ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: July 15, 1997 Dept. File No. CC File: 2402 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Director of Community Services, Social Planning SUBJECT: City-owned Childcare Facilities Capital Grants to Grandview Terrace Child Care Society and City Hall Child Care Society RECOMMENDATION A. THAT Council approve a grant of up to $10,000 to the Grandview Terrace Child Care Society to pay for playground renovations and capital equipment required to open a new 16 space licensed preschool program in a City-owned childcare portable. Source of funding: City-owned Social Services Facilities Childcare Component; 1997 Capital Budget. B. THAT Council approve a grant of up to $30,000 to City Hall Child Care Society to renovate the existing infant/toddler area in City Hall Child Care Centre Source of funding: City-owned Social Services Facilities Childcare Component; 1997 Capital Budget. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services submits the foregoing for CONSIDERATION. COUNCIL POLICY Approval of grant recommendations requires eight affirmative votes. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to recommend two childcare capital grants. BACKGROUND The childcare component of the 1997 - 1999 Capital Plan for City-owned facilities identified two priority areas: the development of new childcare options in the Grandview Woodlands area and the renovation of City-owned childcare facilities to address health and safety issues. $50,000 was included in the 1997 Capital Budget for this type of projects. Two projects were identified for 1997. DISCUSSION 1. The City-owned childcare portable located on the grounds of Grandview School currently houses a "3-5" group daycare (25 spaces) and a school-aged childcare program (20 spaces). The programs are operated under the auspice of the Grandview Terrace Child Care Society in co-operation with the Britannia Community Centre. Community demand for part-time preschool programs has been growing significantly over the past few years in the Grandview Woodlands area. Currently Britannia Preschool has well over 100 children on their waiting list. In consultation with Community Care Facilities Licensing and the Childcare Co-ordinator, it was determined that with creative programming and some minor renovations including the addition of some storage, shelving, carpeting and playground re-development, the existing Grandview portable could also be used for a part-time preschool program four mornings a week. The Grandview Terrace Child Care Society is requesting $10,000 from the 1997 Childcare Capital budget. An additional request for $5,000 to assist with non-capital costs is included in the companion Childcare Grants Program Report. In the short term, it is proposed that the preschool will borrow toys and play equipment from Britannia Preschool. This will give the Society the time to raise further funds for new toys and play material. This is a very cost effective proposal which maximises the use of the City-owned portable and will increase the financial viability of all the Grandview Terrace childcare programs. A grant of $10,000 is recommended. 2. City Hall Child Care Centre is located in a City-owned facility on the northern side of City Square. It was built prior to the approval of the Vancouver Child Care Design Guidelines and the infant/ toddler area is extremely cramped and poorly laid out. Licensing has raised concerns about facility related health and program delivery issues on numerous occasions, but until recently the childcare centre staff and board could not find a design that resolved the concerns. With the volunteer assistance of a parent with architectural expertise, a new floor plan was developed which meets all the licensing and code requirements. The City Hall Child Care Society has undertaken to raise $ 20,000 towards the project and secured a $25,000 contribution from the Vancouver Foundation. They are requesting a $30,000 capital contribution from the City. Facilities Development and Social Planning staff have reviewed the plans and agree that the proposed changes will be a major improvement. A grant of $30,000 is recommended subject to written confirmation of the other project funds. CONCLUSION Staff are recommending a grant of $10,000 to Grandview Terrace Child Care Society to develop a new licensed preschool program and a grant of $30,000 to the City Hall Child Care Society for required renovations of their infant/toddler program area. These requests meet the criteria for the City-owned Social Services Facilities Childcare Component and are within the funding available for 1997. * * * * *