Date: July 14, 1997
                                      Dept. File No.  CREP 080.wpd
                                      CC File:  1805

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     General Manager of Engineering Services
             Manager of Purchasing Services

   SUBJECT:  Award of Tender No. 54-97-01:  Supply of Parking Meters


        THAT Council accept the bid from Trafco (Canada) for the supply of
        250 Mackay model MKV 97-2HD c/w Guardian mechanisms, complete twin
        electronic parking meters,  100 Mackay model MKV 97HD c/w Guardian
        mechanisms, complete single electronic parking meters, 1001 Mackay
        Guardian fully electronic mechanisms and 600 card slot with smart
        card reader options, at a total purchase price of $467,742.24 plus
        the Provincial Sales Tax, subject to a contract satisfactory to the
        Director of Legal Services.


   The policy of Council is to award contracts for the purchase of
   equipment, supplies and services that will give the highest values based
   on quality, service and price.

   Contracts with a value over $300,000 are referred to Council.


   The funding for the complete twin and single electronic parking meters
   is subject to Council approval of the costs as described in the Parking
   Meter Program Review Report.  The purchase of the meter mechanisms has
   been approved by Council with $180,000 provided from Supplementary
   Capital and $60,000 from the Parking Meter Depreciation Fund.


   Tenders for the above were opened on July 02, 1997 and referred to the
   General Manager of Engineering Services and the Manager of Purchasing
   Services for report.  The Provincial Sales Tax is in addition to all
   prices shown in this report and in the tabulation. The Goods & Services
   Tax is net 0% for parking meter purchases.

   The tender requested prices for complete twin and single electronic
   parking meters, fully electronic parking meter mechanisms and various
   optional items.  A special discount is also requested if this contract
   is awarded in its entirety to a single contractor.

   Engineering Services recommends that 250 complete twin electronic meters
   including card slot with smart card reader options (Item 1), 100
   complete single electronic meters including card slot with smart card
   reader options (Item 2) and, 1001 fully electronic meter mechanisms
   (Item 3) be purchased for this tender.

   Three suppliers submitted bids.

   Items 1 and 2

   Trafco (Canada) is the low bid for both items and is recommended.

   Item 3

   Interprovincial Traffic Services is the low bid, but it is not
   recommended as their offered sample mechanism does not adequately
   discriminate coins from inappropriate coins or objects such as washer,
   slug or foreign coins as specified.  In addition, their bid does not
   comply with the liquidated damages and payment clauses as specified in
   our special conditions.

   Trafco (Canada) is the second low bid when the special discount is taken
   into consideration, meets specifications and is recommended.

   The Mackay parking meters offered by Trafco (Canada) also have several

        -    meters have an indiglo light that illuminates the display in
             low light situations.  This will be an advantage for the
             extended meter hours in the evening.

        -    meter mechanisms have a 24 month warranty period instead of 12
             months offered by the other two brands.

        -    meter mechanisms have the best fit in the various housing used
             by the City.

        -    the City already has a hand held microcomputer unit to
             reprogram and audit the existing Mackay meters that can also
             be used for the recommended new Mackay meter purchase.

   We are, therefore, recommending acceptance of the bid from Trafco
   (Canada) for the supply of two hundred and fifty (250) Mackay model MKV
   97-2HD c/w Guardian mechanisms, complete twin electronic parking meters,
   at a purchase price of $213,517.50 ($840.35 each plus $6.86 each for 500
   card slot with smart card option), one hundred (100) Mackay model MKV
   97HD c/w Guardian mechanisms, complete single electronic parking meters,
   at a purchase price of $45,276.00 ($445.90 each plus $6.86 each for card
   slot with smart card option), and one thousand and one (1001) Mackay
   Guardian fully electronic mechanisms at a purchase price of $208,948.74. 
   ($208.74 each).

                                   * * * * *