Date: July 16, 1997
                                      Dept. File No.  WB
                                      C.C. File No.: 2608

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Director of Community Planning on behalf of Land Use and

   SUBJECT:  3837 Point Grey Road 
             Development Application Number DE402280 
             Owner of Development - Jericho Tennis Club


        The General Manager of Community Services submits this report for
        Council's INFORMATION.


   In accordance with City Council's resolution dated August 14, 1979, in
   dealing with development applications on the north side of Point Grey
   Road, applications involving conditional approval uses or relaxations
   will be reported to Council or Committee of Council, as appropriate,
   after the application has been processed but before being approved.


   The purpose of this report is to advise Council of a development
   application requesting permission to construct a new Clubhouse on the
   site of the existing Jericho Tennis Club.


   The site is on the north side of Point Grey Road and is located in the
   RT-2 Two-Family Dwelling zoning district.

   The site and surrounding zoning are shown on the attached Appendix "A".

   On August 14, 1979, City Council resolved that all development
   applications on the north side of Point Grey Road be brought to the
   attention of City Council.  At the time, the area was considered
   appropriate to include in the City's long-range plans for park
   acquisition.  Over the years the City's priorities have changed, 
   however on January 29, 1986, when considering a brief from the Save Our
   Parkland Association, Council resolved "that Council's current
   long-range policy for park acquisition on Point Grey Road be reaffirmed
   and the Park Board be requested to develop a long term strategy for
   acquisition within City-wide priorities in consultation with City
   Council and the Save Our Parkland Association".

   Since that time, staff have continued to report applications on the
   north side of Point Grey Road for Council's information.

   In a memorandum to the Mayor and Councillors, dated January 14, 1997,
   the Director of Land Use and Development advised that the proposal to
   construct a new Clubhouse for the Jericho Tennis Club would be dealt
   with through a development application, subject to a commitment from the
   Jericho Tennis Club to rezone the site to  CD-1 Comprehensive
   Development District in the future, noting that the existing RT-2 zoning
   is not seen as appropriate for this site in the long term.

   A copy of this memorandum is attached as Appendix "B".


   The proposal involves the construction of a new three-storey Clubhouse
   for the Jericho Tennis Club.  One level of underground parking
   containing 109 parking spaces in addition to 20 surface parking spaces
   will be provided.  A total of twelve existing tennis courts will be
   maintained but shifted towards the east, with the four westerly courts
   to be relocated over the new underground parking structure.  Public
   beach access will be provided from a new access road to be located on
   the west side of the site.  A separate development application will be
   made for the relocation of the existing "bubbles" over the tennis
   courts.  Approval of the relocated "bubbles" will be considered on a
   time-limited basis as has been done in the past.  In the long-term, it
   is expected that the Tennis Club will relocate the tennis courts to an
   underground location.

   As part of the review process, a total of 75 neighbouring
   property-owners were notified of the proposal.  The Planning Department
   has received two letters of objection expressing concerns about the
   height of the development and the impact on traffic and noise in the

   The proposal will comply with all of the relevant regulations of the
   Zoning and Development By-law and the Parking By-law.  As well, staff
   are satisfied that this proposal presents a sympathetic 
   response to the concerns expressed by the neighbourhood in regard to
   earlier development proposals for this site.

   Simplified plans, including a site plan and elevations of the proposal,
   have been included in Appendix "C".


   The proposal complies with by-law requirements and no significant
   objections have been raised with regard to the form of development
   proposed.  The Director of Planning is prepared to approve Development
   Application Number DE402280, but is first referring the matter to City
   Council for information and for any advice Council may wish to provide.

   APPENDICES A, B and C are on file in City Clerk's Office

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