Date: July 15, 1997
                                           Dept No:
                                           CC File No.: 1751

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     General Manager of Engineering Services

   SUBJECT:  Insurance Corporation of British Columbia 
             Funding for Safety Improvements - Broadway Corridor


        A.   THAT Council accept a contribution of up to $400,000 from the
             Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) loss
             prevention program for safety improvements along the Broadway

        B.   THAT the Mayor write to ICBC to express thanks for its
             contribution and its positive approach to resolution of joint
             traffic safety problems.


        The General Manager of Engineering Services RECOMMENDS approval of
        A and B.


   The purpose of this report is to provide Council with information
   regarding a contribution from ICBC towards safety improvements along


   Since 1994, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia has
   participated in joint reviews with City staff of traffic safety issues
   along several corridors in the City of Vancouver.  As a result of these
   reviews, ICBC has contributed over $320,000 from its loss prevention
   program for safety improvements in the City, through a variety of
   smaller projects.  As this contribution is larger in scope, specific
   approval is being sought.


   In December 1995, a study entitled "Broadway Corridor Traffic Operations
   Review" was completed jointly between the City and ICBC.  As a result of
   this study, ICBC agreed to provide up to $400,000 in funding, as part of
   the ICBC Road Improvement Program, to the City for the implementation of
   the following improvements:

       Clark Drive and Broadway - Left Turn Bays.

       Broadway @ Nanaimo: Provide protected Left Turn Phases for the
        existing signal.

       Main & Georgia: Provide a semi-actuated signal with pedestrian

       Broadway @ Macdonald: Provide larger primary heads, tertiary heads,
        yellow reflective back plates, turning movement guidance and
        consolidate streetlight poles. 

       Broadway & Commercial: Provide landscaped pedestrian barriers,
        extend the pedestrian clearance phase, install offset signal stop
        lines, prohibit northbound left-turns, provide larger primary heads
        and provide tertiary heads in all directions.

   All of this work was previously provided for by Council, either
   specifically (as in the first item) or as part of an ongoing program,
   and the work has been completed.  The total cost of these improvements
   is approximately $1,990,000, including right-of-way acquisition.  ICBC
   will contribute up to $400,000., thus allowing the City to extend and
   accelerate its safety activities.

   The ICBC funding of these improvements to reduce traffic accidents and
   associated losses in the City of Vancouver is to our mutual benefit. 
   ICBC already realizes a reduction in its claims payout, directly linked
   to improvements installed along the Clark/Knight Street corridor, while
   residents of Vancouver experience reduced exposure to damage and injury.

                               *   *   *   *   *