JULY 29, 1997

                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                      Date:  July 11, 1997
                                      Dept. File No.: 3153
                                      CC File No.: 5767

   TO:       Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic

   FROM:     General Manager of Engineering Services and Director of 
             Community Planning, in consultation with the      Director of

   SUBJECT:  Ridgeway Greenway - Knight Street to Victoria Drive


        A.   THAT the Ridgeway Greenway extension from Knight Street to
             Victoria Drive be constructed as described in this report;

        B.   THAT funding of $170,000 be allocated from Streets Basic
             Capital Unappropriated Account No. 12/31/6906/999 (City
             Greenways) for construction of the Ridgeway Greenway between
             Knight Street and Victoria Drive; and

        C.   THAT the Streets Basic Operating Budget be increased by $1,000
             without offset, for the maintenance of the medians proposed in
             this report, starting in 1998.


   On July 18, 1995, Council approved the Vancouver Greenways Plan,
   including construction of the Ridgeway on 37th Avenue between Granville
   and Knight Streets as the City Greenway pilot project.

   On June 27, 1996, Council approved the design of the Ridgeway pilot

   On May 27, 1997, Council approved the Vancouver Transportation Plan that
   identifies the Ridgeway as a priority bikeway.


   In July, 1995, Council approved the Vancouver Greenways Plan, including
   construction of the Ridgeway on 37th Avenue between Granville and Knight
   Streets as the City Greenway pilot project.  This pilot project is now
   substantially complete, and staff have begun working to complete the
   remainder of the Ridgeway from Pacific Spirit Park to Central Park in
   Burnaby.  An extension of the Ridgeway pilot project from Knight Street
   to Victoria Drive has been designed in consultation with the community
   to complement the Provincially cost-shared Bikeways construction.

   Public review of the proposed design of this Ridgeway extension occurred
   through an Open House held June 17, 1997, at the Kensington Community
   Centre and a subsequent survey.  Most residents who attended the Open
   House supported the Greenway proposal.  The results of the survey also
   indicated strong support.


   The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval for the funding
   and construction of the Ridgeway Greenway east from Knight Street to
   Victoria Drive.  A separate report addressing the broader issue of the
   bikeway from Pacific Spirit Park to Central Park in Burnaby will be
   presented to the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic on
   July 29, 1997.  Items of this report have been fully coordinated with
   Bikeways staff to enhance the bike route and to complement Provincially
   cost-shared Bikeway construction.


   In July, 1995, Council approved the Vancouver Greenways Plan - a
   proposed network of 14 City Greenway and Public Way routes joining
   important city-wide destinations.  It also designated the Ridgeway on
   37th Avenue between Granville and Knight Streets as the City Greenway
   pilot project.  The design of the pilot project was developed through
   extensive consultation with residents and approved for construction by
   Council in June, 1996.  This project is now substantially complete and
   staff have begun work to complete the remainder of the Ridgeway
   Greenway.  Ultimately, the Ridgeway will provide a continuous greenway
   connection between Pacific Spirit Park and Central Park in Burnaby.


   The purpose of Greenways is to enhance pedestrian and cyclist activity
   in the city.  The Ridgeway pilot project and the proposed extension east
   to Victoria Drive seek to accomplish this goal by:  making walking more
   interesting; making cycling safer and more convenient; reducing the
   impact of the car; enhancing the special places along the route; making
   the greenway greener; and using art to make the route more pleasant and

   The Ridgeway between Knight Street and Victoria Drive will be the next
   section of the Ridgeway to be constructed.  Construction of this section
   seizes an opportunity to complement Provincially cost-shared Bike route
   construction, scheduled for completion in September, 1997.  Public
   consultation and design development for the remaining Ridgeway route
   will begin this fall for construction in 1998.

   1.   Design

   The Ridgeway route location, and proposed greenway/bikeway features are
   shown in Appendix A.  This section of the Ridgeway is also a segment of
   the Ridgeway/37th/29th Avenue Bicycle Route.  Design development was
   extensively coordinated with Bikeways to maximize objectives and funding
   of both programs.  There are a variety of options for the
   greenway/bikeway to connect from Commercial Street at 37th Avenue to the
   intersection of Victoria Drive and 38th Avenue.  Most of these options
   involve Jones Park.  Greenways and Park Board staff are meeting to find
   the optimum solution to routing the Ridgeway near, along and/or through
   Jones Park.

   The main features of the Ridgeway extension are:

       Landscaped median and curb bulges on 37th Avenue east of Knight
        Street - These features will narrow the road to slow traffic but
        will not hinder any turning movements at the intersection. 
        Approximately four on-street parking spaces will be eliminated as a
        result of this road narrowing.

       Four landscaped corner bulges at the intersection of 37th Avenue
        and Dumfries Street - These corner bulges will slow traffic, reduce
        the road crossing distance for pedestrians, increase visibility
        thereby increasing the safety of Tecumseh School students and
        Kensington Community Centre users.
       Corner bulge at 37th Avenue and Fleming Street - A corner bulge
        will be constructed on the southwest corner of this intersection to
        bring both sides of 37th Avenue into alignment and provide a safer
        crossing for pedestrians.

       There are a range of options for routing the Ridgeway from
        Commercial Street and 37th to the intersection of Victoria Drive
        and 38th Avenue.  The on-street option would see the route continue
        along 37th to the  T  intersection at Victoria and south on
        Victoria to 38th Avenue.  The in-park option would see the Ridgeway
        turn south on Commercial Street from 37th Avenue to the lane to the
        south (at the north-west corner of Jones Park) and enter Jones Park
        from the lane, continue on a combined pedestrian and cyclist
        asphalt path along the north side of Jones Park, between the row of
        Sequoia trees and the soccer field, and emerge from the park at the
        intersection of Victoria and 38th Avenue.  (The public were
        surveyed on this latter option as the suggestion to run the
        Ridgeway through Jones Park originated from the Bikeway survey
        responses.)  There are a number of options in between that would
        use the street and/or lanes and the park to differing degrees. 
        However, each option would require lighting improvements, and
        corner bulges to slow traffic, provide pedestrians with safer
        crossing distances and indicate directional changes in the route. 
        The costs for all options are of a similar magnitude although the
        funds would be allocated differently for each.

       Intersection bulge and traffic signal at Victoria Drive and 38th
        Avenue.  A bulge along the west side of Victoria Drive at 38th
        Avenue is proposed to provide pedestrians and cyclists with shorter
        crossing distances at the new pedestrian and cyclist actuated
        traffic signal.  Funding for the pedestrian signal will be provided
        through Bikeways with Provincial cost sharing.  Following a trial
        of bus bulges, this bulge could be extended south in the future to
        create a new bus bulge and stop.  Benches for people to sit and
        watch the activities in the park and additional pedestrian lighting
        will be provided.

       Funding for two pole art sculptures has already been approved, and
        the works commissioned, for the intersection of Victoria Drive and
        38th Avenue.

       Landscaped median on 38th Avenue east of Victoria Drive - This
        feature will narrow the road to slow traffic but will not hinder
        any turning movements at the intersection.

       Street tree in-fill - Additional street trees will be planted where
        required, to be funded through the Street Tree Program.

       Curb ramp construction - Curb ramps will be constructed to ensure

   2.   Public Process

   An Open House was held at the Kensington Community Centre on June 17,
   1997 to allow public review and commentary on the proposed design.  Over
   700 invitations to the Open House were delivered to residents between
   Knight Street and Gladstone Street, and between 35th and 39th Avenues
   (40th Avenue east of Victoria Drive).  Eighteen people attended the Open
   House.  There was general support of the Greenway design although two
   residents expressed some concerns about a possible increase in crime. 
   (Comments submitted are included in Appendix B.)

   A survey was conducted in June to determine overall neighbourhood
   support for this Greenway project and its individual features, including
   those for the route through Jones Park since this option originated in
   responses to the Bikeway survey.  Of the 720 surveys delivered to
   residents in the above noted area, 118 (16%) were returned.  The survey
   responses indicated strong support for the overall greenway concept (72%
   Agree, 11% Neutral and 17% Disagree) and a significant majority in each
   case agreed with the individual measures.  The strongest support for an
   individual component was for the route through Jones Park (76% Agree, 8%
   Neutral and 16% Disagree).  The complete survey results and additional
   written comments are compiled in Appendix B.


   Extending the Ridgeway to Victoria Drive will have positive
   environmental benefits.  It will further the Ridgeway pilot project's
   objectives in encouraging walking and cycling, in providing more
   greenery, and in continuing the use of drought-tolerant and native


   This extension of the Ridgeway will add to the social benefits provided
   by the Ridgeway pilot project.  It will increase opportunities for
   passive and active recreation along the route, enhance the Ridgeway
   Bikeway, and help to reduce the traffic shortcutting along 37th Avenue. 
   It will also better link Jones Park, Tecumseh School Annex, and
   Kensington Community Centre and Park.


   Funding of $170,000 to be allocated from the Streets Basic Capital
   Unappropriated Account No. 12/31/6906/999 (City Greenways) is being
   requested.  A detailed list of the capital costs for the construction of
   the Ridgeway Greenway between Knight Street and Victoria Drive is
   included as Appendix C.  It has already been noted that some of the
   improvements are jointly funded between Bikeways and Greenways
   maximizing Provincial funds available for bikeway construction through
   the Cycling Network Program.  The requested funds are required beyond
   all other available funds (Bikeways, Province, Public Art, etc.). 
   Funding for the public art component at 38th Avenue and Victoria Drive
   was already approved by Council on June 25, 1997, from the Public Art
   Unallocated Budget.  
   The Streets' operating costs will increase as a result of the additional
   maintenance required for the medians.  Therefore, the Streets Basic
   Operating Budget should be increased by $1,000, without offset. 


   Greenways and Bikeways will co-ordinate their construction activities to
   keep construction costs as economical as possible and minimize
   disruption to the neighbourhood.  Therefore, construction will begin
   immediately upon Council approval as Bikeways must complete their work
   by September 30 to qualify for Provincial funding.


   The Ridgeway pilot project on 37th Avenue between Granville and Knight
   Streets is now substantially complete.  Upon Council approval,
   construction of the first eastern extension to this on-street City
   Greenway pilot project can begin immediately to complement Provincially
   cost-shared Bikeway construction.

   APPENDICES A, B AND C on file in the City Clerk's Office

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