appendix D 

   Staff evaluated the applications first on basis of the basic criteria,
   and then in terms of the following priorities:

       Appropriateness, public benefits, effectiveness, quality and
        potential improvement of services;
       Financial need; 
       Cost of service; 
       Accessibility for the broad community; and
       Confirmed financial support from other sources.

   Facilities Development staff participated in the grant review process to
   review the cost estimates and have recommended adjustments where

   Staff also review the various forms of support given to applicants in
   determining grant allocations including support received from the City
   by way of non-market land leases and/or through property tax exemptions. 
   The following applicants receive such benefits:

       Norman Rothstein Theatre (through the Jewish Community Centre)
       Harbourview Day Care (through the Park Board)
       Kitsilano Neighbourhood House (property tax exemption only)
       St. James Daycare (property tax exemption only)
       Vancouver Oral Centre (through Sunny Hill Hospital)

   The review process culminated in the recommended grant allocations
   attached as Appendix A.  The rationale for each recommendation is
   included in this report as Appendix B.

   Accountability and Recognition:

   As in the past, one-half of the grant will be paid at the start of the
   project, subject to any conditions having been met and the applicant
   having received all of the necessary approvals and permits, and the
   remaining half be paid when the work has been completed, as determined
   by the Director of Community Services Division and Director, Office of
   Cultural Affairs.

   To ensure that the funds are used as proposed, all grant recipients will
   be required to submit a report within 60 days of completion of the
   project, outlining project revenues and expenditures and noting
   specifically how the City grant was spent.

   As in the past, staff are recommending that grant recipients be required
   to acknowledge the City contribution in any situation where project
   funding is officially recognized by the organization (i.e. in annual
   reports, brochures, plaques etc.).


   Approval of the recommended Capital grants will help to ensure that
   approximately $3.4 million dollars worth of renovations, upgrading, 
   facility acquisition, and new construction of cultural and social
   service facilities will happen in 1997.  

   This Capital Grant program is an excellent example of one of the ways in
   which the City can work with non-profit organizations to maintain and
   improve the cultural and social service infrastructure in Vancouver.

                               *   *   *   *   *


   Applicant                    Budget    Requested

   Artspeak Gallery 1          $          $           $          
                                 200,000      48,000      20,000 

   Harbourview Day Care       $           $           $          
                                  22,503      15,002       6,100 
   Immigrant        Services  $           $           $          
   Society of BC                  15,000       5,000       3,500 
   Kits Neighbourhood House   $           $           $          
                                   3,683       1,228       1,100 
   Moberley Park Preschool 2  $           $           $          
                                   4,468       1,500       1,350 
   Rothstein Theatre          $           $           $          
                                   9,120       3,040       1,200 

   St. James Daycare          $           $           $          
                                  30,000      10,000           0 

   Unit/Pitt Society          $           $           $          
                                  40,000       6,000           0 

   Vancouver Co-op Radio      $           $           $          
                                  22,500       7,500       1,300 
   Vancouver Oral Centre 3        $       $           $          
                               3,000,000      35,000      25,000 
   Volunteer Grandparents     $           $           $          
                                   2,742         914         900 

   VON Richmond-Vancouver     $           $           $          
                                  14,810      10,367       2,400 
   Western Institute for the  $           $           $          
   Deaf                            7,187       2,400       2,400 

                                  $        $          $          
                               3,372,013     145,951      65,250 

   Subject to:

   1.   the confirmation of the balance of the funds and financing
        necessary to complete the purchase to the satisfaction of the
        Director, Office of Cultural Affairs.

   2.   the confirmation of Provincial funding to the satisfaction of the
        City s Childcare 

   3.   the receipt of a copy of a nominal-rate lease confirming the
        benefit of the City-owned land to the society from Sunny Hill


   Grants Recommended:

   Artspeak Gallery

   Staff recommend a grant of $20,000 in support of plans to purchase and
   fit-up a permanent gallery.  While a grant of $37,000 has been confirmed
   by the Vancouver Foundation, staff recommend that the City grant be
   subject to the confirmation of the balance of the funds and financing
   necessary to complete the purchase to the satisfaction of the Director,
   Office of Cultural Affairs.

   Harbourview Daycare

   Staff recommend a grant of $6,100 and have facilitated a special 
   request to the Provincial Child Care Branch for a contribution of
   another $6,100.

   Immigrant Services Society

   Staff recommend a grant of $3,500, which represents 1/3 of the cost of
   the proposed renovations to the reception centre.  Almost half of the
   applied-for funding was to be used to purchase furniture, which is not
   an eligible expense for the City's Capital Grants program.

   Kitsilano Neighbourhood House

   A grant of $1,100 is recommended to assist the organization to install a
   new wheelchair ramp.

   Moberly Park Preschool

   Staff recommend a grant of $1,350 as a one third contribution towards
   the costs of renovating a church basement to make the space licensable
   for child care.  Moberly Park Preschool is being forced to relocate
   because the Vancouver School Board can no longer promise long term
   tenure at the Moberly Park School site.

   Norman Rothstein Theatre

   A grant of $1,200 is recommended to support the purchase and
   installation of a front-of-house paging system and dance floor for the
   Norman Rothstein Theatre. The applicant also proposed the construction
   of a concession stand which was not deemed to be a priority for funds at
   this time.

   Vancouver Co-op Radio

   Staff recommend a grant of $1,300 in support of the construction of a
   permanent sound studio to house newly acquired equipment.  The equipment
   portion of the request which is ineligible for funds through this
   program, has been fully funded by the Canada Council.

   Vancouver Oral Institute 

   There is insufficient funding available in the Capital Grants budget to
   make a significant contribution to the costs of constructing the new
   Vancouver Oral Centre (VOC) facility.  However, as was done in previous
   years with similar large projects, staff re recommending a grant of
   $25,000 which will indicate City support for the project and should help
   to generate other funding sources which look to City commitments before
   making their own grants.  Staff recommend that a Capital Grant be
   subject to confirmation that the VOC is leasing the land from SunnyHill
   Hospital for a nominal rate which reflects the considerable benefit that
   the City has already conferred on this site through the lease of the
   City-owned land to SunnyHill for $1 per year.

   VON Richmond-Vancouver

   A grant of $2,400 is recommended to the VON Family Respite Centre to
   improve accessibility to their facility which provides therapeutic,
   recreational and social programs to cognitively impaired, physically
   disabled, or frail, elderly adults.

   Volunteer Grandparents

   A grant of $900 is recommended to enable the renovation of their office
   to make it suitable for current office technology - this will enable
   them to deliver their services in a more effective and efficient manner. 
   Volunteer Grandparents has the required 2/3 funding on hand.

   Western Institute for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

   Staff recommend a grant of $2,400 to assist in the cost of sub-dividing
   the existing Communication Resource Centre so that testing and
   demonstration of audio devices, counselling and reception can occur
   simultaneously without interference.  A significant improvement in
   service will result.  The organization has more than $5,000 of its own
   funds that can be made available for this project.

   Grants Not Recommended:

   St. James Daycare

   Staff are not recommending a grant because the project, a playground
   renovation, does not fit the capital grant priorities.  Staff have
   advised the daycare society of other potential sources of funding.

   Unit/Pitt Society for Critical Awareness

   The applicant has proposed several small projects for funding --
   replacing the carpeting with tiles, providing a swing-arm monitor to a
   multimedia workstation and the installation of grab bar in the washroom. 
   Repairs (floor tiles) are generally considered ineligible, as is
   furniture (swing-arm platform).  Of the estimates provided, only a $117.
   washroom grab bar was deemed eligible and well within the funds already
   received from the Hamber Foundation.